MTL - Monster Factory-Chapter 1398 : Mr. Ye called his girlfriend to the table too

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Yun Shi rushed out carrying this curry chicken.

But not far from the kitchen door, she met Aunt Zhou's daughter who was waiting by the side, and the latter enthusiastically took over the steaming dishes.

Ye Qing is still tasting the taste of the chicken, "Why are you back?"

Yun Shi blinked playfully, "I was taken over by Aunt Zhou's daughter. She has been waiting near the kitchen to help you pass the food."

"It's already embarrassing to occupy someone's kitchen. Why do you still let people pass the food?"

"Don't talk about it yet."

"How did the curry chicken taste just now?"

"I think it tastes good." In fact, Yun Shi secretly tasted a piece when he went out, the taste was very fragrant and tender. The robot cooks food. No one believes this kind of thing. She was the first one to taste it.

"When I was in college, I used to order the curry chicken dish at restaurants near the school."

"But the curry chicken made in those restaurants is not as delicious as the current one. I feel that it is only worse than the restaurant chef's. Anyway, I can't make this taste."

Ye Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't dared to declare that it was delicious.

He was afraid that he loved the house and Wuxia, and thought that the elf maid would be delicious no matter what she did.

Now Yun Shi also thinks it is delicious, mostly because it tastes really good.

Girls are generally very picky about what they eat, not to mention that Yun Shi is often used to eating and drinking after herself.

Just as they were talking, the elf maid started the preparation of the second dish.

Tomato eggs.

The second dish was much simpler. The elf maid quickly picked out nine lighter white eggs and three tomatoes from the refrigerator.

Stir the eggs, cut the tomatoes, add oil to the pan and stir-fry.

The elf maid only took less than three minutes. After copying it, it was obvious that he could smell the scent of scrambled eggs.

"This egg is really fragrant!"

"The heat is well controlled, the eggs are fragrant and tender."

Then there are beef beef in golden soup, braised beef brisket, shredded pork with fish flavor, mapo tofu...

The first few dishes went smoothly, but I was overturned here at Mapo Tofu.

From the stage of cutting the tofu to putting it in the pot, the elf maid crushed a small portion of the tofu. When the tofu was blanched in the pot, the tofu was smashed again. When the tofu was cooked in oil, the tofu was broken. All broken.

When the tofu is stewed and served on the plate, the original square tofu cubes have been broken into a pile of parts, and the selling is particularly poor.

Ye Qing began to think that it was a problem with the strength of the wizard maid, but when he took out a piece of tofu again, he discovered that the tofu in the refrigerator was tender and crispy, and it would be damaged when he touched it with a finger...

"It's definitely not the elf maid's fault." Ye Qing found a reason for his little robot baby. "Who can do this kind of tofu except for the chef with superb knife skills?"

"Obviously there is a problem with this tofu."

"Furthermore, the tofu is broken in shape. But the taste is not bad at all. Mapo tofu has all the tenderness and spicyness that it should have."

"I just looked at it, and there are no fragile ingredients in the next few dishes. You stare at Yun Shi, I will sit in the restaurant and listen to what they say." Ye Qing ran out of the kitchen after giving an order. , He can't wait to hear more compliments about cooking.

In the elegantly decorated restaurant, managers headed by Kong Tao sat around.

The main seat was empty, with Kong Tao sitting on the side, and Aunt Zhou, the proprietress of the private kitchen.

They were talking and laughing. When Ye Qing pushed open the antique wooden door, the atmosphere of laughter became quiet, and everyone stood up subconsciously.

Ye Qing originally had a smile on her face, but when she saw the details of the dishes on the table, she was a little unhappy, "Why don't you move your chopsticks?"

What the dishes were before they were served, they are still what they are now.

Ye Qing knew in his heart that they were waiting for him, but isn't the food taste the most important thing at this time?

Ye Qing greeted everyone to sit down quickly, wait for everyone to take their seats, and take the lead in raising their chopsticks.

Everyone followed Ye Qing's move. To be honest, they were also very curious about the taste of Ye Qing's cooking.

But who made Ye Qing their big boss, the boss hadn't even taken a seat yet, of course they didn't dare to move the chopsticks first, even if the first dish was already a bit cold.

Everyone picked up the dish closest to them, and their expressions were different after tasting them, but none of them showed a bad taste.

Originally wanted to wait for them to take the initiative to praise, but these people became shy again now, Ye Qing couldn't help but ask, "How does it taste?"

"The taste of the chicken is delicious, with curry sauce, it has a slightly spicy feeling, it is fragrant and tender."

"Tomato scrambled eggs are only fragrant. I sit so far away and I can smell the fragrance." Yang Baihe sniffed a little intoxicated. "Boss, your cooking skills are more than enough to be an executive chef."

Everyone was praising, and at the same time the chopsticks kept tasting every dish.

Even the culinary master, Aunt Zhou, gave a high evaluation after tasting a few dishes, saying that the heat of the dishes was just right, which perfectly brought out the taste of the ingredients themselves.

Of course~

Ye Qing understands that the praise here is at least half of the water. Everyone here, who is not used to cooking gold and jade, these dishes on the table are all ordinary home-cooked dishes.

After listening to the praise, Ye Qing asked them to pick out some shortcomings.

"Then let me talk about it first." General manager Kong Tao took the lead first. "Boss, insist on talking about the shortcomings. I think this dish of curry chicken is not good with this dish."

"The taste of the chicken is very delicious, but the curry is a bit ordinary. I think it will be better if it is made into a smooth stir-fry or a white slice."

"Boss, your knife skills need to be improved. Mapo tofu has become tofu soup."

"But the taste of the tofu itself doesn't affect it at all."

"The fish-flavored shredded pork seems to lack some fishy flavor."

"The braised beef brisket seems to be a bit soft enough, maybe the ribs inside were not patted apart before frying..."

Ye Qing has tasted every dish, and if you think about it carefully, these problems do exist. The delicacies he himself tasted don't know how many delicacies he has tasted, but none of these shortcomings seems to be a big problem.

The first cooking experience of the wizard maid achieved good results.

As the following dishes were on the table, Yun Shi also ran over to eat and drink with the last dish, and the atmosphere on the table was completely alive.

Everyone is complimenting the delicious dishes. Those minor problems are not a problem at all. They say that the boss can be an executive chef with this craftsmanship, tempering and tempering.

In the end, Aunt Zhou smiled and unlocked the mystery of the delicious dishes, which made Ye Qing wake up a little bit fluttering.

It turns out~

The chicken that everyone unanimously praises is from the Hetian chicken that is stocked on the mountain.

Hetian chicken is known as the world's five famous chickens. It is recognized as one of the most tender chicken breeds in China. It is raised on the mountain and eats bugs and drinks spring water. The meat is of course very tender.

General Manager Kong Tao was right. This kind of chicken was originally cooked for nothing, and it is also one of their main dishes here. It is indeed overkill to make curry chicken...

The shredded tofu that was made is also from an extraordinary origin. In addition to the exquisite raw materials, when pressed into tofu, only the most abundant piece of water is taken in the middle, so it is very tender and smooth, and it almost breaks when touched.

Both sirloin and beef are specially selected breeds, and the eggs are pure free-range reed chicken eggs, which are difficult to buy on the market.

The dishes are the most common home cooking, but the ingredients are not ordinary at all.

Ye Qing smiled a little embarrassedly, "It's not Aunt Zhou reminded me that I have forgotten the reasons for the ingredients."

"This is Zhongyun's most well-known private restaurant. Of course, it is exquisite in the choice of ingredients."

"Ingredients are just extra points. The taste of the dishes is really determined by the heat and seasoning." Aunt Zhou seriously commented: "Even if I choose the dishes prepared by Mr. Ye and your girlfriend, I can't find faults in the heat and seasoning. "

"Among home cooking, it is already the best I have ever seen!"

"That's good~that's good~" Ye Qing chuckled, showing a gratified smile like an old father.

Yun Shi, who was sitting across from him, clapped when he heard this, and the other managers also had to applaud.

"By the way, President Ye, why don't you invite your girlfriend over?" Aunt Zhou was a little curious. When the sixth dish was delivered, President Ye also took a seat. It was obvious that his girlfriend cooked the next few dishes.

Why haven’t you seen a figure so far?

Could it be that Ye is always straight?