MTL - Monster Factory-Chapter 1423 : On the eve of the sensational pre-sale

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Elf maid.

It is not the smart home appliances that the media and the public have guessed, nor is it that the people have guessed that it relies on four wheels to run, and the shape is elliptical.

It's not like the kind of small tricks in the bank, Xiaomei, wearing a display to pretend to be a technological toy of an intelligent robot.

It is a robot.

It has a transparent and streamlined one-piece head. Although it has no human facial features, it has a technological "face" composed of optical observation modules, dot matrix sensors, projection, and short-range radar.

A light V-shaped black line fits into the transparent shell like a one-piece sunglasses.

There is an optical observation module for the elf maid, even in the dark at night, it can clearly observe the surrounding environment.

Under the transparent shell is an electronic module full of sci-fi beauty.

The body is a three-color shell composed of translucent materials, lightweight aluminum alloy materials, and flexible JS5-TPU materials.

The arms and legs are also made of three materials.

But under the translucent shell material, you can clearly see the bionic muscles woven from the hot nerve units, below the light calf, and a pair of boots made of JS5-TPU material.

On the promotion page, there are not many introductions about the product promotion of the wizard maid.

Did not learn from some other technology companies, as long as they are different from the previous generation products.

Then I want to list the differences between a screw and a data cable as innovative selling points.

Some technology companies' slogans are more exaggerated than an exaggeration, which changes the industry structure and redefines products.

If there is no innovation, we will play the environmental protection card, and all plastic films and packaging paper shells will be environmentally friendly.

These things can't be found in the publicity pages of the official website of Behemoth.

The wizard maid has nothing to do with environmental protection. The large polypropylene resin box has a huge outer packaging. Even if it is left there for ten years, it will not degrade by itself, and it has no recycling value.

Its greatest value is to give users a large password storage box for free.

There is only one slogan for the fairy maid.

【——We have surpassed ourselves and made people’s lives more interesting. 】

About its performance introduction, the leaflet only used less than 500 words to summarize.

And it just briefly introduces which technologies the wizard maid uses and which services can be completed for users. Even the most interesting cooking dishes are summed up with the phrase "have the ability to cook delicious food".

But the more so, the more curious the media and the public.

The big move of the Giant Animal Industry has been repeatedly reported by the media for nearly 20 days.

Because Behemoth Industry dominates the computing power of the national supercomputing centers, other technology companies can only turn around to find those commercial supercomputing centers, and foreign supercomputing centers are renting computing power, forcibly raising the price of China's supercomputing services temporarily. 60% higher.

Now that the eight supercomputing centers finally have free computing power to rent, and the products of Behemoth Industry have finally revealed the mystery, how can the media and the public not be excited?

After a few minutes of silence, there were more and more posts on the official website forums targeting the wizard maids.

[Seek help, I can’t find the price after tossing around, who can tell me how much the fairy maid costs. 】

[The introduction says that it can cook, do housework, and take care of the user's daily life like housekeeping. This is too magical. Can anyone who knows mechanical technology come to popular science? 】

[This is not 2021, it is 2051, otherwise, how can the giant beast industry build the robots in the mechanical enemy? 】

【smart robot? Elf maids have hands and feet like humans. Will our jobs be robbed by robots in the future? 】

[At first glance, it looks like I can't afford it. I don't think there is half a million, so I can't buy an elf maid. 】

[Price price price ~ who can tell me the price. 】

Among the posts posted by users, the most concerned about prices.

Even if the wizard maid does not give any text introduction, just relying on the information revealed by the appearance, it can immediately capture the attention of countless users.

What's more, before it was exposed, Behemoth Industry rented the National Supercomputing Center and conducted program learning calculations for half a month.

There is no price indicated on the official website leaflet.

But soon, some users found the price information of the wizard maid.

As soon as the promotional page of the wizard maid came out, the order information of the wizard maid was updated synchronously on the product page of the official website of the monster industry.

Elf Maid-the predetermined price is 120,000 yuan.

Four optional packages for enhanced services, with prices ranging from more than 1,000 to more than 3,000.

It's just that the reservation button of the wizard maid is gray, and there is a countdown next to the button.

The countdown is 21:46.

This means that in another twenty-one hours or so, that is, at 12 o'clock tomorrow, users can participate in the pre-sale of the wizard maids.


When the sharp-eyed users posted the price of the wizard maid to the forum, almost all users who had purchased the products of Behemoth immediately switched to the bank APP, as well as the balance interface of WeChat and Alipay.

Behemoth Industry has used countless pieces of technology products to prove their product reputation.

As long as it is produced by Behemoth Industry, it is never fooled or shoddy.

The products produced by Giant Animal Industry are synonymous with value for money.

Is 120,000 expensive?

Almost no one thinks this price is expensive, but feels that it is far below the expected price.

This is a robot that has human limbs and only exists in science fiction movies.

When you buy it back, even if it can walk and talk, it can't do anything else. It doesn't hurt to just put it there as a toy.

What's more, in its function introduction, Giant Animal Industry uses almost all-encompassing housekeeping services to summarize its functions?

Of course~

It's not expensive, and it's the same thing as whether you can afford it.

If the tens of millions of Lamborghini poisons are sold out on the official website at a discount, no one is guaranteed to feel expensive.

But after the discounted price of several million, no one can afford it.

120,000 is the price of a family transportation car, and the wizard maid is the main housekeeping service.

So when this price comes out, many single young users think that the fairy maid science fiction is science fiction, but if there are 120,000, they would rather go to the Krypton Jin Yuanshen suit and play in the virtual world.

Those who have a strong buying idea are mostly users who have already married and have some money at their disposal.


A few hours later.

The news that the behemoth industry launched the wizard maid spread to the outside world from the official website forum.

By about 8 o'clock in the evening, the news related to the elven maids was overwhelming, and even Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States also reported.

Who made the elf maid a robot with human limbs?

The research and conjecture on robots and intelligent robots has never stopped since humans entered the era of electronic information.

Numerous movie themes and literary comics work even more to give full play to their imagination to guess countless possibilities for robot themes.

Now Behemoth Industry has even launched a real family-level intelligent robot, which of course will cause a huge sensation.

Since two o'clock in the afternoon, the number of visitors to the official website of the Giant Monster Industry has increased by leaps and bounds.

At eight o'clock, the number of overseas visitors reached 40% of China's visitors.

By about eleven o'clock, the number of overseas visitors surpassed China's local users for an unprecedented time.

Anyway, the official website of Behemoth Industry has a switching function in more than ten languages.

Regardless of the fact that you can't buy it, overseas netizens will definitely want to join in this excitement.