MTL - Monster Factory-Chapter 1433 : Looking for BUG in progress

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There is no advertising time and nothing to enter the highlights later.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Bomin sat directly in front of the workbench, ready to start the live broadcast.

Prior to this, Lu Bomin, as a self-media user dedicated to popularizing scientific knowledge, had also played live broadcasts many times.

In the live broadcast, he will also bring goods to make money.

But today, Lu Bomin doesn't have any idea of ​​bringing goods to make a profit. He simply relies on his love for technology and his passion for advanced technology.

He simply wanted to know whether the procedurally impeccable technological product of the wizard maid, which can change human life?

Just like a model enthusiast who has worked so hard to grab a rare limited edition model, the kind of impulse to spell it out without eating or drinking.

Just like a piano master, suddenly one day in a pile of debris in an ancient musical instrument shop, he found a piano score that he had never seen before, wishing to play the night battle with the lights on the same day and play proficiently.

When Lu Bomin got the wizard maid, he wanted to remove the wizard maid from the inside out, studying and admiring its mechanical structure inch by inch.

After studying and appreciating the mechanical structure, we have to test its intelligent program in all directions. From the professional point of view that I am best at, I will fight with the intelligent program to find its logical loopholes.

See if you can let smart programs fail under your own knowledge.

The dismantling is a big project, and Lu Bomin is going to put it in the back and do it slowly.

Now he wants to fight the wits and courage of the elf maid, so that countless audiences can verify his knowledge and wisdom.

The title is drawn up and the live broadcast starts.

After the phone screen went dark for a second, it officially entered the live broadcast interface.

At the same time, those users who had been waiting on the Luper Democracy page, watched the time is up, and then kept refreshing, swiped to Lu Permin’s avatar, showing that they were live streaming.

Go in, go in~

They want to see how Lu Bomin finds the bug of the wizard maid.

One thousand people.

Five thousand people.

After half a minute, the number of people exceeded 10,000.

The number of people is still growing crazily. Those users who come in keep typing and asking Lu Bomin's wizard maid?

Lu Bomin smiled, "Don't worry, don't worry, I'll adjust the filter first."

He himself is a little chubby and wears a pair of glasses. Because it is not a professional anchor, his workbench does not have the same color fill lights of the professional anchor racks as the crab tongs.

And he still can't adjust the facial features such as thin face and big eyes. Because during live broadcast, these functions will affect the real lines of the object, distorting the lines like twists.

It can only be saved by filters.

After fiddling for a while, Lu Bomin saw that the number of viewers in the live broadcast room had exceeded 50,000, so he coughed twice and got into the subject.

"I think most of the news that everyone has heard and seen recently is related to the elf maids."

"Now pick up the phone and swipe the sound, and one out of ten will be a video of an elf maid."

Lu Bomin leaned in front of the mobile phone with a smile on his face and spoke quickly and authentically: "As early as before the official sale of the wizard maids, I learned from the mature application of the product technology of the giant animal industry and their efforts in smart programs. , Predicting the product function of the wizard maid will definitely far exceed everyone's imagination."

"Now the wizard maids have met with users, and countless users have also confirmed this with videos."

"Presumably everyone knows that wizard maids are almost omnipotent, not only can provide all-inclusive housekeeping services, but those who have purchased an enhanced service package can even experience the VIP treatment of private medical care at home."


Lu Bomin ignored the fast-scrolling user messages in the video and continued: "But I want to tell everyone that these series of magical functions of the wizard maid are implemented by lines of code commands."

"Whether it is a mechanical structure or a code command. As long as the more complex, the greater the chance of error."

"If the wizard maid hadn't been launched by the giant beast industry, any technology company would end up producing a piece of waste that is bugging out all the time."

"Because of its intelligent programs, the complexity has surpassed the imagination of the top programmers."

"Let me give you an example. If I develop a small electrical appliance that has voice control functions and does not make mistakes, then I will develop a voice control light."

"This voice-activated light only has two functions: on and off. It collects voice commands and converts them into a database code for machine commands. There are only two options for on and off."

"The light-on command is collected, the relay is closed, and the light bulb is turned on."

"When the light is turned off, the relay is turned off and the light bulb is turned off."

"It only has two database commands to be executed. When the user's voice is clear, the program can't make mistakes."

"But how many database commands does the wizard maid have to execute?"

"Just a housekeeping service category includes ten major items such as general housework, baby care, patient care, maternity care, family meals, home gardening and so on."

"Among these ten major items, there are as many as dozens of sub-categories for each major item, and hundreds of service items."

"Each service item, if it is broken down into actions according to the work steps, a service item can even have thousands of action combinations."

Lu Bomin spoke in one breath, pausing for a while, leaving the user a certain amount of time to think.

At the same time, he noticed that the frequency of the audience's interactive messages on the screen has slowed down, knowing that most of them have understood his explanation and are now thinking about the aftertaste.

After a few seconds of rest, Lu Bomin continued to explain.

"Just analyze it with the simplest cleaning."

"We think it is the simplest, but in actual work, it requires the cooperation of hands, eyes and brain. First, the eyes are used to observe the indoor environment, and then the brain analyzes the images and controls the hands to wave the broom."

"It takes hundreds to thousands of actions to clean up a sanitation."

"Maybe we humans feel that it is easy to complete the action of waving a broom, but it is not easy for a robot to complete it once."

"It seems like an action, in the chip of the robot, it involves the coordinated work of dozens of sensors, and the corresponding mechanical structure of the whole body also needs to move in coordination."

"So I expected it to be just a sweeping service."

"In the wizard maid's chip, there are tens of thousands of database commands to be executed. Each data command, allocated to the sensor and mechanical structure, will generate more than a thousand data interactions and mechanical transmissions."

"A movement is so complicated for the elf maid to perform."

"How about hundreds to thousands of actions in one service?"

"Are there hundreds of service items in a major housekeeping item?"

"So now I have to use some methods full of logical contradictions to make these data BUG."

What Lu Bomin wants to express is very clear. Behind the seemingly magical wizard maid, countless command codes are supporting its work.

Even the simplest service, driven by command codes, sensors and mechanical structures must have tens of millions of data interactions and mechanical transmissions.

Then these programs can't make mistakes?

Even if the sweeping service does not go wrong, what about other services?

Sweeping the floor is the simplest kind of housekeeping. Service items that involve humans are more than a hundred times more complicated.

Take care of babies, for example.

For example, taking care of patients.

These are no longer problems that can be solved with command codes, and a more advanced program solution is needed.

A more powerful AI model based on AI linear model, logic model, vector quantization model, and deep neural network model.

The complexity of this model scheme has exceeded Lu Bomin's knowledge.

But this kind of AI model does exist, and it has been applied to elven maids on a large scale.

So inevitable, the designer who created this AI model must be the greatest programmer in the world.

His understanding of AI programs has surpassed everyone. If it is said that those world-renowned programmers have already stood at the top of the world, then the programmer in the giant beast industry is alone, standing above the atmosphere and overlooking all beings.

He is bound to be famous all over the world.

Let Jiang single-handedly kicked all programmers in the world into an abyss called "waste".

Among the more than 300,000 viewers in Lu Bomin's live broadcast room, there are many coders who are struggling in the IT field.

After Lu Bomin's analysis and explanation, these coders almost all realized the real intention of Lu Bomin's live broadcast.

Lu Bomin has a real bug in finding an elf maid.

Prove yourself by looking for bugs.

Proving that you are qualified to initiate a dialogue with the designer who developed the wizard maid smart program is the more true intention.

So how do you find it?

Hundreds of thousands of users were very excited and kept giving Lu Bomin ideas.

Then they saw Lu Bomin showing a smirk and said, "The following officially begins."

"I want the elf maid to pour me a glass of water."

"However, the water in the kettle was touched by me."

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