MTL - Monster Factory-Chapter 4 : Monster Factory

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My father is now dying of anesthesia and is sleeping.

Ye Qing gently touched his trouser pocket and did not touch the phone. The coat was gone, and it was estimated that the doctor had shredded the scissors.

I took the time to run upstairs and asked my mother. She said that the phone was uncle and they had already called. They first made up 50,000 yuan to transfer money, saying that they were not enough to borrow, but they had to wait.

"Fifty thousand pieces?" A crowd of young people in the crowd heard the money, and immediately came to the spirit and squeezed to Ye Qing, and said with indignation: "The money is quickly taken out, my uncle is still lying on the operating table, life and death are not clear. It is not enough to lose 200,000."

"The money has paid the surgery fee. Where can I still have money?" Xu Wei was angrily protecting Ye Qing: "My husband was beaten by you. I haven't asked you for medical expenses yet."

"He should fight, when the boss is not a good East..." The little youthful words in the flow have not finished, and Ye Qing suddenly slammed on the corridor wall.

Ye Qing opened the bow around, and the knees were heavy on the guy's lower abdomen.

Ye Qing couldn’t be impulsive, his father was beaten, and one of the murderers was still screaming in front of him. At the moment, Ye Qing’s brain has other things?

An anger is like a smoke from a steam cruiser, which is ejected from Ye Qing's eyes. If it wasn't for the two policemen who had made the transcripts to run over, Ye Qing would have to go to the operating table.

"Is there any Wang Fa, the murderer's family dare to beat people?" The young man groaned in pain, and he was speechless.

"You wait for me, you have a job." With this, the other two young people in the crowd are coming together.

"Enough." The police officer who was in charge of the second-level police superintendent, opened two people: "I will go to the bureau with me again, and each person will be detained for 15 days."

Cao Yun also came to pull the frame. He hugged Ye Qing and said that he should not be impulsive and not impulsive. The one who had taken the lead before hitting someone has been taken away by the police and will definitely give a statement.

Ye Qing knew that the leader had been taken away, and asked her mother with her gaze, and got her reply. Ye Qing was slightly calm.

However, Ye Qing also understands that out of this situation, the police can not deny the family's emotions, and they will be detained for 15 days.

The attention of the crowd was here. No one noticed that the operating room door was opened until the doctor wearing the surgical gown shouted two patient family members to attract attention.

"How is the patient's condition?" Ye Qing refused to do anything else. He quickly joined the family of Lu Xiaozhen and Qian Dongdong and asked the doctor.

"There is no danger to life. The two wounded have already undergone surgery. Qian Dongdong's skull fracture needs to be admitted to the ICU for a few days to prevent intracranial hemorrhage."

When I heard that there was no danger to my life, everyone was relieved and the nervous opposition was slightly relieved.

However, several family members of the ICU could not understand, and when they learned that they were intensive care units, they immediately became nervous and pale.

Why is it not life-threatening, but also in intensive care unit?

"There are many instruments inside, and the heartbeat blood pressure of the patient can be detected at any time. If there is intracranial hemorrhage, it can be found in the first time.

The female doctor waved the crowd to spread out and gave way to the patient: "You can rest assured that even if the intracranial hemorrhage is not critical to life, the blood will be quickly taken out without affecting the patient's ability to work in the future. He did not hurt the brain."

Nothing is fine, what equipment is added to the whole, with the best medicine, this is the first thought of the family.

Usually, doctors also like to pick up these workers who are injured in work. They are all traumatic and the injury is clear and easy to treat.

It is also easier to charge with some expensive treatments, which are ultimately reimbursed by the boss.

Ye Qing does not understand the situation inside, even if he understands, he will not say anything. Workers are doing things in his factory. Of course, the hospital is unconditional. People with a little conscience will not save money in this area.

Helping Lu Xiaozhen and Qian Dongdong into the ward, Xu Wei finally had time to visit her husband on the fifth floor.

There is no money in the factory, she knows. Now I look at my husband and I am lying in the hospital bed. There are two workers who follow up the treatment costs and compensation. When I think about what to do in the future, let’s shed tears.

Ye Qing supported her mother's weak shoulders and said that everything was handed over to me. There were a bunch of machines in the factory. I really couldn't sell the machines.

Not long after the voice fell, a nurse pushed the door in. He took a document and handed it to Ye Qing. He said that the ICU’s one-day light bed fee would be 8,000. The two injured patients had only a balance of 22,000, only enough. Used until tomorrow.

The nurse left and five other workers rushed in.

"Small... boss." Five workers screamed, and they usually had a bad temper, but they vomited.

"What is it!" Ye Qing is low.

"We...the discussion is good, ready to resign together."

The older Cao Yun took the lead and said a little, "The little boss is not ours. But the factory can have such an accident, and the profit from the orders received is definitely not enough. We have to raise a family and do it again. Isn't there still arrears of wages?"

When they heard that they had to resign together, Ye Qing was anxious to burn his eyebrows and persuaded him: "I can sell the machine for medical expenses, sell the CNC gantry milling, and need to outsource the gantry milling. Can't you come out?"

"Small bosses, Lu Xiaozhen and Qian Dongdong are responsible for opening CNC machine tools. They will not find a man to come to the top for a short time in hospital."

"Moreover, the boss was also injured. He didn't have the command of the town. The workers didn't know what to do." Several workers were not nervous at the moment, and they analyzed the situation one by one: "Look, let us do this, The salary is not settled, and the boss is not there."

The words have already said this step, can Ye Qing still have any way to recover?

"Please also understand that the factory is in crisis now, and wages are temporarily unavailable."

Ye Qing stood up and patted them on the shoulder: "I will sell the machine immediately, and try to make up the salary of everyone. If you have not made up the salary within one month, you will pull the steel plate and pull the machine."

Several workers are busy saying that they understand and understand.

The workers are gone, and the hospital is only handed over to the mother.

Ye Qing rushed downstairs. He went to the factory to evaluate the damage of the CNC gantry milling. No accident, this gantry milling was sold first. The only thing that can be done now is how much to sell.

[Qingyun Cutting Machinery Manufacturing Factory] is located in the industrial park in the southwest corner of Zhongyun City. It is the place where Ye Qing’s father and grandfather lived and lived. In 2009, the industrial park was demolished and expanded. Ye Jiangning built a standard production plant according to the plan.

The plant covers an area of ​​over 2,000 square meters and has a yard. At the beginning, there was a project to support the park's entrepreneurial support, and the field and the old house with the yard were compensated for a large part, so the steel-based factory did not cost much.

This factory should be regarded as the largest real estate in Ye Qing's home. However, the entire manufacturing industry in Zhongyun City is not very prosperous. There are a lot of standard factory buildings in the park, which cannot be sold at all.

With a heavy heart, Ye Qing opened the door and walked into the factory.

Processing machine tools, cutting machines, automatic wire feeding argon welding machines, 10 tons of floor-standing presses, rocker drilling and milling machines, etc. These are the main processing machinery in the factory, but these things are now in the era when scrap iron is not as good as waste paper. Can't sell money.

Only the gantry milled the money, stepped over the steel plate piled up, Ye Qing walked in front of this gantry milling.

He clearly remembers that in 2009, when the Big Mac was combined by cranes and cranes, and assembled into the factory in stages, how excited and unexpected he was.

A large building with a height of tens of meters and a large machine made of steel is extremely lethal and powerful to any teenager.

This is purely a shock from metal. This machine belongs to [Qingyun Cutting Machinery Factory] and belongs to Ye Qing.

just now……

Looking at the base of the machine lying on the workbench, the lifting system and the computer control arm were smashed by CNC gantry milling, and the ground has turned into dark red blood.

After gently stroking the bright stamping nameplate on the gantry milling, Ye Qing firmly walked to the office area at the end of the plant.

There are fourteen floors in the upper and lower floors. The first floor houses various parts, the second floor is Ye Qing and the father's office, and the third floor is the place where the workers eat and the dormitory.

When I arrived at my own office, Ye Qing turned on the computer and was ready to log in to the local forum to post an advertisement for the sale of second-hand gantry milling.

The price of second-hand machine tools is not too large, because the more large-scale machinery, the more attention is paid to the influence of metal stress on machining accuracy. With the machine tools of the past few years, the precision is slightly better than the new one, and it is very stable.

But now the gantry is milling, and when it was purchased in 2009, it was when metal prices skyrocketed. When I spent nearly 1 million expensive machines purchased, and after careful consideration, Ye Qing only dared to drive to 200,000.

Only in this way can the purchaser feel that it is profitable and can pay the purchase fee after coming to the factory to see the goods.

Slowly editing the post, the quiet office, suddenly broken by a burst of cell phone vibration, Ye Qing scared a big jump.

The mobile phone is not upgraded in the day, how can it vibrate?

Taking out the phone from his pocket, Ye Qing discovered that the phone that was originally charged for the call was changed.

The original plastic body became a metal body that touched the cold and hard.

The charging jack and the headphone jack are gone...


Surprisingly can't be surprised again!

Ye Qingxin 噗 噗 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"I must be dreaming!" Ye Qing opened his chin and pressed his thumb up.

"Drip ~" two prompts, the phone screen shows the fingerprint binding is complete.

What makes Ye Qing’s egg hurt is that after the upgraded system, all the applications in the original mobile phone are deleted, and even the photos and contacts can not be found.

On the bare screen, there is only one application - [Monster Factory].

The net is gone, and the signal is gone.

Monster factory, what is this?

Ye Qing’s eyes were all confused. It was scary to let the mobile phone in the water release 100,000 volts. Now even the outer casing has changed.


Is the alien making a joke with himself?

Ye Qing, who has been stunned, has the idea to open the only application in the mobile phone.

Monster Factory: There is a magical monster race here. They love labor and are good at creating all kinds of machinery. They understand mechanically and even surpass their own lives.

Their minds are equally intelligent, under the astounding physique, hiding the amazing ability.

Electric welding, machine tools, milling machines, drilling machines, CNC machine tools, laser welding machines, five-axis linkage machining centers, seven-axis CNC machining centers, tons of hydraulic presses...

Only can't think of it, there is no machine that this group of monsters will not operate.

In this app, there is also a magical mall that sells a variety of processing items!

Normal ~ fine ~ rare ~ excellent ~ legend ~

Handheld cutting machine (general quality) properties: cutting capacity increased by 15%.

Hand drill (excellent quality) attributes: drilling capacity +25%, drilling speed +5%.

Vernier caliper (rare quality) attribute: measurement accuracy +40%, the perfect accuracy probability is measured +1%.

Flame cutting machine (excellent quality) properties: cutting capacity +150%, flame temperature +100%, cutting speed +80%, cutting accuracy +15%.

Metal flaw detector (legendary quality) attributes: flaw detection depth +200%, flaw detection accuracy +200%, penetration density +200%, flaw detection type +50, 5% chance to launch regardless of any material blocking, perfect flaw detection skills.

A variety of processing props, here to buy!

You can also recruit heroic monsters with powerful attributes later.

Ye Qing is completely reading these introductions. Mobile phone users please visit

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