MTL - Monster Factory-v2 Chapter 1 )

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It is not an exaggeration to describe Huang Chen's reporting action with twists and turns.

As early as the night before yesterday, Huang Chen had written the action plan in his heart.

He intends to use physical transmission to report.

Go over the risky branch and fly directly to the headquarters.

He only has nine hours.

According to the plan, Huang Chen will arrive in Zhongyun City, Jiangnan Province from Xiaozhou City within nine hours.

And during this time, I saw any executive of P6 and above in the giant monster industry.

It took Huang Chen three and a half hours from Xiaozhou to the provincial capital airport.

He dared not take public transportation from Xiaozhou City. Xiaozhou City has Banshee Aviation Airport and a high-speed rail station.

Banshee Airlines Airport definitely don't need to think about it. Although Banshee Airlines and Xiaozhou's after-sales maintenance site are two departments, they have no jurisdiction over each other.

But everyone is in the arms of the giant beast industry, and employees from both sides often meet because of their work.

Huang Chen is going to take a flight there, and it is easy to meet acquaintances.

The high-speed railway station is not good either. The high-speed railway station in Xiaozhou City is a bit bigger, and there is no shuttle bus at all late at night.

Huang Chen could only take a taxi to the provincial capital and take a traditional jet airliner.

There are five and a half hours left.

Upon arriving at the airport, Huang Chen almost trot all the way, and finally got on the red-eye flight.

1:45 to 3:30.

Huang Chen didn't sleep well last night, but now he stays up late to catch the plane nervously. When he gets off the plane, he looks like a lantern with two eyes.

It was exactly four o'clock when I found the gate of Zhongyun Airport.

Huang Chen was very thankful that this flight was not delayed, and that everything went smoothly from the start to the present.

But when Huang Chen took a taxi to the vicinity of the headquarters of Giant Animal Industry, an accident occurred.

He can't get in the door of his company.

It took him more than an hour to get from the airport to the city center. When he arrived near the Giant Monster Industrial Building at 5:15, the sky was already dimly lit.

There are still lights on one third of the floors in the Giant Animal Industrial Building, and the commercial facilities around the building are even brighter.

The light at the gate leading to the company's interior was even brighter. There were not only lights, but also a row of security personnel whose eyes were brighter than Huang Chen's.

If you want to enter the company's door, you can.

Behind the security personnel is the swiping channel, just walk in and swipe the badge.

Huang Chen was beginning to be unsure whether his badge could be universal. He wanted to pretend to walk in and brush the badge, but he was stopped as soon as it was printed in the sight of the security personnel.

Because the security personnel felt that Huang Chen was face-to-face, the gesture and face recognition systems installed in the hidden place also felt that he was face-faced.

When stopped, Huang Chen had to hesitate to say that he was a branch employee and came to Zhongyun for a business trip today.

Because it is the first time to come to Zhongyun, I want to come to the headquarters to pay a visit.

After speaking, Huang Chen also showed them his badge.

Had it not been for his work license, Huang Chen would have gone out of his way.

Hearing Huang Chen said that he wanted to pay homage to the headquarters, the faces of several security personnel became kind.

There are not many branch employees who have the same ideas as Huang Chen. Almost all branch employees who come to Zhongyun on business trips want to visit the headquarters as long as the schedule permits.

Here are the most advanced technology of the giant animal industry, and here are the executives and presidents they have never masked, but have long admired.

There are also headquarters employees who have seen many times in virtual meetings, and the two parties may have been friends.

There is also this ninety-nine-story behemoth industrial building that looks like a diamond-shaped polygonal gem.

In the hearts of branch employees, this is the "Holy Land".

Holy land~

Even if these security personnel are only responsible for watching the gates, they have a natural sense of regional pride when facing employees of these branches or county and city sites.

Don't look at let's look at the door. But he is also a regular employee of the headquarters.

Salary is naturally one level higher than yours at the grassroots level!

After confirming that the photo in the badge is the same as Huang Chen through a handheld scanning device, the security staff smiled like a host and said: "You can visit the headquarters, but only at 8 o'clock in the morning, after the employees have gone to work."

"When you come to me, I will register for you and issue a temporary pass. You can go to the cafeteria for dinner at noon."

It's over at eight o'clock.

The site goes to work at 7:30, and when the supervisor Zheng Songli finds out that he is not there during work hours, he will definitely call to inquire.

What is the cause of the biological pathology?

Those who are young, do not get sick early and do not get sick late, but they are at this juncture.

Supervisor Zheng Songli only needs to show a little suspicion and ask employees to visit, and then he can know that something is wrong.

Huang Chen had to say to wait until eight o'clock to register again.

Leaving the headquarters gate, Huang Chen found a 24-hour fast-food restaurant, ordered an early breakfast, and lay down on the table thinking about countermeasures.

He was wondering if there were any acquaintances he knew at the headquarters.

After much deliberation, Huang Chen felt that the only person who could be called acquaintance was the headquarters technicians who trained them in the virtual world a few days ago in the maintenance work of elf maids.

This employee is called Liu Hao, two years older than Huang Chen. When training in the virtual world before, Huang Chen and dozens of other technicians had mixed faces and called Master Liu jokingly.

After training for almost a month before and after, everyone also set up a WeChat group, and it was fine to blow water in it. Huang Chen also added Liu Hao's friend.

Huang Chen knew that Liu Hao worked in the newly established wizard maid department at the headquarters, but did not know Liu Hao's specific position.

But when he was chatting and blowing water, Huang Chen could feel that Liu Hao's level should not be high.

Otherwise, he would not complain occasionally in the group that it is too ridiculous to spend money on falling in love, and he can't stand it anymore.

But now there is no other way, Huang Chen can only take a risk.

He was in the fast food restaurant until 7 o'clock in the morning. When everyone was getting up to go to work, he sent a message to Liu Hao.

Huang Chen first said that he came to Zhongyun for a business trip and wanted to visit the headquarters by the way.

In addition, if possible, he would like to talk to the technical team that develops the elf maid, because when he was in charge of debugging the elf maid in a nursing home, he accidentally discovered a very hidden but very problematic BUG.

Because this BUG does not have the reproducibility test conditions, it will only appear with a certain probability under certain circumstances.

Therefore, Huang Chen said that he was not sure that it was a BUG, ​​and he did not dare to report it through normal channels.

Instead, through the maintenance of the equipment, the local log file of the wizard maid was copied down, and I wanted to bring the headquarters to the technical staff for analysis and analysis.

Liu Hao rushed to Huang Chen in less than twenty minutes.

Then in less than twenty minutes, Liu Hao helped Huang Chen get a temporary pass and came to the headquarters together.

To make an international joke, the elf maid still has a very hidden and very problematic BUG.

When Liu Hao reported the news to his supervisor, the supervisor almost got his hair up.

Good guy~

The wizard maid has already reserved several million units. If this is a bug like a certain Sra that can't find the cause, then the company's word-of-mouth still needs it?

There are close to 500 employees in the wizard maid department of the headquarters, most of whom are technicians.

Liu Hao is a member of the image recognition technology team inside. He reported the news to the team technical director in a hurry, and asked the supervisor to help coordinate other technical teams and prepare to analyze the bug together.

From Liu Hao to the director of the image recognition technology team, there was no doubt that Huang Chen would joke with them.

The other party is an employee of the Behemoth Industrial Division and an elf maid and technician active at the grassroots level. Without certain evidence, how could it have traveled all the way to the headquarters?

Speaking of business trips, it is for them to save face.

Seven heads of the various technical teams of the wizard maid department came to the company. When Liu Hao hurriedly brought Huang Chen to the company, the seven technical heads were already waiting.

They even plan to apply for the company's super-computing power to reproduce the environment through virtual scenes, and then perform exhaustive simulations.

As a result, when Huang Chen arrived, he hesitated and refused to hand in that piece of information. Instead, he kept asking them what they were.

What is P?

P You slap almost.

Several technical directors almost started to do it in a hurry. Why is this kid dragging on such an important thing?

Even the technical director suspected that Huang Chen's purpose was impure and planned to call in security personnel.

In the end, Huang Chen really had no choice but to entrust the matter to the seven technical directors to help report it.

Huang Chen is also willing to go.

There should be no bad guys among the seven technical directors. Even if there are very few, the rest will help report.

Of course, these technical directors were not bad guys. After hearing the whole story, they immediately realized the seriousness of the incident.

In order to avoid suspicion, they did not leave the public's sight, but asked a technical director to directly notify the general manager's office and let the upper-level personnel to deal with it.

Kong Tao's assistant Lei Weijun came to deal with it.

After Lei Weijun arrived, Fang Yunxin also followed.

In addition to serving as Ye Qing's pilot, Fang Yunxin also served as a discipline instructor in the company's security department.

He used to serve as a fighter pilot in an aviation division in China, and he is no stranger to disciplinary work.

According to the plan in the manual, Fang Yunxin immediately confiscated all the personnel communication equipment present.

At the same time, the network department was notified to file and review all the information sent from the headquarters to Shonan Province from 7 am to now.

It is easy to verify the authenticity of the information Huang Chen brought.

In the information that Huang Chen brought, there are all records of him at the after-sales maintenance station, helping those lightning cars to replace the second-generation plasma batteries.

After confirming that dozens of lightning vehicles had replaced the second-generation plasma batteries, Lei Weijun directly used the advanced permissions to check the server dynamics of these sixty lightning vehicles.

Just like what Huang Chen said, all these lightning vehicles have serious problems with energy and mileage.

Then there are remedial measures.

It was already close to nine o'clock. According to Huang Chen, the director of Xiaozhou City Zheng Songli had already realized that he was late at 7:40.

Zheng Songli is a direct participant in replacing the second-generation plasma battery. He was late for more than an hour for no reason, which would definitely make him suspicious.

Lei Weijun asked Huang Chen whether he had asked for leave beforehand with his supervisor?

Huang Chen said no, he did not dare to ask for leave.

In fact, at 7:45, the supervisor's phone number called.

Huang Chen didn't dare to answer it, instead he made a hesitant voice, saying that he had just received a call from the Shuangyanshan mine, and that a Titan Type I over there had a mechanical failure and injured people. He went to deal with it immediately.

The Shuangyanshan Mine is a large-scale mine in Xiaozhou City. They have successively ordered eight Titan I types, and Huang Chen guided the installation of these Titan I types.

The Shuangyanshan Mine is a hundred kilometers away from the city center, and it is all mountain roads. It takes an hour and a half to go there normally.

Huang Chen said that he hurt someone, so it seemed urgent.

Lei Weijun thought for a moment, and then asked the network department's technology to simulate the district code of Xiaozhou City, and call the Xiaozhou after-sales and maintenance station in the name of the Shuangyanshan Mine.

In addition to complaining about the quality of the Titan I, they also asked them to replace the damaged parts of the Titan I free of charge.

Then he contacted the Shuangyanshan Mine and asked the Shuangyanshan Mine to cooperate with the exercise in the name of sampling the work efficiency of the local after-sales service stations at the headquarters.


The person in charge of the Shuangyanshan mine said that I have hundreds of tons of ore going in and out in an hour, so I don’t have the time to cooperate with your exercises.

Lei Weijun: "Batai Giants I-type maintenance is free for one year."

"Say it early, no problem, no problem, I will cooperate fully here."

After everything was set up, Lei Weijun dared to take a deep breath and report the matter to Mr. Ye.

When Yun Shi led Huang Chen in, Ye Qing was already sitting in the rest area.

Huang Chen recognized the cold-faced young man sitting on the sofa at a glance.

At this moment, Huang Chen's heart was beating as fast as he had just finished five kilometers.

In less than two minutes, Huang Chen's heart was beating quickly.

Because another man walked in.

This is a man with glasses and a bookish look on his face.

This is the boss above Huang Chen, the general manager of the network department Ji Ke.

"Sit~" Ye Qing waved, motioning for the two to sit down.

Ji Ke didn't hesitate, Huang Chen twisted it for a long time before he was pushed onto the sofa by Ji Ke.

"Lao... Lao Lao Lao..." Huang Chen turned into a woodpecker, and obviously wanted to call the boss, but his mouth kept shaking.

"Huang Chen, don't be nervous, relax first."

Ye Qing patted him on the shoulder, and then waved to Yun Shi, "Yun Shi, you go and notify the security department, the personnel department, and the manager of the legal department, so that they can select the investigation team."

"Prepare the Banshee plane again, and the investigation team will follow me to the branch of Shonan Province in half an hour."

"Yes." Yun Shi flicked her hair skillfully and left the rest area.

"It's okay."

Ji Ke stood up from the sofa again, "Boss, you ordered."

Ye Qing squeezed some beating eyebrows, where anger was accumulating, "After I go to the Xiangnan branch, you have to cooperate with Dianjing to sort out all the recovery records of the Xiangnan branch."

"This is not the first time that they have played a trick. I'm going to see how courageous they are."

"I have a hunch that the group of people behind the idea of ​​a second-generation plasma battery will probably reach out more than the Shonan branch."

"Understood, boss." Ji Ke nodded, "I will build a search model based on the information submitted by Huang Chen, and then access the after-sales maintenance and recycling records of all branches, and search them one by one."

"The replacement and scrapping of plasma batteries have uniform implementation standards."

"And each battery has its own chip ID. If other branches are also playing this trick, they can only use the method submitted by Huang Chen, which can be easily retrieved."

After receiving the task, Ji Ke also left.

Now only Ye Qing is left in the rest area, and Huang Chen is trembling.

Ye Qing asked him if he was afraid?

Huang Chen let out a cry, then nodded and shook his head again.

"Old... Boss, before I walked in here, I was... still very scared."

"But since seeing you, I am not afraid immediately."

"Boss, you are the most dazzling idol in my heart, and Behemoth Industry is also China's most dazzling technology company."

"My conscience does not allow people like Zheng Songli, the director of Xiaozhou City, to exist in the company."

As Huang Chen spoke, his tone became firm and smooth, "Boss, even if I encounter danger during this report, as long as I try to do it, I will find peace in my heart."

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