MTL - Monster Factory-v2 Chapter 1467 : My name is Lao Pa, and I am panicked.

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Ba Sucha said he planned to do it himself.

This is not to say that Ba Sucha was going to Puzhaiguo with some people to give Lao Pa to Yang.

This is separated by a country, no matter how much Ba Sucha's face is, Puzhai Country will not allow him to do this.

Although Puzhaiguo had agreed to Ba Sucha's request, he hesitated in processing time.

It is because although some of them want to swallow Lao Pa’s property, some of the benefits Basutza promised also gave them the motivation to do so.

But we need to find the right time, we need time to open up the chain of interests from top to bottom, to minimize the impact of Lao Pa’s rebound and minimize the loss.

Now that the big boss is not satisfied with this time, Ba Sucha is ready to increase his hand to help them make up their minds quickly.

Ba Sucha did not disappoint Ye Qing.

His actions were very efficient, and the next day Su Guo initiated a lawsuit against Lao Pa to pressurize Pu Zhai Guo from the official level.

As Ba Sucha is the only distributor of Behemoth industrial products in the country, when Lao Pa stole the plasma batteries from these products, Ba Sucha's interests were naturally lost.

The logic is easy to understand.

Lao Pa stole the plasma battery from Huaxia and went to sea through South Asian channels.

So who can guarantee that Lao Pa did not do the same in Xu State?

You must know that Lao Pa also has a lot of business contacts in Xuguo. In the early days, he also contacted the car importer and exporter in Xuguo and proposed the idea of ​​launching a batch of lightning vehicles to Puzhai country.

All have motives for committing crimes, of course it is not difficult to find evidence of committing crimes.

Without evidence, Ba Sucha can also help Lao Pa to provide evidence.

Ba Sucha did not give Lao Pa’s response time for his business in Xu State. On the day when he initiated a lawsuit against Puzhai State, Ba Sucha joined the official law enforcement team to launch a thunderous sweep against Lao Pa’s business in Xu State.

Lao Pa dared to reach out to China's Giant Animal Industry. The business in Xu Guo was naturally impossible to be clean enough to withstand careful inspection like a magnifying glass.

How can this investigation be unreasonable?

The next day, Ba Suca continued to increase.

He promised that Lao Pa’s business in Suguo would be returned to the new forces that replaced Lao Pa intact.

And also promised to wait for the other party to straighten out Lao Pa’s business, not only will pay more attention, but also in-depth cooperation on the basis of Lao Pa’s original agricultural products and shipping business.

Who doesn't know the name of Ba Sucha in Xuguo?

Ba Sucha started from the giant animal industry by holding his thighs, and is a topic of relish in the entire South Asian circle.

With Ba Sucha’s overweight, some successful people in Puzhai State who were motivated and hoped to make progress in their careers finally contact Ba Sucha after two days of deliberation.

They said that they would never allow illegal businessmen like Lao Pa to continue to hurt conscientious companies like Ba Sucha and Giant Animal Industry.

A big net unfolded vigorously towards the old Pa.

In China, many people are unfamiliar with the name Puzhaiguo.

Even if there are people who know this country, the first impression is mostly related to poverty.

The second impression may be that the scenery is good.

The fact is also true.

Puzhai Country is located in South Asia, and it is sandwiched by Su and Yue. The terrain in the territory is dominated by mountains and has a tropical climate, with only a narrow coastal plain to the west.

After most countries have been labelled as tropical, they are largely unrelated to industrial technology. If you count the countries in the tropics, you can't even find a strong country.

If the terrain in the territory is mountainous and lacks coastline...

The Puzhai country is poor, on the one hand, there are historical factors, on the other hand, it has a lot to do with the topography.

Then the western coastline with plain terrain, of course, has become the best economic area in Puzhai.

Kokung Province, where Lao Pa is located, is not far from the western coastline, and it not only owns rubber plantations covering hundreds of hectares. It also operates the import and export business of grain, fruit and rubber.

In recent years, Lao Pa has vigorously expanded the import and export business of home appliances and electronic products, and has also actively explored sea transportation. Through various channels, he has imported some luxury cars that are not seen in Puzhai.

In Puzhai, there are high-quality businessmen like Lao Pa with rich net worth and business scope covering agricultural products and electronic industrial products.

Especially for the rubber estate of hundreds of hectares, owning it is equivalent to owning a golden rooster that can only continuously create wealth for the family.

In Puzhai Country, a poor country, not too many people are jealous of Lao Pa’s business.

They were able to restrain their jealousy before, because the Lao Pa family has been operating in Ko Kung Province for several generations. The agricultural workers who went up to Ko Kung Province and down to the rubber manor have established close ties with the Lao Pa family.

Even if the outside world wants to come and intervene, it is difficult to intervene.

Hard intervention, under the fierce resistance of Lao Pa, the gain will not be worth the loss.

Now the balance of Libra has been broken, Ba Sucha, from the country next door, put a very heavy weight on the other side of Libra.

What are you waiting for?

Hiding in Cork Province, Vichai Vattarapa, who was carefully cleaning up with Huaxia Plasma Battery, suddenly received a series of bad news from his subordinates.

First of all, more than a dozen imported cars that arrived at the port were investigated. The port seized these cars on the grounds of incomplete procedures and stated that they would deal with it seriously, and no one’s sentiments would work.

The subordinates who were in charge of picking up the goods were confused for half a minute before they came back to their senses.

You guys in the past...

That's not the case!

The procedures are not entirely certain. The imported cars arriving in Hong Kong are imported under the name of auto parts.

If you want to declare the customs by the whole vehicle, Lao Pa will make at least 50% less profit.

But don't everyone know this kind of thing well, hello and me, everyone together.

Isn't it good?

Old Pa made an angry fire at his subordinates, and just wanted to clear up the relationship when he hung up the phone, the bad news came again.

A subordinate who did not impress him deeply reported on the phone that they were in a large warehouse that was used to store farmer's by-products in other provinces and was suddenly investigated.

Lao Pa asked why it was not the person in charge of the warehouse who called to report, but the subordinates cried and said that all the persons in charge had been taken away.

The reason is that the purchase of agricultural products owed to farmers is in arrears.

Of course, dragging money is also a regular operation.

Lao Pa did not know how many years he had worked as a means of detaining local growers' payment for agricultural products in a mature season on the grounds of paying back.

He does this for all the purchases of agricultural products, and only in this way can he lower prices for growers.

It can also guarantee that those who are suffering from growers will not dare to sell the agricultural products they have grown to the second family.

Lao Pa immediately understood that this was someone from the Puzhai country. He wanted to take advantage of the time when Ba Sucha from Xu Guo attacked him, and wanted to uproot all his business in Puzhai country, and then replace it.

It's really not leaking, and it's not surprising that Ba Sucha from the State of Xu started to do it.

Everyone knows that Ba Sucha grew up with the thighs of the Giant Animal Industry, and those businesses in Xu Guo are not core businesses. If you lose it, you lose it.

But on Pu Zhaiguo's side, he didn't even receive the slightest news in advance.

Thinking of this, Lao Pa didn't care about his subordinates desperately calling over to report, and quickly called those relationships that had been in business for many years, and asked his subordinates to prepare a gift immediately.

The result is not that the communication is temporarily busy, no one answers...

The only call that was made, after Lao Pa expressed his intention, he hung up without saying a word.

At noon, the immediate subordinates reported anxiously that no fewer than fifteen cars had come outside the manor, as well as the capital's license plate.

Lao Pa ran out of the window in a panic to investigate, and saw a long car on the concrete road outside quickly killing him towards the location of his manor.

Under the dazzling sunlight at noon, a black stretched car at the beginning shone with brand new and dazzling mirror metallic luster.

That is the Pu Zhai country, even in China, it is extremely rare to extend the black version of the Cadillac Escalade.

Old Pa recognized it at a glance, because they had just sent out a car to maintain the relationship a month ago.

After a foul language, Pa, who was already panicked, panicked completely.

Read The Duke's Passion