MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 1 People look good and have a fart!

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[Crosser number: 142857]

[Name: Lin Huang]

【Sex: Male】

[Age before crossing: 25 years old]

[After crossing age: 15 years old]

[Through the initial world: Monster Paradise]

[Through identity setting: Lin Huang, male, 15 years old, and Lin Xin, a 13-year-old sister, lives in harmony. The life wheel is broken, and the speed of life is ten times faster than that of normal people. Remaining life period: 91 days. 】

[Memory Fusion: 98%]

[Number of crossings: the first time]

[Golden Finger Status: Not activated]

Staring at the semi-transparent interface in front of me, Lin Huang was slightly a little worried, this is already the week that he did not know the first time he opened this page.

Lin Huang has been through this world for a week and has become a 15-year-old boy. The juvenile is excellent, and he is the first in the hunter reserve college. All the results are almost full marks. Unfortunately, there is a fatal flaw, and the life wheel is broken.

In the body of the gray stone of the life wheel, a crack almost cut the life wheel into two halves, three hundred and sixty-six life light scale, only three squares are lit, and even the third grid is slightly dim .

The life of the three grids is bright. For normal people, it is three years of life, but under ten times the speed of life and light, Lin Huang’s remaining life is only three months.

"Now I look better than before. This is probably the only place that makes people feel gratified." Looking at himself in the mirror, Lin Huang laughed at himself.

The young boy in the mirror had a fluffy black short hair, a pair of black scorpions that contained no trace of impurities, and the facial features were slightly sharp and clear. At the moment, he was pinching his fist and looked a little angry.

"But people look good and have a fart! You said that you have made a good golden finger before crossing, but I am going to send you another instruction manual. One week has passed, I don’t know how to activate it until now. Little black..."

Xiao Hei is the golden finger randomly selected by Lin Huang before crossing. It is a black card, but now, after a week, he tried various methods and could not activate the golden finger. He even didn’t know this card at all. What is the purpose of the card.

"Brother, I am back!"

Just when Lin Huang complained about the "unscrupulous game business" in the mirror, a girl's voice came from the door. Then he heard the door closing, and the girl had entered the door code and pushed the door in.

Turning off the page in front of him, Lin Huang packed up his emotions and turned to walk downstairs. The house he lived in was a small two-story duplex with two bedrooms on the second floor.

Walking to the stairs, he smiled and looked at the girl who was still changing shoes at the door.

The girl is twelve or three years old. She has a short black hair and only a little under the earlobe. The bangs cover the eyebrows. Below it is a pair of black-haired scorpions. The facial features are delicate and childish. She wore a white printed T-shirt on her upper body, a blue-and-white pair of jeans on her lower body, and a pair of white sneakers at her feet. It looked more like a boy.

"Xiner is back, wash her hands and prepare to eat."

At the table, the two were sitting and eating, and the tail ring on the left hand of Lin Huang suddenly came a shock, and then a translucent video projection was projected in front of him. On the other side, Lin Xin’s ring also showed the same situation, and video projections popped up almost simultaneously.

This kind of tail ring is the emperor's ring worn after the birth registration of each person, including personal identity account and other information, as well as small-scale space storage function, and the only tool that can connect to the heart network. This is not the case when there is an active jump out of the information. It is usually the case that something big happens.

“Hmmm?” Lin Huang stopped the action in her hand and looked at the video. The expression on Lin Xin’s face was slightly different.

In the video projection, a well-dressed middle-aged man looks a bit serious, and Lin Huang recognizes that he is a small and famous news anchor in the Seventh Security Zone.

"We are now broadcasting an urgent news. At about 4:30 this afternoon, someone found a new illusion near the 310km southeast of the 7D101 base. It is suspected of a monster invasion. Please pay attention to the safety of the residents in the nearby area. Do not leave the stronghold. Try not to go out at night."

After watching the video, Lin Huang's brow is slightly wrinkled, and the 7D101 stronghold is also the number of the stronghold where he is now.

According to the size, the data points are divided into four levels: A, B, C, and D, representing the core positions, large bases, medium-sized bases, and small bases. The number 7 before the letter D is the safety zone number, and the following number 101 is the site number.

As for the illusion in the video, it is actually the door that the monster invades the world, because it looks like a huge human cockroach hanging in the sky, and it shows a translucent ambiguity, so it is taken Named illusory.

"Brother, this vainly opened position is so close to our stronghold, there will be no monsters breaking into the stronghold?" Lin Xin's little face was slightly worried.

"Reassure, the news is broadcast, and the monster hunters must have gotten the news earlier. Moreover, the defense has a defensive layer, it will not be broken so easily." Lin Huang smiled and shook his head, "eat! ”

After dinner, Lin Xin returned to the room to write homework, Lin Huang will be black when washing the tableware.

Back in his room, Lin Huang called out the page of the heart network to see the progress of the imaginary opening event. On the heart network, a series of news is arranged in the order of time.

"Monster Hunters have arrived in the imaginary open area near 7D101, for tracking and hunting."

“The silver hunter Li Wei appeared near the 7D101 stronghold!”

"The eighteen hunters, led by the silver hunter Li Wei, started hunting and cleaning up the monsters."

"After more than an hour of hunt and hunting, the monsters above the black iron level within 100 km of the imaginary are completely emptied. More hunters join the hunting team and begin to further clean up the surrounding area."


After reading a piece of news, Lin Huang finally settled down. The words he had comforted Lin Xin before sounded very organized. In fact, he had no bottom in his heart. After all, he came to the world for a week, and for the first time, he encountered such a vain opening in the vicinity of the stronghold. However, from the news on the heart network, this time the illusion was opened, and there was no monster that appeared so powerful, which made him feel relieved.

The time and location of the imaginary opening are random, and even the level and number of monsters that appear can not be determined in advance. If the monster level is too high, or the number is too much, a dozen hunters are completely dead in the past, not to mention the silver hunter, even if the gold hunter is finished. Like the small point of 7D101, the strength of the defensive layer is the same as that of the paper paste in the face of the huge animal tide, and the root can not effectively block the effect.

This week, Lin Huang did not figure out how to activate his golden finger, but he basically figured out what kind of world he had crossed.

On the heart network, there are a lot of historical videos of the beasts attacking. When Lin Huang first saw it, only two words in his heart could describe it - shocking.

One of the most memorable things is the destruction of a large stronghold. He also clearly remembers every detail recorded in the video.

A huge **** emptiness opened in the void, and endless monsters emerged from it, breaking the protective layer of the large stronghold in an instant, and hundreds of millions of human beings were millions in just a few hours. The monsters of the count are slaughtered. The ground of the entire stronghold was condensed into a vast ocean by the blood, and the broken corpse floated on the sea of ​​blood. A monster put a corpse into his mouth and chewed greedily...

Lin Huang’s location is just a small D-level stronghold. It is equivalent to a small town on the earth and has a population of less than 100,000. This kind of stronghold has the lowest security level in the safe area. If there is a powerful monster, I am afraid that the entire base can be easily slaughtered without waiting for the hunter to arrive. Fortunately, this time the illusory opening is only a small-scale monster coming, has been suppressed by the hunters, no longer have to worry about security problems at the location.

Turning off the heart net, Lin Huang fell into meditation.

"According to the speed of the current life, I only have 91 days of life. The first question that must be considered now is how to get the life-killing crystal to supplement the life. The activation of the golden finger is completely ignorant. It can only be put on hold for a while. Life is broken, although it can be purchased on the heart, but the price is too high, the lowest one year is broken, it needs 100,000 credits, and the deposit on my account is less than 30,000, which is not enough. ”

Life is broken, it is a special item that kills monsters with a very low probability of falling, and has a lot of life inside. It is extremely simple to use, it only needs to be put into the mouth to bite, and the life light inside the broken crystal will automatically flow into the life wheel.

"The fastest way to earn life is to hunt monsters, sell the material on the monsters, and hunt monsters have a chance to burst out of life. Just with the strength of my body now, even the black iron None of them, there are only a few kinds of monsters that can be hunted, and they are worthless... But anyway, I have to try outside the base, in case a burst of life is broken. Prepare tomorrow, the day after tomorrow set off!"

As night fell, Lin Huang glanced at the black sky outside the window, and took the distracting thoughts out of his head. After a long time, he fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, a burst of noise screamed Lin Huang, which sounded like a broken glass window.


Lin Huang just woke up, and her consciousness was not fully awake. She heard a female voice screaming. The screaming distance was very close, he recognized, the voice is his sister Lin Xin.

Jumping from the bed and leaping, he sneaked into Lin Xin's room in his pajamas and opened the door with one foot.


[Yes, my new book is a small flame. The collection and recommendation tickets are a kind of fire. Let's vote together and let this little flame spread across the entire grassland! 】

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