MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 1856 Dagon

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Entering the strange realm, Bai frowned slightly.

As the fourth host said, this strange domain is really a world of ocean.

He was teleported in not even on the surface, but directly into the deep sea.

There is darkness in all directions, but for the masters of the Dominion Realm, this darkness is not enough to hinder vision. For Bai, everything around him is invisible.

But this sea area seems to be isolated from space exploration.

With Bai's strength, it is not difficult to break this isolation, but here is not only Kesu's kingdom of God, but also Asa's dream fragment.

In non-essential circumstances, Bai still doesn't want to reveal his true strength.

His line of sight could not penetrate the space to see the scene in other places, and he decisively chose to sweep out his spiritual sense.

But this time, he suppressed the strength of his spiritual sense and kept it at the level of the five-star ruler of the combat power level he currently displayed on the surface.

Although Divine Sense is also subject to a lot of restrictions here, and the detection range has been greatly reduced, it is also much more efficient than sight-based exploration.

Bai also quickly saw the true appearance of this strange realm under the sweep of divine sense.

Countless sea monsters of various forms wandered and hunted in the sea.

The combat power of the vast majority of sea monsters is between the small realm and the heaven realm.

But Bai also discovered a few abyss creatures that dominated the realm of one or two stars, all of them huge in size.

Bai's spiritual sense detection range reached the limit in a short time.

"The strength of the spiritual sense at the five-star dominance level, the detection range is almost the size of a small star field..." Just when he was still hesitating whether to increase the strength of the spiritual sense by another rank, he suddenly couldn't help but look up. in a distant direction.

He could clearly sense that violent energy fluctuations came from that direction.

Judging from the intensity of the fluctuations, at least it was caused by the collision between the five-star rulers.

Immediately, he no longer hesitated, and the strength of his spiritual sense was directly raised to the six-star master level, and he went to explore the direction of battle fluctuations.

After a while, he finally saw the scene of the source of the battle fluctuations.

One of them was the Kalachakra Star Venerable in the Hall of Stars, whom he had met outside the Strange Domain before.

On the other side, is a giant sea monster.

The monster looked like a huge fish-headed man with only one eye on its head. It has dark blue scales all over its body and a dorsal fin on its back. The limbs are muscled like bullfrog-like knots, and there are obvious webs between the fingers.

If Lin Huang is here, he should be able to recognize it at a glance, this is a Dagon.

This Dagon's right hand was clutching the top of a mountain, constantly waving the huge mountain towards Kalachakra Star Zun.

This is obviously not an ordinary mountain, and strange black secret patterns are constantly circulating on it.

Although this sea monster is only a five-star Dominion Realm and slightly inferior to Kalachakra, it seems to be infinitely powerful and has an amazing defense. It is estimated that in terms of strength and defense, it is no longer weaker than some six-star dominance realm powerhouses.

Bai used his spiritual sense to observe the battle between the two with interest.

At this moment, the situation of the two of them seems to be that Kalachaya Star has been pressed and beaten by the opponent, and there is almost no chance to fight back.

But Bai noticed that the expression on Kalachakra's face always maintained a relaxed look. Moreover, his method of moving is very efficient, almost every time he is dodging the opponent's full impact with minimal consumption. Almost never got hit.

"It looks like this guy wants to fight a war of attrition." Bai saw through Kalachakra's abacus at a glance.

Although his combat power is higher than this Dagon, he did not intend to kill the opponent head-on. Instead, it is deliberately consuming the other party, and at the same time saving the power of dominance for itself.

It has to be said that in such a crisis-ridden place, this strategy is correct.

The more dominant power is reserved, the more dangers and enemies can be guarded against.

Seeing that Xing Lun Xingzun had completely controlled the battle, Bai did not intend to continue wasting time on the two of them.

His spiritual sense directly crossed the two of them and continued to explore further afield.

Not long after the meeting, he discovered a second battlefield in another direction.

Both sides of this battle, one of them is a five-star ruler of the top power.

On the other side, it is another five-star Dagon who dominates the realm.

This Dagon is slightly thinner than the one that fought against Kalachakra Star Venerable.

The strength is obviously weaker than that of the big fish head monster, but the speed is also a bit faster.

But his strength and defense are still far beyond the average five-star dominance realm powerhouse, and it is also close to the six-star level.

To a certain extent, this Dagon is actually more difficult than the one encountered by Kalachakra Star Venerable.

Bai observed for a while, and found that this Dagon faced the five-star master, and it was almost a full-scale crushing in the true sense.

The five-star ruler was almost always in a defensive and dodging stance, never fighting back at all.

The difference between him and Kalachakra Star Venerable is that he really has no spare energy to fight back, and he has already exhausted his strength just to dodge and dodge.

And since this Dagon has a faster attack speed, he has a roughly 30% chance of being hit. If it wasn't for the protection of the Chaos Treasure Battle Armor, he would have been severely injured long ago if he hadn't died.

After only observing for a while, Bai was sure that the five-star ruler should not last long.

Chaos Arcana for defense requires a lot of dominance. This will also lead to the consumption of his dominance, even more than Dagon.

Continue to consume like this, he should not be long before the power of **** will be exhausted, and he will be completely reduced to fish meat.

Seeing this situation, Bai hesitated for a moment, but still felt that he couldn't leave it alone.

It's fine if you don't see it, but now that you see it, you can't let the other party die in the hands of this fish-headed monster.

After all, this is also a five-star ruler, and in the follow-up war, it can be regarded as a combat power that can be played.

With this thought in mind, Bai finally couldn't help but take action.

He dodged and appeared directly above the battlefield between the two.

Before the two could react, a ray of blood suddenly shot out from the tip of the index finger of the right hand.

The speed of the **** glow was extremely fast, and in the eyes of Dagon and the Five-Star Master, they almost only saw a flash of electric light passing through the void at high speed.

In the next moment, before Dagon had time to react, the ray of blood quietly sank into its head.

Dagon's movements were instantly sluggish, and in just a moment, it was as if someone had been banned in the space-time crystal, standing in place completely motionless.

After a while, the huge fish head exploded directly, and a blood-colored demon flower bloomed from it.

The demon flower was constantly sucking the remaining blood in the headless Dagon's body, and Dagon's entire body was rapidly drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye, until in the end, it completely turned into dust and collapsed.

The whole process actually only happened in an instant.

And at this moment, the five-star ruler was stunned.

That can only completely crush himself, and Dagon, whose defensive ability is comparable to that of the six-star ruler, was directly killed by the white-haired man in front of him!

For a moment, his mind went blank.

When he came back to his senses and prepared to thank him, he realized that the little white-haired brother had long since disappeared.