MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 1860 interesting ability

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As the figure continued to decline, Bai Neng could feel that the looming aura became clearer and clearer.

There was even a faint smell of fishy smell coming from the nose.

Out of the corner of the eye, he glanced at the two people who were following behind him, the corners of his white lips raised slightly for a moment, and then he accelerated directly.

Seeing this, Xue Wuya and the fifth landlord immediately accelerated to follow.

It didn't take long for the three of them to reach the bottom of this crack.

The space here is so spacious, it's almost like entering another dimension.

The white spiritual sense was cleaned up again, and the spiritual sense of the Seven Stars' extreme strength quickly swept the entire space.

But there is an area that cannot be detected by the divine sense.

The area is hemispherical with an estimated radius of several hundred kilometers.

Divine Intent seems to be isolated by a thin film, unable to detect the internal conditions of this hemisphere at all.

Not only was Bai not surprised when he noticed this abnormal area, but he was also interested.

He dodged and appeared directly outside this area.

When Xue Wuya and the fifth landlord saw this, they quickly followed.

What was imprinted into the eyes of the three was a foggy area completely shrouded in gray mist.

"This gray fog seems to be able to isolate the exploration of spiritual sense, and I don't know what is hidden inside." Xue Wuya asked Bai, "It's not good to break in like this, do you want to think of other ways? "

"It's very likely that this is Kesu's hiding place." Bai was still indifferent, "We've already come here, so there's no need to detour."

"That's right!" The fifth landlord on the side also nodded in agreement, "Break in first and then talk about it. If you really can't beat it, it's a big deal to escape, and then gather other people."

Bai smiled and glanced at the fifth landlord, "It's almost what I thought."

Seeing the two rebutted, Xue Wuya stopped talking immediately.

Bai didn't say anything more, and stepped directly into the mist.

Xue Wuya and the fifth landlord immediately followed up again.

After stepping into the foggy area, Bai found that he seemed to be on land, and he was no longer surrounded by sea water.

Noticing that the two behind him were not following, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Those two guys seem to have been teleported elsewhere..."

He glanced around, and it was pitch black, but this environment had no effect on his vision, and everything around him was still clearly visible.

It seems to be an underground karst cave. Although it is many times more spacious than ordinary underground karst caves, Bai can still see countless stalactites above his head.

His visibility is still limited due to the structure of the cave blocking the line of sight.

So I tried to find out the divine sense, but soon found out that the divine sense of the seven-star ruler level could not be out of the body at all.

Although it is possible to continue to increase the strength of spiritual sense and forcibly break through this limitation, Bai still did not do so.

"Let me see, what tricks you can come up with." Spiritual Mind couldn't leave the body, and Bai didn't panic at all, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he walked slowly towards the front.

This time, more than an hour has passed.

For more than an hour, Bai didn't even encounter a monster, let alone a monster, not even a single plant.

Bai was not annoyed at all, and continued to walk forward like a game.

Not long after the meeting, the sound of running footsteps was heard not far away.

Only then did Bai stop and look in the direction where the footsteps came from.

After a while, a figure rushed out from behind a stone wall.

When the visitor saw Bai, he was stunned, "Mr. Bai!"

"It's you." Bai also smiled faintly.

The person who came was full of muscles and knots, and he was the fifth owner of the Tianji Building.

"I didn't expect to meet Mr. Bai here. I thought this ghost place was a trap and wouldn't let us meet easily." The fifth landlord slowed down and walked towards Bai.

"I'm surprised too." Bai smiled and then asked, "How long have you been in here?"

"It's been more than an hour." The fifth landlord responded.

"Have you found anything?" Bai asked again.

"No." The fifth master immediately shook his head, "This place looks like an ordinary underground cave. I ran all the way and found no signs of life. The key is that spiritual sense doesn't work, and my eyesight is blocked by layers of stone walls. I can't see it at all. Not too far."

"I was thinking of breaking the stone wall. It turned out that the stone wall, the ground, and the stalactites above my head are all as strong as Chaos Treasures and cannot be broken at all."

"And the stones here are almost the same. No matter how you walk, they all seem to be spinning around in one area. I suspect that there is the effect of trapping and bewildering."

Bai naturally found out what the fifth landlord said.

"What about you, Mr. Bai? Did you find anything?" After talking about his findings, the fifth landlord also asked Bai.

"It's the same for me. I didn't see any living creatures along the way. I don't have any clues for the time being." Bai Jian responded.

"Then what should we do now?" the fifth landlord asked again.

"Continue to move forward." Bai was calm, "What else can I do?"

Bai said, he has already walked to the stone wall where the fifth building owner turned just now, "You came from this direction just now..."

Before he could finish his words, he saw that the fifth landlord had quietly appeared behind him, and his body was already shrouded in the golden body of the Buddha's head, and his palm was shrouded in Bai.

Almost at the same time, a blood python protruded out of Bai's back, and before the Buddha slapped his hand, the blood python had penetrated the fifth master's heart.

The aura of the fifth building owner slumped in an instant, and even the golden body of the Buddha disintegrated on the spot.

"You... how did you find out? The fifth landlord" asked a little unwillingly.

Bai turned his head slowly, with a faint smile on his face, "This is a secret."

In the next moment, the body of "The Fifth Landlord" instantly withered.

His body quickly returned to its original form.

It was an octopus monster curled up in a snail shell, with eight tentacles, legs and six tentacles long arms, and the ends of the long arms had sharp bone spurs.

In less than ten seconds, the octopus monster completely turned into a shrunken corpse.

The head was finally freed from the giant snail-like shell.

After a while, not only the tentacles, but also the whole body, including the snail shell, collapsed into powder.

"This breath... seems to be Kesu's heir." It was not until the other party returned to his own form that Bai finally truly sensed the other party's breath. Similar to the previous two guys who created illusions, but different.

"It's obviously only the combat power of the six-star dominance, but it can perfectly simulate the strength of the seven-star dominion. Even the opponent's moves can be simulated exactly the same..." The corners of the white lips raised slightly, "It's an interesting ability."

Read The Duke's Passion