MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 1865 The Nine-Star Strange Realm is here!

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"The owner of this strange realm is called Kesu. He is a descendant of Asa, but he should not be a direct child. It may be a grandchild or a younger generation. The combat power level is the limit of seven stars, and his strength is very strong. I With the battle power dominated by the seven stars, it is very difficult to win. If it is not for his carelessness in the end, the winning rate between me and him may be sixty-four."

Standing in front of a clone of Lin Huang, Bai briefly explained his experience in this strange realm and his evaluation of Kesu.

Lin Huang's clone also synchronized the message directly to the deity.

After a while, the clone said, "According to the current situation, there will definitely be stronger guys behind. Eight-star, or even nine-star-dominated, mysterious realm may come. Your strength must be improved quickly."

"Is the Nine Star Lord as the vanguard?" Bai frowned slightly.

"According to the information I got from Huang Quan, there are not a few nine-star masters under Asa's command. Three of them may be second only to Huang Quan in strength. These three should not be born easily, and will only come with Asa. But Asa It is possible that the other nine-star rulers will come early and try a wave."

"If a nine-star ruler really comes, don't act rashly, notify me first, and then make a decision." Lin Huang's clone reminded again.

After all, Bai and the others have only just stepped into the Nine Stars, and there is a huge gap in strength between the Nine Star rulers.

Just like Lin Huang is also the ruler of Nine Stars now, but with his strength, one finger can crush all the imperial beasts under his command.

"As for the strange realm under the nine stars, if it reappears, you don't need to ask me for instructions, just deal with it directly. After dealing with it, just let me know the result."

"Understood." Bai nodded slightly, "I also brought back Kesu's body, and the kingdom of God did not extract it."

"You can extract and refine the kingdom of God yourself, and hand over the corpse to Scarlet to see if she can extract something useful from it." Lin Huang did this because Scarlet had previously mentioned to conduct related research, "After that Let’s handle it like this, the kingdom of God, you extract it yourself, and throw the corpse to Bloody.”

"I think the kingdom of God should let you extract it. No matter how strong our strength is, it is impossible to reach the level of confrontation with Asa in a short time. Your strength improvement is the most important thing at the moment." Bai Zai pondered for a moment. Later, objections were raised.

Lin Huang's clone shook his head with a smile, "Nearly 10 million chaotic universes seem a lot to you, but they are far less than the number I am merging every second."

After listening to Bai, he didn't come back to his senses for a while, "Every second?"

"Let's refine and integrate well, you can help me share more when you become stronger." After Lin Huang finished speaking, he patted Bai's shoulder.

When Bai came back to his senses, Lin Huang's clone had disappeared.

He didn't even notice how it disappeared.

"Is there such a big gap in strength between the Nine Star Lord and the Nine Star Lord?!"

Lin Huang's deity is still the same every day, constantly projecting more will projections, integrating more chaotic universes without owners.

Less than a month later, the number of chaotic universes in his body has reached one million Beijing (billion billion).

At this time, the number of chaotic universes he merged every day has exceeded 160,000 capitals, which is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying number.

Lin Huang himself even began to vaguely doubt that the number of chaotic universes he merged every day might have exceeded the number of chaotic universes added every day in the endless universe.

If it really reaches this magnitude, then theoretically, it is possible for him to fuse all the masterless chaotic universes in the entire endless universe.

But even so, Lin Huang did not stop the fusion.

He was still unsure whether his current strength surpassed Asa's. This uncertainty made him dare not stop for a day.

Because of the decisive battle with Asa, once he loses, all his previous efforts will be forfeited.

Gu Yan

The entire infinite universe will be reduced to the abyss of Asa.

In the infinite universe, time passes day by day.

A strange domain is also constantly opening.

The imperial beasts under Lin Huang's command have also broken through to the nine-star **** realm one after another in the hunt.

And it is still getting stronger as it hunts.

In the kingdom of God in Lin Huang's body, the number of Heavenly Dao Realm powerhouses has exceeded 10 million, which is more than three times that of all the forces in the endless universe combined. Among them, the number of powerhouses in the Nine Heavens Dao Realm has exceeded 100,000.

As for those who were officially promoted to the Dominion Realm, the number had already exceeded 10,000.

Due to the arrival of a large number of mysterious domains recently, the strength of these masters who entered the infinite universe for the first time has also increased rapidly.

Lin Xin, Lin Xuan and others are the best among them.

Both of them have successively broken through to the realm of eight-star dominance.

Chan Dou Xiao Mo Huang Wuji also stepped into the Seven Star Ruler.

As for the sword servants, with the help of Asa's dream copy, all of them were promoted to the top of the five-star master.

Dao Yi and Dao Ba were also actively involved in the hunting of the strange domain, and were promoted to the ruler of the Seven Stars.

The reason why they practice fast is because they extract the kingdom of God and refine it in Lin Huang's kingdom of God. Under the acceleration of more than six billion times, they have almost no time cost to refine the kingdom of God.

Moreover, under the acceleration of Lin Huang's kingdom of God, they did not have any precipitation period of combat power.

Others may be promoted to a realm, and it will take tens of millions of years to accumulate stable combat power. They only need to stay in Lin Huang's kingdom of God and complete this process at a speed of more than six billion times. After coming out of the kingdom of God in the next second, you can continue to improve your combat power.

What surprised Lin Huang was that several old friends of Yi Zheng, Yi Yeyu, Leng Yuexin, Li Lang, and others had also been promoted to the realm of dominance one after another. Only Fatty was stuck in the ninth heaven and did not break through.

Of course, what surprised Lin Huang even more was that his apprentice, Wu Hao (the reincarnation of Haotian), also came from behind and was promoted to the realm of seven stars.

What surprised Lin Huang the most was Yang Ling.

This guy, I don't know what means he used, was promoted to the nine-star master.

He even got promoted to Seven Star Lord with red makeup.

However, Lin Huang also noticed that Yang Ling had been in contact with Huang Quan before his combat power soared. He guessed that the soaring combat power of this guy and Hong Zhuang should be some benefit from Huang Quan.

In the endless universe, all the strange domains opened up wildly.

In the beginning, only one or two Seven Stars appeared occasionally.

At the back, the Eight-Star Strange Domain also began to descend.

Going to the back, almost every two or three days, at least one eight-star strange realm descends, and there are two or three seven-star strange realms that come every day.

On the third day after Lin Huang merged the number of chaotic universes to 1 Zi (billion billion), the first nine-star-dominant-level Bewildering Domain came!

Read The Duke's Passion