MTL - Monster Paradise-Chapter 1930 Anti bone boy

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A deep dimension of the infinite universe.

A voice rippling through the mist-like mist.

"First Lord, you can stop the fusion of the Chaos Universe. Asa no longer poses any threat."

The first master, who is greedily integrating the massive chaos universe, has turned a deaf ear to the words of the great chaos heaven, and there is no sign of stopping.

"First Landlord, if you don't stop, I will directly cut you off from the infinite universe!" The Great Chaos Heavenly Dao said again.

"Can you do it?"

At this time, the first owner finally raised his head and looked at the mist, the corners of his lips raised slightly.

There was no trace of awe in his eyes.

"In order to deal with Asa, you opened up the control of the infinite universe to me, and gave up part of the authority of heaven. I was able to break through the essence of life and integrate the chaotic universe far beyond the limit I could bear."

"Now that Asa has been dealt with, you want to take back the power. Do you think this is fair to me?"

The Great Chaos Heavenly Dao was speechless when asked.

Indeed, He has always only regarded the First Landlord as a tool to deal with Asa.

Now that Asadu has been assimilated by Lin Huang, this tool man is naturally useless.

He also thought that the First Landlord, who had always been in awe of him, would resolutely implement whatever instructions he issued without any doubts.

Now it seems that it is obviously not the case.

"I have carefully checked all the relevant rules the first time I got this part of the authority. The authority of heaven in this infinite universe is unique, and you gave me part of your authority in order to let me break through the essence of life. So the current situation is that you and I share the same authority, and there is no hierarchy of authority at all. It's just that you have more authority."

"If I don't want to give back this part of the authority, you can't do anything about me."

"I am the same as you, and I belong to the will of heaven in essence. You can't obliterate me. As the will of heaven of the infinite universe, as long as the heaven of the infinite universe exists, it is impossible for me to die."

"As for forcibly stripping me away, you can't do it either. The most you can do is give up me and the part of the authority I have. But doing so will cost a lot."

"The original complete authority has been split. You, the initiator, will be terrified by the backlash. This backlash will cause you to be severely damaged, and it may not be able to recover for dozens or even hundreds of epochs. In severe cases, you will be wiped out directly. Will, let the entire Great Chaos Heavenly Dao change back to the original unconscious Chaos Body."

"To coexist with me, or to obliterate me at this price? If you are absolutely rational, you should be able to make the right choice, right?"

The Great Chaos Heavenly Dao suddenly fell into silence.

The words of the first landlord severely hit his pain point.

Ever since he promised the first landlord, he gave up part of his authority and let him deal with Asa. From this step, He has lost complete control over the whole thing.

The authority of the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao is the only one, and giving up part of the authority is equivalent to making the first owner sit on an equal footing with his own original will of the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao.

He originally thought that the first owner who he had raised since childhood, the first owner who always obeyed his own words, would not be able to disobey him even if he got this authority.

But he still underestimated people's hearts.

With the same authority, after seeing the endless and powerful possibilities, how could it be possible to give up this gluttonous feast that has already been obtained? !

What is loyalty?

Does having power matter? !

What is credit?

Does having power matter? !

What is the grace of parenting?

Is it important to have infinite power? !

The Great Chaos Heavenly Dao is silent. As the will of Heavenly Dao, even if he encounters betrayal, he has no anger or sadness.

He was silent because he was still weighing the consequences of both choices.

Forcibly stripping off the first owner, as the first owner said, is equivalent to actively splitting the sole authority of the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao. The consequence is that the backlash is extremely serious.

But if you give up the divestiture, coexist with the first owner.

Then the first landlord will sooner or later merge all the chaotic universes of the entire infinite universe.

Because he no longer has the upper limit of fusion, it is only a matter of time before he can achieve this.

When the first master completely integrates all the kingdoms of God in the entire infinite universe, he will completely control the entire authority. At that time, the original will of the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao will be completely reduced to an accessory.

Is it a desperate fight, or a compromise to survive?

The Great Chaos Heavenly Dao weighed again and again, but still failed to make a decision.

After hesitating again and again, He decisively made the third choice!

The second day after solving the hidden danger of Asa, Lin Huang was arranging follow-up matters, and suddenly his expression froze.

Because he heard a sound transmission.

"Lin Huang, I need your help!"

He is no stranger to this sound transmission, because the sound comes from the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao.

Lin Huang's spiritual sense penetrated layers of planes and quickly responded.

"Asa has been resolved, are there any other problems?"

To be honest, Lin Huang was a little puzzled.

The last time the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao asked himself for help, it was for Asa.

But now that Asa has been assimilated by himself, the plan of the abyss to invade the infinite universe can basically be declared bankrupt.

At this time, the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao came to ask for help, which was inevitably a little strange.

"It's the first landlord's business..." The Great Chaos Heavenly Dao quickly revealed the whole thing.

This information was conveyed, and Lin Huang was stunned when he heard it.

He didn't expect that the first owner looked at the man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but he was also an anti-bone boy.

However, thinking about it carefully, he also felt normal.

After all, few people can resist the temptation to gain the authority of the heavens in the entire infinite universe.

Let an ordinary person experience the life of the richest man in the world for a few days. Then you suddenly tell him that you want to take back all the property, do you think he will be willing?

The answer is obviously no!

After carefully listening to the description of the Great Chaos Heavenly Dao, Lin Huang also fell into deep thought for a long time.

After a while, he finally spoke again.

"Then what do you need me to do?"

"I hope you can get ahead of the first owner and complete the fusion of all the chaotic universes!" The first owner finally made a request.

"Do you think it's possible for me to do it? He now has the authority of Heaven, and the number of chaotic universes fused every day increases exponentially. Although the number of chaotic universes I fuse has a large base, in the long run, he exceeds the number of fusions I have. It's just a matter of time." Lin Huang said truthfully.

The first landlord has the authority of Heaven, which is almost equivalent to having an invincible plug-in in the game. Even if Lin Huang is a full-level boss in the game, he can't deal with the invincible plug-in.

The Great Chaos Heavenly Dao hesitated for a moment before speaking again, "I can share some permissions with you!"

Lin Huang raised his brows, lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and then gave a response, "I refuse to accept it."

(End of this chapter)

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