MTL - Monster Pet Evolution-v2 Chapter 769 Dream King

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"Fortunately, we walk fast."

"I didn't expect them to hide a strong man of this level."

"Jin Jia's neck was broken instantly. It was too scary. In such a small world, there is such a level of quasi-god, which is definitely the top quasi-god.

"Jin Jia's strength is also very strong at the quasi-god level. I did not expect to meet a stronger one."

In the city on Giant Turtle Island, a group of people talked.

"They won't catch up, right?" Someone asked.

"Don't worry, Lu Huanggui is not slow."

The surrounding clouds quickly passed through the sides of Lu Huang's turtle.

Staying away from them gave them a touch of security.

"Did you hear death?" A voice came suddenly from the roof.



A monster with a mask on his head and arms dangling from a chain in his hand penetrated the roof, tearing it out, and the entire house was torn open.

The torn roof was empty.

There was a knock at the door.

The people in the room were creepy, staring at the door.

Shake, crunch.

The door slowly opened.

"Boom! Boom!" The attack of the fire beast inside the house drowned the open door.

After a while, the flames dissipated.

The door and the walls were burned into a huge pothole by the high temperature, and the heat waves billowed.

"That ... that guy." Someone pointed in shock at the area that had just been shrouded in flames.

In the center of that area, a skeleton stood still.

The black robes on his body had been burned clean by the flames.

But the whole body's bones were reborn in the flames.

The index finger of the left hand points to the beast that spit fire just now.

White bone rule-bone disorder.

The back of the spitting Royal Beast was punctured by a **** white bone spike pierced from its own body, and the blood flowed like a note.

And this is just the beginning.

Spikes burst out from various parts of the body of the Imperial Beast.

噗嗤, 噗嗤, 噗嗤.

Instantly turned into a white hedgehog.

Drops of blood ran down the wound into a stream.

Everyone in the room was stunned.

The Shattered Dream Fire Demon was killed by a trick in this way?

"Shh." A dumb index finger stood up to cover his lips. "You listen."

Before waiting for others to respond, A Dao said to himself: "The mourning voice before it died was so beautiful, like a dance waltz."

These people haven't heard of Waltz, can't understand what Alton is talking about, they just think that Alton at this moment is like a neurosis ...

This guy seems to have a problem!

An emperor slowly reversed, accidentally bumped into the corner of the table and made a loud noise, and saw that skeleton's attention turned to himself. The emperor was pale.

"I just have a sore leg."

"I know." A voice came from behind A Dao, everyone looked at it, and a tall figure came across.

The burly and strong man looked around at everyone in the house. "From now on, I ask, you answer. Whoever lied to me or would not answer, then die."

The voice was cold, without emotion.

"My lord, I must know everything." The fattest fat man among these people smiled.

"Who is the Royal Beast that was killed just now?"

"It is the royal beast of the deer, and his golden armored king worm is one of the three strongest beasts here." The fat man said quickly.

"Who are the other two?"

The air became awkward, and the fat man pointed at the corpse of the broken dream fire demon lying on the ground, and then pointed at an inconspicuous little man hiding behind the crowd.

A strange-shaped royal beast with no human legs high, like a puppet doll, with a strange thick makeup painted on his face.

[Monster Name] Fantasy King

[Monster Level] Level 97 (quasi-god)

[Monster Quality] Epic Quality / Epic Quality

[Monster Attributes] Fantasy

[Monster Ability] Spiritual Body Lv9 Environment Weaving Lv9 Nightmare Deepen Lv8

[Monster Features]

Fear notebook

(Effect ① Passive effect: All the monsters and scenes seen by the fantasy dream king will be perfectly recorded in the book by the fantasy dream king.

Effect ② Active effect: The fantasy dream king can perfectly project all the recorded monsters or scenes, and will also copy the breath and momentum.

Effect ③ Passive effect: Whenever the illusion created by the fantasy dream cause the unit to be deterred or be believed by the target, the target's resistance to the next fantasy magic of the fantasy dream will decrease. )

[Monster profile] A rare monster living in the dark forest. They like to create illusions and make the enemy fear and die in their environment.

"It turned out to be a little naughty of you." Gao Peng stepped forward and raised the fantasy dream king.

The appearance is that the puppet doll's Phantom King is expressionless, and the eyes made of two cuff links are bright in color.

The master of the fantasy king was stunned when he saw the fantasy king being held up like a doll. Usually he did n’t have much majesty as the master in front of the fantasy king. When walking, the fantasy king was riding on his neck. The Royal Beast was so obedient.

The King of Dreams felt the evil breath locked in him standing more than ten meters away, and groaned for two seconds, letting this human up and down his hands.

Gao Peng squeezed the face of Fantasy Dreamer, "This blush is quite chic! Who painted it for you, so ugly?"

Dream King: "..."

"Where did you come from?" Gaopeng asked, holding the doll.

"We came from the black spirit world." The fat man replied in horror.

"Are all of you dumb except you?" Gaopeng looked over the fat man and looked at everyone behind him. "If you are dumb, then you should be dumb for life."

Humiliation and anger appeared on the faces.

Gao Peng sneered: "I just like to see you guys who want to kill me but have a greedy life and fear of death ~ ~ A dull, Xiao Huang, you take these people in two batches, and take everything you know Ask me, if the final answer is not right, the wrong answer side will be pulled and buried. "

Gao Peng can only use the most vicious means against these people, because these people are invaders.

He thinks that Kou should treat him with Kou.

I have to say that the continuous sitting system handed down by the ancestors of Huaxia is really easy to use. Gaopeng is not afraid of them lying, because one person lies and dies other people, but not everyone is afraid of death.

When Xiao Huang and A Da took the two groups away for interrogation respectively, Gao Peng took the Dream King to the open space outside, exactly as Lu Huanggui's back.

There is no wonder that the world is so big. Gaopeng thought that Aban was big enough. I did not expect that there was a monster that was larger than Aban. At the foot of this, it was comparable to an emperor turtle in an island.

Maybe it was possible to conquer this Emperor Turtle and build a city in the air? Move the entire Nantian Group up, and then build a super-large hall door, called Nantianmen.