MTL - Monument of Life and Death-Chapter 1023 python

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   Chapter 1023 Giant Python

   Just when the three of them were at a loss, a cracking sound exploded in the ears of the three of them, and the glass ballast flying all over the sky even almost flew to the three of them.

  Clear moonlight poured into the room.

   There was a huge opening in the window, and a black giant python was shuttling through it. The giant python was almost as thick as the torso of two adults, and the scales all over its body were shining with a black sheen.

   This giant python, which is almost a dragon, was naturally written by Xia Hua.

  The black pupils of the giant python circled confidently and firmly, locking onto the three of them.

  The three useless men either covered their heads or covered their faces, staring at the giant python in a daze, but didn't react.

  The giant python skimmed its core, swam straight to the three of them, and lowered its head.

   skimmed the core?

   Is it looking down on us? Yeah, absolutely right?

  Luo Jiutian was thinking wildly when Lao Luo tapped his son on the head with a "bang" and shouted, "Let's go!"

   "Huh? Oh..."

The Taoist priest and Li Muyuan had already climbed up the snake's body along the snake's head, and the hair strands were also moving towards the giant python, but the giant python only needed to turn its cylindrical body, and those strands of hair were like children playing on a slide. Suspension slipped.

   "Jiutian, hurry up!" The Taoist priest stood on the snake and stretched out his hand towards Luo Jiutian.


  Luo Jiutian grabbed the Taoist priest's hand, and as soon as he stepped out of his left leg, he felt a huge resistance from his right leg.

  Luo Jiutian turned his head, a strand of black hair had already wrapped around his ankle.

Before Luo Jiutian could make a move, a talisman flew over from his side, and the talisman turned into a silver light in mid-air, swishing across the strand of black hair, the silver light flashed, and the black hair brushed together. The brush was broken into two pieces, and Luo Jiutian's ankle suddenly became free.

Luo Jiutian grabbed the hands of the Taoist priest and Li Muyuan and jumped to the snake's head. Lao Luo also fell to his side. The python had already completed the work of picking up people. He turned his head and left the window.

Just as a few people were about to fly out of the building, a roar suddenly sounded at the door of the laboratory, and the three people who were lying on the python hurriedly looked back, but only saw a little bit between the gaps in the windows. .

   "The door is open," the Taoist priest narrowed his eyes and shouted, "It should be the real body of that thing coming in."

   Then, the giant python flew them into the air. They saw the car at the door. Xia Hua opened the door, leaned out half of the car, and looked up at them.

   As they landed, Xia Hua also got out of the car.

Xia Hua raised her left hand, and the python's body slowly became transparent. When everyone completely fell to the ground, the translucent python gently enveloped Xia like a mist transformed by a breeze. The left hand of the flower disappeared after a while.

   The three stumbled to their feet.

   "I saw a black thing appearing in front of a window, so I guessed that something might have happened to you," Xia Hua raised her hand and pointed to the window, "What is it this time?"

From a distance, the black hair outside the window looked like a strangely shaped vine, and the black vine retreated back into the window little by little. The broken window turned into a deformed eye. It didn't take long for the black hair to disappear completely. , leaving only the yellow-white eye twinkling in the darkness.

   "They went back..." Luo Jiutian murmured, "Does this mean..."

   "Patriarch Xiahua, we have to go quickly," the Taoist chief opened the car door and urged, "That thing might catch up."

   Several people got into the car. Li Muyuan was already in the car to apply medicine for Zhou Ye. The door was slammed shut, and the car quickly sped up.

   "Where are we going?" Luo Jiutian asked.

   "Wherever you want... go to the narrow place," the priest said, "the narrow place is convenient for us to avoid those hairs."

   "Narrow...where is it narrow?" Luo Jiutian thought hard, but the accelerator under his feet stepped faster and faster.

   The Taoist priest turned around and looked at Li Muyuan in the back row, "Muyuan, how is Zhou Ye's situation?"

"The medicine has just been administered, and it is estimated that it will work in another ten minutes," Li Muyuan said, "Zhou Ye's pulse rate is much faster than before, which is a good phenomenon. As for whether he can wake up... It depends on he himself."

   "What the **** is going on?" Xia Hua panicked.

   The Taoist priest took a sip of water, and then tried his best to describe their experience in the most concise language.

   "I'm not afraid of fire or water," Xia Hua glanced at the back of the car worriedly and muttered, "But it sounds like those black hair can be cut off."

"Yes, but after cutting it off, it can still grow back," Luo Jiutian suddenly remembered something, he took off his right hand from the steering wheel, leaned down slightly, and began to **** on his calf, "Ah, I found it. , it's still there."

  Luo Jiutian straightened up again, grabbed something in his right hand, and handed it to the Taoist priest next to him.

"This is…"

  What he was holding in his hand was the few black hairs.

   "This is the part that was cut off by the Taoist priest and left on my trousers," Luo Jiutian said, looking at the road ahead, "They seem to be ordinary hair."

   "Is this thing not poisonous?" Xia Hua didn't dare to reach out.

   "It is estimated that it is not poisoned, otherwise I would have been poisoned," Luo Jiutian said, "and the Taoist priest."

   "Show me." Li Muyuan reached out.

   Daoist priest handed over the black hair, and Li Muyuan and Xia Hua took a closer look together.

   "It's just the hair," Li Muyuan said, rubbing them with his fingers, "it seems that once these black hairs are separated from the mother's body, they will have no life."

   "The mother body must be the thing standing at the door," Luo Jiutian said, "the owner of the footsteps."

   "That's the black shadow I saw..." The Taoist priest muttered.

   "It's strange, but I really didn't see anyone entering the building," Xia Hua said, "Could it be that only you can see that thing?"

   "I don't know, this thing is too mysterious and dangerous," Li Muyuan said, "We can only count on Zhou Ye."

   "What if Zhou Ye can't wake up?" Xia Hua asked.

   "Then we'll... Nine days, where are you going?" Li Muyuan noticed that their car had turned into an alley, "Is there any road ahead?"

   "Didn't you mean going to a narrow place?" Luo Jiutian said.

   "It's true that we're going to a narrow place, but we can't go to a dead end," Li Muyuan said. "Isn't there really a wall in front of you?"

   "The navigation says... ah, there is, you see, there is a way."

   Just when everyone thought their car was about to drive into a corner, a dark path suddenly appeared between the walls on the right.

   Thanks to my surname Feng for the reward! \'\'



   (end of this chapter)

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