MTL - Monument of Life and Death-Chapter 1030 Inner ghost

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   Chapter 1030 Inner Ghost

  The car was approaching in the direction of the hospital, and the traffic outside the window kept passing by. The world was orderly, and the accident that happened to them did not affect other people in the city.

  Xiaolan's gaze moved back from the car window and landed on the rear mirror in the front row. At that moment, Xiaolan frowned.

   Just now, she saw a pair of eyes that were originally staring at her, and quickly moved away.

   is a small hole.

   Now Xiao Kong is holding his chin, pretending to look at the road ahead casually, but a few seconds ago, he was still staring at himself.

   And his eyes...

Hard to say.

   Xiaolan tilted his head.

   Is he doubting his own motives because he is an outsider to him?

  He...I shouldn't have seen him before.

and many more…

  Xiaolan suddenly thought of something, she leaned forward and asked Xiaokong with a smile, "Brother Xiaokong, have I seen you before?"

   Hearing Xiaolan's question, the man driving the car and Yi Yao who was sitting next to Xiaolan all looked over. They didn't quite understand the little girl's intention.

  Xiao Kong also turned his head slightly, the expression on his face both stunned and confused, "This..."

   "I must have never seen it before," said the man driving the car. "Xiao Kong's qualifications are still very low. This is the first time to follow the brigade to leave the fifth day to do a task... Miss Xiaolan hasn't been to Wangluan City yet?"

   "No," Xiaolan said, "so brother Xiao Kong didn't participate in Jiutan's repair work?"

   "I... no," Xiao Kong smiled with a blushing face, "so... we should meet for the first time."

   "Um... like this..."

  Xiaolan muttered and leaned back to the seat.

   If you haven't seen Xiao Kong yourself, it means that none of your comrades have seen it either.

   But he remembered that when he was on the escalator at the airport, Baomu smelled Xiaokong's body, and only then judged that the people at the fifth watch were nearby.

   Baomu should have never seen Xiaokong, but why is he familiar with the smell of Xiaokong?

  Xiao Lan took out her phone and was about to ask Bao Mu about this question, but Xiao Kong suddenly stopped her.

   "Why does little sister Xiaolan ask that?" Xiao Kong turned to look at Xiaolan, "Do you think I look familiar?"

  Xiaolan had to put away the phone first and said, "It's a little...because I met your people when I was in the Jiutan station before, and I thought you were among them."

"Oh, it's a pity that I'm not here," Xiao Kong sighed regretfully, "Actually, I also really want to participate. It's all my fault for my lack of ability. I'm afraid it won't help, but will only cause trouble. In this case, don't join in the fun..."

  How do you feel that he is connoting himself?

   Xiaolan cleared her throat and said, "I think as long as you give your best, I believe Jasmine and the others will definitely feel your concern."

   "That's right," the man driving the car heard and asked, "Miss Xiaolan, you seem to have a good relationship with Jasmine, the head of Jiutan."

  Xiaolan embarrassedly put the phone back in his pocket, and said proudly, "Of course, we are best friends."

   "I heard that Jiutan Xu Ye, it seems like..."

   Halfway through, the man seemed to feel that it was not good to gossip in front of Yi Yao, so he temporarily changed the second half of the sentence into a milder version.

   "It seems like there was some accident, right?" The man asked and took a sip.

  Cut, that's not what you want to ask.

   Isn't Jiutan Xu a betrayal?

  This must be what you want to ask, right?

   "This...I don't know too much," Xiaolan had to play stupid, "I knew he seemed to have fallen to his death."

   "But you seemed to be nearby when I heard that he had an accident."

   Good guy, you even heard about this.

  Then you already know about it, so why are you asking me?

"It''s...really..." Xiaolan tried to make up the reason why she was clearly at the scene but didn't understand the situation, "But I...I'm just a child after all, they don't let me care, it's really annoying, But it terrified me at the time."

   "I heard that Xu also died disgracefully," Yi Yao not only didn't mind their gossip, but happily joined the conversation, "Jiutan's accident this time seems to have something to do with him."

   And this statement?

   "Is that so?" The surprise on Xiaolan's face was not fake, "Where did Uncle Yi hear about it?"

   "The source of this kind of rumor can't be found," Yi Yao said with a smile, "Everyone has heard of it."

   "I heard that too," the man quickly followed up on Yi Yao's topic and said, "Because of this rumor, the Nine Sects are now strictly investigating insiders."

   Xiaolan's mouth opened into an "O" shape.

   It seems that his trip was really not in vain, and he actually had an unexpected harvest.

   "Brother Jun..." Xiao Kong called the man softly, as if he thought he was talking too much.

   "It's okay, Xiao Kong," replied the man called Brother Jun, "Everyone here can be trusted."

  Yi Yao also nodded and said, "Brother Jun is right, and... in fact, we are in the same situation now, and there is nothing we can do..."

   "It sounds so hard," Xiaolan wished they could speak a little more clearly, and hinted crazily, "But what about the inner ghost... It feels really outrageous."

   "These things may be difficult for Xiaolan to imagine," Yi Yao said to Xiaolan gently, "Xiaolan is still young and doesn't understand these things."

   "The adult world is very complicated," Brother Jun pretended to be deep, "There are actually very few people who can be completely trusted."

   But didn't you just believe me?

   "Then have you found out who is the inner ghost?" Xiaolan opened her eyes wide, trying to fit the unworldly character in these people's hearts, "Is there really that kind of villain?"

   "It's still..." Yi Yao hesitated, pursing his lips, "Brother Jun, how's the situation on the fifth watch?"

   "My status is not enough to understand these high-level secrets," Brother Jun shrugged modestly and said, "But some relevant news has leaked out... The people above seem to have some direction."

   "After today's events, your direction may be clearer," Yi Yao said. "Today's explosion... If it wasn't for the internal leak, it would be difficult to explain."

   "I think so too," Brother Jun sighed deeply, "Doubting one's own people... It feels really bad."

   "No way, there is a problem that has to be solved," Yi Yao said, "If you need any help, feel free to report it to Yi Nian."

   "Actually..." Brother Jun said, "The reason why I mentioned this to the two of you is because I have something to ask for..."

   (end of this chapter)

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