MTL - Monument of Life and Death-Chapter 1071 Illegal transaction

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  Chapter 1071 Illegal Transaction

  Zhou Ye was also taken aback for a moment.

  Although he asked this question, he was not yet mentally prepared to get Xia Hua's affirmative answer.

   "But..." Xia Hua shook her head lightly, brushing away the hair covering her right eye, "You don't have to worry."

  This... It's hard not to worry about this now.

   "Sister Xia Hua, have you encountered any difficulties?" Zhou Ye asked, "Although...although I am useless, I still want to help you...if I can..."

  Xia Hua pursed her lips tightly, her eyebrows trembled slightly, and she looked very hesitant.

   "You can tell me directly, it doesn't matter," Zhou Ye reached out and patted the back of Xia Hua's hand, "Now we are two grasshoppers on the same rope, sister Xia Hua, your business is mine."

  Xia Hua raised her eyes, her dark eyes stared straight at Zhou Ye's pupils, Xia Hua didn't move at all, but Zhou Ye was startled by Xia Hua's eyes and leaned back.

   "You can really help."

  Xia Hua's lips barely moved, she just said this sentence hastily.

  Zhou Ye stared blankly into Xia Hua's eyes, suddenly regretting what he had just said.

   "I...Really?" Zhou Ye grinned and forced a smile, "Hehe...hahaha... That's very good, sister Xia Hua, how can I help you?"


  Luo Jiutian opened the door of the room. Before leaving, he turned around and looked at Lao Luo.

  Lao Luo was standing by the bed, his eyes were locked on his son, seeing Luo Jiutian looking over, Lao Luo smiled gently, and waved his hand lightly at him.

   "Let's go," Lao Luo's tone softened rarely, "don't worry about me."

  Luo Jiutian pouted, like a three-year-old child having a temper tantrum.

  Seeing Luo Jiutian's hesitation, Li Muyuan sighed, stepped forward and put his arms around Luo Jiutian's shoulders, and said, "Alright, Jiutian, Miaozhen and Senior Brother Zhuge are safe here, let's go."


   "Jiutian," said the Taoist priest with a slight smile, "Nothing will happen to them."

  Li Muyuan nodded accordingly.

Although the "they" in the two populations did not refer to the same group of people, the persuasion still worked. Luo Jiutian reluctantly nodded at his father, and then closed the door without hesitation. .

  When they stood in the door and looked out, they could only see darkness. When they really came to the outside world, it seemed that the surroundings were not so dark.

  Luo Jiutian took a step forward, and then backed away.

   "We have to make a mark on the way out, otherwise what if we can't find the way back?" Luo Jiutian said, calling out his Panlong Pond with his right hand, "Let me come."

Luo Jiutian silently read out a rune, half a second later, a hair-like slender silver thread pierced through his fingertips, Luo Jiutian raised his hand and pointed towards the door, one end of the silver thread was connected to the door , and the other end stuck to his finger.

   "Okay," Luo Jiutian finally felt relieved after finishing all this work, "Let's go."

  The three of them paid attention to the movement in different directions, and walked towards the depths of the darkness.

   "Hey, look," Li Muyuan pointed to the front and said, "There seems to be a door in front."

  The brown wooden door was like a stone tablet that had been waiting for a long time, standing quietly in front of it, just waiting for the eyes of the three to fall on it.

  Luo Jiuxia subconsciously lowered his head and looked at his fingertips. The other end of the silver line was still behind him. It seemed that they didn't go around in circles. This was indeed a brand new door.

   Daochang stretched out his hand to stroke the surface of the door, and rubbed his fingertips a few times.

   "This door is very old," the Taoist priest said, "There is no sound from the door, it is very quiet."

  The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay.

   "Do you want to go in and have a look?" Li Muyuan asked tentatively.

   "Wait a minute, let me let Yinlei see if there are any evil spirits inside. If there are no evil spirits, everything will be easy to talk about."

  Luo Jiutian silently recited a rune again, and gray smoke rose from Panlong Pond. The smoke lingered around the wooden door, and squeezed in gracefully along the crack of the door.

  Luo Jiutian looked engrossed, his ears pricked up.

  Li Muyuan looked at Luo Jiutian's profile approvingly, and nodded in satisfaction.

   Not long after, the cloud of gray mist squeezed out from the crack of the door, gathered back to the top of Panlong Pool, and disappeared after a while.

  Luo Jiutian breathed a sigh of relief, tilted his head and said, "It's okay, there should be no evil spirits inside."

   "What about the living?" Li Muyuan asked.

   "The living...don't know," Luo Jiutian replied truthfully, "My hidden mine can only detect evil spirits."

   "Since it's all right, why don't you go in and have a look now," the Taoist master grabbed the doorknob and said, "Go behind me."

   "Daozhang, how can I let you be a shield..."

   "Be obedient," the Taoist leader pulled Luo Jiutian behind him, and pushed open the wooden door, "Look at the back, don't be careless."

  The moment the wooden door opened, glaring white light pierced into their eyes like fragments of a glass ball that exploded, and the three squinted their eyes one after another, looking forward.

  White walls, white window frames…

   And messy everything... an office?

  The Taoist priest gradually opened his eyes. He walked into the room and looked around suspiciously.

   "It's an office," Li Muyuan said, looking at the luxurious desk placed in the center of the room, "It's quite elegant, it seems that the owner of the office has some status."

  The Taoist priest walked to the filing cabinet at the edge of the room. The door of the cabinet was also open, and the documents inside were scattered all over the floor. The Taoist priest picked up a file and read it with his head down.

   "The basement reconstruction plan of Qiaomei No. 1 Hospital..." The Taoist chief frowned, "This is... the dean's office?"

   "Why is there no First Hospital in Qiaoqiao?" Luo Jiutian rushed over after hearing the sound, "Isn't there a First Hospital in Qiaoqiao?"

   "Mu Yuan should have heard of it, right?" The Taoist chief looked at Li Muyuan, who is also a doctor.

   "I've heard of it a little bit..." Li Muyuan scratched his head, "It's just... they don't have a good reputation."

   These words aroused the interest of the two.

   "What do you mean?" Luo Jiutian widened his innocent eyes, "Is it because the medical level is poor?"

   "The level of medical treatment... is reasonable," Li Muyuan looked around carefully, as if he was wary of someone eavesdropping, "We heard that someone here is doing illegal transactions."

   "Illegal transaction?!"

  Daozhang and Luo Jiutian were both stunned.

  These words... don't seem like words that should come out of the mouth of a Shuangqian.

  After all, you have done some things that resell rare animals and plants.

   "What are they doing? Isn't it reselling human organs?" Luo Jiutian asked, "Then I'm going to take this place away..."

   "No, no, you got it wrong," Li Muyuan quickly waved his hands, "I mean, another aspect..."

   Thanks to Chloe Kk for the reward! (·)



  (end of this chapter)

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