MTL - Mountains and Seas For All People: Starting From a Thatched Hut-Chapter 645 Chaos Corpse

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

In the depths of the shattered chaos, a dark building stands impressively.

It was a temple, the whole body was made of chaotic magic stone, magnificent, ancient, sacred, revealing a trace of terrifying oppression.

At this moment, Di Jun came to this black demon palace.


A terrifying demonic energy suddenly gushed out from the Demon Palace, and the surrounding Chaos Void trembled slightly.

An invisible ripple struck towards Di Jun.

Hearing a "boom", Dijun was sent flying before he could react in time, and he was overturned tens of thousands of miles before he stopped.

"Humble ants, trespassing on the Demon God's Palace without authorization, death penalty!"

A roar sounded, shaking the chaos violently.

Di Jun's face was ugly, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and his eyes were filled with boundless anger.

If he hadn't been prepared just now and sacrificed Hetu Luoshu in time, he might have been directly injured or even killed.

It can be seen how fierce the terrifying existence hidden in the Demon God's Palace is, if they disagree with each other, they will directly bombard and kill them on the spot.

"Remnants of the Demon God, don't be too crazy, the emperor is here to discuss cooperation with you."

Di Jun snorted coldly, and also exuded a strong aura as he walked step by step, telling his reason for coming forcefully.


The magic palace trembled, and suddenly a magic hand flew out from inside, hitting Di Jun's chest like lightning.

With a bang, Hetu Luoshu burst into immeasurable light, blocking the blow of that terrifying magic hand.

Di Jun backed away with a look of anger, although he blocked it, he looked extraordinarily annoyed.

It's really not a good thing to come to these demon **** remnants, it's not easy to talk, and it's not a big deal to shout and kill them as soon as they meet.

"Who is my Dao, what kind of **** demon emperor, but a little demon emperor from the last generation."

A voice came from inside the magic palace again.

There was a hint of teasing and disdain in that voice, full of contempt and indifference, completely dismissive, making Di Jun angry like an ant.

"Yinggou, one of the chaotic corpse ancestors, as the only remaining evil of the demon god, aren't you afraid that the emperor will expose your hiding place and attract murder?"

Di Jun shouted angrily, with a hint of threat.

The magic palace fell into silence, and not long after, the door clanged open.

"Little Demon Emperor, threaten me, how do you want to die?"

A terrifying sound came from the opened magic palace.

I saw the black mist surging, and a pair of scarlet eyes shot two beams of cold and tyrannical light through the black mist, staring at Di Jun coldly.

Being stared at by those eyes, Di Jun felt cold all over, as if being stared at by something terrible, his whole body's blood froze.

Ying Gou is one of the four great Chaos Corpse Ancestors, a member of the Chaos Demon God, but it is only a middle-low Demon God, not a very high-level Chaos Demon God.

Yinggou and the other Houqing, Hanba, and Jiangchen are listed as the four great chaotic corpse ancestors. They are powerful and have the power to destroy the world.

And here is hidden a chaotic corpse ancestor, Yinggou, hiding under the abyss, hiding in this world of chaotic fragments.

"Win the hook, the emperor came to discuss cooperation with you, and he came with sincerity. If you don't need it, the emperor has no choice but to find the other three corpse ancestors."

Di Jun's expression was indifferent, without the slightest flinching or showing weakness.

He came to discuss cooperation, not to be a grandson.

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

It's the same even if the opponent is one of the four great corpse ancestors of chaos. Although he is very strong, even though he is a member of the Chaos Demon God, Di Jun is not afraid.

After all, as the remnant of the Chaos Demon God, he was already lucky to survive. As for how much strength he could retain, it was hard to say.

However, judging from the aura of the other party, the strength of the winning hook in front of him is definitely not something that ordinary ancestor gods can deal with, and even ordinary ancestor gods can only be the blood of others.

"Hmph, Little Demon Emperor, in my eyes you are just a small ant, dare to threaten, do you have the ability?"

"If you are interested, get out immediately!"

"I'm not interested in discussing cooperation with ants. If you are willing to become my blood slave, you can still consider it."

Yinggou's icy and ruthless voice came from inside the magic palace, and he didn't pay attention to Dijun at all.

A mere little demon emperor is not in the eyes of the corpse ancestor at all, and he looks down on it at all.

"If you underestimate me, you will pay the price."

Di Jun is also angry, and he told you in a loud voice that he doesn't know how to flatter him?

As the emperor of the clan, the former strong man, even though he was only the demon emperor born at the end of the chaotic era, he has his own pride.


Di Jun was furious and directly attacked.

He sacrificed Hetu Luoshu, and evolved the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation to press it directly.


Together with the stars in the sky, thousands of ancient stars descended from the sky, densely packed and directly swooped down towards the magic palace.

Tens of thousands of stars fell, and smashed onto the Demon Palace with the force of destroying heaven and earth.

Boom, boom!

A terrible explosion came, the magic palace shook violently, and black light curtains blocked the huge swooping stars one by one.

The terrible star explosion and impact brought enormous pressure to the magic palace.

Inside, Yinggou's face was gloomy, his scarlet eyes showed a trace of violence and emotion, and two blood-red fangs were exposed in his mouth.

"Little ants, how dare you be presumptuous?"

Yinggou was enraged, and with a movement of his body, he rushed out surrounded by endless chaotic corpse energy, and swept away in a mighty manner.


With a ferocious roar, the corpse ancestor showed its ferocious power as the remnant of chaos, smashing the starry sky with one punch and one palm, and smashing countless planets into powder.

It contained endless chaotic corpse energy and turned into a long river, and hundreds of millions of corpses floated up and down and pressed down on the demon emperor Jun.

This scene fell in Su Mu's eyes, and he couldn't help secretly praising its ferocity and awe-inspiring power.


Zhou Tian's star array was in motion, and countless stars burst, but the corpse ancestor Yinggou was firmly trapped.

Di Jun's strength is still very strong, facing the Chaos Corpse Ancestor, he fought back and forth, obviously relying on Hetu Luoshu and Zhou Tianxing to suppress the opponent.

"This breath!"

"That's—" QqXsΝεW

Queen Mother Xi and Miaoyin looked over in surprise, only to see a large piece of chaotic energy collapsing.

A huge ancient magic palace was revealed, shrouded in countless starlights, and Di Jun manipulated the star array to fight against a terrifying demon god.

"It's the Chaos Corpse Ancestor."

The Queen Mother of the West saw the identity of the corpse ancestor at a glance and exclaimed.

Miaoyin was thoughtful, and said in surprise: "There is a chaotic corpse ancestor hidden here, and the remnants of the Chaos Demon God survived?"

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

"No wonder Di Jun came here. Could it be that he wants to unite with the remnants of the Chaos Demon God?"

The two quickly guessed what Dijun was thinking.

It just seemed that Di Jun was in trouble, the Chaos Corpse Ancestor hidden here was extremely vicious, and would start fighting at the slightest disagreement.

Let's talk about cooperation, but I didn't expect to fight.

This surprised the Queen Mother of the West and Miaoyin. They had actually seen the Chaos Demon God before, but they didn't expect there to be remnants.

Like the Demon Emperor, Queen Mother Xi and Miaoyin belonged to the innate beings at the end of the Chaos Era, so they knew about the Chaos Demon God and the secrets of the Chaos Ancient Clan.

"It turned out to be one of the four great corpse ancestors of chaos. It looks like a winning hook."

Su Mu suddenly realized, and learned the accurate information about the remnants of the Chaos Demon God from the majestic memories of Queen Mother Xi and Miaoyin.

Seeing Di Jun who was fighting with the corpse ancestor, Su Mu suddenly smiled and said: "Di Jun is really unlucky, it seems that the two sides are fighting for real."

"Do you want to intervene?"

The Queen Mother of the West was eager to try, and the eyes of Miaoyin beside her were even more intense, and she really wanted to compete with the Chaos Demon God.

After all, knowing the strength of the Chaos Demon God, it is normal to have a competitive spirit. In the past, there was no way, and his strength could not be put on the stage at the end of the Chaos Era.

Now that his strength has come up, he naturally wants to try it out.

"Let's have a look first, wait until Di Jun is gone, he seems to know the hiding place of the remnants of the Chaos Demon God, maybe let him explore the way."

Su Mu was thoughtful and expressed his plan.


Just as he was talking, the battle over there had already been decided.

Dijun's Zhou Tian Xingdou formation was directly broken by the corpse ancestor, and he rushed out forcefully, severely wounding Dijun and had to end the battle.

After all, it was only Di Jun who manipulated the Zhoutian Star Dou formation, and if it wasn't for Hetu Luoshu, he might not be able to maintain the operation of the Zhoutian Star Dou formation by himself.

If there is a Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation composed of other demon gods, it will definitely be able to beat the corpse ancestor, but it is a pity that Di Jun is undefeated alone.

"Damn it, win the check, the emperor has recorded this account book."

Di Jun left a sentence with a livid face, turned around and fled away.

"Hmph, even a mere ant dares to negotiate terms and cooperate with me. You are only worthy of being my blood food."

Yinggou looked disdainful and did not stop Dijun from leaving, because its own situation was also not very optimistic.

Although it seemed that he had won the battle just now, the real situation was that Zhou Tian Xingdou was still injured in the battle.

What's more, the corpse ancestor Yinggou has not fully recovered yet.

He was not fully sure that he wanted to keep Dijun, so he finally gave up trying to stop him from leaving.

"Di Jun is gone, it's time for us to play next."

In the darkness, a voice sounded, which shocked the body of the corpse ancestor who was about to return to the magic palace, and suddenly turned his head to look over.

"Who, get out!"

The corpse ancestor Yinggou roared in shock and anger, shattering a large piece of chaotic mist.

I saw a man and two women walking out slowly, and came to the corpse ancestor Yinggou.

"There are three more ants, very good, I ate you to replenish the loss just now."

Seeing the arrival of the three of Su Mu, Shi Zu Ying Gou not only did not panic, but showed bloodthirsty excitement.

Eating three people can get a lot of recovery.

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

"If you want to eat us, are your teeth strong enough?"

Su Mu smiled lightly, and stepped forward, his whole body was filled with a heavy coercion of the Great Dao.

The Dao clothes intertwined with the three thousand roads clattered and shone, and the ten thousand roads rang together, exuding a frightening atmosphere.


Yinggou's pupils shrank, noticing the extraordinaryness of the person who came, and immediately put away his underestimation.

"No matter who you are, just treat it as my blood food supplement when you come."

Yinggou let out a loud roar, revealing the real body of the corpse ancestor. The terrifying demon body that was ten feet high stood in the chaos, exuding an extremely violent breath.


He clapped his palm, opened his five fingers, and squeezed the three of Su Mu directly in his palm.

"Well done!"

Su Mu's eyes lit up, he jumped up with a loud shout, and mysterious rivers of light intertwined in his hands erupted instantly.

"Eternal Eternity is Empty!"

With a punch, countless times quickly converged and turned into a long river of time and space, which ran through nothingness and chaos and fell down. After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own could there be no injuries at all.

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflected his current appearance, about seventeen or eighteen years old, UU Reading looks very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapter content without ads for free

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to have surgery or not, but a fairy art.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The titles of the first two books are quite normal, what's the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu's eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.

Icefield City.

Pet breeding base.

Trainee pet keeper. The website will be closed soon, download the Star Reading app to provide you with the mountain and sea of ​​the great **** Yaomeng: starting from a thatched hut

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【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

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