MTL - Movie Master-Chapter 1031 Sparse light rain

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Thick and solid dark clouds spread out layer upon layer, and the mountains stretch along the skyline. The end of the sea level disappears in the billowing waves. A faint ray of light, one can vaguely judge that the sun has risen, but that gleam is blocked behind by the airtight, and can only vaguely outline the edge of the clouds, and the whole city is hidden in the background. In the drizzle of rain and fog, the blue-colored street with thick ink was so quiet that there was no sound at all. Even the light of the street lamps seemed to have disappeared. Time and space lost their meaning at this moment, as if eternity was frozen in the At a certain moment, when you close your eyes, it seems that you can hear whispers from the depths of the earth, telling stories deep in your memories. update the fastest

It has not rained in Los Angeles for a long time. People can't even remember whether it rained in December or November last time. Distant memories seem to be blurred in the bitter air. Even so, there is still no feeling of winter, and no sign of spring, but it outlines a touch of bleak autumn.

The Hollywood Boulevard in front of the Kodak Theater has been washed away by the rain again and again, the asphalt road has become smooth and translucent, and the adjacent streets on both sides of the road have been closed. Today, all non-licensed vehicles will be prohibited from passing. It's really rare to see, it's like a paradise. But this kind of tranquility only lasted for a while, and then a group of people wearing bright yellow raincoats filed out from the rest hall on the first floor of the theater, and then started to get busy in an orderly manner.

After the dark red carpet was wetted by the rain, it became even darker, and the almost black luster couldn't be melted away in the fine and dense rain like cow hair. This doesn't look good, it doesn't look like a banquet, but rather a solemn... mourning occasion. In desperation, they put away the carpet that had just been opened for less than a quarter, and after a while, they carried another set of bright red carpets. The bright and vivid colors were beaten by the rain. It became more and more lively and lively, as if it was endowed with vitality. Putting it in the red that usually looks too ostentatious, it outlines a different kind of colorfulness in the overwhelming navy blue.

boom! A flash of lightning slid across the sky, and the entire Hollywood Boulevard seemed to be ignited in an instant, and a thrilling sense of heroism quietly spread.

Tonight, the seventy-ninth Academy Awards ceremony is about to kick off. Due to the beautiful sky of Los Angeles, which is like spring all year round, and surrounded by deserts, the ceremony is always held in bright sunshine every year, and it is rare to see rain. But let alone light rain, even if it is pouring rain, the ceremony must be held as scheduled.

The staff quickly built a canopy directly above the red carpet, and then placed baking lamps on both sides of the red carpet, and began to disperse the moisture and cold in the air. The working area and the back panel of the Oscar logo were all set up. The tranquil Kodak Theater gradually became more decent, and the atmosphere of Oscar began to become lively under the rain.

Martin Scorsese didn't sleep well. He closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing for a while, but the sound of light rain was always a little noisy. He simply sat up, lifted the quilt carefully, and left In the bedroom, I came to the kitchen, trying to find the cold coffee left over from last night, but after searching, the coffee machine had already been emptied.

After hesitating for a moment, Martin sat down in the dining room, quietly watching the drizzle outside the window. Such a scene made him feel like he was back in New York instead of Los Angeles. The tranquility at dawn can always calm down his emotions, but today he was a little irritable, as if a butterfly kept fluttering in his chest.

"Are you worried about tonight?" A voice came from behind, Martin turned his head reflexively, and then saw his wife Helen Morris (n-rrs). Helen walked over, gave Martin a shallow kiss, and then sat down opposite Martin. Martin shrugged, "Sorry to wake you up."

Helen shook her head lightly, "I didn't sleep very well either."

Martin turned his head to look out of the window again, and was silent for a moment, letting the quiet air flow between the two of them, "I thought I was calm." Martin's mocking voice broke the silence, "But, what happened? At the end of the day, I started to get nervous again. Tell me, am I getting old?"

Helen knew Martin's worry, the movie "The Aviator" almost consumed all his mind. Martin is sixty-five years old this year, and no one knows how long his creative life will last. Martin is always worried that "The Departed" may be his last chance, the last chance to win an Oscar, which has even become an obsession.

"Remember what you said before?" Helen said in a deep voice, showing a shallow smile, "You have to take pictures until you can't walk, because if you are in a wheelchair, you can't direct the scene Alright." This made Martin twitch the corners of his mouth and chuckled lightly, "Tonight is your chance, maybe your best chance, but I always believe that this is not your last chance. Don't tell me, Ke The old guy Lint has won two statuettes, but you are only satisfied with one."

Martin's smile finally showed, he shook his head slightly, a little helpless, but also a little relieved, "I know, in fact, the voting results are out now, and no one can change the results, not even Sid Ganis. But..." The following words stopped here, and did not continue.

Helen stretched out her right hand and spread it upwards. After hesitating for a moment, Martin stretched out his right hand and placed it in Helen's palm, "I know." Helen nodded with a smile, and said nothing.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. No one can deny that the voice of "Infernal Walker" has become louder and louder in the past two weeks. It seems that after all signs are shown, Martin's chances of winning the award have skyrocketed, Because of this, it makes people more nervous. The anxiety and apprehension of worrying about gains and losses cannot be understood by others. They're all human after all, aren't they?

Helen patted the back of Martin's hand lightly, and then said, "I think, after lunch, we should still have a two-hour break. So, I'm going to make coffee now, and you should finish what you didn't finish last night." The acceptance speeches have been polished up."

Martin lowered his eyes, but his tense shoulders relaxed a little.

Brad Pitt opened his eyes wide and looked at the ceiling above his head. He didn't feel sleepy at all. The faint sound of drizzling rain outside the window slowly spread in the warm room, which on the contrary brought out the tranquility even more. The roar in Brad's head couldn't stop at all, as if he was on a spring break beach in Miami.

"You should sleep for a while. Tonight's red carpet, you need to adjust to the best condition." Angelina Jolie's voice came over, with a hint of hoarseness, but it was very clear. Apparently, she didn't sleep well either.

"I was just wondering if I should vote for 'The Departed'." Brad said suddenly, although there was no explanation, but Angelina immediately understood. Brad and she both voted for "Babel", but if their votes are all concentrated in "The Departed", is the possibility of defeating "Fury Road" sure?

Angelina supported her head with her right hand, and looked down at Brad, "Don't be stupid. You should know how important this work is to us." Not just to Brad, but to Brad The same is true for Angelina. The controversy about "Cheating Gate" will gradually disappear with the passage of time and the success of "Babel". Aniston's page can be completely debunked.

"However, if you can see Lance's disappointed or even angry expression, isn't it worth it?" Brad's eyes widened. "You know, we have never been so close to defeating Lance." Lance Si is like a lingering nightmare, and he has never been able to get rid of it. The same is true for "Tiantian Tower" this time. The reputation was in full swing before, but in the past period of time, "The Departed Walker" has continued to rise, adding many variables to tonight's awards ceremony.

Angelina gritted her teeth, if possible, she also hoped to crush Lance to ashes, "Whether he is possessed by the Shining or not, I am sure that Hollywood is not up to him~www. Angelina snorted softly, "Don't worry, tonight is our stage! You have to be 'Brad Pitt', hear me? "

Brad looked at the ceiling quietly, an inexplicable agitation throbbed in his chest, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't know what it meant, was it just for an Oscar award ceremony? Obviously it shouldn't be, but it's a terrible feeling to not be able to tell why.

Putting away his thoughts, Brad showed a smile, "You must also be good at Angelina Jolie."

The annual Oscar Awards Ceremony kicked off today, and the sudden sparse light rain disrupted everyone's plans. The temperature in the whole city suddenly dropped by twelve degrees, which brought a trace of vacillating restlessness. Few of them slept very well. Although it is said that the Oscars are the most important thing every year, but this year there is an indescribable strangeness, as if... as if this year's Oscars are particularly important, that kind of heart palpitations for no reason makes people panic.

The light rain was still pattering, and the city gradually began to wake up. A brand new day is here.

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