MTL - Movie Master-Chapter 1035 fall into madness

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The disbelief in Brad's eyes set off a turbulent sea. He stared blankly at the two figures at the beginning of the red carpet. Even though he saw it with his own eyes, the light of suspicion still surged in the depths of his vision. Teana Novel|2

I've heard of the cultural wave Fury Road created, and people have compared it to Star Wars; but... who would believe such rumors? Film production companies have used everything to create publicity. Over the past three decades, the slogan "Another 'Star Wars'" has been used countless times, but no work has ever achieved such heights.

However, Brad had an absurd thought about the real frenzy in front of him: he and Lance were no longer on the same level. The restlessness and madness seem to have torn all the scenes in sight into countless pieces, and the hot waves are stirring in the air wantonly, as if the last second was late autumn, and this second has entered midsummer, as if the whole world They all stepped on Lance's feet...

As soon as this idea came to his head, Brad twitched the corners of his mouth and shook his head self-deprecatingly—how is it possible? He was dizzy with heat and terrified. This is simply the most ridiculous joke he has heard since the millennium. It is absolutely impossible. Lance is just an opportunistic bastard. The success of "Fury Road" is a fluke. After the rain, the sky cleared and awakened people's enthusiasm.

"Yes, absolutely." Thinking of this, Brad chuckled, as if he was entertained by his own stupidity. He needed to regain his confidence and vigor. In front of Lance, he was still the one who had the upper hand Talent is right.

Immediately, Brad picked up his emotions and put on a gentleman's confident posture again, but after looking away, his smile couldn't be maintained, because the b-rn in front of him also started to lose his mind, absent-mindedly blaring frequently The carpet began to cast a line of sight, and there was a pause for at least three seconds, no question, no sound—even the camera lens had already switched to the beginning of the red carpet.

In the middle of an interview, but the scene was cut? Brad has not encountered such treatment for nearly ten years, which made him instantly return to the unknown period before. He couldn't help but raised his chin, touched his neck with his left hand, and calmed down. But even so, anger still surged in his throat.

It's not just a TV station. As far as the eye can see, all the reporters are rushing in the same direction like ocean currents. The uniform posture seems to be Lance's solo concert instead of the Oscars; the surrounding audience is As if it had been agreed in advance, Qi Shushua turned his head and looked at the beginning of the red carpet. Screams, shouts, and calls were accompanied by waves of wind blowing wheat, and all eyes were directed at the same time. Guided in one direction; even Angelina, who was standing beside him, turned her head and cast her eyes intently...

Brad gently squeezed Angelina's left hand on Angelina's waist, calling her back to her senses. Sure enough, Angelina turned her head around, but she frowned slightly, glanced at Brad, glanced at Alison and the cameraman in front of her, and said in a low voice, "Behavior Be polite, everyone's watching." This was a reminder to Brad not to lose control and lose his temper.

Amidst the roaring and tsunami-like cheers, Angelina's voice could not be heard at all, but Brad still made an accurate judgment from the shape of his mouth, and was directly **** off by this sentence. Who is behaving badly? In the ear, "Lance! Lance! Lance!" shouted continuously, resounding through the sky, and even the soles of his feet could feel the slight shock. Brad only felt a sweetness in his throat, and his blood surged.

Lance raised his brows slightly, obviously he didn't expect the cheers at the scene to be so crazy. This is not the way of "Fury Road". Lance turned around with a smile, waved his hand to the turbulent movie fans on the street behind him, and then nodded his head. Such a simple action made the "Lance!" , the scene seems to have begun to get out of control.

Turning around again, Lance could feel Emma's body trembling slightly uncontrollably, but he couldn't tell whether it was fear or excitement, but what was certain was that the earth-shattering cry really made people's blood boil, and all emotions were excited. Like a wild horse, it is difficult to control.

Lance retracted his arms slightly, and then Emma raised her head to look at Lance, and found a trace of stability in those eyes, a trace of stability in the stormy sea. Emma showed a confident smile, straightened her back a little, then raised her chin slightly, showing her most perfect side.

For today's Oscars red carpet, Emma ditched the hemlines that all the actresses opt for and went bold with trousers. The reason is simple, she wants to show a more mature and confident side of herself, standing beside Lance, she needs to become stronger. She knows that she still has a lot to learn and has a long way to go, but as long as she can walk side by side with Lance, she will not give up her efforts.

Under Lance's gaze, Emma took the lead, and then Lance also followed. The bright red carpet gradually brightened with each step, and the magic power of growing lotuses moved her Every sight, every heartbeat, every breath at the scene. The turbulent atmosphere between madness and enthusiasm has refreshed everyone's perception of top superstars.

"Lance, Lance..." The shouts of the reporters didn't work at all, they were completely submerged in the frenzied roar of the scene, even Javier Ulliel couldn't keep Lance's footsteps, They are like ants bumping in a tsunami. They can only hug a leaf tightly and drift with the current. Trying not to vomit is their limit. As for other behaviors, don't think about it at all.

Alison turned her head and showed a big smile to Brad and Angelina, "Welcome to the Oscars, I wish you good luck tonight!" Officially and politely, she took a half step back politely , I couldn't bear the anxiety in my heart anymore, greeted the cameraman, and strode straight towards Lance and Emma.

Brad and Angelina stood at the same spot, their faces livid, but the pride in their bones did not allow them to bow their heads, so they didn't reply or exchanged glances, the two of them held hands tightly, and turned towards the Kodak Theater Walked in the direction of the hall.

Not far away, Brad saw the backs of Gawain, Ian, and Theo walking into the hall. Gawain had a bright smile on his face, and he was gesticulating and describing something. It could be seen that they The mood is very happy. This made Brad grit his teeth secretly, but found that his teeth were almost broken.

"Welcome, welcome..." Alison said into the microphone from a distance, but the noise at the scene was too exaggerated, and her voice was still drowned out. Fortunately, as the red carpet host of TV station b, , she can block directly in front of Lance, and seize the initiative compared to the reporters who were left behind the railing, "Crazy, crazy, really crazy." Alison said into the microphone Speaking aloud, because it was so loud that she felt her throat was burning and hurting.

Lance finally stopped in his tracks, turned his head and nodded towards the audience, raised his hand and pressed down lightly. After another wave was set off at the scene, he calmed down a little, although the distance from Quiet was still extremely far away. The distance, but at least the voice can be heard.

"Welcome to Oscar. Crazy, all of this is really crazy, isn't it?" Alison was still sighing.

Lance shrugged his shoulders with a smile, "This at least shows that our box office figures are trustworthy." Alison was taken aback by such an unexpected joke, but many viewers in front of the TV burst into laughter. And the text reporters who were waiting for the live broadcast in the news center even slapped the table, bursting with laughter.

After "Fury Road" set a new box office record, there were gossip rumors that Chaos Pictures gave away countless movie tickets to boost the box office in this way, so there is a lot of water in the box office figures. This kind of gossip is pure fantasy. With the small net worth of Chaos Films, how could it be possible to have extra funds to buy box office? You can imagine it with your knees; It was very hotly discussed for a while.

Today, Lance fought back in such a way.

"This is indeed a crazy year. 'Fury Road' has created countless guys have surpassed 'Titanic'..." As soon as Alison said this, the whistle on the scene The voice became loud again, "Tonight, you are also the most watched crew. Emma Stone, may I ask..." Before the question could be said, the scene shouted, which was impressive. Obviously, after After "Fury Road", Emma's popularity has also risen sharply, and there are quite a few supporters, "Excuse me, this is your first time to attend the Oscars. I didn't expect you to walk on the red carpet with Lance. ,what do you think?"

"Lucky." Emma showed a big smile, "I think I'm the one in the crew who needs help the most, so Lance took the initiative to invite me to attend tonight's feast as a female companion."

This sentence turned around in Alison's mind before she realized: All the other actresses in the crew of "Fury Road" are all models, not to mention Charlize Theron, the queen of temperament. What Emma said just now was just teasing herself. Such wit and humor immediately caught Alison's attention, so she took advantage of the opportunity to ask another question, "So, what do you think of Lance?"

Emma raised her head, looked at Lance for a while, and then said with a smile, "He's Lancelot Strelo."

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