MTL - Movie Master-Chapter 1048 Everything is quiet

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Sid Ganis felt that his palms were a little slippery, and the feeling of suffocation made him a little at a loss. The trend of tonight's award ceremony was really beyond the expectations of many people.

Although "Fury Road" has a huge advantage in the technical department, the result of sweeping thousands of troops is disturbing. Such a powerful momentum even directly crushed "Letters from Iwo Jima", "Dream Girl" and "Pan Shen". The Labyrinth, seems to be showing all the signs, and the Academy judges voted for "Fury Road".

Sid knows better than anyone that the technical department is more professional, and many people may not vote at all, but such an absolute advantage is really too unusual, especially at the same time as "Little Miss Sunshine" has also sprung up, which is even more obvious. weird. If, if the "Road of Fury" really completes the counterattack... the idea is only here, Sid will rein in the precipice, not to let himself continue to think about it, he must calm down, he must maintain confidence, he has enough reasons I believe that "The Departed" is still the most powerful competitor.

Not long ago at the American Editors' Union, the winning result was another double egg yolk since 1989. "The Departed Walker" and "Babel" won in a tie, which means that the biggest hit tonight is still this Two works. In the past two decades, there have been only three occasions when the American Editors Guild's awards failed to match the Oscars, although two of them appeared after the millennium, when "Gangs of New York" lost to "Chicago," "Gladiator" lost to "Drug Network," but surprises are still rare, aren't they? And this year is double insurance, double insurance of "Infernal Walker" and "Babel Tower"!

What's more, Thelma Schoonmaker, the editor of "The Departed", is a big name in the industry. He has won two Oscar nominations in the past five Oscars, including "The Aviator" defeating The victory of "borrowing a knife to kill".

Thinking of this, Sid has completely returned to normal, straightened up with confidence, and waited for the announcement of the result.

Kate Winslet adjusted her breathing, and she could feel the slight tension on the surface of her skin. Her gaze could not help but projected towards the bottom of the stage, landed on Leonardo, and stretched her chin slightly. expressed his surprise. If possible, Kate naturally hopes to bring good news to Leonardo like Toby.

"The winner of the 79th Academy Award for Best Film Editing is..." Kate lowered her head and tore open the envelope in her hand after she finished speaking. After a lot of effort, Kate chuckled awkwardly, and said wittily, "I hope my intention to keep the tension is not too obvious." The simple sentence made the scene laugh slightly, and the atmosphere seemed to be a little bit tense. It relaxed a little, but then the tension swept over again, because Kate pulled out the card, she looked down at the name on it, her expression didn't change much, making it difficult to capture more information from the details, and then she He bent down and said into the microphone, "The winner is, 'Fury Road', Aaron Menke."

Quiet, quiet, that kind of dead silence slowly spread throughout the entire Kodak Theater, it seemed that at this moment, everyone forgot where they were, and even more forgot how to react, just letting go The emotions of surprise and astonishment caused the brain to shut down for a short time.

It’s not that Aaron Menke is not strong enough. In fact, on the contrary, Aaron has quietly won Oscar nominations for four consecutive years in the past four years. It can be said that his strength has been recognized by the industry and is enough to compete with Lance, who has been nominated for best director for four consecutive years, is comparable. But it is a pity that Aaron, like Lance, always seems to lack a little luck, and has not been able to turn the nomination into a trophy so far.

But because of the defeat of "Infernal Walker", in just ten minutes, after "Babel Tower", "Infernal Walker" also withdrew from the final showdown, which means that all the suspense has been revealed tonight? Sid's heart sank violently, he could hardly control his expression, he couldn't help but clenched the back of the chair with his hands, his knuckles began to ache because of the force, "No, no, of course not , Absolutely not, Martin Scorsese is still the biggest favorite for the best director, this is a barrier that Lance cannot surpass! But, what about the best film editing award..." Sid found that his brain It seemed that it couldn't work anymore, and the successive shocks almost made him breathless. He didn't even know whether the absolute strength of "Road of Fury" was more unbelievable, or the successive retreat of "Infernal Walker" and "Babel Tower" was even more unbelievable …

Sid forgot, however, that in 1989, the American Editors Guild's winners were "Rain Man" and "Mississippi Is Burning", while "Who Framed Loo Rabbit" won the Oscar for Best Film Editing that year? Jay". That year was the moment when the last double egg yolk was born, and it was also the third year in the past two decades that the results of the award were inconsistent.

The atmosphere at the scene was a little flustered for a while. They were not sure how much chance there was for "The Departed Walker", and they were not sure whether "Little Miss Sunshine" would really replace "The Departed Walker" and "Babel". Who will go to the director award again, also not sure if "Fury Road" is really over the top, or even whether the result of the best film editing award should be celebrated or should be shocked - this is a vote of 6,000 judges The result of the election, in other words, this is the result of everyone present here.

This moment of silence seems to be brewing emotions for the moment of historical subversion, it seems to be remembering the last peace before the historical change, it seems to be the moment of tranquility before the change of dynasty. This makes people a little confused, history, is it really created like this? Or, will there be surprises next?

For example, Martin Scorsese.

"Yeah!" Cheers and applause sounded suddenly, and the silence that was as short as a second but as long as a century was broken. Everyone looked over reflexively. The crew of "Fury Road" tonight Nine standing ovations, this one for Aaron Menke! No one can deny Aaron's strength. His victory tonight can be said to be the result of suffering, and it can also be said that he deserved it.

The applause of all the guests sounded like a chain reaction, and then became louder and louder, not only for Aaron who won the first statuette in his life, but also for the ninth statuette tonight "Fury Road"! Thinking of this, even a small number of guests stood up and gave applause. Unknowingly, "Fury Road" has undoubtedly become the only focus of tonight!

This work, which is advancing amidst controversy, is creating history step by step. Just as everyone is focusing on the ultimate suspense of the best picture, "Fury Road" has conquered one department after another in a down-to-earth manner, with ten nominations and nine statuettes. After the Best Film Editing Award for "Small Best Film", he is aggressively pointing to the Best Film Award! All competitors are crawling under their feet, whether it is "Infernal Walker" or "Babel Tower", even "Little Miss Sunshine" is hard to compete with, the momentum is like a rainbow, and it is awe-inspiring!

All the emotions such as excitement, excitement, apprehension, doubt, and hesitation in the chest collided together, and poured out in the applause heartily.

Aaron stepped onto the stage and took the statuette from Kate. Looking at the noisy crowd in front of him, his emotions were mixed for a moment, and he couldn't tell whether it was luck, joy or relief. Countless words came to his mouth, but he found that his brain was completely blocked, and he couldn't speak at all. The acceptance speech in his pocket was slightly hot, but he couldn't take it out. He just said with difficulty, "Uh...before the award ceremony , I wrote a special acceptance speech, listing all the people I need to thank, including the academy, including my family, including the entire cast, and I refuse to thank Lance specifically because he is a jerk, honestly, I Hate him." This unexpected statement had the audience roaring with laughter, "But...thank you, Lancelot Strelow, for the countless nights we've argued and wanted to kill each other, Thank you for that wild but brilliant idea that day, and thank you to my wife, Daisy-menk, who never left me after one boring night after another, I love you."

After finishing speaking Aaron put the statuette in his arms and shook it lightly, as if he was weighing the weight of the trophy. After stepping back, he politely invited Kate, and the two walked down together up the stage.

Thunderous applause from the audience!

Lance turned his head, and then saw the smile in Emma's eyes, the bright light of schadenfreude barely concealed, as if to say: You are really a jerk. Lance raised his eyebrows lightly, accepted the evaluation calmly, and then joined the applause of everyone, sending blessings to Aaron.

There is not much time until the end of the awards ceremony, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, Best Picture, that's all. There is not much time left for "The Departed Walker" or "Babel" to create miracles, and there is not much time left for Martin Scorsese to realize his dream of being the best director. "The time to create history is gradually approaching, and the tension and excitement in the air have not cooled down at all because the suspense has become weaker and weaker. Or history, is enough to make emotions start to boil, just like thousands of butterflies fluttering and flying in the chest at the same time, the restless blood makes every cell long for the moment when the answer is revealed.

Under the eyes of everyone, Philip Seymour Hoffman appeared.

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