MTL - Movie Master-Chapter 1059 Dynasty change

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The Oscar Awards Ceremony has just come to an end, and the Oscar night held by "Vanity Fair" has not yet started. The origin of this craze.

The reporters communicated with their editorial headquarters as soon as possible, trying to find a suitable perspective to report on tonight's historical moment, and then based on this, they went to Oscar night to obtain more information and really change this dynasty. The night flourished. Clearly, different media hold very different views.

Not surprisingly, "Fury Road's" triumph has drawn howls, protests, and even outrage from a conservative media that sees the cult film's success as a disaster , not only the beginning of the fall of the film industry, but also the beginning of the collapse of mainstream American culture.

"Christian Pravda" directly described the 79th Oscars as "moral depravity". Such sharp words were not only aimed at "Fury Road", but also pointed at "Little Miss Sunshine". The newspapers of different forms believe that the morbidity and darkness reflected in these two works are a kind of pollution and destruction of the mainstream moral thought of society, especially "Fury Road", which will not only become the chief culprit of destroying family harmony , and it will also be the beginning of the gradual disappearance of traditional moral concepts. The choice of the academy to reward such a terrible and evil work is undoubtedly a sign that the mainstream American culture has been polluted. "This is indeed an Oscar in the annals of history, a show of shame and shame, and it will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever." ".

The "Austin Chronicle" refused to compare "Fury Road" with "Midnight Cow/Lang". In their view, "'Midnight Cow/Lang' represents the confusion and pain of society. With the contempt and rejection of heresy and evil, the tragic ending made people deeply aware of the tragic ending of going astray. This is a masterpiece that sounded the alarm bell in the society", which undoubtedly implies homosexuality It's still a disgusting heresy, "but 'Fury Road' is advocating cults that erode people's thinking, corrupt the foundation of society, and destroy traditional concepts, just like Satan whispering evil spells, trying to destroy the truth, goodness and beauty in people's minds .Forty years ago, the academy chose to reward 'Midnight Cow/Lang', showing their courage to fight against social villains; Ignorance. This, is society's regression."

On the other hand, the words of the "Salt Lake Tribune" are also extremely fierce. They believe that this will be the beginning of the degeneration of the younger generation in the United States. , because this work by Lance will start to erode the entire American society from all aspects of culture. This is undoubtedly the evil result of luring/luting young people into the abyss for lack of judgment, and it will eventually lead to national turmoil and social chaos. fall back. They compared "Fury Road" to "rock and roll, drugs, alcohol and anarchy".

It can be clearly felt that the impassioned conservative forces, the act of "Fury Road" sweeping away the eleven statuettes on top of the Oscars, can be called the end of the world, lamenting, indignant, condemning, mourning, and heartbroken , Disappointed. However, the conservative forces are unable to change the awarding results of the academy, and it is a done deal. What makes them even more powerless is that they are alone now, and the praise of the mainstream media is almost drowning them.

Compared with criticism, more than 90% of the media are cheering for the arrival of the historical moment and celebrating the birth of a hearty victory. Just like the absolute advantage of "Fury Road" in the awards ceremony, the American media They also deeply felt that this change was irresistible, and they opened their arms to welcome the prelude to the new era. The media center at the Oscars is already well into party time.

However, even with praise, the mainstream media is still divided into two different camps, which once again proves Lance's conception of "Fury Road"-this is a mirror, different classes, different cultures, and different consciousnesses will be different. yielded quite different results.

The East Coast media headed by "New York Times" pay attention to the history created by Lance and Chaos Films. The spirit and reflection core contained in the work "Fury Road" are precisely the best reflections of the 21st century. Interpretation, winning an Oscar is only the first step, and its true greatness lies in its influence on the trend of the entire culture. Witness the enormous impact this night had on North American culture.

"The New York Times" with "Lancelot Strelow, the creator of brilliance, the master steps ahead of Orson Welles, Stanley Kubrick, and George Lucas!" The headlines reported that the reason why they believed that Lance was ahead of these masters was not because of an Oscar statuette, but because the cultural innovation represented by Lance had truly become a trend-setter.

Oxun created a brand-new film language and completely subverted the rules of film art; Stanley is unique in the world in his exploration and speculation of the future world, his exploration and in-depth study of social metaphors, and his exploration and utilization of lens language; George has changed The model of commercial film has brought the beginning of the modern film industry. It not only promotes visual special effects, but also makes film a carrier of whimsy, broadening a new field. Needless to say, they are all great.

The same is true for Lance. The use of lens language, the combination of vision and psychology, the exploration of contemporary society, and the combination of art and business are all enough to be recorded in history. But Lance went one step further, dominating Oscar as the representative of mainstream culture, and truly created a new era by himself.

Therefore, the "New York Times" not only named "Great" on Lance, but also proposed the title of "Film Master" for the first time, sending Lance to the height of the palace.

The "Chicago Sun" focused its attention on the characteristics of the times reflected in the work "Fury Road". Contradictions between groups, along with the fast food culture in the Internet age, began to be gradually magnified. When people thought that discrimination had been eliminated, the discrimination rooted in the depths of the Three Views was fully exposed, making society Realize that not only has discrimination not disappeared, it has never existed, and it has deep roots, and the road to eradicating discrimination is still a long way to go.

They believe that the 79th Academy Awards made history because of their courage to admit such prejudice and discrimination. The Academy did not repeat the mistakes of "Brokeback Mountain" again-after comparing the chaos and ugliness of last year's awards ceremony with "Fury Road", it made people have a deep understanding of discrimination. The sharpness and strength of the awards show that the Academy is still the most authoritative awards ceremony in North America.

On the other hand, the West Coast media headed by the "Los Angeles Times" paid attention to the earth-shaking changes in the film industry. They realized that Chaos Films was setting off a revolution. "Fury Road" is nothing more than "Iron Man" and "Invincible Hulk", which have not yet been released, and it is impossible to figure out a context, but what is certain is that this storm is sweeping the entire film industry, and even the six major Hollywood film companies They were also involved in this vortex.

The "Los Angeles Times" emphasized that the particularity of "Fury Road" does not lie in its R rating, nor in its cult, but in its unusual attitude, breaking through the shackles of the mainstream and writing miracles. The collision of ideas, technology application, publicity techniques and domineering challenge to authority reflected in the film changed the small pattern preference of independent films and truly interpreted the connotation of "independent films".

So far, most independent films have distinctive characteristics, small format, petty bourgeoisie, specific groups, self-talk, clear class consciousness, etc. "American Beauty", "Sideways", "Little Miss Sunshine", "Little Miss Sunshine", etc. "Brokeback Mountain" and other works are all like this. But "Fury Road"—or Lance has changed this status quo. The focus of independent films is not on "small structures or small groups", but on the spirit of bravely challenging yourself, breaking through the shackles, and experimenting bravely. Independent films can also discuss social issues in depth, can show epic magnificence, and can also be majestic. Investment costs and shooting techniques are not obstacles, but the way of thinking, the core of thinking, and the depth of thinking are.

The Oscar win of "Fury Road" is undoubtedly a complete subversion. It not only officially puts independent films on the stage of history, but also makes all practitioners, including the six major film companies, re-examine the art of film. .

The focus of the "San Francisco Chronicle" is on Chaos Films' seventh player Not only the box office data, but also the awards season results, Chaos Films has shown great potential in all aspects, especially Lance's alternative understanding, operation and interpretation of films will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the existing film industry. It's not for nothing that Fury Road is being called another Hentai or Star Wars, because Chaos Films is showing a new artistic approach, as well as a new commercial approach.

They raise an interesting point, "Is there really no other reason why Strelo chose 'Iron Man' and 'The Incredible Hulk' after 'Fury Road'?"

The intention of Chaos Films was exposed to people for the first time, which also meant that Hollywood really put Chaos Films in the position of a chess player. The "seventh player" is no longer just a joke. People have finally realized that Chaos Films not only has the ability to impact the six major film companies, but also has the ability to disrupt the entire film industry. The question is: Chaos Films has attracted everyone's attention, so, can they succeed?

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