MTL - Movie Master-Chapter 9 kill

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Ryan was a little flustered, because he knew Lancelot's ability better than anyone else. However, this panic was only for a while, and Ryan quickly calmed down. He was not sure how much Lance knew about "Lost in Translation", and he was not sure how much Lance's words would bring. Unknown, but what he can be sure of is that he will never give Lance a chance to rise again!

They have completely torn their faces apart, and they are at odds. Either you die or I die. In the mall, there is no friendship, only interests, so he will never leave any trouble for himself. He wants to strangle Lance's last hope, and witness the process of Lance's decay and decay with his own eyes—"Lost in Translation", he made a custom up!

After bidding farewell to Barry, although the two of them seemed calm on the surface, Ryan knew that the next cooperation negotiation would be full of thorns, and the difficulty would definitely increase exponentially. Ryan only felt that there was a breath in his chest, but there was no way to vent it. This feeling was really bad.

Ryan tried to find Lance in the crowd—this was not a very difficult task, and he quickly found Lance and Sophia who were talking, which made him clenched his teeth again. Ryan knew very well that few people could resist Lance's charm, and the shallow smile on Sophia's face at this moment seemed to verify this statement again, which made Ryan feel a dull pain in his chest.

He gritted his teeth and let out a long breath to calm down his overheated brain. Ryan quickly rearranged his thoughts, his expression returned to his usual calm and personable manner, and he took a step forward.

"Hey, you're here." Ryan's brisk voice attracted the attention of Sophia and Lance. His eyes fell on Lance, and he showed a surprised expression, "Hey, you're here too." It was as if this was the first time they met today.

Sophia raised her eyebrows in surprise, and looked at Lance, "You know each other?"

Lancelot nodded calmly, showing a helpless smile, "Sorry, I haven't had time to introduce myself, Lancelot-Strello, Ryan and I have known each other for more than ten years."

Lance was still a little caught off guard, the conversation between Ryan and Barry ended so quickly, and Ryan's sudden appearance also disrupted Lance's plan just now, and now everything is uncertain. However, Lance did not get confused, did not show signs of weakness in hecticness and astonishment, but took the initiative to tell the truth and set the facts straight; Met Ryan", but he was interrupted by Ryan before he had time to introduce himself.

Ryan could hear the sharpness hidden in Lance's words at once, he also shrugged with a smile, and added, "Diorama Films was founded by the two of us together, but it is a pity that Lance left not long ago The company." Ryan vaguely brought up Lance's real purpose, which is also the most important part that was missing from Lance's words just now.

Sure enough, Sophia's eyes widened in amazement. She obviously didn't expect such a coincidence. Countless thoughts burst into her mind. Her first thought was: Then, all the coincidences between Lance and herself just now were deliberate. Arranged? But this idea just burst out, Sophia was not sure, so she couldn't respond in time, she could only sigh, "Wow..." a meaningful sigh, "Wow..." again , Sophia narrowed her eyes slightly, "So, you know me?"

Sophia is a sentimental woman who lives in her own world most of the time, but that doesn't mean she's ignorant of these machinations, and it doesn't mean she's an idiot.

Lance chuckled lightly, the elegant arc of the corner of his mouth burst out instantly in the golden sunlight, and reflected in the azure blue eyes, outlining a fascinating halo. Sophia only felt that her heart missed a beat for an instant, and she held her breath involuntarily.

"Of course, of course I know you." Lance tucked his chin slightly, the clear sunlight pierced through the thick eyelashes, cast sparse shadows, and gently echoed in the deep facial features, "The 'Godfather' series is my repeated One of the movies I watched." Lance's smile was mixed with a hint of ridicule and apology, he looked up at Sophia, frowned and said beggingly, "Sorry, please forgive my rudeness, I am definitely not on purpose."

Just one sentence made Sophia burst into laughter. This was the first time she laughed so freely today.

As we all know, Sophia hates the mention of "The Godfather 3" the most. She made a cameo performance in her father's work, but in the end she won the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Supporting Actress and Worst Female Newcomer. The most terrible black history in her life. After that, Sophia repelled the entertainment industry for a long time, and those who are familiar with the Coppola family would avoid the topic of "The Godfather 3" in front of her with interest.

There was a hint of ridicule in Lance's banter just now, but Sophia couldn't hate it. The sincerity in those blue eyes easily convinced her, and the laughter overflowed like this, even Sophia herself All unexpected.

"A true gentleman should know how to start with self-introduction." Sophia restrained her smile and said solemnly, but the complaints in her words revealed her true emotions at this time—not only did she not mind, but she obviously The impression of Lance is particularly good.

Lance raised his eyebrows in surprise, "I thought true friends should start with spiritual communication."—Just like the conversation he had with Sophia just now, this is the subtext that Lance didn't express in his words.

Sophia was stunned, staring blankly at Lance in front of her, the smile in her eyes couldn't be concealed, her cheeks started to heat up slightly, which made Sophia lower her head shyly and embarrassedly, and licked her dry lips lips.

It was just two sentences of dialogue, and Lance once again pulled back the disadvantage.

Ryan couldn't help but secretly cursed in his heart, but his brain was calmer than ever before. He wasn't in a hurry, didn't rush to intervene, but quietly waited for his chance, "So, you mentioned it to Sophia just now?" Rui En En saw the stitches, and said a word to Lance.

Not only Lance, but even Sophia cast doubtful glances at Ryan, and Ryan followed Sophia's gaze and said seriously, "Lance mentioned to me not long ago that he The script Lost in Translation showed unbelievable fanaticism, he thinks it is a very good script, and he can't wait to work with you." After speaking, Ryan looked at Lance again and asked innocently, " Didn't you just discuss this?"

correct! All of Lance's guesses are correct. The cooperation project Ryan is seeking is "Lost in Translation", which also means that all Lance's actions just now are right on target! But the bad thing is that the window paper was pierced, and the conversation that Lance had painstakingly planned was completely broken—all the conversations he had with Sophia revolved around the core ideas of "Lost in Translation", and he added his personal opinion of Sophia understanding and speculation of mood.

If Sophia didn't know the story behind this, then she would only regard Lance as a bosom friend; but once the matter was exposed, Lance became a villain who deliberately sought cooperation—even taking advantage of Sophia's vulnerability. In fact, if Ryan comes later, five minutes, only five minutes, Lance will skillfully present the script of "Lost in Translation", and then start a conversation with Sophia in the name of "communication", so today's work It has already been completed, and the specific cooperation matters will be left to the next meeting, so as to avoid the current terrible situation.

However, Ryan didn't leave much room for Lance, not even for five minutes.

Ryan nailed Lance to death with a few simple words, and the decisive and ruthless methods left Lance almost no room for a comeback. However, this is not the end.

Ryan didn't give Lance time to pretend to be stupid, so he said again, "So, have you decided? Establish your own business? Or join a big company?"

Ryan's words contained two pieces of information. The first is that Lance doesn't even have a production company now, so he hopes to cooperate with Sofia in the filming of "Lost in Translation". The second is the possibility of cooperation between Lance and a big company, UU Reading This means that Lance has no advantage over Ryan—Ryan did not give Lance any advantage at all. Opportunity to explain Lance's production plan and thoughts on "Lost in Translation".

Another stab, a fierce stab, a fatal blow! It can be said that Ryan did not leave any chance for Lance to survive.

Sophia is an emotional person. She may fall in love with Lance's words, but she may also completely cut off all possibilities because of Lance's dishonesty. This is a double-edged sword. Lance used the front of the sharp blade just now, and now he was stabbed by the back of the sharp blade.

She looked at Lance in disbelief, the whole world in her eyes fell apart, the emotional storm surged in an instant, and then she turned and left without warning, striding away, decisive and decisive. Lance took advantage of Sophia's vulnerability and made a connection in a short conversation; now Ryan took advantage of Sophia's vulnerability and destroyed all trust in a few words.

Annoyance flashed in Lance's eyes, and his right hand clenched into a fist. He wanted to stop Sophia and explain further, but Ryan interrupted him. Ryan walked up to Lance with one stride, quickly shortened the distance between the two, and stopped his movements just a punch away from Lance's face. Lance could even feel Ryan's burning heat. snort, and then he heard Ryan's muffled voice take on an unprecedented level of tenderness—and sickening complacency.

"Dear Lance, I know you as well as the lines on my palm. Don't think you can escape from my palm."

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