MTL - Movie Master-Chapter 988 Foresight

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"The 'Los Angeles Times' asks, Lance, why is it a comic-book adaptation? I mean, why are the next two Chaos Films movies locked in comic-book adaptations? Is there any particular reason for this? Or is it , have you encountered some bottlenecks in the original script?"

Cliff Robinson's question really hit the nail on the head, and he deserves to be the chief entertainment reporter of the "Los Angeles Times". Although it is said that the East Coast media and the West Coast media have maintained a high degree of agreement on the issue of "Fury Road", in fact, differences between the two sides of the Strait regarding Lance still exist. In fact, this is the same as Martin Scorsese and Woody Allen. When their status reaches a certain height, many views on both sides of the strait seem to have gradually unified, but deep-rooted differences still exist. It's just that the form and method of expression are different.

For example, Cliff's question today is still sharp, but the topic is much more tactful. Apart from "Fury Road", Lance's current status in the industry is indeed different.

"Bottleneck?" Lance raised his eyebrows slightly. Although the question came back to him after a circle, it was obvious that Cliff's question seemed more stylish. "Should I be happy or depressed? The best original screenplay statuette is less than a year old, right? Some people are already worried about my creative bottleneck, and I will take this as a compliment." Lance's joking words made the reporters chuckle, from From this aspect, we can also see people's expectations and trust in Lance.

"Isn't it obvious why I chose to adapt comics to movies? I always believe that the fantasy world depicted in comics and the world of movies have a lot in common." Lance's expression seemed to be complacent, as if he had long been concerned about such a problem Knowing it clearly, "Just as you are willing to believe that a lightsaber and awakening the force are the mysteries of the space world, many people are also willing to believe that wearing underwear/underpants and taking off glasses can save the world."

"Pfft", Robert was drinking water. After hearing Lance's description, he almost sprayed the water out, but even so, he choked in his throat and started to cough. He waved his hands again and again to indicate that he was fine and avoided got everyone's attention.

Hearing Lance's answer, Cliff was also a little anxious, ignoring the rule that each reporter could only ask one question, and directly raised his voice and said, "So, are you comparing the adaptation of comic books with 'Star Wars'? ?”

"I don't see anything wrong." Lance's calmness made all the reporters gasp.

The reason why "Star Wars" is classic is that it breaks the barriers of imagination, truly presents the wonders of space, and builds an imaginative world. The cultural influence of "Star Wars" in North America can be said to be unmatched. But now, Lance actually puts "Star Wars" and comic-adapted movies on the same level in an understatement. "Shocking" is not enough to describe the turbulent waves in the hearts of reporters at the moment.

For a while, everyone was stunned, their brains were a little overwhelmed, and they were not sure whether Lance was full of ambition or stupid. Even the "Harry Potter" series dare not say that in North America The influence of "Star Wars" has caught up, and Lance is so brazen? Looking at the influence of the first two parts of "Spider-Man", and then looking at the influence of the trilogy of the "X-Men" series, even if the depth and breadth of cultural influence of these five works are accumulated, they are not as good as one "Star Wars".

"Lance, I... ahem, I'm from the 'Houston Chronicle'. Can I understand that you created a post-apocalyptic world in the work 'Fury Road' and made people feel that world fantasy; now you hope to create a parallel time and space constructed in comics through works such as 'Iron Man' and 'Invincible Hulk', to show the impact of those capable heroes on the ordinary world?"

Lance raised his eyebrows lightly, and said with a chuckle that you should be a manga lover. This sentence successfully made the reporter's cheeks flush, "You can understand it as parallel time and space, but what I understand is the real world." At this point, Lance leaned forward slightly, with a serious look on his face participating in academic discussions, "Don't you believe in the existence of abilities?" I mean, it's like the 'X-Files'. "

This is a very interesting topic, from comics to natural phenomena, two fields that seem to have no connection are beginning to hand over.

In fact, in the comics, most of the abilities are not natural phenomena, for example, people are aliens, or Spiderman was bitten by a radioactive spider, or Batman has no ability at all, but Lance was caught by this Two abnormal phenomena that are "different from common sense" are connected together.

Just as many people believe in natural phenomena because they believe they are evidence of aliens, similarly, many people believe in comic book superheroes because they believe that poorly understood phenomena and abilities are real . Moreover, the supporters of those natural phenomena firmly believe that the government/government covers up these phenomena and refuses to be known by the public; similarly, those admirers of super heroes also believe that the government is also covering up the fact of the existence of capable people, Just like the "X-Men", or even quietly artificially create capable people, just like "Captain America".

Both fields are unrecognized fringe disciplines, but they have also aroused enduring discussions. Lance's words seem to have opened a whole new door. Maybe their supporters will refute each other, maybe a small number of supporters will verify each other, but what is certain is that the following discussions and debates will be Presenting a new scene - the TV series "X-Files" aired a total of ten seasons and two movies before it was discontinued in 2002. The strong influence is unquestionable, and comic fans also benefit from "Spider-Man" , "Batman", "X-Men" and their power gradually increased...

In other words, Lance is trying to make matters worse.

Lance did have this kind of calculation. After the production news of "Iron Man" and "Invincible Hulk" came out, not only Warner Bros., but also other old foxes could sniff out the anomaly. It was only a matter of time. So since it has been exposed, why not use this wave to focus all eyes on it? Not only for the audience, but also for those in the industry, paving the way for the Marvel Universe in an orderly manner.

There was a sudden commotion at the scene. Although they couldn't understand Lance's blueprint for the entire Marvel universe and even the natural universe, they could indeed feel that choosing "Iron Man" and "Invincible Hulk" was not a random coincidence. But carefully arranged. Shocked, excited, excited, curious, anxious... Countless emotions began to surge in the banquet hall.

Because the bomb thrown by Lance is really amazing, even the reporters need a little time to digest it. Only when they calm down can they see the whole grand plan, so that some of the next questions seem to be less interested. It can be imagined that today's press conference is over. Afterwards, the entertainment pages of the major media are bound to be full of excitement.

In a blink of an eye, the press conference came to an end, and Jimmy announced that the next question was the last one. The right to speak on this issue fell into the hands of "Entertainment Weekly". Chris Rosen thought about it, and there were too many questions in his mind. Even an exclusive interview was not enough, let alone just one question. "Excuse me, will you attend the Golden Globes this year?"

As soon as the question came up, the scene was silent for a moment. The Hilton Hotel they were in was the venue of the Golden Globe Awards every year, so this question would not seem out of place. The point is, people are actually very curious about the answer to this question - I have to admit that there are really too many topical gimmicks surrounding Lance, and there are too many to count.

Lance couldn't help chuckling, "I didn't expect this." He really didn't expect that October has not yet arrived, and the waves of awards season haven't even started warming up, at least until the end of the Toronto Film Festival Later, when the New York Film Festival or the Independent Spirit Awards kicks off, it will gradually start to emerge, which is too early, "Awards season is still a long time away, isn't it? I don't think I will be a guest this year. "

"Fury Road" is a commercial movie. It is almost impossible to replicate the miracles of "Titanic" and "Lord of the Rings 3". The "Inception" of "The Lord of the Rings" is Numerous public opinions believe that they are worthy of an Oscar nomination for best picture, but the stingy academy still closed the door indifferently. The reason is that "Lord of the Rings 3" swept thousands After the army, the academy worried that the commercial atmosphere was too strong, which would affect the authority of the Oscars, so it completely closed the door to commercial films. "Mad Max 4: Fury Road" in the previous life won the nomination seat, but that was already 2o15 years—a full twelve years have passed since "Lord of the Rings 3" reached the top! But now it's only 2oo6 years.

What's more, in last year's Academy PR for Oscars, Lance used moral kidnapping to play those old pedants ruthlessly, and the "crash" ended with the last laugh, which made the academy a laughing stock. What their attitude towards Lance this year is still unknown, and the main player of the Chaos Film Awards season will be "Queen", not "Fury Road".

"But, what if you win the nomination?" Chris asked, still unwilling to give up easily.

Lance looked at Jimmy, as if to say, "The last question is the last one", but unexpectedly, Jimmy also looked at Lance eagerly and cast a curious look, which made Lance laugh dumbly. He gently retracted his chin, and retracted the smile on the corner of his mouth, "Then I will look forward to the nomination list."

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