MTL - Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!-v2 Chapter 965 I want to see one side before I die.

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Under her leadership and command, they are just like hanging up, and the news is repeated.

Under such successive blows, the W country did not dare to act rashly. Their army retreated to a safe sea and did not dare to go further.

Seeing that they are so honest, the army of the z-state is very happy, but Xia Xinghe always feels that things are not simple.

This time, the w-country is determined to capture the z-state, so it should not give up so soon.

She let the army still strengthen the prevention, in short, there is no intention because the enemy's withdrawal.

At the same time, during this time she did not forget to join other countries and strongly called for the execution of He Lanyuan.

Regardless of whether or not the country w collides with He Lanyuan, he cannot stay. In case they really have collusion, it is the harm of the world!

Regarding the execution of He Lanyuan, everyone has no opinion.

Lian ~ United States can not resist the pressure, and finally decided to execute him, but He Lanyuan's body inexplicable decline a lot, in fact, the whole person is almost dying.

And he also made a request, he wants to see an Eve before he dies.

He hopes that the United Nations can help her find people in exchange, as long as he can let him see her, he is willing to explain anything.

In order to learn more about how he harmed the earth from Helan Yuankou, the United Nations agreed to his request.

In fact, the most important thing is that He Lanyuan will provide a lot of high-tech to them.

For high technology, countless countries want to have it, otherwise others will have them, but they will only have a backward share.

Then at the joint conference, even if some countries, such as the country of z, opposed the request of He Lanyuan, most of the countries agreed to satisfy him.

After the meeting was passed, they began to help find Eve.

Even He Lanyuan personally faced the camera and said something to Eve. What he said could not be heard. But he also said some language that he could not understand, that language is not any language on earth.

After Xia Xinghe's analysis, she felt a bit similar to some secret numbers.

Xi Mubai also thinks this way.

"What must he hint at your mother? Threatening her has to appear." Xi Mubai's low analysis.

"It should be." Xia Xinghe nodded.

Xi Mubai has another worry. "I am afraid that your mother will appear. When the time comes, the United Nations Congress will be against her."

After all, she grew up with He Lanyuan. Who knows that the United Nations Congress will not doubt her problems.

"This is also my worry." Xia Xinghe frowned slightly.

He Lanyuan certainly has a way to threaten her appearance. He did not threaten it before because he still could not reveal his existence.

Now he is sure that there is nothing to worry about.

What if my mother really appears?

Xi Mubai firmly said: "So we must find her first and help her safely."

Xia Xinghe shook his head helplessly. "If we can find it, we must have found it. And she is not willing to show up."

Yes, Xia Xinghe has become a world celebrity, and He Lanyuan’s plan has also been destroyed. If Eve is on earth, she must have known the news. If she wants to appear, she will have appeared.

Not waiting until now.

Xi Mu Bai passed the shoulder of Xia Xinghe and softly comforted her: "Since we can't find her, she hides herself and believes they will not find it."