MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 1981 Devil training

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The first nine hundred and eighty-one chapter devil training

"Qin Chao, do you really intend to practice for years?"

Su Ji asked Qin Chao before standing in the cultivation room separated from the floating treasure house.


Qin Chao nodded. "In a year, I must make good use of this year and develop my strength."

Cao Cao and his own agreement, one year is limited.

"Although I can't use the konjac to practice Dafa, I still have to rely on the dragon girl and the time difference to attack my strength."

Qin Chao told Su Ji, "So, this practice must be carried out."

"One year into the prison, like a prison, you are not afraid of our sisters resentment."

Su Ji said to the Qin Dynasty like a smile.

Qin Chao understands that even now, this Su Ji heart is sure to have some taste for the Qin Dynasty's three wives and four sisters.

He quickly comforted.

"Do not worry, even if I am in the body, but I will also use the konjac of the nine secluded dogs to separate out. The magic dog needs the least amount of power, I will certainly not disappear in your sight in this decade."

"In fact, even if you are on the body, the chances of appearing in front of me are few and poor."

Su Ji talked with such a grievance, Qin Chao listened to the truth.

"You are a big official in Qin, but there are countless harems, so many beautiful people are waiting for you to deal with it. My Su Ji, seems to have been beaten into the cold palace!"

"How can it be!"

Qin Chao quickly argued, "You really have nothing to say about Su Damei in my heart! You always say, I don't run upside down immediately!"

"With this sentence, the courtier is relieved."

Su Ji grinned.

"Don't go back this time?"

The Qin Dynasty suddenly took Suji’s hand and looked at Suu Ji with some eagerness.

"For the time being, the things in the West have basically stabilized. My queen is also boring, come back and help my sister to work hard. She is busy in Taikoo City, and you don't say what to help. Only I am a sister, I understand my sister."

Said, Su Ji looked at the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, revealing such a kind of embarrassment.

"You told me, how did you put my sister on it! My sister's eyes are so high, how come you guys are good..."

"Do you have such a husband!"

Qin Chao was not happy, exposed Su Ji, took a picture on her hips.

Su Ji is a pretty face, but this hot girl is not a shy type.

In turn, she slammed directly on the **** of Qin Chao.

"It's too strong, not flexible, uncomfortable! Or my sister's cockroaches are comfortable!"

"I rely on you, this is the red-naked naked lure - confuse old paper!"

Qin Chao suddenly snarled.

"Just tempted - confuse you, swollen drops, have the ability to go to eat your sister!"

Su Ji in the Qin Dynasty, all kinds of gloating, the Qin Chao is gnashing.

This girl is too bad, she really can't uniform her!

"I have to go to practice, and I can think of so many beautiful things."

"When are you a big ghost, when do you want to be fragrant?"

Su Ji easily debunked the mind of the Qin Dynasty.

"Hey, don't think that the girl doesn't know. You have been eating your sister for a long time, but you have no chance! No, I still want to fly with our sisters?"


Looking at Su Ji’s eyes, Qin Chao suddenly felt guilty.

"Oh, don't take it for the girl."

Said, she pushed Qin Chao, broke free of the embrace of the Qin Dynasty, and then said.

"Go, go in and make changes, when you come out, wait for you to defeat Cao Cao, my sister and I will reward you!"

"Really, really!"

The water in the Qin Dynasty almost came down.

I thought I could sleep with Suzie sisters...

This, there is something happier than this in the world!

"Rely, wipe your saliva first!"

The little girl couldn’t help but swear, "I know that you guys can’t be swindled, and you put your heart out in a few words! Soon!"

"This... mainly because you said that getting too tempting - confusing, I really can't hold it."

Qin Chaoxiao smiled.

"Hey! Bastard, wait until you promise Cao Cao!"

After that, Su Ji gave Qin Chao a big white eye. "I am going to help my sister. I have no time to accompany you. You must hurry and practice. Don't forget to go to heaven. You can find you." Looking for anxious!"

"Yeah, I know."

Qin Chao nodded, "You and Su Shi are clean, I am waiting for me to go out!"

Qin Chao was moved in the heart, and the heart said that Su Ji was deliberately taking this to hook himself and let himself work hard to cultivate.


Su Ji gave the Qin Dynasty a white eye, and then the whole person crossed the void and instantly disappeared in front of the Qin Dynasty.

Su Ji also knows that when it is not a child's affection, everything should be based on the overall situation.

If you talk about love or something, you can beat Cao Cao and it’s not too late.

After Su Ji left, Qin Chao also divided his own magic dog, and then walked into the ethereal practice room.

"Bad boy, are you ready?"

Roone's voice sounded.


Qin Chao nodded.

"Do you really want to use this method..."

"Of course, let's die and die."

Qin Chao said, "Continuously climbing back from the edge of death, I can make the fastest progress."

"It's really hard for you, in order to win Cao Cao, I still want to use this method."

Rooney sighed. "However, it seems to be the fastest way to improve."

At this time, Qin Chao sat cross-legged in the room and began to practice.

At the same time, his Yangshen was smashed into the ethereal purple house of the body.

At this time, the ethereal purple house, the space became extremely wide, another Qin Chao, is standing there.

This is his own heart.

The Qin Dynasty's heart is already strong.

And as he improves himself, his demons are also rising.

The body practiced in the ethereal practice room for three hundred years, and the dragon girl practiced in the ethereal purple house for 100,000 years!

The Qin Dynasty's own Yangshen also entered the ethereal purple house, preparing to practice for 100,000 years, and constantly strengthen their own Yangshen.

In order to defeat Cao Cao, Qin Chao really got rid of everything.

Cao Cao, you will wait for me!

After a year, I will make you regret it!


The opposite Qin Chao, instantly began to be demonized.

His skin turned into a slight black, and his body was covered with red magic lines.

A red violent wave broke out from him.

The swell of the air swept through the entire ethereal purple house.

Even if you hide from the lively Roni and Rhodes, you can't help but worry.

"Qin Xiaozi is doing this, is it OK?"

Rhodes is worried.

"It’s feasible to fight with the demons to improve themselves, but it’s a trick."

Roone touched his beard and said, "The most painful thing in the world is to fight against his own demons. The stinky boy chooses such a path, no less than the road to Shura. I am afraid, in this 100,000 years, he The heart will always be in pain. But this is his own choice. Ten years later, he will surely surprise you and I will surprise Cao Cao."

"I hope so, I only hope that Qin Xiaozi will not have any three long and two short."

"Oh? You are a demon, you still have this feeling?"

Roone looked at Rhodes in surprise.

"Cough, you think too much, the deity is a feeling of it. If Qin Xiaozi hangs, who still teaches me the big trick! Go, go back and play ninety-eight?"

"Looking at you, watching the stinky boy and the heart fight, isn't it more enjoyable?"

"It’s also...hey, don’t you say that Qin Xiaozi’s demon is quite fierce! It’s also a devil than the deity.”

"The strength of the stinky boy is increasing rapidly, and the demons are becoming more and more ferocious."

Rooney said, "He is unsteady and his heart is terrible. Under the state of possession, he can have the power of Da Luo Tian Xian. And his demons are already the power of the fairy period. The only thing that can be relied upon The stinky boy can use the power of God, but the demons can't, but can only use magic. But the evil spirits are the natural killing machine, which is really hard to say."

He said, he picked up the white gold lotus in his hand. "When it is a last resort, this fairy will use the white gold lotus that absorbs the power of the ancient axe to force the demons to save the stinky boy."

Between the words, the demons have moved.

The magical version of the Qin Dynasty is like a runaway tank.

Both hands were turned into black claws, and the red text was repeated.

The movements under the feet are also much faster, and they appear behind the Qin Chao in the blink of an eye.

A note of the nine sorcerer's palm, smashed toward the vest of the Qin Dynasty.

This is extremely fast, Qin Chao almost did not respond.

But his King Kong automatically launched the golden light of the body broke out, the arm of the demons was bounced off, and Qin Chao himself was directly shaken out.

The power of the demons is too strong!

Qin Chao body rolled in the air and stabilized his body.

Rely on, the magic version of yourself is so strong!

But it is just like this, just give it!

"Good, let us continue to fight for 300 rounds!"

The golden light of the Qin Dynasty flashed, the power of the Diamond Sutra passed through the whole body, and the power of God continued to surge in the Yangshen.

In order to fight Cao Cao, everything went out!

The devil is a **** horse, come on!

The Qin Dynasty turned into a golden light, and the heart turned into a black-red light, which collided directly in the air and turned into a fierce temper.

Just when the Qin Chao body fought in the body and the demons, when he was doing devil training, his avatar had already arrived in heaven.

Qin Chao practiced now, and what is used in one heart and two, is basically not a problem.

Otherwise, he can't create the magical spell of the konjac.

Since Nine Days of Immortal became the BOSS of Heaven, it has become a peaceful place.

A watchman of the gate looks like a newcomer. When he saw the Qin Dynasty, he suddenly yelled at him in a cold and cold manner.

"Where is the mountain village wild fairy, here is the heavenly place, and you can enter it casually!"

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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