MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 1992 Marry 1 marriage

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The first nine hundred ninety-two chapters to marry together

"Fang Mei...Is there a boyfriend?"

Qin Chaoxin said that the time he left was not short. Some things were afraid of change, so he asked carefully.

"Hate, what to say!"

Fang Wen suddenly took a look at Qin Chao. "Qin brother is the most hated, how can I have a boyfriend!"

"Also...that... there is something to ask you..."


Fang Wen looked at Qin Chao somewhat strangely. She didn't know what her Qin brother had to ask.

"That... I am getting married..."


Fang Wen’s face suddenly dimmed.

Qin Chao said quickly.

"Fang Wen, I don't know... Can you accept polygamy..."

Qin Chao said, and he came up with an invitation letter. "If you can accept it... you will be my wife."

"Qin, Qin Da brother wants to marry me..."

Fang Wen was suddenly shocked.

"Yeah... but... you know my situation, it's impossible to only marry one person..."

The Qin Dynasty said it was awkward. "I don't know if you can accept such a ridiculous wedding...but I swear, if you marry me, I will be good to you."

Fang Wen is also one of the sister papers she must win.

She and herself have also experienced a lot of things.

"That... Lili will marry too?"

Unexpectedly, Fang Wen suddenly asked such a sentence, and asked Qin Chao to ask.

"Don't you say you don't want Lili!"

Fang Wen screamed for her good sister. "Lili and you have experienced a lot... For a while, you even forgot Lili... Now, you won’t remember it..."

"I think, I want to..."

Qin Chao knocked on the temple. "You and Lili, I have thoughts."

"Oh, that's good, Qin Da Ge can't be Chen Shimei."

Fang Wen said, his invitation letter, "Lili got the invitation letter, I will marry her with her, so that's it!"

"Okay, okay..."

Qin Chao knew that the big things were coming again.

However, this is his own choice, he must face.

This is also his responsibility, he must be responsible.

Hu Lili paid for him, absolutely a lot. Not to mention Hu Lili, Qin Chao feels sorry for the conscience of heaven and earth.

"Then I want to go to Lili with you!"

Fang Wen took the arm of Qin Chao and said, "I haven't seen her for a long time. Does Qin Big Brother know where she is?"

"I know."

Qin Chao nodded.

"That's good... this dead Nizi, I haven't contacted me for so long, I don't know where to go..."

Fang Wen said with some resentment.

"Fang Wen, hurry to prepare, go on a business trip tomorrow!"

At this time, the manager just came over and saw Fang Wen and other men standing together, and suddenly said to the eternal life.

"Manager, I am sorry, I have to take time off, can't travel!"

Fang Wen said solemnly.

"Leave off? What reason?"

The manager was slightly surprised.

"I...get married!"

Fang Wen looked at the invitation in her hand and said to the manager with a smile.

Manager, suddenly stupid.

"Qin brother, let's go!"

After Fang Wen made the manager stupid, the laughter was like a silver bell, and when he pulled up Qin Chao, he ran out of the office.

Qin Chaoxin said, I did not expect Fang Wen to have such a love side.

"Qin Big Brother, I will give you to you today!"

After Fang Wen came out of the office, he said to the Qin Dynasty.

Qin Chao suddenly became evil, and looked at Fang Wen in various wretries.

Fang Wen also seems to realize that she has made a mistake, and she is very busy, and she is busy with her hand.

"Qin, Qin Big Brother... You misunderstood, I mean, I will follow you today, and I will see you Lili..."

"I didn't say anything else, Wenwen, I haven't seen you for a long time, your thoughts have become complicated!"

"Qin brother... you are necrotic..."

Fang Wen is ashamed.

"How can I be broken! It is obviously your own evil!"

Qin Chaoxiao smiled.

"Qin brother... you are getting worse..."

Fang Wen gently hammered the arm of Qin Chao. "Then we are still going to find Lili..."

"Go, of course."

Qin Chao said quickly.

Although seemingly did not care about Hu Lili on the surface, Qin Chao’s heart has always been remembered.

In his mobile phone, there have been people from Rakshasa who sent messages to report on Hu Lili.

After running from Taikoo Shing, Hu Lili still worked around, seemingly to avoid contact with herself.

But Hu Lili did not know that the Qin Dynasty had sent people to secretly follow her.

"Lily, it’s time for a break at noon, I can eat."

A girl shouted under the stage.

Hu Lili suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, walked down from a beautiful Mercedes-Benz stand and walked into the lounge.

At the Auto Show in Sunan City, Hu Lili ran to the model of the auto show with her own appearance.

This little fox Meizi is wearing a beautiful fashion, standing next to the sports car, suddenly attracting men's attention.

Others passed her photo on Weibo, and Hu Lili suddenly took a fire and was judged to be the most beautiful car beauty in the auto show.

"Lily, is there any gold master in the world today?"

Next to one is also a natural beauty, but the day after tomorrow added a lot of makeup makeup model paper, while asking for a box lunch, asked.

"No... I am not interested in the gold master, you don't know it..."

Hu Lili casually dealt with it. "I just came out to work during the holidays."

"Cut, fake and pure."

The sister paper pouted, no longer cares about Hu Lili, and began to take a meal.

"That is... come here, a few don't want to find a gold master to go back..."

Another sister's paper is very exposed, almost the legendary Qi B short skirt, while pleading with makeup, while cynicism.

The appearance of Hu Lili directly took away the limelight of these people.

Some gold owners intentionally or unintentionally go to Hu Lili, which can not let them feel bad!

There are many women, and there are many right and wrong. It is the so-called three women’s drama. The drama at this auto show has continued.

Hu Lili did not say anything, silently eating a box of rice.

If you want a gold master or something, Hu Lili has a fox enchantment in the past, and definitely can get a lot of it.

The famous predecessors of ancient times were self-confident, and even the emperors were able to make sure that these golden masters were counted.

But Hu Lili didn't want to be like this, she didn't want to be a fox monster.

Sometimes, she wants to go back to the college days that she didn't know before.

If you give her a chance to choose... she may, I will choose to know Qin Chao.

For the Qin Dynasty, Hu Lili never regretted it.

However, she does not know how to face the Qin Dynasty.

Very awkward... really awkward.

She found that she was in a mood to eat, so she slammed two times and then returned to her car booth.

When Hu Lili came out, several men suddenly came around to see the car.

Said to look at the car, it is better to say that it is taking the opportunity to peek at Hu Lili.

Hu Lili is also used to it, look at it, and it won't drop meat anyway.

She didn't wear it, and the skirt went up to the knee, not as much as other girls.

"Beauty, you are blocking me from watching the car."

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in Hu Lili's ear.

Hu Lili suddenly widened her eyes in surprise and looked at the man who did not know when it appeared.

The man was almost thinking and thinking, appearing in his dreams every day.

Hu Lili’s eyes couldn’t help but get wet.

Qin Chao stood under the stage, the dark road, I rely, come again!

"God!, where did the surgery!"

Fang Wen, who was on the side, rushed up directly and then grabbed a hand on Hu Lili’s chest.

This suddenly envied a lot of people who watched the car.

I want to touch the trough...

"Ah! It turned out to be genuine... Did you fight hormones?"

"Wen Wen, I miss you..."

Hu Lili saw her girlfriend's appearance, couldn't help but have a sore nose, hugged Fang Wen and cried.

"Dead Nizi, think that I don't come to see me, I thought you ran away with which man!"

Fang Wen couldn't help but want to cry. The two girls hugged and kept crying.

Qin Chao looked around and was embarrassed.

At this time, the manager on the BMW side was not happy. He came straight and said.

"Hu Lili, what are you doing, pay attention to the impact during work!"

The beauty of other auto show locations are sitting on the sidelines, ready to watch the fun.

"This gentleman, come here."

The Qin Dynasty waved to the boss.

"Which one are you?"

The boss hesitated and asked.

"this is my name card."

Qin Chao plugged the business card of the chairman of Dafa Group and said, "Let her stay with me for a while. This year's business car market share is your company."

"Know, I know... Qin Dong..."

The manager was ecstatic.

Dafa Group's business car market share for one year!

made money! made money!

With this list he can directly upgrade to the general manager of Asia!

Don't talk about staying for a while, you can do it all your life!

If this girl is his daughter, he will marry Qin Dong directly!

Unfortunately, this girl is just a model hired by his men. I hope this girl will not sweep the face of Qin Dong...

"Lily... Fang Wen... Let's go, let's go eat."

The Qin Dynasty felt that so many people were doing something awkward.

And the female models waiting to see the excitement, can not help but stunned.

Why did you want to watch the drama code not staged?

What is the man who comes to the head!

"What do the two beautiful women want to eat?"


The two girls said in unison, Qin Chao could not help but laugh.

The first time three people have eaten, it is indeed in that place.

At that time, it was still discussed that Qin Chao was a student of security.

Unexpectedly, between the blink of an eye, things have been awkward.

"When I left, there was a family next to me. I was not happy when I was eating. I didn't have enough food. It would be really hungry!"

Hu Lili touched the flat belly, then pulled Fang Wen and ran away, not waiting for Qin Chao.

Qin Chao smiled helplessly and followed.

Today, Hu Lili must be done! Whether it is holding it or pushing it down!

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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