MTL - My Beautiful Teacher-Chapter 2009 The will of the earth

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Chapter 2,009


The earth is shaking again.

The blockade of time was broken.

Li Baishan pointed a finger at the opposite Qin Chao, loud.

"Qin Dynasty, Qin Chao, actually played these little tricks with Li Baishan, you are looking for death!"

Said, the black streamers behind him are constantly flying.

A black-red ball of light on the finger continually condenses, swells, and then shrinks!

This huge force makes the surrounding air mourn.

In the end, the light ball suddenly disappeared.

And a thick black and red light went straight to the Qin Dynasty.

But at this time, Qin Chao’s body suddenly disappeared.

This black-red light directly penetrates the earth's atmosphere, passes through the solar system, and passes through the passing planets. It has been flying far away, and it seems that the end of the universe will not rest.

"Hide? When can you hide?"

Li Baishan sneered, then saw a few beautiful women standing next to him.

"You don't show up, I will kill these women."

Said, Li Baishan palms directed at Zhao Jingjing, they are ready to launch a major destruction.

"I didn't expect you to be a villain who threatened the enemy with a woman..."

The voice of the Qin Dynasty suddenly fell behind Li Baishan.

Li Baishan suddenly turned his head and saw the Qin Dynasty standing behind him.

When did the Qin Dynasty come behind him!

I didn’t even feel it!

This... is not scientific!

Moreover, at this time, Qin Chao did not know why, it seemed to be completely integrated with the heavens and the earth.

He stood there, but Li Baishan could not feel a trace of his body.

The power of the Qin Dynasty at this moment, he actually could not understand!

He surpassed the big idea?


I want to be detached from the big idea, this is not something that the two sessions can do. It takes thousands of years to gain enlightenment!

Li Baishan himself also spent nearly a thousand years of effort to understand how to transcend the mind.

This Qin Chao must work hard, how can I do it!

"Qin Chao, I advise you to admit defeat."

Li Baishan suddenly turned his eyes and said.

"I am in a hurry, I directly destroy this solar system. I can continue the reincarnation with the Su family sisters and the other planets with the five elements. And all your loved ones will die because of your attachment." ""

Said, the black-red halo behind his head lit up.

A black-red force fell into his right hand, gathering into a black-red sword and then suspended in the air.

As long as Li Baishan waved his hand, this black and red sword would fall into the earth and directly smash the earth.

The black sword floats in the air and continues to expand and become larger.

The power of black and red is constantly gathering in the sword.

This black and red sword, after a while, is already a hundred meters long!

I will expand again and I don't know how much I have to change!

Seeing everyone in this scene, my heart is tense again.

Many people even started to roar.

"Give it! Let the **** admit defeat!"

"Yes! For his own woman, is it necessary for us all to be buried?"

I don't know how many people started to roar and come to Qin Chao.

The Qin Dynasty floated quietly in the air.

At this time, he is capable of knowing the power and can hear any voice between heaven and earth.

Those screams were also introduced into his ears.

"selfish ghost!"

"Pseudo-hero! Let him die!"

A burst of screams, unbearable, flooded into the ears of Qin Chao in all directions.

"Bad boy, don't pay attention to them!"

Rooney quickly reminded Qin Chao, "These people simply don't know how many times you saved the earth!"

The opposite of Li Baishan, is also the ability to pass the god.

These are called snoring, and he also listened really, and suddenly couldn’t help but laugh.

"Ha ha ha! Qin Chao, you know what, the earth you guard, the people you guard, they have never expected the emergence of your hero! It is better to do this, let us be a game!"

Li Baishan said, big channel.

"Dear dear on earth, I know, you certainly don't want me to destroy the earth because of this man! Then, have you seen it, I have created a sword."

Li Baishan said, reaching out and pinching the black and red sword to the opposite side of the Qin Dynasty.

"This sword will absorb your wishes! If you want to kill this man, then raise your left hand! Give this sword power! I will launch this sword after three minutes, can you kill? Qin Chao, it depends on your wishes! If Qin Chao died, I will only resurrect my woman with peace of mind, the earth will be saved, how?"

Li Baishan’s words spread out in all directions through the communicator, and in the blink of an eye, they spread throughout the world.

Everyone heard the words of Li Baishan.

The black-red sword in the sky began to swell.

"Qin Chao, have you seen it?"

Li Baishan couldn't help but laugh and said.

"Have you seen it, the earth you guard, but there are many people who want you to die!"

Li Baishan’s laughter has an unspeakable sigh. “Do you still want to keep guarding this earth?”

"of course."

The Qin Dynasty was unmoved. "Even if there are many people in the world who want to kill me, there are also many people who understand me and need me to guard."

He said, reaching out and pulling out a huge blue-and-white light curtain in front of himself, then loudly.

"Every friend in the world, if you support me, raise your right hand and use your will to increase the power of this rain cover. Maybe you think that I am selfish, for my own woman, at the expense of sacrifice. Earth. But if I can't protect my own woman, how can I protect this earth? If you believe in me, please lend me strength."

"It is the Qin Dynasty!"

"He used to save me!"

"Fast, help!"

A lot of people know that even those who have had a relationship with the Qin Dynasty have raised their right hands.

In an instant, the protective cover in front of Qin Chao was widened and thickened a lot.

But compared with Li Baishan's sword of destruction, it seems to be a lot weaker.

"Hehehe... What's the use?"

Li Baishan smiled coldly. "There are more people who want to kill you!"

"I believe in them... every person with a conscience will raise his right hand."

Qin Chao’s eyes are bright and clear. “I believe that there are more people with conscience in this world! Only a truly selfish demon will support you, Li Baishan. A little conscience, a person with a little IQ will understand. If I am dead, my woman I can't keep them. I can't keep them. You have resurrected your woman. The earth has no value for you. At that time, you will destroy the earth."

After the words of the Qin Dynasty, the protective cover in front of him was thicker and more dazzling!

"Hey! Just try it!"

Li Baishan calculated the time is almost the same, suddenly throwing out the sword of destruction in his hand!

The sword of destruction instantly cut through the sky and hit the shield in front of Qin Chao.

This time, it is not the competition of two people's strength, but the competition of the earth's will!

The Sword of Destruction and the Shield of Protection continue to collide and burst into flames.

The power of the violent movement fluttered around and swept around.

Fortunately, Su Ji has already had the ability to protect themselves, and they have supported themselves to protect themselves.

Tianmen Square has almost become a ruin.

The power is still spreading all the time, and Su Ji’s strength can only be self-protected. It is impossible to go out and protect others!

If this continues, I am afraid that the entire city of Kyoto and even the surrounding cities of Kyoto, the entire province of Hebei, will be turned into ruins!

Qin Chao gritted his teeth and scattered the shield. Instead, he released a larger shield and wrapped the entire Tianmen Square.

The power did not spread, but the black and red sword of destruction penetrated from the right shoulder of the Qin Dynasty and flew into space.


Qin Chao suddenly spewed out a blood, planted directly from the air, fell to the ground, and pulled the ground out of a large pit.

"Ha ha ha!"

Li Baishan couldn't help but laugh loudly. "Qin Chao, you are so naive! It's been this time, you still think about other people! See you, this is your end! And, remember, not me. Li Baishan hurts you, those who you want to guard have hurt you!"

Said, he looked at the Qin Dynasty condescendingly.

"It's ok……"

Qin Chao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and climbed up from the pit.

Great creativity, constantly healing his injuries.

"A little bit of I am not so easy to be knocked down by Qin Chao."

Qin Chao said, slowly laughing, "But you Li Baishan is indeed a villain, even with this means. Hey, my Qin Dynasty is really high to see you, no wonder I will cut you out of the body. Anyone like you, you will hate it!"

"Qin Chao, you are really tired."

Li Baishan looked cold.

"Oh? Speaking of your pain?"

The Qin Dynasty also snorted. "You are such a bad guy, arrogant and selfish. Do you think that you care about your own woman, isn't someone else's woman a person? Your love is love, others' Is love just a family?"

Qin Chao said, looking at the Su family sisters standing next to me, the eyes are full of affection.

"For them, even if I abandon my life, what counts. If they can't guard them, then what is the meaning of living?"

"what do you know!"

Li Baishan roared, "An Qing Bei Xi is everything to me!"

"Then they are everything to me."

Qin Chao responded.

"If you want to take them away, then step on my body. I am not only guarding the earth, but my woman."

As said, Qin Chao stood in the pit, and suddenly there was a blue-and-white light band behind his back, which floated like a wing.

A blue-and-white halo was slowly formed behind his head.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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