MTL - My Body Can Infinitely Awaken Skills-Chapter 118 Suzaku does not put out fire

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   Chapter 118 Suzaku does not put out the fire

"try again!"

  Lu Zangfeng's expression froze, and his spirit reappeared.

  Jiang Chen closed his eyes and focused, relaxed his whole body, and let Lu Zangfeng lead him.

   Hong Zhong Da Lu's voice sounded again, this time, a faint figure flew out of Jiang Chen's body.

   A breeze blew, and the faint figure trembled for a while, but luckily it was blocked by Lu Zangfeng.

  The azure aura is no longer used, and is immersed in the colorful aura.

  The indifferent Jiang Chen opened his eyes, and there was still a crimson aura around him.

   The black dragon of qi and blood flew out of the body, touched the red light again, and swallowed it in one bite.

  In my mind, four words appeared: flame, burning.

  Lu Zangfeng loosened his fingers, his spirit returned to the body, the old face paled, and the whole person coughed violently.

   "Senior, how are you?" Jiang Chen's expression changed, and he hurried to his side.

   "It's fine, just two days of recuperation." Lu Zangfeng stopped coughing and asked, "How are you?"

   "It's still flames, burning." Jiang Chen replied.

   "Scorching is only the basic ability of fire, and it does not require stability."

  Lu Zangfeng frowned and said, "One more test is needed."

   "How to do it?" Jiang Chen asked, and then added: "If it's still like that, then forget it."

   He was worried that if Lu Zangfeng left the body again, there would be a big problem.

   "How is your relationship with Shangguan Yunwu?" Lu Zangfeng asked.

   "It's okay, it's considered an acquaintance." Jiang Chen thought about it and said.

   He and Shangguan Yunwu were friends, but they were not really friends, they could only be regarded as acquaintances.

   "In this way, you go and give her this jade pendant, and she will definitely agree to replace it with a vermilion bird.

   You can swallow it again with your own fire. "

  Lu Zangfeng took out a blue jade pendant from his arms and handed it to Jiang Chen.

   "Senior, this jade pendant is too precious." Jiang Chen glanced at the jade pendant, which contained a terrifying power.

   "Part of the deal, as I said, will help you develop your flame."

  Lu Zangfeng stood up and handed him the jade pendant: "I'll go first, I'll meet here at this time tomorrow."

   "Senior, it's just a sentence, I can convey it, if the senior pays too much, this transaction is not worth it." Jiang Chen frowned.

   "I think it's worth it. As for speaking, it's dangerous."

  Lu Zangfeng's eyes were cold: "I want you to tell her in person that someone doesn't want me to meet her, so be careful yourself."

   After finishing speaking, Lu Zangfeng Yukong left, and the whole person coughed again.

   Jiang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, Lu Zangfeng became like this, is it artificial?

  I don’t want him to meet Feng Xue, is someone going to stop him from going to Feng Xue?

   "Find Shangguan Yunwu first."

   Jiang Chen put away the jade pendant and contacted Shangguan Yunwu.

  If someone stops you, then you will blow up everything and push it horizontally!

   Soon, Shangguan Yunwu answered the phone: "Jiang Chen? You are very busy, do you still have time to contact me?"

   She knew that Jiang Chen was either killing aliens or on the way to kill aliens.

   "I want a Suzaku that won't put out the fire, I have something to trade with you." Jiang Chen said.

   "If someone said this, I've already hung up the phone, what do you have to trade with me?"

  Shangguan Yunwu said lightly: "Suzaku does not put out the fire, it is the fire of Suzaku's life. If it is lost, it will damage the vitality."

   "There was a senior who gave me a jade pendant, and he said you would agree." Jiang Chen said.

  Shangguan Yunwu was silent for a moment, then said, "I'll give you a chance. If I'm not satisfied, don't blame me for rejecting it."

   "This is nature." Jiang Chen said.

  If Shangguan Yunwu didn't agree, he naturally wouldn't force it.

   "I'll wait for you at your residence." After Shangguan Yunwu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

   Jiang Chen turned into a streamer and returned to Huaxia Academy.

   Huaxia Academy, Jiang Chen's three-story building.

  Jiang Chen returned from the sky, sensing that Shangguan Yunwu was inside the house, with Suzaku standing on his shoulders.


   As soon as he opened the door, Suzaku spread his wings in dissatisfaction and pecked him on the shoulder.

  Jiang Chen felt a pain in his shoulder, a blood hole appeared, and black and red blood flowed out.

   Fortunately, Suzaku did not leave any flames, and the wound healed quickly.

   "You don't need to be so angry, right?" Jiang Chen was helpless, not angry, but was startled by Suzakubeak.

   His defense, like paper, was pecked at a hole in an instant.

   "You'd better give it an explanation. Suzaku doesn't put out the fire and loses, it will fall asleep at light level, and will re-nirvana at worst."

  Shangguan Yunwu said in a condensed voice, "I want to know, who asked you to replace Suzaku and not put out the fire?"

   "A senior, can't tell the specific identity." Jiang Chen took out the blue jade pendant and said: "This is the jade pendant given by the senior, and you will definitely agree."


   Shangguan Yunwu was curious, Suzaku grabbed the jade pendant and flew back.

   took the jade pendant, Shangguan Yunwu frowned slightly, and a strand of scarlet psychic energy disappeared into the jade pendant.

   The next moment, Shangguan Yunwu's complexion changed greatly, and he suddenly raised his head: "Where are the others?"

   "It's gone, I haven't seen this jade pendant," Jiang Chen said.

   "It's nothing to see, tomorrow noon, I will not put out the fire and send it." Shangguan Yunwu put away the jade pendant and said.

   Suzaku nodded again and again, without any sign of anger.

   "Uh, what is this? Changed so fast?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

   Even if Shangguan Yunwu's heart is moved, it's not really refreshing to agree?

   Moreover, Suzaku's transformation was too fast.

   "A practice method, for me, a very important practice method."

  Shangguan Yunwu pondered: "It can help Suzaku not fall asleep and recover quickly. I will tell you the details when I succeed in my cultivation."

   Without waiting for Jiang Chen to ask again, Shangguan Yunwu had already left.

   "A book of exercises? This time I really owe a big favor."

   Jiang Chen pondered for a while, then got up and went to look for Li Yu.

   Came to the small building where Li Yu was, and the lights were still on upstairs.

   Came to the second floor, in front of the office door, and knocked on the door: "Director Li, I'm here."

   "Come in." Li Yu's voice sounded.

  Jiang Chen walked in and said, "Director Li, Lu Zangfeng is looking for me."

   "Oh? I can ask him about his condition, why did he find you this time?" Li Yu asked.

   "He didn't want to say it, he just made a deal with me and asked me to give Senior Fengxue a message."

  Jiang Chen said truthfully and did not hide: "He hasn't told me the specifics, and he wants to help me develop flames."

   "Lu Zangfeng has extraordinary talent. Although he is a practitioner of the water attribute, he has a lot of knowledge."

   Li Yu pondered: "If there is him to teach you, I will be relieved. The entire Huaxia Academy can't find a few teachers who are better than him."

   "The director, are you going to see him?" Jiang Chen asked.

   "Not for now. He doesn't want to see us. It's not good for me to go."

  Li Yu sighed lightly: "Lu Zangfeng is a stubborn person, but he is a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. You should get in touch with him more and try to figure out what happened ten years ago."

   "Okay, by the way, this time he taught me that the spirit left the body twice, coughed violently, I am afraid that the body was seriously injured." Jiang Chen said.

  Li Yu opened the drawer and took out a bottle of medicine pill: "Bring this bottle of healing medicine to him. If he wants something, just agree, and I'll satisfy it."

   "But, to give him the healing medicine, doesn't it mean that I told you about him?" Jiang Chen hesitated.

   "He definitely expected that you won't hide it, but he doesn't want to see it. I will help him hide it from Feng Xue."

  Li Yu said lightly: "The person he is afraid of seeing is Feng Xue."

  The man who should be handsome and handsome has become a sloppy old man with open teeth, rickety old man, and dare not see the love in his heart again.

  Jiang Chen took the medicinal pill and turned to leave. I hope to find out what happened to Lu Zangfeng.

   (end of this chapter)

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