MTL - My Body Can Infinitely Awaken Skills-Chapter 142 Netherworld (5,000 words large)

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   Chapter 142 Netherworld Secret Realm (5,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

   "The two seniors, are you still afraid of Gu Daofeng?" Jiang Chen frowned.

   "We're not afraid, but Gu Daofeng has a chance on the moon."

   Luo Wenfeng explained: "He has a treasure, but he restrains his own breath, and we can't find it."

   "Yeah, we can't stand by your side all the time, right?" Luo Wufeng said.

  Jiang Chen smiled lightly and said, "It's not what I did, Gu Daojie is a good person, I think Gu Daofeng will also talk a little bit, let's meet him first."

   The two old men looked at each other and said, "Alright, let's see him first and see what his attitude is. We will send someone to spread the news and let him come to the academy."

   "There are two seniors." Jiang Chen was not arrogant and went out to find Gu Daofeng.

   He first absorbed the medicinal pill, transformed energy, and improved his skills.

   Luo Wufeng went to work, Luo Wenfeng asked someone to clean his house and drink tea by the way.

  Jiang Chen went up to the second floor, under the pretext that he needed to sort out his own cultivation way.

   Take the medicine pill, the energy is 1.2%!

   Take it all, 240%!

   After eating all the medicinal herbs, he filled [Toughness], [Self-Healing], and [Hardness], and added the remaining 30% to [Swiftness].

   The thirty-eighth black dragon condensed out and let out a low roar within the body.

   The blue wolf transformed by the essence of the wolf smoke has shiny hair, and the power of the yin on his body has a trace of it integrated into the blue wolf.

   "Essential qi wolf smoke, the blue wolf's body has not changed, just began to absorb the power of Taiyin."

  Jiang Chen felt the changes in the blue wolf and thought in his heart.

  Essential qi wolf smoke, is the essence of qi and the power of the yin combined?

   ding dong

   The phone rang, and it was a message from Qingque: "Sir, see you in the afternoon in Wanzong Cave."

   "I took the initiative to send a message, is there any news?"

   A gleam of light flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes, whether it was the blue-faced Netherworld Stone or the Netherworld Holy Water, all he needed.

   He didn't come back and went to see Qingque in the afternoon.

   Not long after, Luo Wufeng came back, and with him was a young man with white hair.

   He has white hair, his face is cold, and his body is filled with an aura of despair and sadness.

   "Jiang Chen, come down." Luo Wufeng said.

  Jiang Chen came downstairs and looked at the white-haired young man calmly: "Sit down."

   "No need." The white-haired young man Gu Daofeng said indifferently: "Where is my brother?"

   "I don't know, I haven't been out since I came back last night."

  Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "I was negligent. I came back in a hurry last night and didn't pay attention to him."

   "I heard people say that you have three blood elixir, let Daojie hold them."

   Gu Daofeng said coldly: "You forgot the three blood elixir, Daojie came to the academy to send them off, and I don't know where they are going."

   "If it's because of the Blood Spirit Pill, then it's my fault." Jiang Chen frowned and said, "But Gu Daojie's disappearance is definitely not what I did, and I don't need to do it."

  Gu Daofeng looked directly at him, as if to see through his soul.

  Jiang Chen's expression was calm, and he said, "I, Huaxia Academy, will send someone to look for it."

   "No need, you can't find Lu Zangfeng, let alone a great one." Gu Daofeng said coldly: "I will look for it, preferably it has nothing to do with your Huaxia College."

   "A man, if he can do something, he must dare to do it!" Jiang Chen said proudly: "Why should I secretly embarrass Gu Daojie, if I want to do it, he will not survive a life-and-death battle!"

   Luo Wenfeng did not speak, just watched.

  Gu Daofeng's expression was still indifferent: "Let me know if you have any clues."

   After saying that, he turned and left.

   "This Gu Daofeng is quite calm." Luo Wenfeng said.

   "It's useless if he doesn't calm down. Now he's calm so that he won't be taken advantage of by people with intentions."

  Jiang Chen said lightly: "Second seniors, I am going to the Cave of Ten Thousand Insects too."

   "Are you still planning to go out?" The two frowned.

   "My way is to kill and kill. If you stop, you will be slack."

  Jiang Chen said: "Also, I made an appointment to meet at the Cave of Ten Thousand Worms."

   "People? That little Spirit Race last time?" The two old men laughed.

   "Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

   During this time, these two seniors followed him secretly, and he was not surprised to know Qingque.

   "We can only protect you secretly. The younger generation won't intervene in the struggles, and you can't intervene. You must not be arrogant because of us."

   Luo Wenfeng Road.

   "The student understands." Jiang Chen nodded, turned into a flame of fire, and flew away.

   Came to the Cave of Ten Thousand Insects again, and there are still many cultivators here.

  Jiang Chen did not stop, and went straight to the deepest part.

   He is going to find the Dao erysipelas in the depths!

   As he went deeper, a low-pitched roar came. Although these voices were low, they contained a strange power that shook people's minds.

   Even if it was him, he still had to run his blood defenses so he wouldn't be affected.

   Comes to the deepest point, there is only a huge space, surrounded by passages.

  The passage to the Ten Thousand Insect Caves, the final destination, is here.

  A golden barrier shrouded the space, with hundreds of giant poisonous insects imprisoned inside.

   The breath of these poisonous insects are all 1st Rank Dao Dan, and many of them have reached the peak of 1st Rank Dao Dan.

The    barrier has cracked a gap, and the poisonous insects used this gap to attack before.


As soon as    saw Jiang Chen, the poisonous insect roared and roared, his eyes were full of ferocious light.

  Jiang Chen looked indifferent and went straight across the barrier.

  This barrier will block poisonous insects and has no effect on people.


   As soon as he entered the barrier, a huge lizard slapped Jiang Chen directly, with gray airflow lingering on his claws, exuding a corrosive aura.

  Jiang Chen's expression was indifferent, and the power of Fire Demon rose into the sky.


  The strange flame burned the claws of the lizard, and penetrated deep into the bones, using his body as fuel, and it burned roaringly.

The    poisonous insect roared sternly, the flames could not be extinguished, but quickly swept through the body.

  The rest of the poisonous insects also rushed together, and the terrifying gray waves gathered together, like the sea.

   "Beacon Fire Purgatory!"

  Jiang Chen said indifferently, the previous fire evil purgatory, the current beacon battlefield, reflected!

   A desolate ancient battlefield, with flames everywhere, countless alien corpses fell on the battlefield.

   dong dong

   In the void, there was a dull thunderous sound, a desire to fight and fight, sweeping Jiang Chen's heart.


  Jiang Chen swung out a fist, and an erysipelas worm exploded on the spot, turning into a boundless blood mist.


   The claws and tails of the poisonous insects landed on him, but it was like beating on an ancient bell, making a huge sound, but it couldn't be shaken.

   An anti-shock force directly shattered the poisonous insect.

   With the death of the poisonous insect, a strong fighting spirit enveloped Jiang Chen's whole body, and his breath suddenly soared, almost surpassing the limit of 1st Rank Dao Dan.

   "Is this the power of beacon fire?"

   Jiang Chen murmured, the flames do not go out, the fighting will not stop, and the killing will not stop!

  The stronger the fighting spirit, the stronger the fighting strength of the blessing. The Battlefield of Beacon Fire is his home court!

   A trace of sacred and noble aura emanated from Jiang Chen's body.

  These poisonous insects, when they came into contact with the divine aura, all panicked. Although they did not retreat, their combat power was greatly reduced.

   The suppression of higher life!

  The divine aura attached to his fist, and with one punch, it smashed the dead and pierced the huge body of the poisonous insect.

   "If this breath fills the whole body, no, even if it is only comparable to Suzaku, who else in the world can stop it?"

   A strange color flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes, this divine aura was too suppressing the poisonous insects.

   Moreover, it's just a trace of breath, any corrosive breath, gray airflow, can't shake it, it's as fragile as paper!

   On Suzaku, the divine aura was strong, but it didn't fill the whole body.

   It may also be because Suzaku, who is still weak now, will fill his whole body when he is fully grown.

   "These poisonous insects are too weak to exert all the power of the Beacon Fire Battlefield."

   Jiang Chen shook his head.

   The beacon fire battlefield, tireless and painless, he has not felt it yet.

  These poisonous insects can't even break his defense, can't hurt him, and naturally can't make him hurt.

   Watching Jiang Chen punch one at a time, he went on a rampage, and even tore off a few poisonous insects, and the two old men secretly slapped their faces.

  Is this just a breakthrough?

  Why is his breath beyond the first rank of Dao Dan?

   Even if the increase brought by the fighting spirit is removed, his own strength is comparable to the peak of the first-rank Dao Dan.

   In less than a quarter of an hour, all the erysipelas were reduced to ashes.

   Pills the size of a baby's fist are scattered all over the place, poisonous worms!

The    inner alchemy was crushed, turned into a medicinal pill, and merged into Jiang Chen's body.

   "This kid can really be wasted. Wouldn't it be better to take it back and make alchemy?" Luo Wufeng pouted and said, "Is it just for refining?"

   "How many poisonous insects does he kill every day? Have you counted?"

   Luo Wenfeng said lightly: "And, if he goes back and forth, he will probably find it troublesome."

   "How do you know?" Luo Wufeng asked rhetorically.

   "Guess what, if you don't believe me, ask." Luo Wenfeng said lightly.

   Luo Wufeng walked out: "Jiang Chen, why didn't you bring the inner pill back to make pills?"

   "It's too much trouble and a waste of time. I'll go to the Moon Ladder later."

  Jiang Chen said: "By the way, senior, besides the Moon Ladder, where are the Daodan aliens?"

   "There are a lot of them. In the outskirts of Huaxia City, there are aliens everywhere." Luo Wufeng said.

   "Then I'll clean up the Moon Ladder and go take a look." Jiang Chen said.

   After finishing speaking, he turned into a fire demon, left the cave of ten thousand insects, and went to the moon ladder.

   "Look, I said this kid will find it troublesome and waste time." Luo Wenfeng shrugged and said.

  Luo Wufeng said expectantly: "If this kid goes to the moon, wouldn't he kill him crazy?"

   "I suddenly felt that he should be more restrained. Although people of our generation have been fighting against aliens all their lives, they are not as crazy as him."

   Luo Wenfeng sighed lightly.

   "Don't sigh, those old ghosts are almost dead, we should go too."

   Luo Wufeng sighed.

   Their generation, those who fought on the moon, and some familiar people around them, there are not many left.

  Jiang Chen incarnates as a fire demon and walks while sensing his own energy.


   The poisonous insect of the same rank of Daodan, which was obtained just now, also provides 2% energy.

   This time, he filled [Water], [Fire] and [Sharpness], and added the remaining 20% ​​to [Swiftness].

   Came to the Moon Ladder again and went directly to the 28th floor bluestone staircase.

   Entering the space, here is still one hundred Taoist pills.

   The beacon fire purgatory unfolded, and the boundless flames engulfed the erysipelas.

   He did not kill with one punch and one kick as before, he has already verified his strength, and there is no need to waste time.


   Fill up all the remaining skills, and all reach the peak of Dao Dan Rank 1.

  【Toughness lv37】: 100%

  【Swiftness lv37】: 100%

  【Poison Resistance lv37】: 100%

  【Digest lv37】: 100%

  【Hardness lv37】: 100%

  【Sharpness lv37】: 100%

  【Self-healing lv37】: 100%

  【Fire lv37】: 100%

  【Water lv37】: 100%

  Energy: 40%!

   After a little pondering, Jiang Chen stepped onto the 29th floor bluestone stairs, which is equivalent to the second-rank Dao Dan!


   is still a hundred poisonous insects, and the moment he came in, he launched an attack directly.

   The beacon fire purgatory unfolded, and a sharp claw ripped through his defenses, leaving a bone-deep scar on his body.

   There was no pain, no feeling at all, but instead gave him a strong fighting spirit.

  The wounds are also healing in an instant, and the poisonous insects are stunned, as if they can't understand why the human beings in front of them are not injured.

   "Second-grade Dao Dan, that's just the case."

   Jiang Chen said indifferently, confirming the poisonous strength of the second-grade Dao Dan.

   Beacon fires are everywhere, and countless flames are swallowed up.

   A head of poisonous insects howled mournfully. Although they could temporarily resist the burning of the flames, they only delayed their death.

   The second-grade Taoist pill cannot dispel his flames!

   A head of poisonous insects turned into essence and merged into the body, and the inner alchemy was also shattered.

  Jiang Chen’s figure flickered, and in the beacon fire battlefield, he moved at will, vertically and horizontally in the swarm of poisonous insects.

  Blessed by the sacred and noble breath, one palm carries the monstrous fire and kills poisonous insects.

  Tear apart the poisonous insect defense easily with both hands, 【Break Armor】!

   When all the poisonous insects disappeared, Jiang Chen felt the energy:


   "The peak of Dao Dan's first rank is enough to face tonight."

  Jiang Chen pondered for a while, then returned to the Ten Thousand Worm Caves and waited for Qingque.

   The current strength is not enough for him to reach the peak of the second-rank Dao Dan, and he does not plan to break through for the time being.

   When he came to the Cave of Ten Thousand Insects, he was not idle, but condensed the essence of poisonous insects in the Daoji realm.

   He can't use it, so he can leave it to Yang Yuqing and Li Qingyue.

   Turn on the sensing ability, covering a radius of three kilometers, always paying attention to the area of ​​​​the Spiritual Race.

   Until about two o'clock in the afternoon, transparent figures appeared from the ground in the Spirit Race area.

  Qingque also came out, and he was accompanied by his compatriots. He got rid of his compatriots on the pretext and walked alone.

   After confirming that there are no members of the same family around, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to contact Jiang Chen.

"I am here."

   Jiang Chen's figure appeared: "But there is news?"

   "There is a way to get Nether Holy Water, but before that, there is one more thing to tell you, you should be interested."

   Qingque Road.

   "What's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked.

   "Someone gave a human to the Zerg. It seems to be called Gu Daojie. I heard that his brother is very powerful." Qingque said.

   "What? Gu Daojie?" Jiang Chen's expression changed, and he quickly asked, "Where?"

   "This is a map." Qingque took out a map and handed it to Jiang Chen: "You have to be careful, there are poisonous insects that surpass Dao Dan, save him within two days, it should be fine."

   "Huh? The poisonous insect didn't kill him?" Jiang Chen frowned.

   "Of course not, I heard Fifth Young Master say that this Gu Daojie is a treasure."

  Qingque said: "The Zerg wants to parasitize. Once you control Gu Daojie, you can control his very powerful brother."

   Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "A wise poisonous insect?"

   "Yes, the Zerg has reached the realm of Tao Dan, and already has a trace of spiritual wisdom. Beyond Tao Dan, spiritual wisdom is fully opened."

  Qingque said: "Also, this human should be sent by another parasite."

   "Another parasite? Could it be Lu Zangfeng?" Jiang Chen thought of Lu Zangfeng and asked, "What about the Netherworld Holy Water?"

   "Last time you killed the avatar of the fifth son, the fifth son was very angry and planned to build a mysterious realm, and the main body came out to kill you."

  Qingque said: "But the monitoring of Huaxia City is too strict, there are formations everywhere, and it is difficult for the Nether Secret Realm to appear. If I can solve this problem."

   "I understand, I can help you with this favor and make the Netherworld secret realm appear, but isn't the Netherworld Holy Water in the hands of the third young lady?" Jiang Chen frowned.

   "If the secret realm of the Netherworld can be built, the third lady's clone will go there."

  Qingque said condensedly: "You think clearly, the fifth son is the fifth-rank Dao Dan, and the third young lady's strength is unfathomable, even if it is just a clone, it is above the fifth-rank Dao Dan."

   "Netherworld Secret Realm, ruining troubles?" Jiang Chen frowned.

   "It's troublesome for Daodan, but easy for Huaxia City."

  Qingque said: "The construction of the Netherworld is mainly to facilitate our travel back and forth in Huaxia City, so the third lady will agree."

   "I'll try, if possible, I'll help you find a place." Jiang Chen said, paused, and said, "I think you came out of the underground, you live underground?"

   "No, the third lady is very cautious. I don't know where she lives. Anyway, every time she comes out, she will be perceived as closed. After the closure is lifted, she is here."

   Qingque explained.

   "It's really cautious." Jiang Chen frowned and said, "Then do this first, I'll go save people first, be careful, wait for me to contact you about the Netherworld Secret Realm."

   Leaving the Cave of Ten Thousand Worms, Jiang Chen looked at the void: "Are the two seniors there? You can inform Gu Daofeng."

   "I have already contacted him, he is on his way." Luo Wufeng said.

   Jiang Chen nodded and stood outside the Cave of Ten Thousand Worms waiting.

   After a while, a white-haired figure came from the sky, with an indifferent but eager expression: "Is there any news from Daojie?"

   "Yes, let's go there. It's best to save him before he is parasitized." Jiang Chen said.

   "Parasitic?" Gu Daofeng's eyes were cold: "Zerg?"

   "Someone gave your brother to the Zerg, intending to let the Zerg parasitize and control you through your brother." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

   Gu Daofeng said coldly, "Do you know who it is?"

   "I don't know for now, it should be another parasitoid." Jiang Chen shook his head and said without mentioning Lu Zangfeng.

   It is not necessarily Lu Zangfeng who did it. After all, ten years ago, the Zerg began to parasitize, and maybe there were others.

   "Save the people first, and see if Daojie knows who did it to him." Gu Daofeng said solemnly.

   Jiang Chen nodded and took him to the eastern suburbs of Huaxia City according to the map.

  There are continuous mountains, dozens of peaks, and countless poisonous insects.

  The two came to a peak and descended from the sky, where there was a huge underground cave.

   "It's here, you have to be careful, there are poisonous insects that surpass Dao Pill." Jiang Chen said: "Please help the two seniors."

   "It's just the spirit pattern realm, why should I care? I'm enough to go by myself."

   Gu Daofeng snorted coldly and jumped straight into the cave.

   "I'd better go together, kill some poisonous insects, there are two seniors." Jiang Chen said.

   This is a good time to follow to collect energy, he also wants to see what the parasite looks like.

   (end of this chapter)

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