MTL - My Body Can Infinitely Awaken Skills-Chapter 157 How can I, the great space worm, give in?

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  Chapter 157 I, the great space worm mother, how could I yield

   "[Pseudo-Eternal Flame]: The human race's fire, the human race is immortal, and the fire lasts forever. It contains a unique rhyme, creating an eternal flame, which is immortal, and the flame is immortal."

   "Your flame devours the soul fire, automatically awakening the passive skill [Soul Fire]."

   "[Soul Fire]: The burning flame of the soul can burn the soul. No soul of the same rank can resist the burning of the soul flame, even if it is a higher realm, it is difficult to resist."

  Two kinds of flames devour, and one energy.

  Energy: 2352%!

   Directly increased by 1000%!

The fraction at the back of    was accumulated by killing aliens in Southwest City before.

   "Soul flame, eternal flame."

  Jiang Chen felt the power of his own flames, the flames that were originally strange were now sacred and gloomy.

   Holy, brought by fire.

   eerie, is the fire of the soul.

   The entire flame became pitch black as ink, but at the very center of the flame, there was a golden light spot.

   Of course, his eternal flame is watery, far from true eternity, and he is gone when he dies.

   However, this is also very strong, as long as he does not die, no one can put out his fire.

   No matter how strong the power is, after the destruction, the flame will be rekindled again.

   But don’t forget, he and Suzaku don’t put out the fire!

  The flames danced, the woman in white was still sinking in the illusion, Jiang Chen continued to be in the illusion, understanding what she knew.

   Like wormholes!

  A wormhole is a space wormhole opened by a large number of space worms. This wormhole connects the starry sky and the stronghold of the zerg.

  Because the human race set up a barrier on the blue star, the Zerg and the spirit race, those top powerhouses, could not come.

   They can only dispatch the spirit pattern realm at most, if they are too strong, they will be intercepted by the human race.

   Occasionally the human race is negligent, or they pay a huge price, they can also send a stronger alien race, but in their opinion, the gain outweighs the loss.

  In the wormhole, with the space worms, the alien race is enough for them to hunt the arrogance of the race.

   To Jiang Chen’s surprise, there was a space mineral vein inside the wormhole.

   That is where space worms live, and it is also created by space worms.

  The place where a large number of space worms live will transform space ore veins to form space stones.

   A space stone is a space, except for space worms, no living thing can live in the space.

  Unless there are space worms willing to help the living creature, the living creature can survive.

  Space veins!

   A surprise flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes, Sumina mustard!

   According to the ancient legend, one sand is one world. This space stone can't do it, but it is no problem to open up a small space to store items.

   "You're useless."

   Jiang Chen looked at the woman in white, and the black flames engulfed her in an instant, leaving no **** left.

   And his flame changes, already possessing the breath of soul fire.

   Although the space worm was afraid of his flames, it did not leave, but approached.

   Jiang Chen restrained the flames, his right hand raised lightly, and a large number of space worms swarmed and gathered in his hand.

   His thoughts swept away, more than 300 space worms!

  More than 300 space worms can't build a wormhole, but it is more than enough to take him across space.

   "Go to the rest of the space first and save them." Jiang Chen thought, and the fire of his soul fluctuated.

  Space worms can understand the meaning of soul fire fluctuations, which is a special agreement between the worm mother and the Eldar.

  Ripple ripples appeared in the space, and the space worm took Jiang Chen, crossed the space, and came to Fengdu City again.

   The same Fengducheng, the same Meng Po and the hula man.

   They are in the soul fire, refining Gu Qianqiu.

   At this moment, Po Meng and the man in the grass skirt were pale and obviously traumatized.

   There is a layer of golden light on Gu Qianqiu's body, and there are even more sacred phantoms around him.

   The sages of the ages!

   One by one, the spirit clan threw their teeth and claws on Gu Qianqiu, wanting to break the protection of the ancient sages and occupy his body.

   "Damn humans!" Madam Meng turned pale: "Jiang Chen escaped!"

   "Leave him alone, eat and take down this human first."

  The man in the grass skirt said with a gloomy expression: "He stole the rhyme of the fire, but fortunately, my roots are still there."

   "I don't know what would happen if Po Meng drank Meng Po soup?"

   An indifferent voice sounded, ripples in the void, Jiang Chen came across the space, and the Beacon Fire battlefield enveloped them.

   grabbed the necks of the two with one hand and lifted them up.

   In addition to relying on the rhythm of immortals and gods to ensure that he will not die, they are two wastes.

   With the protection of sages and sages through the ages, the Meng Po soup in the hands of Meng Po has not been fed to Gu Qianqiu.


   One by one, the spirit clan let out a shrill roar, killing Jiang Chen.

   The beacon fire filled the air, the sacred and gloomy flames burned, and a group of spirits instantly dissipated.

   That soul fire was also swallowed by Jiang Chen's flame, and his share of Meng Po soup was also wrapped by the power of fire and sent into the mouth of the hula man.

   The Mengpo soup that he had given to him before was wrapped in the power of his fire and he did not really drink it.

   The soup in Madam Meng’s hand was also poured down by Jiang Chen.

   After the two Spiritual Races took the Mengpo soup, they were at a loss: "Who are you... No, you are Jiang Chen..."

   "It doesn't seem to work."

  Jiang Chen directly pinched the two of them.

   He suddenly understood that it wasn't that Meng Po Tang was useless, but that these two Spirit Races were just clones.

   pointed out, awakening Gu Qianqiu, and the space worms here also flew out and fell into Jiang Chen's hands.

   "Jiang Chen?" Gu Qianqiu woke up and looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment.

   "Save people first, take this soul fire, the space worm will take you to save them, they already know me, let's act together."

  Jiang Chen didn't talk nonsense, and after speaking, he directly crossed the space.

  Meng Po and the man in the hula skirt are immortal, if only he broke free, at most he failed.

   But now, he can cross the space, and the two Eldar will definitely make a response.

   Energy increased by another 1000%!

   Crossing the space, Jiang Chen came to the space where Xuan Daozhen was, and the Beacon Fire battlefield opened directly.

  Meng Po and the man in the grass skirt were preparing to transfer Xuan Daozhen. Fortunately, he arrived in time.

   The beacon fire battlefield shrouded the golden flames that devoured the soul fire and the hula man.

   squeezed the two of them, separated a flame again, handed it over to Xuan Daozhen, and led out the space worms here.

  The two separated again to save people. Jiang Chen crossed the space, which was the space where Yang Jiuchen was.

   Countless soul fire packages, Yang Jiuchen Great Sun body protection, Spirit Race and Zerg, can't do anything for a while, can't even transfer.

   The beacon fire battlefield shrouded, sacred and eerie flames, engulfing everything.

   squeezed the two of them again, swallowed the flames, and woke up Yang Jiuchen.

  Energy: 5352%!

   Approaching more than a thousand space worms, taking them across space.

   Endless Nether Qi, Gu Qianqiu and Lei Qianche, Gu Daofeng, with ugly expressions, stood in the darkness.

   "Where's Shangguan Yunwu?"

  Jiang Chen came with the two of them and asked in a deep voice.

   "We came a step late and were taken away by space worms." Gu Qianqiu said solemnly.

   Xuan Daozhen pondered: "Leave here first."

   "Go." Jiang Chen transported his soul fire, and the space worms gathered, taking them across the space.

   Crossing the endless netherworld, six people appeared in the wormhole, and in front of them was the boundless worm nest.

   "That's senpai!" Lei Qianche pointed to go.

  Among the countless poisonous insects, Shangguan Yunwu sat cross-legged in the void, surrounded by countless space insects.

   "We go over, we can't let them take Shangguan Yunwu away!"

   Yang Jiuchen said coldly.


  Jiang Chen was the first to enter the worm's nest, and the sacred and eerie flames burned the poisonous worms.

  Two thousand crystal-like space worms coiled around them to form a unique space.

  The attack of poisonous insects can't hurt them at all.

   "This space worm is really strange." A strange color flashed in the eyes of Yang Jiuchen and the others.

   With this space worm, it is almost invincible, unless you use stronger power to break the space,

   But here, all must be restrained, whoever dares to break out the power to break the space here, the turbulent flow of space will destroy everything.

   The six people were extremely fast, spanning tens of thousands of meters in the blink of an eye, catching up with the space worm.

   "Put it down!" Jiang Chen snorted coldly, a sacred and gloomy flame covering a radius of thousands of meters.

   The space bugs that were crossing the space all stopped.

   "What are you doing, why don't you leave quickly?" came an urgent shout.

   The rich Nether Qi surged, and two Spirit Races of the fourth rank of Spirit Rune shouted anxiously.

   "They have changed owners!"

  Jiang Chen sneered, the beacon fire shrouded the battlefield: "Come here!"

   A group of space worms flew towards Jiang Chen without hesitation.

   The two spirits desperately called, but the space worm did not respond.

   There are more than 600 space worms surrounding Shangguan Yunwu.

   "Space worms, will they betray?" The two Spirit Races were stunned.

   This is not normal!

   Space worms have no mind, they have an agreement with the mother insect, how could this space worm betray?

   The next moment, they knew the answer.

   A holy and gloomy flame engulfed them, the flames of the soul burned them.

  Jiang Chen raised his hand and gave them six soul fires: "You guys leave with Senior Sister, I'll be right back."

   "What are you going to do?" Yang Jiuchen said in a deep voice, "It's enough to bring back the space worm when you get here."

   "It's not enough, there is a space vein here, I'm going to pack the vein."

  Jiang Chen sneered: "The wormhole is basically figured out, don't worry, I have space worms to protect my body, nothing will happen, take them away."

  Jiang Chen gave an order, separated half of the space worms, and escorted them away.

   There are a thousand more, taking Jiang Chen across the space to the space where the mineral veins are located.

  The five people couldn't stay even if they didn't want to, and they also had to take care of the unconscious Shangguan Yunwu.

   Shangguan Yunwu is filled with a ghostly energy, the situation is unknown and needs to be dealt with.

  Jiang Chen crossed the space, almost tens of thousands of meters away in an instant, completely ignoring the poisonous insects.

  These poisonous insects could only watch him leave, unable to stop him.

   After a quarter of an hour, Jiang Chen came to a continuous mountain range, which was filled with strong spatial power, and there were no poisonous insects and spiritual races around.

   The space here is chaotic, without the guidance of space worms, you will only get lost in the space and never get out.

  The space worm led him into it, and thousands of space worms were flying in the air.

   A crystal vein of jade appeared in front of him.

  White jade-like ore, forming a vein of 2 meters wide and 100 meters long.

   One hundred meters long, it is already a large space ore vein.


   The void fluctuated, and a half-meter-long space worm flew out of the mine.

   "What's the matter?" The space worm made a clear and pleasant sound.

   Mother Insect!

  Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, "Spiritual Race, please move the Mother Insect to another place!"


   The beacon fire was surging, and the beacon fire battlefield included the insect mother, and the 100-meter mineral vein rose from the ground.

   "Are you a human race?" The mother insect reacted and exclaimed.

   "The worm mother is very smart, but it's too late!"

  Jiang Chen sneered, the sacred and gloomy flames had already landed on the mother insect, and got into it.

   "Human, you are courting death!" The insect mother was furious: "As long as I have a thought, the space here will collapse, and you will surely die!"

   "The worm mother will also die!" Jiang Chen said lightly: "If the worm mother is not afraid of death, you can see if you can shake my body with this little bit of space!"

  The worm mother's eyes narrowed, and thousands of space worms flew over, and the white light blades slashed on Jiang Chen's body, but they collapsed directly, and even the skin could not be broken.

   "Are you a body refiner?" The Insect Mother's expression changed.

  Jiang Chen said with a light smile: "Mother Insect is such a skill, let's save your energy, follow me, and never treat you badly!"

  Space worms, the effect is too great!

  If you can bring the worm mother back, and you will build space impulses in the future, do you still need a quota to go to the moon?

   He can open a passage by himself and land on the moon!

   "Impossible, my great mother of the zerg, the mother of space worms, how could it be possible to yield to you as a human?"

   Mother Insect said coldly.

   "Then, change to another worm mother!" Jiang Chen said coldly: "I will kill you, and cultivate new worm mothers from these space worms!"

   "It's ridiculous, space worm mothers are extremely difficult to cultivate, do you think they are those low-level worm mothers?"

  The worm mother said proudly, her head held high: "Humble human beings, space worms will no longer obey the soul fire, and welcome the anger of space... uh..."

   The shrill screams sounded, and a sacred and eerie flame bloomed on the mother insect.

  Jiang Chen ignored it: "You meet my anger first."

  The body of the mother insect tumbled repeatedly in the air, and the white jade-like spatial power continued to wash through the whole body.

   But, it's useless!

   That flame is not only like a maggot in the tarsus, but also inextinguishable!

   "This is... fire, the breath of soul fire..." The Space Insect Mother said in horror.

  It knows these two kinds of flames, and Fengdu City has it.

   "Come, great space worm mother, let us perish together."

  Jiang Chen floated up to the worm mother, ignoring the space worms around him: "How about I send you on the road first and completely destroy this wormhole?"

   "Aren't you afraid of dying?" The Space Insect Mother looked at him coldly.

   "Since you can feel the breath of fire, you should also know that fire is eternal."

  Jiang Chen looked at him sarcastically, his expression full of pride: "I, Jiang Chen, have long been immortal, even if this wormhole collapses, the space is destroyed, and the turbulence is added, I will be eternal!"

   These words are full of momentum!

   The divine aura pervades, the supreme and noble, although it is very weak, but with the fire, it is still very bluffing.

   The eyes of the space insect mother burst out with the power of space, and a violent space fluctuation came.

   It stared at Jiang Chen stubbornly: "The great worm mother will never bow her head to a humble human, except for a noble immortal like you."

  Jiang Chen: "??"

  I thought you were going to fight to the death.

   "However, the great insect mother is also very honorable, even a noble fairy cannot be humiliated!"

  The insect mother raised her head again: "So, you must treat me equally."

   Jiang Chen was silent, looking at the mother insect strangely.

   Seeing that he didn't speak, the power of space on his body became more intense, and its voice lowered: "At most, a little lower than you at most."

  Jiang Chen: "…"

   "Human, the great insect mother has bowed her head, what more do you want?" The insect mother said angrily.

   "I agreed." Jiang Chen said lightly: "From now on, you will only be under me."

   Well, my status is not high, there are teachers and a bunch of people above.

   Let’s talk about it, I’m in a wormhole now, so I won’t talk too much nonsense with you.

   Wait until you get out of this wormhole and there is no threat of spatial turbulence, and then I will reason with you.

   "Okay, you calm down your anger first, and let the great insect mother pack the space ore veins." The space insect mother said.

  Jiang Chen's thoughts moved, and the flames fell silent, no longer burning the insect mother.

  The worm mother opened its mouth, and the 100-meter ore vein instantly shrank, turning into a stream of light, which fell into its mouth.

  The Insect Mother spit out another light spot and flew towards Jiang Chen: "This is a space brand, no matter where you are, you and the great Insect Mother can sense it."

   "Then let's go, let's leave the wormhole." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

  The worm mother landed on Jiang Chen's shoulder, and thousands of space worms, with Jiang Chen, quickly went out of the wormhole.

   "After you leave, will this wormhole collapse?" Jiang Chen suddenly thought of this.

   "Of course not, this wormhole was opened by another great worm mother." The space worm mother said.

  Jiang Chen asked: "Compared to you? Who is greater?"

  The Space Insect Mother was silent for a moment, then whispered, "She's a little bit bigger than me."

   "This little bit, how big is it?" Jiang Chen looked at her strangely: "Let you open a wormhole, can you do it?"

   "This... I can't open such a big wormhole. She has hundreds of thousands of people, and I only have this." The space worm mother whispered.

  Jiang Chen: "…"

   Good one, a little gap.

  Thousands and hundreds of thousands, what's the difference?

  Is this the difference?

   "Suddenly, you don't seem to be of much use." Jiang Chen said lightly.

  The Space Insect Mother snorted softly: "Hmph, you haven't become a real fairy yet? You just inherited the fire."

   "I will definitely be able to beat immortals to death in the future!" Jiang Chen said to himself.

   "In the future, I can also beat that worm mother to death, and her people are all mine." The worm mother raised her head, paused, and then said, "You help me."

  The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched, expecting me to beat that worm mother to death, and you would pick up the bargain and receive her space worm?

   Your abacus is so good!

   "Then you have to be obedient, otherwise, I won't help you beat other insect mothers to death."

  Jiang Chen said indifferently: "You Zerg, the war with our human race has lasted for a long time, I will not kill you, it is already the greatest kindness."

   "What does the war between the Zerg and you have to do with my great space insect mother? You have the ability to seek revenge for the Zerg, and the great insect mother will open the way for you, will you go?" The space insect mother snorted and said.

  Jiang Chen looked indifferent: "When I become an Immortal God, I will kill it."

   "Naive, do you think there are no immortals in the current Zerg? You humans have them, how could the Zerg not have?" said the mother of the insects.

   "How many are the Zerg Immortals?" Jiang Chen asked with a frown.

   "I don't know, I only know there are. Do you know how many immortals and gods of the human race are there?" The insect mother looked at him.

  Jiang Chen shut up, he didn't know either.

   (end of this chapter)

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