MTL - My Body Can Infinitely Awaken Skills-Chapter 179 Now the initiative is in my hands!

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   Chapter 179 Now the initiative is in my hands!

   "Why didn't you do it?"

   Jiang Chen looked at him indifferently, the only human race who didn't do anything.

   At this moment, his face was pale, and he clenched his sword: "I promised you to deal with aliens first, aliens are the common enemy."

   "But now, you don't have the courage to draw your sword against me." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

   All the masters of the three parties died, and only he was a ninth-rank Taoist soul.

   Even if Jiang Chen shoots an arrow, it consumes a lot of energy, and he does not have the courage to draw his sword.

   Seeing that he was silent, Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

   "Me? Go?" Daohun Jiupin was stunned and looked at him incredulously: "You won't kill me?"

   "Keep you and kill a few more aliens."

  Jiang Chen said indifferently: "Yuebai, it's time for us to take revenge."

   Liu Yuebai crossed the space and appeared on his shoulder: "What revenge?"

   "The moon worm mother, you don't want to get it back? I wanted you to be the second worm mother before." Jiang Chen said lightly.

   "That humble bug, it really deserves to die!" Liu Yuebai said angrily: "The great space bug mother is only under the gods, how can it be humiliating?!"

   "Jiang Chen, are you still not going back?" Ning Qianqian frowned.

   "Go back after this worm nest is settled." Jiang Chen grinned: "Don't worry, within the same realm, I'm not afraid of anyone!"

   Now, he is a sixth-rank Taoist soul with a sun-shooting bow. In the same realm, whoever comes will die.

   Waiting for him to level the wormhole, no matter how much he improved, it should be no problem to step into the seventh rank of Taoist soul.

   Back to Huaxia College, Pangu Blood must give some rewards, right?

   When he reached the ninth rank of Taoist soul, he began to accumulate energy and rushed to several ranks in one go.

   Continue to ensure that you are invincible in the same realm, and those who are close to God can only stare blankly.

   For those who have set foot in the realm of immortals and gods, and dare to come to trouble him, then you must first ask the seniors if they agree or not!

   "Well, we'll wait for you." Ning Qianqian pondered for a while and waited aside.

  Jiang Chen took Liu Yuebai across the space and came to the worm's nest.

   The war is still going on here, and the soldiers at Burial Moon Pass can't see the limitless tide of insects at a glance.

  Jiang Chen descended from the sky, this time, there was no hiding, and the divine pressure filled the air.

   Liu Yuebai also opened up the space, filling the space with the power: "The humble bug, the great space bug mother, come to seek revenge!"

   The beacon fire battlefield opened, and under the divine pressure, the poisonous insects crawls, exploded, turned into essences, and merged into it.

  Jiang Chen took Liu Yuebai and entered the worm nest directly.

  Ning Millennium and three people followed behind him and supported him.

   Within the same realm, they will not shoot, but if there is a near-god, and heaven and man shoot, they can shoot to kill.

   Shenwei, Daowei intertwined, enveloped the nest.

  A radius of 8000 meters, all under the induction, the Beacon Fire battlefield penetrated the soil of the passage, covering the poisonous insects in the rest of the passage.

   In the beacon fire battlefield, countless poisonous insects turned into essence in the sacred and eerie flame shrimp.

  The power of the sun and the moon is stimulated and integrated into the battlefield of beacon fire.

   Every flame is like a round of blazing sun, a round of bright moon, radiating ten thousand rays of light.

   Within an eight-kilometer radius, all poisonous insects turned to ashes.

  Jiang Chen took Liu Yuebai to the sky and entered the depths of the worm's nest.


  The sky-shattering roar resounded, there was a Taoist body, and the Taoist soul realm poisonous insects just rushed out.

  Unfortunately, like them, it was difficult for them to compete against the beacon fire battlefield, and they turned into the essence of countless poisonous insects and merged into Jiang Chen's body.

   Walk across space, a distance of eight kilometers, and arrive in the blink of an eye.

  The worm nest of the moon is much larger than that of the ancestor star, and the poisonous worm is stronger.

  Jiang Chen followed the passage, twisting and turning around, the terrain descended, and went deep into the ground.

   It kills poisonous insects in a large area, and the poisonous insects in the depths continue to rush out, but they are all Taoist bodies and Taoist soul realms.

   "Humans, get out, great insect mother, don't care about this time!" A deep voice sounded, and a huge poisonous insect appeared in front.

   He was greeted by the Beacon Fire Battlefield!

   A sacred and eerie flame that burns instantly, turning poisonous insects into ashes.

   "Don't care? But, I care!"

   Jiang Chen snorted coldly, one after another of the essence, merged into his body, and finally a poisonous insect that was useful to him appeared.

   Energy increases and is evenly distributed.

  The worm mother is an energy source, and the energy of the lunar worm mother is definitely more majestic.

   If you can swallow the Sayue Insect Mother, and then refine the Dao Soul Poisonous Insect here, you might be able to break through the Dao Soul and step into the undead realm.

   Once you enter the undead realm, you can shoot the sunbow with the blood of Pangu.

  Before, the poisonous insects blocked the road, and they had to **** Liu Yuebai, now tell him not to care?


   The one who is strong now is him, the initiative is on his side, what he says is what matters!

   Rolling essence into the body, Jiang Chen mobilized the beacon fire battlefield, killing poisonous insects in a large area.


The    roar resumed, full of anger, the gray air was turbulent, and the lunar moon was faintly lingering.

   "Humans, no matter how far we go, we won't give in, and don't think about it!"

   An angry voice came from the depths of the worm's nest.

   "Then you come!"

  Jiang Chen snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm going to destroy you today!"

   The beacon fire battlefield goes deep quickly, harvesting pieces of poisonous insects.

   With the poisonous insect essence entering the body, Jiang Chen's momentum climbed, approaching the peak of the sixth-rank Taoist soul!


   A roar came from the depths, and the poisonous insects of the ninth-rank Taoist soul rushed out, and the tunnel of the insect nest was collapsing.

   For a while, the smoke billows and the dust waves fly, obscuring the sight.

   A group of Taoist poisonous insects entered the beacon fire battlefield. The ninth-rank Taoist soul was fine, and those of the sixth and seventh ranks were instantly transformed into essences and absorbed by the battlefield.

   And Jiang Chen, his momentum skyrocketed, crossing the limit and stepping into a new realm.

   Seventh Grade Taoist Soul!

hold head high

   The high-pitched dragon roar resounded, the wolf howl resounded, and the endless power of the yin permeated and merged into Jiang Chen's body.

   Shenwei, Daowei will increase!

   Accompanying Jiang Chen to step into the seventh rank of Taoist soul, these ninth rank of Taoist soul are nothing.

   Even if it is a group, it is just a group of essence.

   Beacon fire refining, a large number of poisonous insects are transformed into essence, and integrated into Jiang Chen's body.


   One after another, poisonous insects rushed forward without fear of death. Even if they knew they would die, they rushed into the beacon fire battlefield without hesitation.

   Liu Yuebai's eyes were cold: "No, this bug is going to run away!"

   "Want to run?" Jiang Chen frowned, hurriedly accelerated and walked forward.


   An aura that transcended Taoist souls filled the air, and a huge poisonous insect broke into the beacon fire battlefield.


   An azure sword light pierced through the void and cut the poisonous insect in half.

   "This undead poisonous insect is here to die." Lu Zangfeng said lightly.

   In order to let the insect mother escape, all poisonous insects can die!

  Jiang Chen refines the undead poisonous insect, and the majestic essence melts into the body, transforms it into energy, and improves his skills.

   There are also a large number of Taoist souls and Taoist poisonous insects, rushing into the beacon fire battlefield, at the cost of their lives, delaying Jiang Chen's pace.

   They are not afraid of Jiang Chen, they are afraid of Ning Qianqian, and they are afraid of Li Qingyue behind him!

   Can't be bothered!

  Jiang Chen provokes them, they can fight back, but there are three strong people next to them, is it useful to fight back?

  Unless Jinshen comes out, help Sayue Insect Mother and stop Ning Qianqian and the others.

  However, when the near gods come out, the spread is too great, and the spirit of the yin will still be attracted at that time.

  Other immortals may be scruples and won't take action.

   But just now, the Spirit of Taiyin personally took action and slapped the King of Samsara directly.

   That voice, these poisonous insects can hear it!

   For the spirits of the yin, they can only choose to avoid them until they are not restricted by the immortals.

   To accommodate the rolling essence, Jiang Chen rushed to the depths as he ascended.

  The deepest part of the nest.

   A huge space crack appeared, and countless poisonous insects took the insect mother into the space crack.

   They escaped directly through the wormhole!

   A group of poisonous insects that surpassed the Dao Soul Realm entered the space wormhole and left the worm nest.

   When Jiang Chen came to the deepest point, the space wormhole was already closed.

   "Running too fast." Jiang Chen frowned.

   "Count them lucky!" Liu Yuebai snorted coldly and said, "Wait for the great space worm mother to testify, she will definitely kill them!"

   "It's time to go." Ning Qiannian said. .

   "Let's go, go back to Huaxia Academy."

   Jiang Chen nodded and left with Ning Qiannian.

  Although we couldn't leave the Sayenne Insect Mother, the harvest this time was not small, the seventh-rank Taoist spirit peaked, and there was still 540% of the energy left!

  Wait to return to Huaxia College, and then make a breakthrough.

  Ning Qiannian took them with them, tearing apart the space directly and walking across the space.

   The strong close to the gods are no longer bound by the space of heaven and earth, and have the ability to independently open up simple spaces.

   It’s just that he hasn’t completely escaped, and he can prove the Tao and live forever.


   "It's a shame, I couldn't kill him!"

   "The waste of King Samsara, the spirits sent by him, can't even take down a single ant."

   "The King of Reincarnation is a waste, and the Zerg are also waste. A group of undead realms, the realm of creation, actually ran away."

  Wu Jiaohai and others were close to the gods, and he was furious at this moment.

   They secretly gave the blood of the gods, so that the ten people had the power of gods. They thought they were safe, but in the end, only one survived.

   And the ones who survived were deliberately let go by Jiang Chen!

  Those poisonous insects, spirits, nine Taoist spirits, all died at the Burial Moon Pass!

   "This matter cannot stop, this ant must die!"

   "Don't worry, Huaxia Academy, we can't keep him."

  Mo Tiandu said in a cold voice, "Let's ruin his reputation first, but we can't let him shake the hearts of the people."

   "Yes, the spirit of Taiyin has returned, towards Jiang Chen, the current spirit of Taiyin is the orthodox ruler of the moon."

   A near-sacred Taoist said: "If this matter is really confirmed, then Jiang Chen is the orthodox Taiyin, and we are at most immigrant aliens!"

  Why do these people feel that they are superior to others?

   Wasn't born on the moon, it is stronger here, there are countless secret realms, can it accommodate more fairy realms?

   And Ancestral Star, when he reaches the spirit pattern and leaves his body, he has to come to the moon.

   It can be said that the moon is a gathering place for the strong, and the resources are better. Being born here naturally feels noble.

  But now, the true master of the moon is back.

   And this master is Jiang Chen's senior sister, and he supports him wholeheartedly!

   Really speaking, Jiang Chen is the most noble, the moon is orthodox, and his position on the moon is second only to Li Qingyue, the spirit of the yin!

   "Then how to ruin his reputation?" Wu Jiaohai frowned.

   "Qin Yuyue."

  Mo Tiandu sneered: "The revenge of murder, the news of the wanted criminal, has not been withdrawn."

   "As long as we take it seriously, Jiang Chen is extremely arrogant, colluding with the Space Insect Mother, and killing the son of the commander of Burial Moon Pass for no reason. That's enough."

   "Yes, Huaxia Academy is far less powerful than us in the moon. Even if they talk, we can still inspire people's hearts and say that they will help relatives and not help."

   The near gods all laughed.

   "Li Tianlei and others, although they didn't promise to join us on the bright side, they were upset, and everyone could see it.

   Don't ask them for help, at least, they won't block us anymore. "

  The chance of preaching was cut off, Li Tianlei and others were close to God, and they didn't go crazy. They tore their faces on the spot, which was already very good.

   Even if this chance, it belongs to Jiang Chen.

   But before, you have already said how to distribute it. When you are finally ready to distribute, you Jiang Chen suddenly flipped the table and stopped playing. What do you mean?

   Play them all like idiots?

   Even if they get close to Zu Xing again, they will feel aggrieved in their hearts.

   "Then act." Wu Jiaohai said solemnly.

   Many near gods dispersed, and began to arrange means against Jiang Chen.


  Ning Qiannian brought Jiang Chen back to the Huaxia College stronghold. This is a city with many tall buildings and a lot of spiritual energy.

  This city, named after Huaxia, has a dragon flag on the city wall.

   Let Lu Zangfeng take Jiang Chen back to rest, and Ning Qiannian entered the depths of the academy.

  There is an independent space here, and inside is a small world, and the spiritual energy is dozens of times more intense than the outside world.

   Fifteen stalwart figures sat cross-legged, their bodies filled with divine brilliance.

   "Everyone, I'm back." Ning Qiannian entered the small world with a smile on his face.

   "You're finally back." The old man with white beard and hair before smiled and stroked his beard: "Luo Qing sent some Pangu blood, and we are planning to share it with you."

   As he spoke, a stone bowl appeared with golden blood of Pangu in it.

   This was given by Luo Qing, and the rest were divided by those immortals.

   If you can get a bowl, it’s still the gods. It’s only given because the chance was discovered by Huaxia College.

  Ning Millennium smiled slightly and said, "I also want to share it with you all."

With a wave of   , a pool of Pangu blood appeared.

   "This is?" Fifteen figures widened their eyes and looked at the blood pool in astonishment: "Pangu blood?"

  Ning Qiannian laughed and said: "Jiang Chen, that brat, how could he hand over all the blood of Pangu?"

   "Good boy, even the gods dare to hide it!"

  The old man with white hair and beard smiled and said, "It's not worth the old man's bones to run out for him. By the way, quickly call them all back and learn the way of immortals and gods together."

   "No." Ning Qiannian shook his head and said: "This matter cannot be made public, otherwise it will attract immortals. I plan to invite the spirit of the yin."

   "Huh? The Spirit of Taiyin?" Fifteen figures were puzzled.

   "Before the spirit of Taiyin was not subject to thunder calamity." Ning Qiannian said solemnly: "If we can avoid being able to receive it, and prove the immortal gods, then can't we be able to cultivate with peace of mind all the time in order to realize the great way?"

  Fifteen figures looked forward to and worriedly said: "It's reasonable, but, the spirit of the yin, will you help us?"

   "As long as Jiang Chen speaks, I think, yes." Ning Qiannian said.

   "Then I'll ask Jiang Chen. If this can happen, I can invite Li Tianlei to share the blood of Pangu."

  The white-haired old man pondered: "He has spent a lot of effort to get along well with Zu Xing and the moon, and this time I really can't help him."

   It was a good talk, but at the last moment, Jiang Chen turned his face and flipped the table, which was really inauthentic.

   There was only a bowl of Pangu blood before, and they were not enough.

   Now that the number is enough, they will also divide a part. Don’t think about the near-gods of the Moon faction back then, their hearts are not so big.

  Ning left behind Pangu’s blood for thousands of years and went to Jiang Chen again.

  Jiang Chen is resting in the room at the moment, Shangguan Yunwu and Gu Daofeng have returned, and the powerhouses of Huaxia Academy personally picked them up.

   It’s just Yang Jiuchen, whose whereabouts are still unknown, and Xuan Daozhen’s whereabouts are unknown.

   "The movement you made is really not small." Shangguan Yunwu's eyes filled with a strange light: "Now you have far surpassed us."

   "Yeah, I used to be a little Taoist, but now I'm looking up to a behemoth." Gu Daofeng sighed.

   "I have a chance." Jiang Chen smiled lightly: "I'll ask Senior Sister later, so that you can also feel the chance."

   Now the blood of Pangu is all in Li Qingyue, he only has a little.

   "And our share?" The two said in amazement, but they left a copy for them.

   "Of course there is." Jiang Chen smiled lightly: "Sister, are you there?"

   "I, always been."

   In the void, a cold voice sounded, and a hazy figure appeared.

   "I have seen the spirit of Taiyin." The two hurriedly bowed their hands.

  Li Qingyue recognized Jiang Chen as a junior and was not familiar with them.

   The spirit of Taiyin, as long as she is in the moon and Jiang Chen calls, she will be able to sense it.

   "Jiang Chen, the spirit of Taiyin."

  Ning has been here for thousands of years, and he cupped his hands and said, "I just want to ask for your help."

   "What's the matter?" Li Qingyue said coldly.

   "It's like this, if we comprehend the blood of Pangu, if there is a great movement to prove the Dao..." Ning Qiannian explained the matter.

   Hazy figure, unable to see the expression clearly, Li Qingyue said: "I can send you to leave the Taiyin, go to the starry sky to cross the tribulation, move quickly, those immortals can't find you."

   "Within the Taiyin, even I can't hide from all the gods now."

   "Thank you very much, as long as you can hide from them, you can transcend the calamity anywhere." Ning Qiannian said.

   As for Li Qingyue, who is immune to the calamity?

  This is impossible, they don't even dare to think about it, and they don't have the honor of the ancient gods.

  Ning Millennium respectfully asked: "I would like to ask, whether the ancient gods are different from the current immortal gods, why are the ancient gods immune to thunder calamity?"

The three of them also looked at Li Qingyue curiously.

  Li Qingyue did not hide: "The ancient gods were conceived, and they were originally created by the gods. They have the responsibilities of the gods. The gods will not judge the ancient gods. Although the thunder tribulation will still manifest, the ancient gods can choose to transcend the calamity or not."

   "After transcending the calamity, there is the power of creation, the eternal divine brilliance, if you don't transcend the calamity, wouldn't it be gone?" Ning Qiannian frowned.

   "There is no shortage of ancient gods." Li Qingyue said coldly.

  Ning Millennium: "…"

   Well, we are too poor!

   "You should study and understand with all your heart, and when you need to transcend the calamity, just call me." Li Qingyue said.

   "There is the spirit of labor and Taiyin." Ning Millennium handed over, got up and left.

  With Li Qingyue's guarantee, they can also cultivate with confidence and realize the opportunity of immortals and gods.

  Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Sister, I want Gu Daofeng and Shangguan Yunwu to take a dip."

   "Well, good." Li Qingyue replied, with a wave of her hand, the power of the yin enveloped the two of them.

  Gu Daofeng smiled and said, "When I come out, follow me to the ancient battlefield."

   "Yes." Jiang Chen agreed.

  The moon is full of flowers, and the two have left Huaxia Academy and disappeared.

   and others left, and Li Qingyue's figure was revealed, with long silver-white hair, silver-white robes, and a crescent mark between his eyebrows.

   The whole person is filled with the breath of the past and the present, the past and the present are intertwined.

   (end of this chapter)

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