MTL - My Body Can Infinitely Awaken Skills-Chapter 187 You use the artifact, and I shoot the sunbow, that's fair!

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   Chapter 187 You use an artifact, I shoot a sunbow, it's fair!

  The battle of the ring.

  The cold air spreads and freezes the void, but it melts quickly.

  The sun and the moon hang high, the heat is hot and the ice evaporates.

   Jiang Chen harnessed the power of the lunar sun, and his pupils turned into the sun and the moon, echoing it.


  The power of the sun and the moon surging, the body of the person who came to explode, turned into a blood mist, and all the vitality disappeared.

   "Jiang Chen, win."

  Wan Chunfeng's voice sounded again.

   "I'll kill you!"

   Another figure arrives, in a state of unity between heaven and man, a heaven and man!

   After a while, the heaven and man burst, and there was no breath.

   "Jiang Chen, win."

   "Jiang Chen, win."

   "Jiang Chen..."

The voice of   Wan Chunfeng kept ringing, and every time it sounded, it represented a victory.


  Suddenly, an evil spirit spread, and the world was broken, as if the end had come.

  Evil practitioners, coming from the sky, seem to be in harmony with the heaven and the earth, but also seem to transcend the heaven and earth.

  Cut Dao!

  Jiang Chen's eyes were calm, this was a Dao Slashing practitioner!

   is also ten bottles of medicinal herbs, flying towards Wanchunfeng.

   The evil cultivator stepped into the arena space, there was a dark mark between his eyebrows, and the whole body was filled with a divine aura of destruction.

   The divine power was turbulent, and ripples appeared in the void, as if it was unbearable.

   "An ant, your way is over!"

   The evil spirit practitioner looked indifferent, with a long spear in his hand, the evil spirit permeated out.

  【Fenghuo Divine Realm】opened, including evil practitioners.

  Jiang Chen looked cold: "How many people have you killed?"

   "After you die, in the apocalypse, you will find out." The evil cultivator said coldly.

   The jet-black spear shook, and the divine might was vast, like a **** descending into the world.

   The aura of destruction at the end of the day is agitated, and the power to destroy the sky and the earth wipes out the entire [Beacon Fire God Realm].

   "The fifteenth day of the end, the robbery of the end of the law!"

  The spear is like a dragon, carrying a monstrous evil atmosphere, and it has a tendency to overwhelm the sun and the moon.

  The spiritual energy of heaven and earth dissipated, and Jiang Chen felt a force of suppression and wanted to confine his blood.

  Unfortunately, this repressive force was too weak and had little effect on him.

   The two palms are raised lightly, the sun and the moon are gathered in the palms, and the power of the lunar sun and the sun are intertwined, turning into a vast Taiji map.


   The doomsday scene was shattered, and countless dead souls wailed and roared.

  The vast Taiji map enveloped the entire God Realm, blocking the power of doomsday.

"help me."

   "Help me, I don't want to die."

   "Uncle, save me..."

   One after another cry for help came from the body of the evil cultivator, and the doomsday scene reappeared.

   One after another, there are old people, young children, and adult men and women. Under the apocalypse, they all fall into fear.

   A girl looked at Jiang Chen pitifully, her eyes filled with tears.


  Jiang Chen was furious, and the Divine Realm space was shaking: "A child, you can do it all?!"

   "It is their glory to be able to become the nourishment of the evil gods." The evil cultivator proudly said: "The disaster of the apocalypse will eventually be shattered. I will let them become members of the apocalypse.

   "The road to the end should be cut off!"

   Jiang Chen drank angrily, grabbed with his five fingers, and used the power of God's Domain: "Kill!"


   The void fluctuated, and hundreds of sacred souls appeared. They were bathed in sacred flames and were transcendent and holy.


  The two sides confronted again, Jiang Chen mobilized the power of the gods without reservation, and smashed the evil cultivator.



The    long spear vibrated, as if hitting the indestructible Hong bell, making a deafening sound.

   The power of the entire God's Domain was oppressed, and the body exploded, turning into thousands of blood mist.

   One after another human race phantoms flew out of the blood mist, including ancestral stars and moon people.

   Sacred flames filled the air, and these figures all melted into the flames.


   The roaring flames burn, and a unique eternal breath permeates out, a sacred, transcendent breath.

   "This is the fire..."

   Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment. With the addition of the human soul, he could feel that his firepower had increased.

   These human souls have blessed the power of fire and the realm of the gods!

   "Human Race... Yongchang!"

   "The fire... never goes out!"

   The dead soul of the human race is actually speaking jerky at this moment, and an inexplicable force has inspired a great power.

   A mighty divine light, blooming from the fire, actually penetrated the [Fenghuo Divine Realm], penetrated the arena formation, and radiated out.

"This is…"

  The people outside were all illuminated by divine light, the blood in the body was boiling, and the soul was throbbing.

   This is the power of fire that belongs to the human race!

   In the vast divine light, there are faint shadows of sacred phantoms appearing, filled with awe-inspiring righteousness, sacred and transcendent.

   "I seem to have seen the realm of Dao Slashing." Emperor Yan Ming was bathed in divine light and his expression was excited.

   "The fire of the human race, the sages of ancient times!"

  The old man's eyes narrowed, and he stared blankly at the silhouettes in the divine light.

   "The fire will be passed on forever, the human race will not be extinguished, the fire will last forever, and the fire will never disappear!"

   "Xinhuo records the ancient sages. These dead souls inspired the power of Xinhuo and made the ancient sages reappear."

   "It's just a phantom, not the real reappearance of ancient sages."

   One after another practitioner, watching this scene, felt the power of Xinhuo, and was horrified by Jiang Chen, who was actually wearing a human race.


   In the void, one after another sacred aura filled the air, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains appeared in the void, one after another silhouettes arrived, and the whole body was filled with aura of grandeur.

   "The power of fire is recorded by the sages of the human race."

A man dressed as a Confucian and with a goatee looked at the ancient shadows, his eyes were excited, but he sighed more: "Unfortunately, it is only a trace of fire power, and only a trace of sages is revealed. "

   "The fire of the human race has long since disappeared, and now there is a trace of it, which is a blessing."

   "The fire will never be extinguished, and one day it will all appear. It will definitely lead the ancient sages and continue the inheritance of the human race!"

   An old man in white said solemnly: "The inheritance of the human race will not be cut off forever."


   At this moment, within the Divine Realm space, the exploding evil warriors gathered together.

   The dark mark between the eyebrows is actually blooming with evil light at this moment.

   A phantom of an immortal **** manifested behind it, but it was a ghostly energy!

   "You took refuge in the Spirit Clan?" Jiang Chen's expression was cold, this person was not a clone, but the main body.

   For the doomsday cultivator, the Heretic God descended, he didn't want to just kill the main body!

   "Your soul will be the greatest supplement, and the fire will also be mine!"

   The evil warrior sneered, the spear in his hand again, gathering the power of the ghost, and killing Jiang Chen.

The    Immortal Spiritual Mind also attached to the spear and killed Jiang Chen.

   "The thoughts of alien gods can't change your fate of death!"

  Jiang Chen snorted coldly and mobilized the power of God's Domain again.

  The souls of the human race have also gathered their strength to inspire great power, and the power of doomsday has been suppressed!

  The doomsday scene is shattering, and the spirits of the spirit race are disintegrating.


   The void is fluctuating, and the power of the immortals and gods shrouded above, the power of the evil gods, the innocent, actually hangs down and blesses the evil practitioners.


   At this moment, the formation method actually broke a gap, and the cultivation of the evil cultivator skyrocketed, surpassing the seventh grade of creation!

   "Damn, he cheated!"

   "Damn, how can this be?"

   "It's not fair!"

   The ancestral people outside were instantly furious. Why could they provoke the restrictions imposed by the immortals?

   This is obviously the intention of the gods!


   The evil cultivator grinned and said, "An ant, the spirit of Taiyin can't save you!"

  In an unexpected change, the spear has already arrived, the power of the fire has been suppressed, and the mighty force that surpassed creation has recovered, faintly surpassing the world!

   The power of slashing!


  【Fenghuo Divine Realm】 was collapsing, and the breath of death enveloped Jiang Chen.

   "You, crossed the line!"

   The icy voice sounded, the bone-chilling gloom, and a hazy figure suddenly appeared, blocking Jiang Chen.


   The evil cultivator paused and looked at the hazy figure in horror: "Spirit of Taiyin?"

  I waited until the critical moment to activate the power of the immortals and gods. Why did the spirit of Taiyin still react?

   "Sister." Jiang Chen also looked at Li Qingyue in astonishment. He had already taken out the fragments of the sun-shooting bow in his hand, ready to open the bow.

   Even if it is too late to open the bow, he will still stimulate the blood of Pangu, he will not die, but he will be severely injured.

   "I, always been."

  Li Qingyue is cold and authentic, and the power of the sacred and cold Taiyin has imprisoned the space and imprisoned the evil practitioners.

   With a loud bang, the evil cultivator exploded into a mist of blood, without any resistance, he directly killed it without leaving a trace of life.

   Zhen killed the evil cultivator, Li Qingyue's body dissipated and left the arena space.

   "Fortunately, the spirit of the yin appeared in time, this lunar man is really unruly!"

   "Damn, it's a big deal to go to war directly, do you really think our ancestors are afraid of them?"

   "Yes, if you want to fight, you will fight. After so many years, I have already had enough!"

   A roar resounded through the sky.

On the    arena, Wan Chunfeng's voice sounded again: "Jiang Chen, win."

   "Alien, let the moon people come to die, what a good plan!"

  Jiang Chen said coldly, "King of Samsara, get down and fight!"

   "King of Samsara, get down and fight!"

   A roar resounded through the sky, spreading throughout Huaxia City.

   "An ant, blaspheme the gods, you deserve to die!"

   The cold words resounded, and figures came down one after another.


   A roar came, and a giant python came out of the sky, and the breath on his body had reached the realm of slashing!

   "Humans, return the space worm mother and leave you with a corpse!" A giant python said angrily.

   "Come in if you have the guts. Talking nonsense outside will only make you seem incompetent!" Jiang Chen sneered.

   "Jiang Chen, do you want to rest?"

   Wan Chunfeng's voice sounded.

   "Yeah, take a break, you scared us to death just now."

   "This group of people is not following the rules. I think this is the end of the day. Who knows what else they will do."

   The ancestral stars outside also spoke.

  Those lunar men were silent at this moment, unable to say a word, their faces full of shame.

  The descendants of the evil gods represent their moon people, colluding with aliens, and even if they have the spirit of the spirit race, they also inspired the power of the evil gods.

   This is all about killing Jiang Chen!

   In order to kill Jiang Chen, these faces are not needed.

   There are quite a few lunar men, and they still know them in their hearts, especially those who can come here to watch the battle, and their status is basically not low.

   "You don't need to rest, just kill these ants." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

   This time, he was careful, holding the sun-shooting bow fragment in his left hand, and in another accident, he shot the sun-shooting bow directly and killed the opponent.

   "Then I'll send you on your way!"

  The giant python shrank its body and entered the arena, also shrouded in divine might.

  The Zerg also has immortals and gods. In the current battle, there is no immortals behind the support, so they basically don’t need to play.

   There are no close gods and immortals behind, but the level of Shenwei can't be passed.

   "If you have a next life, remember to stay away from Blue Star!"

  Jiang Chen's expression was cold, he didn't hold back at all, he directly mobilized [Fenghuo Divine Region] to kill the giant python.


  The giant python screamed in the sky, and the majestic suction came out, actually wanting to swallow the gods.

   Endless flames poured into the mouth of the giant python, sacred and eerie flames, the power of the sun and the moon, all poured into it.


  The body of the python exploded directly, and countless flames burned from the inside, sweeping the whole body.

   "Stupid, you want to swallow my power?" Jiang Chen looked disdainful.

   This devouring magical power is really good, but we also need to see if you can swallow it, and if you can swallow it!

   "Jiang Chen, win!"

   "Jiang Chen, win!"

   It was the sound of consecutive victories. After the accident that happened just now, the next challengers were still normal.

  Jiang Chen beheaded his opponent again and again, and the medicinal pills in his hand kept increasing.

   No moonmen will come to fight again, they are all Eldar and Zerg.

   Their ancestors are more unlikely to come and fight with him.

   "Invincible at the same level, worthy of the name."

   "Yeah, who dares to be invincible at the same level, only Jiang Chen!"

  Emperor Yan Ming and the others sighed and said that Zu Xing and the moon have been fighting for so many years, and no one has ever truly claimed to be invincible at the same level.

  The ancestral star can't, and neither can the moon!

   Even the top geniuses of Huaxia Academy and Moon Academy are not good enough, and that Taoist Li Daoyuan is not invincible at the same level.

   One after another powerful aliens fell, turned into blood mist, and dissipated in the air.


  Suddenly, a mighty divine power filled the air, the supreme coercion, like the sky descending.

  A handsome young man stepped into the void and came.

   With every step he took, he appeared several miles away in an instant, as if crossing space.

   The figure flashed in the air, and in just a few steps, he had come to the sky above the arena.

  The whole body is shrouded in a ghostly air, and there are countless sacred patterns coiling around the body, exuding the breath of mysterious reincarnation.

   "King of Samsara, you can't stand it anymore!" Jiang Chen's eyes narrowed and fell on the young man.

   "What? This is the King of Reincarnation?"

   The practitioners outside were in an uproar and looked at the Spirit Race youth in shock.

   In a trance, an inexplicable aura made them dare not raise their heads, and wanted to bow their heads and surrender.

   Fairy God!

   It's really a fairy **** coming, the reincarnation king of the spirit clan!

   "Yi, you are the first person to make God angry." The young man's expression was indifferent, and his eyes were full of cold light.

   "Unfortunately, you are just a clone." Jiang Chen said lightly: "If you come here, I may still be interested."

   The young man raised his hand, and ten bottles of medicinal herbs flew towards Wanchunfeng, the breath permeating his body, and he created seven grades of good fortune.

   He entered the arena and stood in the [Fenghuo Divine Realm].

   "Pseudo-god space, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant." The King of Samsara glanced at the [Beacon Fire God's Domain], and there was a glint in his eyes.

   Being able to comprehend the realm of the gods in the realm of creation is not something ordinary people can do.

   Even ordinary immortals have never opened up the realm of the gods.

   "Pseudo-god space? Is that beacon world the world of gods?"

   "No wonder it has been unable to break, who can break the space of God?"

   Everyone outside looked at the space in shock.

   They don't believe it, the pseudo-god space in the mouth of King Samsara, based on the contradiction between King Samsara and Jiang Chen, must be a demeaning statement.

  Instinctively, this group of people removed the false characters, and that beacon fire battlefield is the world of God!

  Jiang Chen said contemptuously: "You little god, shouldn't you have created the realm of the gods yet?"

   King Samsara's face froze, he really hasn't opened up the realm of the gods.

   If the realm of the gods was opened up, it would not have been slapped by Li Qingyue at the beginning.

   "An ant, you have repeatedly blasphemed your god, do you really think this space can keep you?" The Samsara King said coldly.

   "Little God, I know you haven't seen the world, so I will allow you to visit my divine realm."

  Jiang Chen sneered: "Treasure this opportunity, because once I make a move, your clone will be destroyed!"

   "With the body of an ant, claiming to be a **** in vain, you are the first person!"

  The King of Samsara snorted coldly. Although he really wanted to comprehend the Divine Realm, can he really comprehend it?

   Absolutely not!

  Jiang Chen will not open the Divine Realm to him for enlightenment. If he really enlightens, he will lose his face. When he sees Jiang Chen in the future, he will call out Master?

   A thought moved, a sacred aura filled the air, a disc appeared behind him, and the power of mysterious reincarnation circulated.

  The King of Samsara said coldly, "You have the realm of the gods, and there is a reflection of the divine soldiers in this seat, so I don't think I'm bullying you!"

   "It doesn't count, naturally it doesn't count." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "King of Samsara, what cards do you have, take them out together, you won't have a chance later."

   "This Jiang Chen, at this time, is still so confident, could it be possible, does he really have any trump cards?"

   "What are you afraid of, the power of the yin is always by his side, and you are worried that the King of Reincarnation will turn the world upside down?"

  The people outside are no longer worried about Jiang Chen.

Before   , the spirit of Taiyin appeared in time, and that sentence was always there, which obviously proved that it was always guarding Jiang Chen's side.

  As long as it is within the moon, the lunar spirit can appear at any time!

   "An ant, there is a reflection of a magical soldier, it's enough to kill you!"

  The King of Samsara's expression was icy cold, he lifted his right palm lightly, and the disc fell into his palm, bursting with the power of reincarnation: "Send you into reincarnation and perish forever!"

   The power of endless reincarnation oscillates, and the divine power of reincarnation is successfully revived, and the space of the divine domain is crumbling.

   There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth, the fragments in his hand shook, and a brilliant divine bow appeared: "I won't reason with you anymore, it's fair to the divine weapon to the divine weapon!"

   In the next moment, the power of the sun and the moon converged, water and fire blessed, and the power of the entire divine domain turned into arrows.


   A vast illusory figure, condensed behind it, is the phantom of Jiang Chen!

  The breath of ancient, vicissitudes flows, and the ancient magic weapon is revived!

   "This is... an ancient **** soldier?"

   King Samsara's expression changed greatly, and he said in shock, "You are not following the rules!"

   "You have a magic weapon, and I also use a magic weapon, that's fair!" Jiang Chen sneered, his fingers loosened, and the arrow shot out.


   The next moment, the void cracked open, the reincarnation aura dissipated, and the disc exploded and shattered.

  What kind of **** is the reflection of the reincarnation magic soldier, can it be compared to shooting a sunbow?


  The entire arena space was shaking, and the void collapsed. Fortunately, the power restricted by the immortal gods was strong enough, and the arrows did not destroy the arena in the end.

   The void collapsed, a huge space crack, destroying everything.

  The place where the King of Reincarnation stood is a void...

   (end of this chapter)