MTL - My Dad Is the Galaxy’s Prince Charming-Chapter 122 Spicy Eye Devil

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"Are you sure that the demon Xing Chong is on this planet?" Yao Si pointed to the front.

"Do not worry, proper!" Quze patted the chest, he checked all the immigrants' entry and exit records, and then traced here.

"Yes, the master." The ball on the 27th also floated over and floated on the shoulders of Quze. "I have already darkened the brains of all the immortals, even though this demon is a country without a brain." But all the information around the planet has indeed captured his image many times, and he has 99 percent chance of being on the planet."

Country bustle...

Yao Si’s black line is still somewhat uncertain. It’s really a record that Quze’s record is not good. Although it has been washed white, she still subconsciously looks at the only way to know. “The more girls, the more you look. ?"

Li Yue’s mouth is pumping, what is the girl’s ghost?

Since being pulled to the red star in the shower that day, he has been surrounded by Ji Youxuan. He obviously feels that there is something unspeakable change in his eyes. He feels it necessary to explain, cough, and look positive. She said, "Under the **** small hall, I think you have some misunderstandings about yourself. The deity is a nine-day fairy, is a pure man, please don't doubt my taste. Can you change your name?"

"Oh, don't care about this detail." Yao Si waved, I understand, I understand, like to use the little pink man! "The more pink, the more you think Xing Chong is here?" She changed her name from a good one.

Li Yue: "..." What's wrong with pink? Can you not be a fairy if you like pink?

Besides, this is obviously a matter of blood, is it necessary for Mao to pull him into the territory of the Mozu?

Always calm and self-sufficient, the high-spirited flower of Li Yuexian, a bit violent, but ... still have to smile!


"In terms of the environment in this place, it is indeed very suitable for the Devils to practice. Xing Chong may indeed be here."

"Go!" Xu Xuan suddenly opened his mouth and took the hand of his own cub, and walked in front. Others have to follow up.

The position traced by the ball is a half-dead star, which is almost unknown. There is almost no smoke. There are volcanic lava everywhere, and the temperature on the surface is so high that it scares people. I don't know why the demon is going to practice in this place.

However, for a ball that can be black, it is not difficult to track a demon who does not try to hide himself. In order not to stun the snakes, they decided not to go through the official channels and run this oneself. He and Xuan Xuan, as well as Li Yue and the road lead to the planet together, want to ask the Nirvana star, ask.

"The magic of the front gathers, it should be the demon Xing Chong." Li Yue pointed to the volcano in front of the towering clouds, like what I remembered, some embarrassing roads, "Xing Chong is good at law, and he and I Some old complaints, I am afraid he will not see..."

"That's advanced to say it again!" He said that he hadn't finished talking. He suddenly felt a strong spiritual force. He instantly surrounded the four people present. The scenery in front of him changed, and the array broke directly. A straight line to the crater. The path appeared in front of you.

Li Yue: "..." Well, forget that there is a plug-in among them. On the spirit of who is comparable to the Lord of the Blood, suddenly I feel that I can be more arrogant.

The place where Xing Chong is located is a volcanic center. There are lava outside, but after entering it, don't have a world. The high temperature that burned together disappeared.

The immortality is a race that keeps pace with the times. If the mental field outside is considered to be ethnic, the high-tech levels inside are very interstellar. Laser, poison gas, a lot of cold and hot weapons.

However, with the hang of this, all the organs are paper tigers, and the four people are almost unimpeded. Even if they encounter an unknown method, they can completely violently suppress the past. It took some time for some high-tech barriers. However, with the match between the No. 27 ball and Quze, it is not a problem at all. Yao Si, who was bored all the way, suddenly felt that he was a little redundant, saying... Why did she follow it?

"Come on!" Finally they reached the depths of the volcano.

She took a deep breath, tightened her hand and walked in together. In the end, the door was a water curtain-like substance. It went straight in one step. Yao Si could not help but worry. This way the defense was so strict. It is said that this is called Xing Chong. There is no greasy thing here. She does not believe it. She also said that she is not allowed to work with Yongle.

"Well... ah... hurry up, give me... hard!"

"Don't be anxious, the subordinates will be good... Serving you!"

"Don't... there, don't..."

"Day of the Devil, don't you?"


Harmony requires the sound of mosaic to be transmitted instantly. If there is only one bed in the big room, two similar fruits, one on the other, is lingering. The key is... both are men.

(⊙ o ⊙)

Yao Si: "..." Is it still time to return?

Quze: "..." +1

Ball: "..." +2

Li Yue: "..." Go back and separate from the Mozu!

Xuan Xuan: "..." There are always people who want to teach my family!

The eyes are sore and I am embarrassed!

Yao Si turned to look at the person next to him. "The more girls, the more immortal you are... the taste?"

Li Yue’s whole body trembled, and your 丐丐’s eyes were swollen? He felt it necessary to explain, immediately and categorically, "He is a Mozu, not like me! And my apprentice is a woman!"

Uh... I didn't ask if your apprentice is a man or a woman? Are you exposed?


"Who is it?" Yao Si had not had time to ask, but Li Yue’s glimpse succeeded in attracting the attention of others. The two people who were still performing the harmonious picture seriously were sober. The man lying underneath, a person who pushed open the body, and waved a red sword in his hand and appeared in his hand. Looking at it from the side, seeing Li Yue, it seems to be somewhat unexpected. After a sigh of relief, I sneered, "Li Yue! Hey, I didn't expect you to catch this?"

Yao Si: "..." Was the original demon Xing Chong still the following? How do you feel that the devil is so mad and wins the cool title! Hey!

The taste is heavy! Can't do it, can't think, it will lock the text! The festival is smashed.

"Xing Chong, you hurt my child, the deity will eventually ask you a statement."

Ah! Did Li Yue really have an old hatred with him? Yao Si subconsciously looked at the man who was hiding behind Xing Chong and did not dare to speak. I think of the spicy eye picture just... The heartache is full of emotions.

"Hey! What about me killing her?" It may be the reason why the enemy meets with extreme blush. Xing Chong directly ignores the three of them. Instead, he laughs more and more arrogantly, and his body is faintly black. It’s totally different from the little one who just had a sigh of breath. “The **** is not a singer, but the skill is not as good as people.

"Stop!" Li Yue was also provoked. "If you are just a singer, that is my only apprentice!"

"Apprentice? Don't say so nice!" Xing Chong was even more angry, and stood up with excitement. The original sheets that were hidden in front of him were pulled down and fell directly. Seeing the high-definition, no-code-taste picture will appear, and Xuan Xuan’s eyes are fast, and immediately catching the eyes of his own cubs, um, really!

Slot! The key moments were turned off, and I knew that I should not bring my parents. But although the eyes could not be seen, the conversation between the two was still passed into the ears.

"What an apprentice! Don't think that I don't know, if it wasn't for the slutty seduce you, how would you be so jealous to me and openly break with me."

Huh? This story is wrong! Watching the trio, there is a story inside!

"The language is my life and love, my heart is pleasing to her, what are you doing with you?" Li Yue simply recognized.

"" Xing Chong gas was shaking. "She is your favorite, then what am I? Have you forgotten the friendship we have practiced together for thousands of years?"

Practice? What practice? Which kind of practice? Say something clearly, hello!

"If you are too obsessed, you will break into the magic."

"I don't believe it. For so many years, you haven't been tempted by me?" He said that he was walking quickly.

Li Yue’s face was distorted. “I used to be with you, only friends.”

"Ghosts are your friends!"

"The language is..."

"Shut up, shut up!"

Onlookers of the trio: "..." What to do, I feel that I have been able to make up the three hundred episodes of the Golden Dog Blood Triangle.

The immortal people will really play.

Seeing that the plot is going to be discovered in the poor shake, and Xing Chong has been rushing to the side of this heart, the look is a sorrow, if ... he is not naked in the whole body.

Yan Xuan's face is black, and some of the brains that have endured for a long time are broken, and the spirit of the cockroaches is overwhelming. In addition to someone who is squinted, everyone seems to be crushed. In the same way, a slamming sound was planted on the ground and could no longer climb.

"Put the clothes on, fight again!"

Do you know that there are children here, what should you do if you have broken the cub?

I found someone else’s Yu Chong: "..."

Li Yue, who is over the head: "..."

Young Yao Yao: "..."

Cannon fodder & ball: "..." Although I don't know why they have to be crushed, but their own family, with tears to say, kneel V5!

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes