MTL - My Eyes Are Mutated-Chapter 2 injury

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Ye Huan quickly stepped forward and helped a few people carry his father to the bed.

During the period, Ye Huan observed the injuries on his father's body. The wounds had already been treated. The most serious ones were the right arm and left leg, which were broken.

A cold glow flashed across Ye Huan's eyes, and then he hid.

Ye Huan thanked the middle-aged men who sent his father back one by one. After the middle-aged men left, Ye Huan looked at Chen Shan who stayed behind.

"Uncle Chen, what happened?"

Chen Shan looked at Ye Huan with admiration in his eyes, this is a sixteen-year-old child, he is too calm.

If it was Chen Tong from his family, he would have been furious long ago.

"Your father had a conflict with others and was unwilling to give up the Kaiqiao Pill that he bought for you, and his hands and feet were interrupted."

Chen Shan said in a deep voice, his eyes filled with regret.

In the past, I always heard Ye Shoucheng say that if he saves money to buy Kaiqiao Dan, his son is expected to be admitted to the Hanwu Intermediate Martial Arts Academy.

Chen Shan always laughed, but he didn't really believe it. How could it be so easy for the Hanwu Intermediate Martial Arts Academy?

But Ye Huan's performance today made Chen Shan believe a little bit, but it's a pity that without the Kaiqiao Pill, Ye Huan may not even be able to reach the threshold.

"Uncle Chen, is it a real conflict or is it for Kaiqiao Dan?"

Ye Huan spoke again.

Chen Tong glanced at Ye Huan again in surprise. He thought he had already looked up to Ye Huan, but he still underestimated it.

"I don't know, the conflict was over by the time we arrived."

Chen Tong told the truth, in fact, Chen Tong had guesses in his heart, and the other party was probably coming for Kaiqiao Pill.

Kaiqiao Dan, one thousand silver coins, equivalent to ten months' wages, the wealth and silk are touching.

"Uncle Chen, can you tell me who the other party is?"

Ye Huan's eyes moved slightly. Even if Chen Tong didn't say it, how could he not guess that it was probably because of Kaiqiao Dan.

"Xiao Huan, you should focus on the assessment of the intermediate martial arts academy now, and leave the rest alone."

Chen Shan's face was serious.

"As for who it is, when your dad wakes up, ask your dad to go."

"This is five hundred silver coins. Take it and show it to your father to find a doctor."

Chen Shan said and handed over a bag of money.

"Uncle Chen, thank you, I will pay you back as soon as possible."

Ye Huan didn't delay, he really needed the money now.

"Xiao Huan, I'll go first, the money... is not enough, tell Uncle Chen, I'll find a way."

Chen Shan said before leaving, Ye Huan thanked him again.

After sending Chen Shan away, Ye Huan went back to his father's bed.

Even in a coma, Ye Shoucheng's body was twitching, showing pain.

"Kai... Kai Qi Dan..."

Ye Shoucheng repeated unconsciously in his mouth.

Ye Huan's face became colder and colder as he looked at his father who was lying on the bed, his face pale and in great pain.

No matter who it is, he will make the other party pay the price.

"No, that's for Huan'er, hmmm"

Ye Shoucheng woke up with a start, touching his injuries, and the cold sweat on his forehead instantly fell.

"Huan'er, I'm sorry, I'm useless, I lost the Kaiqiao Dan I bought for you."

Seeing Ye Huan in front of the bed, Ye Shoucheng, who had just woken up, looked sad and annoyed.

"Father, it's alright, if you lose the Kaiqiao Pill, you will lose it. Without the Kaiqiao Pill, I can still be admitted to the Hanwu Intermediate Martial Arts Academy."

Ye Huan confronted Ye Shoucheng on the bed.

Ye Shoucheng lay on the bed with a look of annoyance, apparently not listening to what he said.

Kaiqiao Pill is the future of his son, but he lost Kaiqiao Pill.

"You have to be mentally prepared. The patient's injury is too serious, and even if he recovers, he may not be able to do any drastic actions."

In the small courtyard, the doctor said to Ye Huan and Liu Yun, who hurried back.

Liu Yun staggered and his face turned pale in an instant. Ye Shoucheng was the backbone of this family. If Ye Shoucheng could not recover, it would be a huge blow to this family.

"Doctor, is there no other way?"

Ye Huan asked in a deep voice.

Liu Yun also looked over with hope.

"Yes, find a warrior in the galaxy, heal your wounds with infuriating qi, or take the body wash pill from the Hanwu Intermediate Martial Arts Academy."

The doctor said slowly, but the more he listened to Liu Yun's expression, the darker his expression became.

Neither of these two can do it.

Star River Realm warriors, don't know if there are any in Eastern Han City, and even if they do, they are not affordable.

As for the body washing pill, it is more than ten thousand silver coins, and it is often worthless.

They can't afford it.

Ye Huan's expression changed, and she looked at the doctor. The doctor knew the situation of their family very well. Since they said it, it meant that they had hope.

"Doctor, how can I get the body wash pill?"

"There was a chance recently. I heard that the top ten in the Hanwu Intermediate Martial Arts Academy's assessment can get a body wash pill for free."

Liu Yun's eyes lit up, and he glanced at Ye Huan, but it dimmed again.

Even though Ye Huan is her son, Liu Yun is very clear-headed. Ye Huan still has the slightest chance to be admitted to the Hanwu Intermediate Martial Arts Academy, but it is absolutely impossible to get the top ten in the examination.

"Top ten in the assessment."

Ye Huan also meditated in his heart, and at the same time felt a pressure as heavy as a mountain.

Ye Huan really had a certain degree of certainty when he was admitted to the Hanwu Intermediate Martial Arts Academy.

However, Ye Huan was very clear-headed in the top ten of the assessment, and he really had no confidence at all.

But this is the only way to cure his father at present, Ye Huan gave up so easily when he was not willing.


Ye Huan was lying on the bed, rubbing her eyes with her hands.

When he was ten years old, his eyes mutated, giving him the ability to never forget. Now six years have passed, but his eyes are no longer moving.

Rubbing, rubbing... His eyes became faintly warm.

Ye Huan abruptly sat up from the bed and concentrated on feeling it, fearing that it was just an illusion.

His eyes were indeed hot.

Ye Huan's face was full of surprises. It was like this when his eyes mutated six years ago. Now his eyes are hot again, and they are about to mutate again.

Perhaps the eyes that mutate again can surprise him and solve his current predicament.

Ye Huan is looking forward to the completion of the eye mutation, and has been silently watching the progress of the eye mutation.

However, the heat in his eyes has been heating up, and there is no sign of subsidence.

Ye Huan couldn't hold it any longer until the end, and fell asleep in a daze.

It was already the second day after waking up, sending her mother away and serving her father on the bed, Ye Huan couldn't wait to return to the room.

The mutation of the eyes had already been completed last night, and Ye Huan eagerly wanted to know what abilities the mutated eyes had.

In the room, Ye Huan glanced around, but his eyes did not reveal any special abilities.

Is it just deepening the ability to remember?

Ye Huan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, that wouldn't help him at the moment.

Ye Huan took out the secret book of the Orifices Cultivation Technique issued by the Donghancheng Junior Martial Arts Academy and prepared to try it out.

Ye Huan took the pen and marked it on the secret book, but Ye Huan soon noticed the abnormality.

When he was reading the secret book of Qiao Gong, the vitality in the Qiao acupoint was moving.

That kind of feeling is like he is cultivating the Qi Qiao Gong.

Ye Huan had a bold idea when he looked at the secret book on the table.


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