MTL - My Eyes Are Mutated-Chapter 687 kill

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"Vice City Lord Yang, your reminder is a bit late."

Ye Huan said softly, he believed that the deputy city lord could hear it.

As he spoke, he stared straight ahead.

There was a large space in front of him, and all those ghosts were killed by his palm.

But at this moment, a ghost appeared there again.

The ghost had two huge horns on its head, nearly five meters high, just like a demon, it was indeed a big one.

Those eyes full of tyranny were now staring at Ye Huan.


Ye Huan slapped it with a palm.

When encountering a ghost, as long as it has a tongue, then hit it.

A huge palm phantom was shot on the head of the ghost.

There was a loud bang.

The huge body of the ghost just swayed, and the pair of corners on the head directly pierced the phantom of the palm.


The ground exploded, and Ye Huan fled to the hut without thinking.

Although the Eighty-Nine Xuangong failed to break through to the fifth rank, the practice of Xuangong made his physical strength improve to a certain extent, reaching the power of seven million acupoints.

And Dacheng's ground-covering palm can double his strength. That seemingly random palm just now has the power of more than ten million acupoints.

Such an attack only made the ghost body shake slightly.

You can see the power of that ghost.

Ye Huan didn't want to confront this ghost, especially in front of the deputy city lord.


Like a thunderbolt crossing the border, Ye Huan quickly swept across the street and hid in the hut.

The big ghost in the back has been chasing after him, but he can't catch up with Ye Huan.

After Ye Huan hid in the hut, the big ghost lingered near the hut, with no intention of leaving.

In the hut, Ye Huan didn't care at all. Under normal circumstances, these ghosts wouldn't break the house.


Yang Xu "witnessed" all this happened, and after seeing Ye Huan hiding in the hut, he lost consciousness.



In the city lord's mansion, Yang Xu said softly.

Although the prison was escaping, Yang Xu did not see any panic in the eyes of the other party.

If it wasn't for his appearance, maybe that prison would be able to kill that big ghost.

"Physical cultivator, when did such a powerful physique cultivator appear on the Starry Sky Battlefield?"

Under the darkness, Yang Xu's grunts were swallowed up by the night.


In the hut, Ye Huan was thinking about the truth of what Yang Xu said.

Did you really come over to investigate the situation unintentionally and found him, or were you monitoring him?

After careful consideration, Ye Huan was more inclined to believe what Yang Xu said.

After all, he didn't notice that kind of peeping at first, and he was sure that he didn't show any clues. He was a city lord, and he had nothing to do to monitor him, a nobody.

In the hut, Ye Huan let out a long sigh of relief. The transformation of his eyes, coupled with the super-fast cultivation speed of Xuan Gong, made him a little complacent.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have made such a big noise tonight.

Ye Huan opened the door of the hut to open a gap, the big ghost still didn't give up, and was still lingering near the hut.


A huge ghost claw slapped on the crack of the door, trying to squeeze in through the gap that Ye Huan opened.

Looking through the crack of the door at the big ghost who was struggling to squeeze in, Ye Huan's eyes flashed with cold light.

She really pushed her nose on her face.

Ye Huan felt it carefully again, and the very faint sense of peeping disappeared.

Since that is the case—


Ye Huan pulled open the door of the hut.

The big ghost was stunned for a moment when he saw the hut door that was suddenly opened, and then rushed towards the hut door with excited wailing.

It must have swallowed this nasty **** guy.

As soon as the big ghost rushed to the door of the hut, he couldn't help but be stunned.

It wasn't that the big ghost wanted to be stunned, but that it had to be stunned.

The hut that was in front of it and the annoying guy in the hut actually disappeared.

A finger appeared in front of its eyes, a very thick finger. That finger stirred the world, as if it was about to turn the whole world over. For a time, its eyes were completely filled with that finger.

Its eyes moved involuntarily with that huge finger, as if that finger had an endless attraction.

Its instinct told it that something was wrong, and it was trying to get out of this uncontrolled state.

Suddenly, the thick finger disappeared, and its heart that had no emotions at all was relieved.

Finally got rid of that weird finger.

But when it was relieved, it felt a sudden pain in its chest, lowered its head, the two ghost fires in its eyes flickered violently, and then exploded.

A finger appeared on its chest, and that finger pierced its chest directly.

After the ghost fire in his eyes exploded, the ghost's body also exploded.

As the powerful ghost exploded, Ye Huan clearly felt a stronger energy pouring into his eyes than before.

After that energy entered his eyes, it merged into the two sesame-sized stars.

Ye Huan deliberately paid attention to the changes of the two special stars in his eyes.

After that powerful energy entered the two special stars in the eyes, the two special stars hardly changed much.

Looking at this Although Ye Huan had already anticipated this for a long time, Ye Huan was still a little disappointed. If he wanted his eyes to become stronger and stronger, and then transform, I'm afraid it would not be an easy thing.

Unless he can kill more powerful ghosts, how can those powerful ghosts be killed so easily.

For Ye Huan at this time, without revealing his identity, he could only retreat strategically when he encountered some extremely powerful ninth-level warriors in the Astral Liquid Realm.


With the sound of the door, Ye Huan closed the door of the hut and stopped thinking about this matter. This matter is not the most important thing now, but the most important thing now is the cultivation of Xuan Gong.

As long as Xuan Gong successfully breaks through to rank five, his strength can be greatly improved in a short period of time.

And the transformation of the eyes not long ago happened to provide a very convenient condition for the cultivation of Xuan Gong.

It made it possible for Xuan Gong to break through to the fifth rank in a short period of time.

After closing the door, Ye Huan sat down with his knees crossed, and a copy of the secret book of the fifth rank of the Eight Nine Mysteries appeared in his hand.

The two special stars in the pupils of both eyes flickered and moved slightly in the pupils. Ye Huan stared at the secret book of the fifth rank of Xuan Gong and began to read it.

In a race against time, he had to transfer the fifth profound art to successful cultivation as soon as possible. Only the improvement of his strength could bring him that faint sense of security.

After reading the secret book, Ye Huan was devouring all kinds of primordial medicine and primordial fruit. They were rapidly refined by the body, and they contained flesh and blood, waiting for the moment of complete transformation.