MTL - My Eyes Are Mutated-Chapter 724 Book Hill, a touchstone

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Just came back from the auction and entered the bronze cauldron space. When he saw the pile of 31,000 exercises, Ye Huan couldn't help but feel a headache.

Book Mountain.

Ye Huan had heard this word all the time, but had never seen it before.

At this time, I really saw what is called a mountain of books.

Seeing the mountain-like exercises on the first day of the new year, Ye Huan felt a little shy in his heart.

With so many exercises, it would take him an unknown amount of time just to read them, not to mention transforming them, and even deducing the Stardust Realm exercises suitable for him to practice.

Let alone.

It is also possible to practice other exercises.

At that moment, Ye Huan really had such an idea in his mind.

After all, what he lacks the most right now is time.

But looking at the mountain of books in front of him and giving up like this, Ye Huan was actually quite unwilling.

In order to deduce the Stardust Realm cultivation method suitable for his own cultivation, he has put in a lot of effort.

If you give up on this, everything you have done before will be in vain.

I have gone through all the wind and waves, and there is no reason to fall in front of this mountain of books.

In the end, Ye Huan decided to conquer this mountain of books.

When Ye Huan picked up a copy of the practice manual and began to read it, he realized that he had just been frightened by the huge mountain of books in front of him.

The mountain of books seems scary, but the secrets of the exercises that make up this mountain of books can be broken.

Most of the immortals used to participate in the auction are some low-level Stardust cultivation techniques.

During the time he stayed in Tongueyuan City, his eyes changed again and became much stronger.

Under these eyes, Ye Huan found that watching those low-level exercises was not a problem at all.

It's usually over at a glance.

Just one word, fast.

And during this period, Ye Huan also discovered something that made him ecstatic.

The eyes are spontaneously transforming some exercises.

He looked at the exercises of other races, and those exercises would be branded into the left eye space, like stars hanging in the left eye space.

Ye Huan's original plan was to wait until the number of imprinted exercises reached a certain number before starting to transform into the exercises cultivated by the human race.

But what he didn't expect was that his eyes were going through this process spontaneously.

The successful transformation will hang like a star in the space of the right eye.

Of course, this kind of spontaneous transformation is not free, it will consume a certain amount of star energy according to the level and difficulty of the exercise.

Ye Huan didn't care much about this at all.

Now he has the most Xingyuan, which can be consumed unscrupulously.

After all, he just got 360 million yuan crystals, which is when he was inhuman.


On the mountain of books, Ye Huan was working hard.

The Xuanji Fire Tree was galloped all the way by the Xuanji Immortal King and rushed back to the fairyland in the middle of the night.

Immortal world, Dan Xing.

Even in the middle of the night, there was a lot of celestial voices on Dan Xing at this time.

"The Fen Yuan Pill recipe that surpassed Qu Yuan Pill was photographed by our clan."

"I really want to see the pill recipe of Fen Yuan Pill."


These immortals are the alchemists of the immortal race on the pill star, and all of them are not bad at alchemy.

Just now they were still concocting alchemy in the huge alchemy room of the Pill Immortal King. After the Xuanji Immortal King led a young immortal clan in, they were temporarily invited out.

Combined with the rumored Fen Yuan Pill Recipe auction event that had been rumored during this period, how could they not be clear about it.

Fen Yuan's alchemy recipe was brought back, and it should be in the alchemy room at this moment.

As alchemists with good skills, they naturally hoped to experience the style of Fen Yuan's alchemy recipe as soon as possible.

However, these Immortal Clan alchemists also understand that for reasons of confidentiality, it is unlikely that so many alchemists of them will see the complete Fen Yuan Pill recipe.

Although this made these Immortal Clan alchemists feel a little regretful, thinking about the alchemists of other tribes, these Immortal Clan alchemists felt a lot more balanced.

After a while, they will at least be able to participate in the refining of Fen Yuandan, and the alchemists of other tribes are really pitiful, and I am afraid everything can only be imagined.


In the alchemy room.

Immortal King Xuanji, Huoshu Xuanji, and the few alchemists who had been to Tongueyuan City were all nervously looking at the old immortal in the middle.

The immortal old man had neat short white hair, and he was the Immortal Pill King with a high status in the entire immortal clan.

What the Dan Immortal King was holding at the moment was the nearly rotten Fenyuan Dan prescription that Xuanji Huoshu took from Tongueyuan City.

Xuanji Huoshu and the other alchemists were looking at the Immortal Pill King nervously at the moment.

In order to photograph this Burning Yuan Pill Recipe, it can be said that the Immortal Clan spent a lot of money, and there must be no mistakes in the Pill Recipe.

Although several alchemists had been repeatedly identified before the photo was taken, Xuanji Huoshu and several alchemists couldn't help but feel a little uneasy when the Immortal Pill King picked up the Fenyuan Pill Recipe.

After all, no matter from which point of view, the Pill Immortal King is the authority of alchemy.

The Pill Immortal King took the Fenyuan Pill Recipe, and after a few glances, he couldn't help being attracted by the Pill Recipe.

The ingeniousness of some of the ideas in the pill recipe surprised him.

Pill Immortal King can't wait to plunge into the pill recipe.

However, Immortal King Dan is a master of the main star realm after all, and he still has self-control. He knows that the Xuanji Fire Tree is still waiting for his conclusion.

"Well done, this Fen Yuan Pill recipe should be fine."

The Immortal Dan King said to the Xuanji Fire Tree and the few alchemists who were a little nervous.

Hearing this, Xuanji Huoshu and the other alchemists couldn't help showing smiles on their faces.

With the words of the Immortal Pill King, they are afraid that they will not be able to escape the merits they have made for the immortals.

"Xuanji, I won't give it to you. I want to study this Fen Yuan Pill recipe and refine Fen Yuan Pill as soon as possible."

The Pill Immortal King said to the Xuanji Immortal King, and then turned his head to the few immortal alchemists.

"You guys stay and help me out."

The few Immortal Race alchemists were all ecstatic.

Whether it's Fen Yuan's alchemy recipe or research with the Pill Immortal King, other alchemists can't hope for it, but now it falls on them, they are simply too Seeing that Immortal Pill King and several alchemists, who immediately devoted themselves to the study of Fen Yuan's alchemy formula, Immortal King Xuanji and Huoshu Xuanji walked out of the alchemy room together.

After all, it seemed redundant for the two of them to stay there.

The Xuanji Immortal King left Dan Xing with the Xuanji Fire Tree.


After leaving Danxing, Xuanji Huoshu looked at Xuanji Immortal King and wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Xuanji Immortal King just as he spoke.

"Do what you want, but one thing to remember is that if you can't do it in the city, don't do it. The city of the abyss is not that simple."

After the Xuanji Immortal King said these words, he disappeared in a flash.

He can guess that Xuanji Huoshu wants to go to Tongueyuan City, so he will go. Only in the storm can a real strong grow up.

That scorpion is a good touchstone.

Read The Duke's Passion