MTL - My Eyes Are Mutated-Chapter 728 conversion completed

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Xuanyao couldn't take care of that much now, so let's take down the house near the prison first.

Xuanyao thought that Yang Xu would happily agree to this condition.

After all, he knew that Yang Xu and the others lacked Qu Yuandan.

But what Xuanyao didn't expect was that after listening to his words, Yang Xu turned out to be indifferent, and he even looked at the Xuanji Fire Tree.

"Young Master Huoshu, is this what you mean or the meaning of the mysterious medicine store manager?"

The anger that Xuan Yao had suppressed for a long time suddenly erupted, and he was about to speak but was stopped by the Xuan Ji Huoshu.

"Can it be done?"

Xuanji Huoshu said softly, making people unable to hear any emotions.

"Young Master Huoshu, I'm sorry, the rooms are all randomly assigned, I can't interfere."

Yang Xu looked at the Xuanji Fire Tree with an apologetic expression.

Xuanji Huoshu gave Yang Xu a deep look, then turned and left.

Xuanyao glared at Yangshu fiercely, and then quickly followed.

"Vice City Lord Yang, some things can't be relied on."

The voice of Xuanji Fire Tree came in from outside.

"Young Master Huoshu is not afraid of the outside world saying that the immortals are treachery, and no warrior will dare to give anything to the immortals in the future."

Yang Xu fought back.

"So we are here to protect the prison, but Deputy City Lord Yang seems to have misunderstood what we meant."

Xuanji Huoshu's sincere voice came in from outside.

The flesh on Yang Xu's face twitched.

This is so shameless.

But Yang Xu has no way to accuse them yet, after all, Xuanji Huoshu has not done anything.


"Young Master Huoshu, that Yang Xu is simply too hateful."

As soon as he left the City Lord's Mansion, Xuan Yao said in front of the Xuanji Fire Tree.

"There is hope, but it is different. Then we will cut off their hope, and they will not let us handle it after that."

Xuanji Fire Tree said softly.

"Gao, the son is really tall."

Xuanyao slapped Xuanji Huoshu's **** on the side.

The immortals were the first to come to Yang Xu to arrange a house, but they were not the only ones.

In the next two or three days, Yang Xu encountered several waves of warriors, but they were all rejected by Yang Xu without exception.

Even the immortals have refused, how can they agree to other races.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed in a flash.

City Lord's Mansion.

"It's really lively."

Yang Xu took a cup of tea and took a sip.

In just three days, more than 10,000 warriors poured into Tongueyuan City.

A large number of warriors poured into Tongueyuan City, consuming the abyss, making Yang Xu more relaxed and comfortable.

"It's just that the prison has never appeared. Are you planning to hide in the hut all the time?"

Yang Xu muttered.

However, Yang Xu is also happy to see this happen.

Prison is like a fragrant bait. Before the bait is eaten, those warriors are probably reluctant to leave Tongueyuan City.

For Yang Xu and the city lord who was in an inexplicable space, it was simply something they could not ask for.


Ye Huan didn't care about the anxiety of the outside world's warriors waiting for him, he had been extremely fulfilling in the past three days.

Conquer the mountain of books and practice the eighty-nine profound arts.

With all his heart and soul, Ye Huan even forgot the messy things in the outside world, and couldn't feel the passage of time at all.

Time in such a situation is like passing a chasm.

More than half a month has passed in such a flash. With Ye Huan's efforts, the mountain of books under him has disappeared. Except for some of the exercises, other exercises have long since turned into ashes.

In the space of the right eye, there are 31,000 stars hanging high, and the stars are big and small, some bright and some dim, and so on.

The 31,000 stars in the space of the right eye are the human race exercises transformed from the 31,000 copies of the Stardust Realm exercises.

Ye Huan was able to complete the transformation of the 31,000 exercises in just half a month. One is that his eyes have indeed become stronger after the last transformation, and another reason is that the immortals took them out. There are a lot of exercises in the exercises of the human race, which saved Ye Huan a lot of time.

Looking at the 31,000 stars in the space of the right eye, Ye Huan felt that the stars were so beautiful.

As soon as his thoughts moved, the 31,000 practice stars in the space of the right eye disappeared like a teleportation, and then the space in the left eye was bright, and all the stars of the practice appeared in the space of the left eye.

What Ye Huan has to do now is to integrate and optimize the 31,000 exercises, and then create a Stardust realm exercise that suits him.

This is definitely an enormous amount of work.

Not to mention other things, just understanding those 31,000 exercises would take a lot of time.

After all, only after understanding can we go further and do other things.

Fortunately, Ye Huan had a shortcut to take, otherwise he would never have thought about creating a Stardust Realm cultivation method suitable for his own cultivation.

Ye Huan urged his eyes to move, and saw that the practice stars in the left eye space appeared in the right eye space, and then the practice stars began to collide in the right eye space.

Some practice stars collide with each other and merge with each other, and some practice stars explode with a bang after they collide.

When the stars of the exercises are fused together, a new exercise is formed, and if it explodes, there is a problem.

In this way, Ye Huan began to integrate the 31,000 exercises in the bronze cauldron space.

Every time he sees two martial arts stars colliding in the space of his right eye, Ye Huan seems to see a lot of mystery, seems to understand something, and seems to understand nothing.

He was immersed in this mysterious state.


At this time, in Tongueyuan City, the many warriors with the idea of ​​prison can't wait.

It's been half a month, and the prison actually stayed in the room and never came out once.

There are quite a few warriors who are almost unable to stand it.

Could it be that as long as the prison didn't come out for a day, they would have been waiting here forever.

There are nearly 400 million yuan crystals on the prison They can't win the prison.

"Isn't Tongueyuan City stipulating to stay in Tongueyuan City, and kill a certain number of ghosts every month, if you can't do it, just wait for a month in that prison, if you don't believe that he won't come out, can you still openly go to Tongueyuan City? Is it possible to favor that prison? Tongueyuan City will not destroy its foundation."

A warrior said so confidently.

Some warriors nodded slightly, thinking that this is quite reasonable.

"I don't know if Tongueyuan City will self-destruct, but I know that if the prison wants to, he can stay in the hut and never come out."

Just when the warriors felt that they had seen hope, another warrior opened his mouth and said, destroying the hope they had just seen.

In an instant, one after another sharp eyes looked at the warrior.

"Why is that prison so special?"

A warrior opened his mouth and asked the common doubts in the hearts of all warriors.

Read The Duke's Passion