MTL - My Eyes Are Mutated-Chapter 735 joke

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Yang Xu stood in front of the desk, his hand stretched out and retracted, and he was still hesitating and hesitating after going back and forth several times.

After all, taking the initiative to contact is equivalent to being weaker when negotiating.

They still want to have the initiative.

In the end, Yang Xu reached out to the desk firmly.

In the end, he also wanted to understand, whether it is active or passive, the core is prison.

Once there is a problem with the prison, everything is empty.

Drop, drop, drop...

Just when Yang Xu's hand was about to touch the token, the token suddenly rang without warning.

Yang Xu, who was unprepared, was startled.

Yang Xu was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the token rang.

There are not many people who can use tokens to contact him in Tongyuan City.

With such thoughts in mind, Yang Xu connected.

"Vice City Lord Yang."

Hearing the sound from the token, Yang Xu was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.


It turned out that it was Prison who contacted him at this time.

When the prison contacted him at this point, it was definitely for what was about to happen.

The smile on Yang Xu's face became brighter and brighter, and he couldn't help but feel fortunate.

Fortunately, he was calm and persistent enough, otherwise he would have turned around at this time.

"It's a prison, what's the matter?"

Although he believed that the prison was here to save his life, Yang Xu was still pretending to be confused.

This matter has to be spoken by the prison first, and the effect will be good.

"Vice City Lord Yang, I want you to communicate with those guys. I need to practice for a few days, and I won't come out in a few days."

The voice of prison sounded from the token.

Hearing the prisoner's words, the smile on Yang Xu's face disappeared, and then he was a little dazed.

He heard something, why is it different from what he expected.

"No, prison, do you know the situation you are facing now, you..."

Yang Xu gave a detailed account of the situation the prison faced at this time.

He felt that the prison was still somewhat unclear about the situation at this time, and he was obliged to persuade him to persuade him.

"Because of this, I should go to retreat and practice for a few days."

The voice of prison sounded from the token.

After listening to the prisoner's words, Yang Xu became more and more at a loss.

It's because he didn't make it clear about the prison's current situation, or because he was insane.

Such a huge gap in strength can be smoothed out in just a few days of seclusion.

It was just a few more days of dying.

Yang Xu was going to go to the prison to make it clear.

Beep, beep, beep.

Without waiting for him to speak, the communication was hung up by the prison.

Yang Xu stretched out his hand to the token, ready to contact the prison and state the seriousness of the matter clearly.

But when he encountered the token, Yang Xu stopped again.

Even if he speaks hype, he is not as good as going to prison to experience it for himself.

Let the prison struggle and despair, and only in this way can the prison feel their preciousness.

Yang Xu's eyes flickered for a while, and then he started to contact the forces.

Yang Xu didn't care what the forces thought, he directly told the prison's request.

After listening to this request, those forces were silent for a long time, and then they all confirmed it again.

They suspected that they had heard it wrong.

After being confirmed, those forces all agreed.

It's only a few days, they can afford to wait.

At all, no force would believe that the prison could be turned over in these few days.

Cultivation is no joke, it is said that breakthroughs can be made.

Of course, the reason why those forces are so accommodating to the prison is mainly because the price paid for forcibly attacking the house is too great.

That is to say, waiting for a few more days, without affecting the overall situation, is not worth the high price they pay.

Even Yang Xu didn't take the words of the prison to heart.

GuIn their view, it's just delaying time, and in the end it's just useless.

The news quickly spread throughout the city of Tongueyuan.

At this moment, there are many warriors in Tongueyuan City who are sharpening their knives, preparing to throw their knives into prison at night.

After hearing the news suddenly, many warriors were a little stunned.

Retreat for a few days, and then have a showdown with us.

If you didn't know the details of the prison, it would still seem like that.

But after finding out the details of the prison.

This remark looks like a joke no matter how you look at it.

"The prison is probably stupid to eat bamboo."

"Prison guesses that cultivating is as simple as eating bamboo and sleeping."

"You can beat us in a few days of practice. This is the funniest joke I've heard in so many years."


After the news spread, the warriors who happened to have nothing to do there arranged various jokes to laugh at the prison.

Bamboo leaves naturally also knew about this turbulent incident.

If I knew this earlier, why did it happen in the first place.

Zhuye shook his huge black and white head and sighed with emotion, and then he felt that he had to contact the patriarch.

The patriarch asked him to do things cheaply after he came to Tongueyuan City, but Zhuye found that it was not cheap at all.

It's too hard.


In the room where Lan Wan'er was.

Of course she also heard the news.


Unable to hold back, she smiled.

She decided to wait for this incident in Tongueyuan City to end, and then go to the Hui people to retreat to practice.

Her cultivation is too weak, she doesn't want to make jokes like coming out of prison in the future.

"I dare to say what kind of big things. That prisoner thinks he is Ye Huan."

Lan Wan'er muttered softly in the room.

She just said this subconsciously, but after speaking, her body couldn't help being shaken.

A somewhat crazy idea appeared in her mind.

Could it be Ye Huan in prison?

It should be impossible.

The immortals and others have repeatedly confirmed the identity of the prison, and the prison belongs to the scorpion.

As soon as that crazy idea surfaced, she was killed by various reasons in Lan Wan'er's mind.

But she still thinks this way from time to time in her mind.

Other warriors don't know but she knows that Ye Huan has been to Tongueyuan City.

However, the current behavior of the prison is somewhat inexplicably in line with Ye Huan.

Is the prison really Ye Huan?

Lan Wan'er stuck her head outside the door and looked towards the room next door.

If the prison was really Ye Huan, it would be crazy and would cause an uproar.

If the prison is really Ye Huan, with the grievances between Ye Huan and the immortal clan, how could he possibly sell the Fenyuan Pill Recipe to the immortal clan.

With what she knew about Ye Huan, this was absolutely impossible.

A contradiction arose.

This made Lan Wan'er a little discouraged, feeling that a giant melon had just disappeared without a trace.

Lan Wan'er began to sort out this matter. If the prison was really Ye Huan, why would he sell the Fen Yuan Pill Recipe to the Immortal Clan, unless there was a problem with the Fen Yuan Pill Recipe.

Is there a problem with the Fen Yuan Pill recipe?

Thinking of this, Lan Wan'er became a little excited.

It has been a while since the Immortal Clan obtained the Fen Yuan Pill Recipe. With the Immortal Clan's alchemy technology, with the Pill Recipe available, such a long time should be enough to refine the Fen Yuan Pill.

With the high-profile habit of the immortals, as long as the Fen Yuan Pill is successfully refined, it will definitely be publicized.

Lan Wan'er was excited, she felt that she had found a breakthrough.

"Let me pay attention to how the Immortal Clan's Fen Yuan Pill is refined."

Lan Wan'er said to a communication talisman.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy