MTL - My Eyes Are Mutated-Chapter 744 True Core Realm

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"Let my clan go, and this matter is over."

"Bamboo Leaf", holding a mace, said.

"Let go of my clan."

"Put in prison."


The other three bamboo leaves also echoed the Tao at this time.

Xuanji Huoshu did not speak any more, but walked out of the Four Seas Pharmacy step by step.

Zhenzhuye also quit the Four Seas Pharmacy.

The Xuanji Fire Tree lit up one by one stardust, and there were a total of two thousand.

Two thousand stardust gathered behind the Xuanji Fire Tree to form a tree. It was a fiery red tree that seemed to be burning.

Martial arts law.

That burning tree is the martial law of Xuanji Fire Tree.

Xuanji Huoshu understands that it is useless to talk too much, then you will see the true chapter under your hands.

He was able to use the Martial Arts Statue, but the four Bamboo Leaves did not dare to use the Martial Arts Statue easily. Once they used the Martial Arts Statue, their identities would be exposed.

This is his advantage.

Since there is an advantage, then use it, Xuanji Huoshu is not a pedantic person.

"Dragon King Kong, you deal with the bamboo leaf in front of you, and leave the other three bamboo leaves to me."

Xuanji Huoshu said.

"Fire Branches"

After speaking, without waiting for Long Jingang to answer, the Xuanji Fire Tree moved his hand, and the dharma sign behind it lit up, and then the burning branches broke away from the dharma sign and flew towards the three bamboo leaves like arrows.

When the branches flew out of the sky, the temperature near the street soared sharply.


True bamboo leaves and a bamboo slapped on that branch.

The flame branch burst, and the rolling heat wave swept away in all directions, and some nearby ghosts were blown away.

Boom, boom, boom...

The sound of explosions kept ringing, and a rolling heat wave swept the surrounding area, but the heat wave didn't go too far, and was swallowed up by the ubiquitous abyss in Tongueyuan City.

With the blessing of martial arts, the Xuanji Fire Tree easily suppressed the three bamboo leaves.

The three Bamboo Leaves fell into the downwind in an all-round way, fearing that they would be defeated soon.

"Are there any other members of the same family? If I don't come out, I will withdraw."

The bamboo leaves holding the mace resisted the fire branches with difficulty.

As soon as the voice fell, two more bamboo leaves joined the battlefield, one with a knife and the other with a long sword.

Xuanji Huoshu didn't speak, and the fire branches gushing out of the Martial Dao Dharma were separated and shot towards the two newly-appeared bamboo leaves.

Xuanji Huoshu had a pair of five, and even faintly suppressed the five bamboo leaves.

The surging energy and the breath of the abyss annihilated each other, and for a while, the four seas pharmacy was roaring with a gust of wind, like the end of the day.

In this situation, a figure seemed to be illusory, and quietly touched the four seas pharmacy.

Just when the figure walked to the door of the Four Seas Pharmacy, a fiery red light flashed away.


A shrill scream rang out.

The figure was pierced by a fire branch, and the body was shrouded in flames, and it was burned to ashes almost instantly.

Some warriors who were eager to move in the dark looked at this scene, and immediately became a lot more honest.

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the chaos, but I never wanted to be easily killed by the Xuanji Fire Tree.


There was a gust of gloomy wind, and a ghost appeared, and that ghost directly attacked the Xuanji Fire Tree.

Xuanji Huoshu killed a warrior and attracted a ghost with the same cultivation.

Xuanji Huoshu didn't kill the ghost, but avoided it sensitively.

The ghosts are inexhaustible, and if one kills one, two will come, so it is not appropriate to kill more at this time.


In the bronze cauldron space.

Ye Huan couldn't help laughing when he heard the sound of fighting outside.

Guthe opportunity he was waiting for finally came.

Xuanyao sat on the body of "Prison", staring at the door of the house intently, preventing possible attacks.

Ye Huan was not in a hurry to attack, but was waiting for a perfect shot.



The street in front of the Four Seas Pharmacy suddenly trembled.

A huge figure rushed over from the other side of the street.

The Lai people, see the Lai people again.

In just a few steps, the newly-appeared scorpion came from the other side of the street to the neighborhood.

This newly-appeared scorpion was extremely tall, more than 50 meters tall, raised his strong pillar-like legs and stepped on the Xuanji fire tree.

In an instant, the top of the Xuanji Fire Tree became dark.


Xuanji Huoshu's petite body swelled as quickly as it was inflated, becoming the same size, and then punched it.


A thunderous bang sounded, red and blue rays of light shone, illuminating the nearby streets, a large amount of red and blue energies annihilated each other, some others scattered, and then were swallowed by the rushing abyss.

Xuanji Huoshu's huge body couldn't help but take two steps back, almost stepping on the four seas medicine shop.

This is the first time that the Xuanji Fire Tree has retreated since the battle.

Xuanji Huoshu looked at the huge clan with an ugly face.

Not only the Xuanji Huoshu, but even the other small scorpions all looked at the tall and burly scorpion.

"True Core Realm."

Xuanji Huoshu looked at the big scorpion and said word by word.

"Give me the prison space bag and I will leave immediately."

The big scorpion looked at Xuanji Huoshu Dao.

After listening to the words of the big scorpion, the eyes of the other scorpions flickered slightly.

They all came here for money, and they didn't really want to offend the Immortal Race.

If Xuanji Huoshu is really willing to take out the space bag, they can also retreat.

Xuanji Huoshu looked at the seven big and small clans in front of him, and Xian felt helpless in his heart.

The immortals valued the prison, and he wanted to take out the Yuanjing to eliminate the conflict in front of him, but he couldn't open the prison's space bag at all.

And because of the order from the clan, he couldn't take too harsh measures against the prison.

At this moment, in the face of the conditions of the big scorpion Xuanji Huoshu can only be silent.

How could he hand over the prison space bag, what if there is something the clan needs in it.

"Hmph, if you don't eat a toast, you will be punished for drinking."

Looking at the silent Xuanji fire tree, the big scorpion knew the Xuanji fire tree's choice, snorted coldly, and said unhappily.

Boom, boom, boom.

The big scorpion clan no longer cares about the Xuanji fire tree, strode those two pillar-like legs, and walked straight towards the Four Seas Pharmacy.

How could Xuanji Huoshu allow the opponent to approach the Four Seas Pharmacy?

huh, huh, huh...

The sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the burning branches shot at the big scorpion like arrows.

At this moment, in addition to the fierce battle between Long Jingang and the scorpion, the several trumpet scorpions who were fighting against the Xuanji Huoshu stopped very tacitly.

A true core warrior.

In Tongueyuan City, a true dan practitioner appeared.

They don't want to make wedding dresses for other warriors.

Let the True Core Realm martial artist fight against the Xuanji Huoshu first. No matter who wins or loses in the end, it will be beneficial to them.

Of course, the best outcome is to lose both.

Then they can easily get prison.

Just wanting to achieve this result, I am afraid it is not an easy thing.

Xuanji Huoshu is not an ordinary stardust martial artist.

Read The Duke's Passion