MTL - My Eyes Are Mutated-Chapter 752 chaotic night

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It was night, and many races such as immortals, demons, and gods were searching in Tongueyuan City.

At the same time, the news also began to ferment.

Prison is gone.

This made more warriors start to get restless.

Here comes the opportunity.

After all, the prison was robbed by the immortals, and many warriors still regret it.

The chance is gone, and they dare not attack the Immortal Race.

But the immortal clan did not know how to make the prison escape.

This made many martial artists excited.

They quietly took action to solve the prison at this time, so it would be unknowingly.

So more bulls, ghosts and snakes came out of the house and joined the search for the prison.

Some warriors have their eyes on the hut where they lived before the prison, and are going to come to a guard house to stay in prison.


Ye Huan naturally couldn't go back to the previous room.

After some looting, Ye Huan found a vacant house to live in.

There are some such houses in Tongyuan City, but there is no security guarantee, and other warriors can break in at will.

This is not a big problem for Ye Huan.

Manipulating the bronze cauldron into an ordinary incense burner, Ye Huan himself entered the bronze cauldron.

Ye Huan believes that this will definitely avoid most searches.

After leaving Xingchen to keep an eye on the situation in the room, Ye Huan went to work.

He is going to make those plundered raw materials into materials for copying exercises.


Nine piles of flames over there.

Ye Huan thought about it, and those races with humanoid shapes flew up.

Puff puff……

Messy fingers.

After a few random fingers ended the lives of those few, a pile of fire directly enveloped the corpses.

Under the fierce burning of the fire, the corpses turned into fly ash.

Only one crystal of different colors floated and sank in the red flame.

Ye Huan's heart moved and realized what those crystals were.


The stardust condensed in the bodies of those warriors.

This was a pleasant surprise.

As for fur and blood ink.

Ye Huan didn't plan to use a humanoid race to make it.

After dealing with the humanoid races, he immediately focused on the remaining non-humanoid races.

These warriors should not be treated so rudely.

After all, leather and blood ink will be produced.

The first step, the chaos refers to killing first, he is quite humane.

In the second step, a pile of crimson flames is placed under it, and then refining begins.

A corpse is on fire, and only non-humanoid races can enjoy this kind of treatment.


Somewhere in Tongueyuan City.

A martial artist swept away while his eyes were like electricity, patrolling everywhere.

He is looking for prison.

A ghost appeared nearby, and the warrior glanced at it and stopped paying attention, preparing to walk by the ghost.

There is no shortage of ghosts in Tongueyuan City, and he knows a little about ghosts.

As long as he doesn't take the initiative to attack the ghost, the ghost won't attack him either.

He and the ghost passed by.

At this moment, sharp pitch-black nails suddenly appeared on the ten fingers of the ghost.

Clang, Clang, Clang...

The black nails were like sharp daggers, piercing the warrior's chest directly.


Blood splattered.

The ghost directly grabbed his heart.

The martial artist lowered his head and looked at the big transparent hole in front of his chest. His eyes were filled with incomprehension.



The corpse fell to the ground, and the warrior died in confusion.

And the ghost screamed and rushed to other areas.

Soon the ghost was mixed with the other ghosts in the city, and it seemed that there was no difference.

It's just that the ghost will take the initiative to attack the residents of the city.


This kind of thing is not an exception, it also happens in other areas of Tongueyuan City from time to time.

Some ignorant warriors suffered, and were successfully attacked by those ghosts, ranging from serious injuries to serious losses.

At first, this situation had not attracted attention, but as the number of injured and dead warriors increased, more and more warriors noticed that abnormal ghost.


"Young Master Huoshu, two of my clan died."

Xuanji Huoshu looked at the news on the sound transmission with a cold expression.

"Who did it?"

The Xuanji Fire Tree is ready to stand up.

"Yin, some ghosts took the initiative to attack the residents, but they were accidentally attacked to death."

Seeing this news, Xuanji Fire Tree's anger couldn't help but stagnate.

How could he be so powerful, the ghost didn't kill him casually.

How could the ghost take the initiative to attack the residents?

This made Xuanji Huoshu feel very strange.

Xuanji Huoshu directly linked Wen Xing and Xing Tianjie with the sound transmission.

"I'm dead"

"I am here"

Soon Xuanji Huoshu received the news from those two.

It's just that the tone of the two is not very good, and they are a little annoyed.

The ghosts in Tongueyuan City cannot be controlled by warriors. How could such a change occur?

Xuanji Huoshu frowned, and suddenly his heart moved. In fact, there is a force that can manipulate the ghosts in Tongueyuan City, that is Tongueyuan City, but they have always ignored each other easily.

The prison was robbed by Tongueyuan City, and now the ghosts have been dispatched to attack the warriors who searched for the prison.

Xuanji Huoshu made such assumptions, and he found that the logic was quite smooth.

"Could it be Tongueyuan City's end?"

Xuanji Huoshu sent a message to Wen Xing and Xing Tianjie.

If he really wants to be sure that Tongueyuan City will end, he must make Tongueyuan City pay a huge I asked earlier, and Tongueyuan City said that those ghosts appeared only when the residents died, but Those ghosts couldn't find the murderer, so they slaughtered everywhere. "

Before Xing Tianjie's news arrived, Wen Xing's news came first.

There is no surprise to Xuanji Fire Tree.

Wen Xing's temper has always been quite hot.

After Xuanji Huoshu heard Wen Xing's words, he wondered whether Tongueyuancheng's words could be trusted.

"Our missing clansmen are all from the Stardust Realm, and the ghosts who are actively attacking the residents are also from the Stardust Realm."

At this time, Xuanji Huoshu received news from Xing Tianjie.

"You mean that the clansman who stole us is now killing someone somewhere."

"Most likely."

"Provocation, this is provocation."

Xuanji Huoshu's eyes turned red.

This is simply blatant provocation.

Not only Xuanji Huoshu thinks so, but Wen Xing and Xing Tianjie obviously think so too.

Be sure to catch the guy who was hiding in the dark.

All three made up their minds secretly.

Just to pay attention to the ubiquitous ghosts in Tongueyuan City while searching, which greatly reduces the search efficiency of those warriors.

In fact, the appearance of those ghosts was related to Ye Huan.

He killed those warriors in the bronze cauldron. Tongueyuan City could sense the death of those residents, but could not sense the specific location of the death, so there was such a chaotic scene.

And as time passed, the city of Tongueyuan became more and more chaotic.

Some warriors want to fish in troubled waters and attack other warriors.

This has led to more and more aggressive ghosts in Tongueyuan City.

Those searching teams were forced to stop when they arrived.

So the night passed.

Read The Duke's Passion