MTL - My Eyes Are Mutated-Chapter 754 Immortal king's handwriting

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The City Lord's Mansion did not come forward to refute the rumors, which made the rumors more and more violent.

By the evening, the rumors had gathered momentum.

At this time, the City Lord's Mansion, which has not been moving all the time, has come forward.

The City Lord's Mansion first severely reprimanded the spreader of the rumor, and then provided a piece of information.

What the Immortal Race seized was not the body of the prison at all.

It's not the body of the prison. It seems to be very clear who did the things on the side of the immortal race.

The rumors circulating in Tongyuan City suddenly cooled down.


City Lord's Mansion, Deputy City Lord's Office.

"City Lord, what if the prison is really found?"

After providing the information to the immortal clan, Yang Xu was a little nervous and called the city lord again.

"Our city of the abyss has always been neutral, and it is not advisable to intervene too much. Whoever wins and who loses depends on their ability."

The voice of the city lord sounded in Yang Xu's mind.

Yang Xu was stunned after hearing this, what the situation, the attitude of the city owner has changed too much.

In the next moment, Yang Xu's eyes flashed with enlightenment.

The Xuanji Immortal King of the Immortal Clan is here. It should be some agreement between the Xuanji Immortal King and the city owner.

Yang Xu's mouth moved, wanting to say something for the prisoner.

Compared with the immortals, Yang Xu still prefers prison.

But in the end, Yang Xu didn't say anything.

Like to like, but they still have to face reality.

On the one hand, it is the scorpion clan in the early stage of the Stardust Realm, while the other is the overlord immortal clan under the entire starry sky.

On the premise of ensuring their own interests, everyone knows how to choose.

It just seemed unfair to that prisoner.


Yang Xu smiled, but did not expect these two words to appear in his mind.

Where can there be absolute fairness under the entire starry sky.

"By the way, we must abide by the consistent principles of our abyss city."

The voice of King Tongueyuan sounded in Yang Xu's mind, and he explained it deliberately.

"Are we doing nothing?"

Yang Xu was a little surprised. Tongueyuan City was neutral, but it was still possible to give a certain party some convenience.

"No, absolutely neutral."

King Tongueyuan's voice cut gold and iron.

What's so special, that prison talent in the early stage of the Stardust Realm dared to empty the gloves of the White Wolf Immortal Clan, obviously he was also a stubborn scumbag.

Although he was not very optimistic about that prison, there was no need to offend him.

Maintain absolute neutrality, and no matter which side wins, there is something to talk about.

If so, why take the risk.

Yang Xu felt relieved when he heard the city lord's words.

He really didn't want to give the Immortal Race any convenience.

If it weren't for the prison side, the odds of winning were really low, and he would have to open his mouth to persuade the city lord to completely go to the prison side.

Yang Xu did not speak from beginning to end, he knew that the city owner's choice at this time was the most beneficial to Tongueyuan City.


Four Seas Pharmacy.

"Not the body?"

When Xuanji Huoshu saw the news, light flashed in his eyes.

He felt that the truth was about to come out.

Xuanji Huoshu did not dare to show any negligence, and took the information and went up to the city wall.

On the city wall, he saw Immortal King Xuanji outside the city at a glance.

Xuanji Huoshu immediately threw some information in the city to Xuanji Immortal King.

After Immortal King Xuanji glanced at the information, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Xuanyao's fairy lamp went out, and the prison that was caught was not the body.

Now things are basically very clear.

It's very possible that this was done by prison.

First, the empty-gloved white wolf deceived a large amount of Yuanjing from the immortal clan, and then pretended to be caught by the immortal clan as a clone.

That prison is playing with immortals as monkeys.

Immortal King Xuanji was full of cold air all over his body.

Immortal King Xuanji waved his hand and threw some jade slips at Xuanji Fire Tree on the city wall.

Xuanji Huoshu reached out to take the jade slips, and there was a hint of doubt in the bottom of his eyes.

What did the ancestor give him so many jade slips all at once?

Doubts are doubts, but Xuanji Huoshu's movements are not slow.

Picking up the first piece of jade slip, consciousness went in.

"Find that prison as soon as possible!"

The first thing that came into the consciousness of Xuanji Fire Tree was these big characters, and he could feel the anger of his ancestors from those big characters.

This made Xuanji Huoshu feel a little strange.

Which prison has done something he doesn't know, why does he feel that the ancestor is even more angry than him.

This made Xuanji Huoshu feel the pressure.

Just based on the power of the immortal clan in Tongueyuan City, and the constraints of other forces, it is probably not an easy thing to find the prison as soon as possible.

Xuanji Huoshu felt that it was necessary for him to explain this difficulty to his ancestors clearly, and he could not let the ancestors have too many expectations, otherwise it would not be a good thing for him.

Just when Xuanji Huoshu was about to remove the jade slip and explain the situation to the ancestor, he found that there were words under the jade slip.

"Give the other jade slips to the Protoss and Demons... They will work with you to find the prison..."

Looking at the contents behind the jade slip, even with the mind of the Xuanji Fire Tree, at this moment, the breath could not help but become heavier.

As soon as he moved his hand, he put away the jade slips he was holding.

"Ancestor, Huoshu must complete the task."

Xuanji Huoshu bowed to the Xuanji Immortal King outside the city, and then shouted loudly.

Only in this way can he vent his inner excitement at this Xuanji Immortal King nodded at the Xuanji fire tree on the city wall, and then disappeared again in a flash.

He has already prepared all the preparations for the Xuanji Fire Tree. If he still can't win a prison in the early stage of the Stardust Realm, then the Xuanji Fire Tree is too wasteful.

As for him, he is going to face the old guys from the Protoss and Demons.

None of those old things are easy to get along with, and this time to let them contribute, there must be some price to pay.


Xuanji Huoshu returned to Tongueyuan City with his things and rushed to the Demon Race without stopping.

It must be found and taken to prison in the fastest time, so that the ancestors can see his abilities.

Let the ancestors appreciate him even more, and he will definitely have a bright future in the immortal race in the future.

"Hey, what kind of wind is blowing today, it actually blew you, the No. 1 on the Bright Moon List, to my Demon Clan's side."

The Xuanji Fire Tree was close to the Demon Race, and there was a figure in front of him, it was Wen Xing.

Wen Xing looked at the Xuanji Fire Tree with a rather yin and yang strangeness.

He and Xuanji Huoshu were originally competitors, so it was quite normal to have such an attitude.

Xuanji Huoshu didn't talk nonsense either, he directly took out one of the many jade slips given to him by his ancestors, and threw it to Wen Xing, indicating to Wen Xing to check the information in the jade slip.

Wen Xing glanced at Xuanji Huoshu, but still put his consciousness into the jade slip. He was not afraid of Xuanji Huoshu playing tricks at this time.

Looking at the contents of the jade slip, Wen Xing's face was a little strange.

"I will assist you in the search for the prison."

Wen Xing put away the jade slip and said solemnly, without a trace of the frivolity on his face.

Xuanji Huoshu nodded at Wen Xing, and then left quickly. He had to go to other forces.

We must hurry up and solve the prison as soon as possible.

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