MTL - My Girlfriend Is Really a Superstar-v2 Chapter 1130 New Year’s greetings are a hard work.

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I saw Yao’s little mouth: "Dad doesn't count Yao Yao, it's just a mother, eccentric."

Baby Tang: "······"

Xiao Lingling also grievances said: "Yes, there are no grandfathers. They have only mothers in their hearts. We are all gone."

Baby Tang: "······"

Why do you want to say that this baby is safe? I regret it. Every time I lift my rock and lick my own feet.

I don’t have to go to chopping wood, the money is already in use, but now everyone knows.

"Well, well, my father will come back later next year." Tang baby laughed and hugged Xiao Lingling to kiss him, which made Xiao Lingling return to normal.

After getting it, Tang baby will eat with his family and then prepare to go to the wife's house to celebrate the New Year.

However, Ji Xia and Ji Ji did not go with them. If they go, the baby is sure that this year will be finished, there is no possibility of saving, and the kind of death.

This year is also the first time I went to my mother’s house to celebrate the New Year’s greetings. The little wife’s side is a little more relaxed. It’s a little annoyed at my sister’s house.

Originally, I was quite against it. This baby is still dragging his family to go to the New Year. Isn’t this making them even more uncomfortable?

I have said it myself, don't come together... but my sisters don't listen, but fortunately the little wife has no impulsiveness. If she goes together, it will be really cool.

Therefore, the baby of Tang first went to the small wife's house first, then placed the palace Shi Shi and Si Ruxian first at home, and then went to the sisters' home.

Tang baby decided to challenge the difficulty, the first stop went to the sister's home...

I can't forget this life. The godmother opens the door and sees the sisters outside. That way, the baby is sure that if the murder does not break the law, he will definitely cut it off.

Then, the whole process, Tang baby accepted the death gaze of the godmother, scared the baby to eat at lunch.

There is only one reason, that is, the godmother said that it is necessary to cook in person, and with a weird smile, you say that horror is not terrible...not scary.

This is obviously the rhythm of poisoning yourself, running with my wife and children...

"Dad, how do you sweat?" Yao smugly took out a paper towel and let his father kneel down.

Tang baby sighed and squatted in front of her daughter, enjoying her daughter's thoughtfulness. My heart finally comforted me. The above is simply the Longtan Tiger Cave. I have a life to go in and I have no life.

Xiao Hanrui stood next to me and chuckled, let your wife have more, if the mother knows, you still have three, my sister promised that you are finished.

Hesitating the children, the sisters are not interested in teasing Comrade Tang.

There are two more, first go to the father's house to eat lunch, then go to the million home to have a dinner, and go to the wife's mother's house for lunch at noon, so it is placed at night.

I don't know how the old man and the young wife live. If the young wife can get pregnant, the baby will take it.

Tang baby looked at Mu Kexin and glanced at Mu Kexin. He blamed you. At that time, I was going to do this. I actually found a young wife for my grandfather. This generation is really chaotic.

Tang baby knows that Mu Kexin doesn't like Guan Anni very much. The main reason is that she is too young, and Yuan Ming likes it even... and even yelling at herself. So Mu Kexin didn't go back and lost her temper.

However, if you are younger than the New Year, you have to go back to New Year.

But now the problem is, that Guan Ani is a peer, you said that you want to be called a grandmother, my God.

Mu Kexin has to die.

When I came to another residence in Yuanming, Tang’s baby was not afraid, and even more concerned about the living conditions of the old man.

The original idea was right, to find the other half for Wan Wan and the old man, then what space do they have to manage themselves?

This baby is wit.

It is Mu Kexin who presses the doorbell. This is what Tang Baby deliberately wants to see what happens when Xiao Gong’s secret passage Guan Anni.

After all, such awkward relationship still has to face, you have to hide and hide.

"Mom, don't be afraid, in fact, the grandmother is very good." Mu Yaoer whispered, because Yuan Ming and Guan Anni went out to play with Mu Yaoer during the National Day. It seems that Guan Anni has very successfully pleased Mu Yaoer.

Mu Keyin is also drunk, before I turned my heart to Dad, now I am looking forward to the young grandmother, feeling your mother, I am just a delivery.

The baby in Tang laughed and the Yao was really good.

Mu Kexin is now a little regretful. Just at Xiao's home, she should talk about her husband's bad things, such as finding two little wives and a first love lover, then Tang baby can't even get out of that house.

As the door was opened, Tang baby saw it, and it was Guan Ani.

Mu Kexin looked at the woman in front of me, really did not understand, such a young and beautiful woman, actually like grandfather.

What do you say? The sustenance of the soul, Mu Kexin did not believe it, but believed that it was only the grandfather's money.

"Happy new year, can be sweet, everyone happy new year, fast into the house." Guan Anni stunned, then Yan Yan smiled, looking very calm, a hostess look.

This made Mu Kexin feel unhappy, and when he came to his grandfather's house, he felt like a guest.

"Grandma, happy new year." Mu Yaoer shouted.

"Yao Er Happy New Year." Guan Anni smiled slightly and seemed to be accustomed to the name of Mu Yaoer.

Mu Yaoer immediately shouted and shouted: "Zeng Grandma, red envelope."

Tang baby mouth is pumping, how can you have a red envelope, at least one more behind, my father still wants a red envelope...

However, the miracle appeared, only Guan Anni took out a few red packets Look at this number, it seems that everyone has it.

Mu Kexin's face is a little weird. Under normal circumstances, only the elders give the younger generation red envelopes, obviously big, but this happens.

I saw the children pick up immediately, but the sisters are very polite, what do not need to use.

The baby of Tang is crowded out, these women, pretending, the baby must despise you.

"They are embarrassed, I have accepted it." Tang baby took four, and felt the thickness. · Yes, a little something.

My sisters looked at Tang's baby red packets, which was faster than the children. Is your skin not needed?

As the sisters walked into the house, Tang baby reached out to the children.

The little guys are dying to protect their red envelopes. A pair of big eyes immediately appear water mist. If you are a daddy, if you grab a red envelope, we will cry, and you will not be good.

However, Tang’s baby’s face is a board: “Hey, Dad is there for you.”

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