MTL - My Girlfriend Is Really a Superstar-v2 Chapter 1138 The other party is very powerful

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"The situation is not very optimistic, Xiaoming's injury is very serious." Yang Yao Shen Shen, my heart is a little uncomfortable.

Tang Bao took the summer night, but also wanted to let Zhou Xiaoming come to treat Zhou Xiaoming. After all, it was the light attribute and the strongest healing attribute.

When I came to the intensive care unit, Tang Xiaojian saw that Zhou Xiaoming had a tube in his body. His face was not a little bloody. Although he could not understand the instrument, it was not very optimistic to see the heartbeat line.

"Yang team, I am afraid" I saw a doctor coming to Shen Shen.

This is very obvious, modern medical technology is completely hopeless.

Hong Hong’s face standing next to him was not very good. It was even worse to hear such a result. He turned and walked toward the door.

"Hong Hong! What are you doing!" Yang Yao asked quietly.


"You are going to take revenge! You are going to die!" Yang Yao screamed in anger, and his heart was also very irritating. Suddenly this kind of power suddenly appeared, and Zhou Xiaoming was beaten like this, and the video was all circulated, people's confidence in the League of Legends. Falling to the bottom, and even questioning, League of Legends has the ability to protect them.

"I have a way!" Hong Hong whispered, and did not listen to advice, and continued to walk outside the door.

"You can't beat it." Tang baby faintly, can make Zhou Xiaoming hammer like this, Hong Hong went, it will only become the second Zhou Xiaoming

Tang baby is even worried now, if he is fully open, can you get it?

A sense of crisis spread in the heart of Tang's baby. I never imagined that there was such a powerful existence and refreshed my world view.

After hearing the baby's words, Hong Hong stopped and looked at the back of the baby. This man is very strong and Hong Hong knows.

But at home, it’s not a joke!

When Tang Baby heard the sound of Hong Hong’s departure, he sighed in his heart. It’s quite lucky to have such a girlfriend.

If you are lying here, your sisters and sisters will be happy.

"Summer night, you try." Tang baby whispered, now only rely on Ji Xia night.

Yang Yao on the side looked a little surprised. It was still doubtful that Tang Bao brought a beautiful woman to do something. It turned out to be an actor.

How did the words come, and what kind of things are gathered together?

"Let's go out first." Tang baby whispered, taking the lead out of the ward.

Yang Yao raised his hand and walked out of the room with the doctors.

Close the door, Tang baby sighed deeply.

Yang Yao’s face is not so good-looking. This sudden event has put Yang Yao under great pressure.

"Yang team, what is the identity of the other party, is there a way to find it?" Tang baby whispered, the tone seemed calm, but if Xiao Hanrui is here, I will know that the younger brother is calmer, it shows that the fire in my heart is very Big.

Yang Yao shook his head. "There is no way to find it now. There seems to be no such person in the database."

"Look at the video, he claimed to be a mutant person. This is not the same as what we know." Tang baby walked to the window next to him, found a cigarette to ignite, and then handed it to Yang Yao.

However, this is just a fake window, along with a large smoking ban.

"This time, I don't think it is good." Yang Yao said.

"Can you cancel?" Although Tang Baby knows that the possibility of cancellation is not great, he still can't help but ask.

"If you cancel now, isn't it equal to everyone, fearing those mutants?" Yang Yao took a sigh of relief and looked very annoyed. The things that followed one after another made Yang Yao breathless.

Tang baby nodded, indeed, it is impossible to cancel now, but the strength of the other party has exceeded expectations.

Even kidnapped Du Yue, who is a living wife, who is now lying in bed, how can this baby come out?

"Yang team, is that egg okay?" Tang baby whispered.

"Well, I let Xiao Ran and the wind and dust do not look at it for 24 hours." After the end, Yang Yao felt that he was not emboldened. So strong people, as long as they are willing to rob, Xiao Ran and the wind are no means at all.

Tang baby also knows, suddenly there is a way, whisper "Or else I look?"

"You look?!" Yang Yao said with a small exclamation, this is a way, but the superior will certainly not agree.

See Yang Yao no words, Tang baby knows the meaning of Yang Yao, this egg is not the calculation of Yang Yao.

At this time, the summer night came out of the ward, his face looked very calm, nodded toward the Tang baby.

Tang baby finally breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, Zhou Xiaoming saved his life.

Tang Bao and Yang Yao entered the ward. At this time, Zhou Xiaoming’s trauma was all good, but the knee was still not treated well, and the arm was just connected.

It seems that there is no way for this already necrotic cell, but it is very good to save Zhou Xiaoming.

"Xiaoming." Tang baby whispered, frowning slightly.

Zhou Xiaoming seems to hear someone shouting at himself and slowly opens his eyes to the "teacher".

“Is it better?” asked Tang Bao.

Zhou Xiaoming suddenly thought of something. He wanted to raise his arm and found that he could not lift it. Now it seems that only one foot can move.

"Teacher, I beg you, help me to save Du Yue, she was arrested." Zhou Xiaoming was anxious, and even hated that he was useless. The important moment could not save even his own woman, and he was caught and watched.

Tang baby nodded. "Reassured, I will help you find Du Yue!"

I heard the teacher promised to come Zhou Xiaoming seems to be relieved, and slowly said, "Teacher, I have no use."

"Xiaoming, this does not blame you, the strength of the enemy has exceeded the expectations, you have done enough, the next thing to the teacher, how much does the other person know?" Tang baby sat down and asked softly. .

Zhou Xiaoming recalled that at that time, Shen Sheng "teacher, the man called Huang Quan, is a mutant person who originally seemed to kill me, but suddenly did not kill, it feels like what orders are received."

"Command ???" Tang baby and Yang Yao exclaimed, if it is really an order, then things are even more troublesome, can command such a person, how strong is that command?

"Teacher, I am only speculating."

Don baby can only think in the worst situation, assuming that the other party is more strengthened, how should he respond.

"Well, the teacher knows, you have a good rest." Tang baby looked at Zhou Xiaoming's body. It seems that Zhou Xiaoming wants to heal, and the difficulty is a bit big.

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