MTL - My Girlfriend Is Really a Superstar-v2 Chapter 1150 Son can't get it, get old

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If the Secretary can still say it, he can only pat his chest and say: "Well, we know."

"be careful."


"Sister Ling should be next to it." Tang baby suddenly asked.

Ping Luo Ling’s glimpse, this old man is smart: “I am.”

"Sister Ling, you are careful, the other party is not an ordinary opponent." Tang baby still has to squat, that virtual person can not be underestimated.

Sisters and sisters now dare to underestimate the enemy, just being a light enemy, only to be played.

"Well, we know, are the kids alright?"

"Get ready to rest in the shower."

"Don't bring them to eat fried, do you know?" Pingluo Ling still succeeded, we are not a mother, you should be a good example of your father, but that does not exist.

"it is good."

Speaking a few words, Tang baby hangs up the phone, and the corner of his mouth rises in a curve. How do you feel dishonest?

At most, I was only said a few words by myself. Now it is good. If it is not round, the position of the owner of this family will return to his own hands.

I am very excited when I think about it, confiscate your property, see how you buy new clothes, new babies, and ask for a baby... The scene is definitely very exciting.

When the company hangs up, she sighs deeply, and her sisters and sisters have not spoken. This time it is really troublesome.

At this point, a Toyota Alpha is heading south, in addition to the driver, there are two people.

These two people are of course the masters of the same, and Xie Wancai.

"Master, this time you are bothered." Red now speaks like a model, and it’s a shame.

The faint smile: "Little things."

"But Master, are you a little dangerous to do this?"

"Sometimes I personally experience it, it is also a good choice. Of course, after the opponent knows the truth, the expression must be very exciting." One voice whispered, in fact, my heart is also a bit confused, why do you find yourself here, The news of Xie Wancai should be a secret, it is a bit strange.

Is it that he reported it? It is a bit of a possibility.

"Right, the man who killed me before the master?"

Return one file to Xie Wancai: "It is him."

Xie Wancai slowly opened the file, looked at the target information, and nodded: "Reassured, hand it over to me."

"Working hard."

"You're welcome, you helped me so much, I have to help you once." Xie Wancai chuckled, thinking about the goal, a middle-aged man, called Tang Cheng.

As for why the reunification is going to kill the baby of the Tang baby, it is not known.

Sister and sister are now anxiously waiting for news. If they can't catch people, when they are discovered by their husband, it will be cool.

For this break, my sisters and sisters did not sleep all night, all kinds of worry... Now I just want to hear the phone ring, then tell the target location, you can go to kill.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, my sisters and sisters came to the second floor of the hotel for breakfast. Although all kinds of food, but sisters and sisters have no appetite.

Dejected, the degree of glamour has dropped a lot.

Many people who ate at the restaurant recognized Mu Kexin···

But it’s just a few more glances, and no one even went to sign...

It can be seen that Mu Kexin is really out of date now, and now the main star is the abilities. I am embarrassed to say that I am a star without any skill.

Mu Kexin was originally depressed, and now it is even more so, he is really out of date.

"When will this wait? If we want to go home and wait." Xiao Hanrui drank a few abalone porridge, and there was no appetite. It is not a matter of staying at the hotel every day.

Ping Luoling whispered: "Now go back? Not only is it to be embarrassed, even the position of the head of the family must be robbed."

"Yeah, we really took the stone and licked our feet this time." Si Ruo whispered.

In the past, it was the baby of Tang who licked his own feet. Now he has changed to sisters and sisters. It is really a feng shui turn.

"Satiate and go back and wait." Pingluo Ling said, this time it is estimated to be cold, yesterday should not lie to the baby, big deal will be trained, at least one of the owners are still on their own side, the original I thought that the news should come soon, but now...

"Sister Ling, this goes on, we..." Si is very worried, the owner of this family, not enough, how can you say no?

Ping Luoling was considered to be a chaotic rhythm.

"唉···" Ping Luoling can only sigh deeply and express his helplessness.

Tang baby whistle at this time, is making breakfast for the children, thinking about it... Do you want to call and ask in the past.

They must be scared to death, these women, only at home will not go wrong, after running out, it is a variety of mistakes.

Still make a phone call and ask how these women are going to make a false statement.

Of course, I still called Si Ru. After all, Si Ru is still the head of the family. If you are as small as you are, ask if you are afraid, and let the position of the head of the family come out.

At this time, the mobile phone of Siru sounded, and the company was so frightened that it was not the uncle, but the more afraid of what, the more.

"Sister Ling, uncle called again, what to do..." The company was panicked.

Ping Luoling is now a little panic, is now confessed, or continue to wait for news, complete the task, pretend nothing has happened.

Since I said it yesterday, now it is another rhetoric, it seems to be cool, it is also cool, why not fight it.

Ping Luoling decided to take a fight, maybe the bicycle will become a motorcycle.

"carry on."

"Ah? Continue? Is it really good?" Secretary asked in a low voice.

Of course, I understand the current situation.

Don baby listened to the sound of tooting on the phone, no need to think about it, these women must be discussing how to lie to Laozi.

Lie, lie, you are going to be cold.

"Uncle early." Secretary Ru shouted sweetly.

Hey, the task can still pretend to be so happy, not bad...

"Early, Secretary, how is it going?" Tang baby curiously asked.

"It was too late yesterday, and we decided to start today."

66666, how can you say this lie, you don't believe it yourself.

When I ask tomorrow, is it necessary to say that it is not convenient today, and will it be changed tomorrow?

You are really funny.

"This way, go early, have a long night dream."

"Well, Uncle, we know."

After two screams, Tang Bao hangs up the phone, it is just too happy, and Si Ru is definitely not willing to lie, and it is sure that Ling Jie is taking a bad child, it is really bad to die.

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