MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 189

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"They train murlocs in Marinvando and then send them to the Holy Land Mary Joa."

Tiger said in a cold voice, and he quickly drank the jar of wine in his hand.

Empress Hancock! The world's most beautiful woman is now trapped in Marin Vando's prison, and it is too late to save her now.

Wu'an had a flash of inspiration, and it was destined to meet Tiger. At the beginning, Tiger did not go to Marin Vando, but went directly to the Holy Land Mary Joa, and at that time, Hancock was just sent away.

201 to Marin van Dou

She didn't have any sweet fruit yet, and Wu An was vaguely excited. This action did not disappoint him. Tiger still told in pain, Wu An, patted him on the shoulder comfortingly and told him not to suffer so much.

"I must burn the Holy Land Mary Joa on fire, otherwise it will be hard for me to feel the anger in my heart."

Tiger drank a jar of wine in one breath. He could not go anywhere, but the Holy Land Mary Joya had to go.

"We must turn the Holy Land Mary Joa upside down." Wu An was very supportive of his actions.

"Go to Marin Fando first." Wu An decided to take action, Marin Fando must go, otherwise the Empress will be too late - save.

Tiger has no objection. He is the captain and only obeys him. Tiger is the number one expert in Fishman Street. Wu An is very fortunate that he did not delay time because of Doflamingo, otherwise he would not meet Tiger, not to mention-rescue Empress Hancock.

They can quickly deal with those rogues and buy time to save the Empress.

"The Demon Lord of Hell!" Tiger looked at Wu An in surprise, but he didn't expect that he was the Demon Lord of Hell who offered a reward of 500 million.

"I didn't expect to be recognized by you.\" Wu An did not deny it.

Tiger sighed deeply, and he said what happened to him. Seeing these slaves have such a serious expression, it turns out that he is the devil of hell. He admires him from the bottom of his heart. If he can be offered a reward of 500 million, he does not need to think about his strength. Above, even though I joined him in my heart before, there was a little bit of dissatisfaction. This is human nature, and now Tiger is convinced.

He knew a lot about the deeds of the Demon Lord of Hell, but he didn't expect to be able to join them by chance.

"If you want to enter Marin Vando, you must pass through the door of justice."

Wu An said in a deep voice that the destination can only be reached by passing through the gate of justice and riding the correct ocean current.

"Can you go around?"

There must be a lot of navy guards at the Gate of Justice, and they will definitely not be able to break in, maybe it’s almost the same as going around.

Wu An shook his head, the Gate of Justice could not be bypassed, because the current on both sides of the gate was a reverse eddy current caused by the whirlpool, and the ship could not move forward.

"Marin van Dou can only be reached through the door of justice."

Wu An gave a correct answer, how to enter the door of justice is a big problem.

"There is still some distance from the door of justice, think about how to get in."

"Captain, we can use the warship to enter."

Tiger gave an answer that satisfied Wu An.

"Just do it."

They drove very fast, and soon arrived not far from the gate of justice.

They parked the ship here, only to wait for the warship to come.

"What if the captain doesn't have a warship?"

Van Oka couldn't help but say something disappointing, and Tiger shook his head.

"No, warships enter the gate of justice from here every day, you can't be wrong."

Tiger intends to go to the Holy Land Mary Joa, and has been surveying the surrounding area for several days. Every day, he can see warships entering the Gate of Justice.


Wu An continued to speak, and Tiger's words were not wrong. Warships did enter the gate of justice every day, as long as they had a pass.

Even if they don't wear navy clothes and guard the gate of justice, they will think that they are a special pass and will let them pass.

"Captain, that looks like a warship."

After waiting for a while, they saw a warship not far away, slowly heading towards the Gate of Justice.

Judging from their appearance, they should not be important officers.

A navy patrolling the sea like this patrols every day to see if there are suspicious people. After all, this is the most important place, and no one can take advantage of it.

At the same time, the officers of the navy on the warship also discovered them.

The leading officer, holding a telescope, carefully watched the ship that was moving like a snail not far away.

"It looks like a ship for slaves, go and see."

When the officer told his subordinates to go and see, he squeezed out some oil and water, and the ships that sent slaves were very rich in oil and water.

There was a smile on Wu An's mouth. They estimated that they were ships for slaves, and they didn't want to enter the door of justice at all.

"Stop driving, there are suspicious people on your ship, check!"

It is the officer's subordinate who is holding the trumpet. When the navy can have some money, the most important thing is to slaughter these ships to send slaves, otherwise they will drink and eat meat and molest the little sister.

Wu An and the others stopped the running ships and waited for them to come up. Tiger looked at Wu An with admiration. They were still discussing how to approach the warship just now. They were afraid that the movement would be too loud and the navy at the Gate of Justice would find out.

?0 asking for flowers.....

Wu An did not participate in their discussion, only said that they would come in by themselves. At first they didn't believe it, but now it seems that the captain is really predictable.

They tried hard to hold back their laughter and pretended to be trembling. The patrolling officers were very satisfied with this scene. The slaughtered slave merchant ships, only if they were afraid, could they obediently take out the money that satisfied them.

The patrolling officers came with their subordinates and asked for property when they came up. I don’t know how many times this kind of thing has been done, and everyone is familiar with it.

"We will not embarrass you, we will give you 30 to 40 million Bailey and let you in. You also know that the nobles have been injured by those **** pirates recently. It is a little difficult to leave safely this time, as long as you follow me If the boat leaves, no one will embarrass you."

The officer said that the Tianlong people were beaten by them, but he winked and said directly to Wu An.

Looking at Wu An, they had a familiar feeling, as if they had seen Zai before. They were slave traders, and they must have been here before.

"It's definitely not the first time for you to come here. You all know the rules. Slaves are very profitable, and they don't give much. The big deal is that next time, I will give you a discount, and we can be regarded as old acquaintances."

The officer went on to say that tens of millions of Baileys did not think it was too much.

;Wu An swept his rank, but he was at the rank of Colonel. The patrolling navies were all proud and arrogant. This was the most oily job. Killing them would not cause anyone on the door of justice.

"He seems to be the Wu'an Pirates who are offering a bounty."

Someone whispered, and the chief officer swallowed half of what he said. The name of the Wu'an Pirates is familiar to all of them, and the reward of 500 million Wu'an is offered.

They robbed him, wasn't it an act of courting death?

Their faces changed, and they wanted to leave before Wu An and the others reacted. Compared with money, they cherished their lives more. If their lives were lost, what would they do with money.

"Come on! Let's have a cup of tea and then go." Wu An said lightly, he invited them to drink tea so sincerely, he wanted to refuse the child, saying: Send EUR from! Group, stay! Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 is definitely not good for him.

"I won't drink the tea, we can pretend that we didn't see anything, just let me go." The chief officer said in fear.

202 Robbery and Killing of Warships

It doesn't matter if those navies are released or not, the important thing is to be able to release him.

These officers are very selfish, and they don't care if they can leave here safely and put his subordinates in danger.

When they recognized that this was the Wu'an Pirates, they were already desperate, and no one could save them, so they could only pray to let him go.

"Take out the pass to enter the Gate of Justice." Wu An didn't talk nonsense with them, and asked for the pass directly. If it was too late, Hancock would be sent to the Holy Land Mary Joa Prison.

"Can you let me go?\" The chief officer was about to cry, he was just a patrol chief, why let him suffer such a thing, his face was wrinkled, he regretted it, he knew why he wanted to rob them, pity! Money is hard to buy, you know.

With his fingers trembling, he took out the pass of the "June 40" Righteous Gate from the pocket of his clothes. Wu An quickly took out the pass in his hand. He was treated like this by the person with a reward of 500 million, and he did not dare to complain. For fear of being killed by him.

Wu An looked at this pass, it was not fake.

A gesture was given to Van Oka and Sabas, and they quickly destroyed the navy brought by the chief officer, including him.

After they cleaned up the navy left behind on the warship, for the sake of unnecessary trouble, they decided to silence them all. This was safer, and it was more so that the rumors would not be leaked and the Tianlong people would not find them.

The rescued slaves, together with them, came to the warship. They thanked him for not abandoning them and brought them to the warship.

"It's a lot safer here for the warship, and you'll be fine." Jessica comforted them gently and told them not to worry.

Everyone nodded, it was a great luck to meet them.

They took the pass and entered the gate of justice, which was one step closer to Hancock.

"This is the headquarters of the navy. You must be careful in your actions. You can't fight face-to-face with these navies."

Wu An instructed them that the number of navies is very large, this is their home, and facing them face-to-face will have bad results.

"Finally arrived at their lair." Fan Oka used his muscles and bones, this is the Navy headquarters, and they must bleed a lot.

Wu An and the others parked the boat at the port of Ke, and sneaked them into the village with them.

This is the port that has passed the Gate of Justice. I don't know if they are too confident and don't guard it at all. There is not a single navy guarding the port.

"Very low vigilance."

"They think that no one can pass through the gate of justice except the navy. In order to be lazy, people here are naturally unguarded. Be quiet and follow me."

Wu An told them not to disturb anyone, and the first thing to do was to save Hancock.

They followed Wu An's pace. Tiger looked at Wu An curiously. He had never been here before. Why was he so familiar with the terrain here that he could well avoid the patrolling navy.

"Just get used to it." Van Oka patted Tiger's shoulder, the captain seemed to have the ability to know everything, even though he was about the same age as them.

Tiger decided in his heart that there must be something special about being offered a reward of 500 million.

Most of these patrolling navies are slack and yawning on patrol.

"It's annoying to patrol like this every day."

"Be content, and see if there is nothing abnormal, then you can go back to sleep."

The elderly patrol navy is very satisfied with this kind of life, there is no danger here, there is no need to worry about losing his life, and there is a generous salary.

"This is all the idea of ​​a middle-aged man like you." The young navy said disdainfully, his dream was not willing to be a patrol navy, he had a dream, and he couldn't just be a patrol navy.

The older navy kung fu refuted him, he had seen a lot of this kind of ignorant young man.

"Patrol quickly, and go back to sleep if you have nothing to do."

The older navy yawned again and again, hoping that he would go back to sleep quickly after the patrol was over. It was a waste of time here.

They dozed off each other, and Wu An followed the memory in his mind and went to the prison where the slaves were held.

"The prison is ahead."

Wu An told them that there was another room close to the prison. They approached this room carefully. There was only a manager sitting in a chair and a soldier standing reporting. They were very lax about the management here. Think no one will break in.

"The manager's performance this month exceeded the standard by .0\"

The standing soldiers happily reported that they had to earn enough slaves every month so that they could complete the performance set by the Tianlong people. If they couldn't, they would suffer endless torture.

"In this way, you can control the slaves that exceed the standard, and wait until next month to report."

The manager said ponderingly, in order to avoid failing to complete the performance next month.

"Yes." The soldiers answered loudly. They have done this kind of thing more than once, and they can't complete their achievements. The punishment of the Tianlong people is not a joke.

"The manager sent the slaves to the Holy Land Mary Joa, do you want to continue to send them?"

The soldier hesitated to say this sentence, the slave to be sent was a woman, very beautiful.

"Will you die if you don't send it?" The manager snorted coldly, this slave must be sent, and you can't play with it.

"Yes yes yes." The soldier agreed quickly, ready to leave here, so let the slaves be sent over quickly.

Only when! Van Oka swaggered open the door of the office, the sitting manager and the standing soldier were dumbfounded. Where did they come from?

They were so frightened that they forgot to howl, and when they recovered, Nami had cut off the lines of the alarms in the office.

"Who are you? This is the Navy Headquarters. We are here to attack us. Think about the consequences." The manager is worthy of being the manager here.

admonish them.

"Of course I know this is the Navy Headquarters, otherwise I wouldn't come."

Fan Oka carefully looked at this place, a very luxurious office, and there were only two people from the Navy headquarters.

The manager's eyes flickered, and he was about to shout for help, but Tiger slashed his neck with a knife, and immediately fainted.

The soldiers next to him shivered, and before they could do anything, they fainted.

"He's too timid." Nami said contemptuously, they were stunned before they did anything.

"Don't be so rude, don't ask them anything else." Wu An helplessly raised his forehead. They were so anxious about what they were doing, and they didn't finish their questions.

"We need to know where the slaves who are going to be sent are being held."

Read The Duke's Passion