MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 194

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Wu An nodded lazily, sat motionless in the chair, and let the new manager drag the fainted soldier. He still understood the rules.

Although everyone is afraid of the Heavenly Dragons, what is more terrifying than the Heavenly Dragons is the Hell Devil, so they would rather risk offending the Heavenly Dragons than the Hell Devil.

"That..." The new manager had already left the office, but suddenly he came back, rubbing his hands constantly, looking at Wu An to please.


"My lord, I let them go, can you let me loose in large quantities?"

?0 asking for flowers.....

The manager's mood was full of anxiety, like a roller coaster, with constant ups and downs. The final result is still waiting for Wu An's sentence.

"Yes." Wu An promised to let him go. For his obedience, there was no need to kill them all.

The new manager hurriedly left with relief, and finally waited until he let go of him.

The new manager is still very clear that it has nothing to do with anything else, as long as this matter is handled properly, what is the Tianlong person, this person is the real master.

Fan Oka leaned on the side and rubbed his chin, the captain is the real smart, use this matter to tie him down, even if he wants to report them, he has to weigh it up, can he keep it?

Life is one thing.


"This manager is a malleable talent."

Nami blinked and said, he will not yell at them because he is the manager of Tianlong people, but he is very respectful to them, and it is the biggest thing to be able to save his life.

"Just use it, and forget about the rest."

Wu An had seen a lot of this kind of person, and he was able to betray his boss for himself. Even if this kind of person was in the bag, he would still be stabbed by him at this time.

Tiger nodded and said yes, there are too many things like this, and he can't consider it for his own use because he sees the wind. Such an idea is unrealistic.

"You are amazing!"

Taking advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention, Hancock secretly leaned on his ear and said this sentence. Wu An looked at her suspiciously. The girl's face was quietly stained with a suspicious blush, and Bai Nendu's earlobe was even more stained with blush. .

"Have a fever?" Wu An said very unpleasant words, no one paid attention to them at first, but now after Wu An said it, everyone began to pay attention to them.

what's going on? Everyone was very curious. Hancock was startled by his words. He didn't know what to do. To be honest, she had no experience in this area, but just relied on the thoughts in her heart.

"Captain you..."

Fan Oka said that it was not a big deal to watch the fun, and Wu An glanced over.

The latter shut up wisely, but his eyes betrayed him.

Although the others did not speak, they were also very curious. Does this mean that the captain's spring is here? Ten thousand.

212 Rescue Treasure

Nami is used to being carefree, but she is a girl after all. In this situation, Nami understands what's going on. Hancock likes the captain, which is also correct. After all, the captain is handsome, and he took her out of the slave's hands. rescued, not to mention that Hancock is still a little girl, and it is normal to be obsessed with the captain.

Jessica smiled softly, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. Only she knew why. Tiger was obviously an emotional idiot, and he really thought Hancock had a fever.

"How come you have a fever?"

Fan Oka and Nami burst out laughing, he really couldn't hold back, the captain and the others were really unpleasant, and they didn't know such an obvious situation.

"Look outside, don't let anyone break in."

Wu An coughed uncomfortably, obviously changing the topic.

"Huh? Where's Little Eight?"

Fan Oka looked around for a week and couldn't find Xiao Ba, so he couldn't help but wonder, where did Xiao Ba go? It was here just now, but now it's gone.

"I asked him to follow them."

Wu An simply answered his doubts, and it is better to treat them with some precautions. In case of any change, it is still too late, otherwise these slaves will suffer.

Fan Oka nodded clearly. The captain's thinking was thoughtful. None of them are fuel-efficient lamps. These navies can solve the problem with their strength, but if you want so many slaves to leave here safe and sound, you can't be alarmed for the time being. They, or those slaves, must have suffered more severe punishment.

Fan Oka, who has a big heart, began to turn left and right to the manager's office. There are many good things in this office. Although the Tianlong people are punished more severely, they don't take human life. The office for these dogs is much more luxurious. , here's the luminous gems, even more so.

It can be seen that the Tianlong people regard face as more important than everything else, otherwise they will not be treated so well.

kind of.

Fan Oka tutted twice, looking at these treasures, he couldn't bear to let them fall into the hands of these people, so Fan Oka made a decision, and took them all away as a kindness, saving so poor.

"Nami took them all away."

Fan Oka took these treasures with great interest, and with the idea of ​​​​evacuating the manager's office, he greeted Nami to act together, and the two of them took it together, and they could take a lot.

Nami had already started to act, and Van Oka didn't hear a sound. Looking back, she found that she was taking these things very quickly.

"Nami, you look like a female bandit, girls want to be gentle."

Fan Oka sighed helplessly, how could he not learn to be gentle, even Jessica, who has always been known as gentle, was not gentle.

"Are you embarrassed to talk about me? Aren't you?"

Nami looked at him contemptuously, and said this without being ashamed, Fan Oka, a big man, had nothing to blush, and said confidently: "I'm saving them, what do you know?

"They have no life and can't understand words, what to save?"

She is really convinced, treats a lifeless treasure, and brazenly wants to save them, this is the funniest joke she has ever heard.

"I want to save them too."

Before Fan Oka could answer, Sabas joined. During the operation to save the treasure, Fan Oka helplessly raised his forehead. Did he dig a hole for himself?

I couldn't figure it out, so I just ignored it and saw who was faster.

Wu An just looked at them so quietly, and wanted to say that he didn't know them, who made them his crew.

"You can all participate in the series of saving the treasure."

Wu An spoke lightly, but Tiger didn't speak. When he heard Wu An's words, he understood something in his heart. He joined this series of saving treasures. This office is not only luxuriously decorated, but also has many treasures in it. What the previous manager left behind was executed by Akainu before he could take it away. The manager this time was obviously not fortunate enough to be taken away by them.

After such a fight, Tiger became more and more familiar with them. Watching the bickering between Nami and Fan Oka, he cherished this time. He worked hard for his dream alone, and he didn't know when it would be completed. However, he was lucky enough to meet him. , has the same dream as him, a group of lovely people.

Hancock became more and more certain, and wanted to stay even more, joining the Wu'an Pirates.0

Wu An couldn't bear to look directly at these pictures, watching the speed at which they grabbed things, and thought he had treated them badly. Wu An paced outside the office, except for the footsteps of the patrolling navy, there was no other sound.

Wu An calculated the time, as long as he brought those slaves over and sent them to the harbor, the others would not need a manager.

Although the process is a bit troublesome, it is the safest way and the way not to hurt those slaves. The little eight here looks at the new manager and the soldiers, and they are all terrified. This is too scary, although staring at them, there are Does it have to be so vicious?

Xiao Ba was originally a bit fierce, staring at them like this without blinking, even more fierce, the new manager is really going to cry, it is really terrible.

There is a kind of just out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den, and it doesn't feel good at all.

"There is a prison in front of your lord, what should I do?"

The new manager was flattering, but he wasn't stupid enough to release all these slaves at once. If they were released like this, if something went wrong, they would also lose their lives.

"Put some people straight to your office."

Xiao Ba lowered his head and thought for a while, thinking of a better way, presumably the captain thought so too.

The new manager secretly scolded them as a fox. In this way, he became a sinner through the ages. When they left on March 6, he would be the one to suffer.

The new manager wanted to refute a few words, and when he came into contact with Xiaoba's vicious eyes, he was instantly cowardly.

"It's your lord." The new manager replied respectfully. The soldier next to him was so frightened that he could only repeat the movement of walking forward mechanically.

"Why are you here, manager?" The soldier guarding the cell saw the new manager coming over, puzzled, what did he come for?

The new manager looked back habitually and found that Xiaoba was gone, and understood what he meant.

"What do you think, manager?" These soldiers all want to please the manager, so maybe they don't need to do such drudgery.

The new manager straightened his back instantly.

213 Follow him

The soldiers followed his eyes curiously, looked back, and found that there was nothing behind them. They didn't understand what the manager was looking at?


"It's nothing." He said lightly, despite his calmness at this time, his palms were always wet.

"What's the matter with the manager coming so late?"

The soldier asked in a good-natured manner again, this manager must not be offended.

"I can't come over if it's okay?" The new manager snorted coldly. The soldier was dumbfounded and slandered in his heart. Did the new manager eat gunpowder? Why is he so temperamental? Not at all as good-tempered as the previous manager.

The soldier made a secret comparison, but there was no way, no matter how good the former manager was, he was executed by Akainu-sama after all.

The new manager was very angry, and he didn't care for two reasons. The soldiers didn't find the Demon Lord of Hell, and they didn't even know what he was doing. All the anger he got from them can be recovered from them.

What's more, their position is not as high as his, which gives the new manager the confidence to suppress the people below, which is a very good feeling.


The corners of Xiaoba's mouth rose sarcastically in the dark. Tianlong people will never change this problem. Except for the demonstration, everything else seems to be gone, which is really annoying.

"The manager can go anywhere he wants."

The soldier said with a pleasing smile, and the new manager nodded with satisfaction.

"Let these slaves come with me."

The new manager solemnly ordered that these soldiers dared to ask why. They all said that the new officer took office three fires. This fire must not burn them. If it burns them, it will be miserable. There will be no benefit.

The new manager was very satisfied with this situation, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they would not block it. Even knowing that they would not block, they would still be frightened. The new manager returned this reason to the power of the Demon Lord of Hell.

"You follow the manager. You are not allowed to play any tricks. If you let me know, you will know the consequences."

The soldier said viciously to the slaves, and they nodded their heads carefully, and the torture here did not want to suffer a second time.

"Does the manager want someone to watch them?"

The soldier said hesitantly. After all, there are so many slaves, and if someone is rude to the manager, they can't communicate.

"no need."

The manager simply refused the child, saying: send EUR from! Group, stay! Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 absolutely, what are you kidding? Let them follow, do you think he died later?

Although the soldier was at a loss, he didn't know why the manager refused the child, saying: "Send EUR from! Group, stay!" Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 absolutely, since the manager has decided so, he doesn't need to intervene.

"Manager walk slowly."

The soldiers sent off the new manager with a smile. Their job was to guard the cell, and they were not so kind to help with matters other than their jobs.

The manager rejected the small and said; send EUR from! Group, stay! Staying*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 has absolutely beat them, and it’s really fun and leisurely, so it’s not thankless.

The new manager was followed by so many slaves, each of them followed carefully, and many slaves were whispering.

"Where is this taking us? To contribute to the Tianlong people?"

"Didn't the ship of the Holy Land Mary Joa just arrived a few days ago?"

Everyone else shook their heads, thinking that it would be impossible to send them to the Tianlong people.

"You're not going to punish us, are you?"

He lowered his voice and said, when they heard this, they all shivered. The world that was already dark is now even darker. Can no one save them?

This idea is fleeting in the mind, this is simply impossible, and no one can break into this place.

Immediately gave up this idea, and could only wait for their final punishment. It was the first time that they were called out alone.

Xiao Ba followed them silently, making sure that no soldiers followed. Fortunately, those soldiers listened to the new manager very much and did not follow them.

The new manager walked in front, and every step he took, he felt that he was not far from death. Although the Hell Demon King promised to let him go, it was only a promise. Die in the hands of others, at most not in the hands of the devil of hell.

For this realization, the new manager was very scared, he didn't know what to do, he didn't want to die, there was only one thought in his mind, as long as he didn't die.

Xiao Ba looked around vigilantly, and even more so to guard against the manager, lest he play new tricks.

Wu An has been standing outside the office door, dressed in black, as if blending in with the night. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all. There is still a person standing here.

"Where did the captain go?" Fan Oka started looking for the captain after a lot of harvest, but he couldn't find where the captain was.

"The captain seems to have gone outside."

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Sabas kindly answered him.

"Don't worry about him, that's the virtue."

Seeing Tiger apologetic, Jessica walked up to him and said casually.

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