MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 236

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"What's the matter?" Huang Yuan looked like he was asking to the end, but the others didn't say anything.

Their leader didn't speak, he didn't know how to tell them, could he just say it directly?

Looking at their appearance, what would they do if they were protecting Doflamingo today?

"Don't worry about some things."

Huang Yuan persuaded, even if they care about it, they may not succeed.

The leader of the bounty hunter opened his eyes wide, Kizaru and the others knew it, and Doflamingo told them, so they are here to persuade them to leave?

If they insist on looking for Doflamingo's trouble, does it mean that Kizaru won't let them go.

"What if I can't let it go?" The leader of the bounty hunter king, not afraid that they are the generals of the world government, but asked the doubts in his heart.

"How many people will help you offend us?"

Kizaru asked back, and the bounty hunter turned pale with mockery. There are many bounty hunters.

286 Roswald St Advent

But because of the tragic death of their companions, to offend the World Government, it is estimated that no one will do this kind of thing, and they are not fools, how can they ruin the beautiful future, and do such a stupid thing, I wonder if they know the world. People from the government would intervene. It was impossible at first to come to the Chambord Archipelago, and they would not trouble Doflamingo.

"This is the end of the matter.\" Huang Yuan didn't use his power to oppress them. Maybe there will be in the future. When they need them, they can't be beaten to death with a single stick.

The bounty hunter didn't recover for a long time, and watched them leave, but there was nothing they could do. It was obvious that Flamenco was here, and they couldn't take other actions. This feeling was really uncomfortable.

"Lead us?" There are other bounty hunters who just gave up, but what can be done?

It's not that they can only leave. In the face of greater rights than them, they can only leave. There is no other way.


Their leader gritted his teeth and was helpless. For various reasons, what else could he do if he didn't leave. Is it possible to really go to Doflamingo desperately? It is estimated that if they are not close, they will be killed by the yellow monkey.

Others dared not speak, and wanted to say what they wanted to say. When they thought of Kizaru and Akagi, they were both the world government and one of the Seven Martial Seas under the King. They could only constantly choose to compromise and had no ability to resist.

After the bounty hunter left, Wu An appeared in the dark. He saw all this with his own eyes and shook his head helplessly. Right~ Really crushing people.

This sentence is really not a joke-.

Wu An stood here, stayed for a while, and then left.

Go back to the tree hole and tell them what you saw.

"See, this right is really good."

Wu An spoke very sarcastically. He had 10,000 disgusts in his heart for the World Government.

It's just that there is no way to do it now. It's not the time yet. When the time comes, let the World Government survive for one more second. He will take the World Government's surname.

"It's not a day or two."

Tiger was not so angry. He knew from the beginning to the end that the character of the people of the world government does not oppress people with power. How is this possible.

Wu An really wanted to control his temper, but he really couldn't control it.

Although bounty hunters deserve what they deserve, they shouldn't be suppressed by the world government with their rights.

"Captain calm down."

Fan Oka handed him a bottle of iced drink and let him put out the fire. It's not worth being angry with such a person, it's not worth ten thousand.

"They should have action tomorrow."

Wu An guessed that they knew that arresting them would not be so easy.

Therefore, they will definitely come up with what they think is the best way to arrest them and bring them to justice. As for whether this method can be successful or not, it is still a big question.

"I've solved it for you." Kizaru told Brother Doflamingo that the bounty hunter had solved it for him, and it was time to implement their plan.

There can be no mistakes this time. We must arrest the Wu'an Pirates and bring them to justice.

Brother Doflaming nodded expressionlessly, the bounty hunter can solve it, and the rest only needs to help him and bring the Wu'an Pirates to justice, in order to get what he wants.

"Then start tomorrow?"

Doflamingo tentatively opened his mouth, who knows if they will agree to act tomorrow?

It's just that none of them thought that there would be uninvited guests.


The yellow monkey has determined the time and set the action tomorrow.

"Where are they?"

The visitor came aggressively, and many of his bodyguards followed him and showed him the way.

The person here is none other than Saint Roswald. After he left here, he learned that the house was really burned down, and he came back angrily. He must settle accounts with the Wuan Pirates. Who are these people? , even dared to burn down his residence, and many valuables were gone.

This kind of heartache made him unbearable, so he could only run back and find the Wu'an Pirates to settle accounts. He heard about Kizaru and Akainu.

They are all here, so let people inquire about where the yellow monkeys are.

"Who is Doflamingo?"

Saint Roswald asked the bodyguard next to him, a name he had never heard of before.

"It's the partner of General Kizaru."

His subordinates answered truthfully, although General Kizaru asked him to keep it a secret, it just couldn't be kept secret at this time.

What the Tianlong people want to know must be told to them, otherwise they will be in prison.

?0 asking for flowers.....

"Always work with these ordinary people, and I'm not afraid of losing my worth."

Saint Roswald reluctantly spoke, and the bodyguard behind him was sweating constantly. He felt that there was a big problem with what he said, but he didn't dare to make any comments, so he could only keep nodding embarrassedly. Right, who made them nobles, and he was just a bodyguard, nothing.

"Am I right?"

Saint Roswald suddenly turned around.

"Sir, everything you say is right." The latter kept nodding, not daring to say anything else.

Saint Roswald nodded with satisfaction. He felt that he was right. He was always with ordinary people.

The bodyguard behind him was inexplicably sweating on behalf of Huang Yuan. Now that he is here, they don't know if their plan will succeed.

I really want to say that Tianlong people have no brains, such words can only be said in my heart.

If you really say it and be heard by someone with a heart, ten lives will not be enough to pay.

"Are they cooperating?"

Saint Roswald suddenly said, Kizaru and Akainu usually have high eyes, and the only people who can make them fancy, except for the nobles and the people of the world government, can only use or cooperate. "

And they naturally cooperated because of their cooperation. The bodyguard behind him nodded respectfully, saying that everything he said was right.

"I have to go and see."

Saint Roswald spoke to himself, lest those ordinary people put any tricks on him.

And his bodyguard came with Saint Roswald, Doflamingo's residence.

Kizuna felt that someone was coming, and was immediately vigilant. The plan had not yet been implemented. If this person came to Doflamingo, it would be over.

"You stay here."

Huang Yuan asked them to stay here and go out alone to see.

"Lord Roswald?"

Seeing the familiar figures outside, I was very surprised, how could I meet them at this time, it is really strange.

"I'm here to help you."

Roswald's holy words were amazing, and Kizaru didn't react for a long time. Is he going to help them?

That's right, it's not bad if you don't cause them any trouble. You can't say this kind of thing.

287 Stupid Tianlong People

He noticed that he, the general of one of the seven seas under the king, should retire.

"Why not welcome?"

Saint Roswald opened his eyes with slanted eyes, and Kizaru shook his head against his will. How could he not welcome him? He was very welcome.

Squeezing out a very fake smile, Saint Roswald snorted coldly, indicating that he reluctantly believed it.

"He was Don Quixote Doflamingo's father and almost became a nobleman."

Kizaru introduced as much as possible to avoid Saint Roswald from breaking things,

"Why almost."

Saint Roswald is very sincere, and he wants to know why this is why he almost became a noble.

The nobles in the mouth of the yellow monkey, except for the Tianlong people, there will be no other nobles.

"This..." Kizaru didn't know how to answer. He could say that Brother Doflamingo's "July 17" father was a rejection, saying: Send EUR from! Group, stay! Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 is absolutely right, I don't know if Doflamingo will be hated by him.


Saint Roswald was a little impatient, and his intuition told him that it should not be so simple. Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 is absolutely dead? The identity of Tianlong people?

With this knowledge, he was even more angry. If this is the reason, no matter what, this man named Doflamingo must pay the price.

"I am not sure as well."

Kizaru told a lie, and Saint Roswald did not continue to ask questions. It is impossible for him to come, and he knows the reason.

Saint Roswald followed Kiabou, and the former was leading the way, wondering who Doflamingo was. If it wasn't too bad, they would become Tianlong people, and they were the same clan with him.

Speaking of which, he could be regarded as a half aristocrat. It was not easy to become a Tianlong person in the beginning.

"He's Doflamingo."

When Akainu saw Saint Roswald, he somehow felt a bad premonition.

When Doflamingo was named, he was stunned. When he saw Saint Roswald, he knew that he was a Celestial Dragon. Only Celestial Dragons would wear a hood to prevent this kind of air from attacking their noble heads.

Brother Doflaming smiled politely, and there was always a question in his heart, since it is so noble, why not cover the whole body?

So that they don't have to be contaminated with these dusts, which degrade their noble status.

This kind of words can only be spit in my heart.

"I heard that you almost became a Tianlong person?"

Saint Roswald's tone is not very good. It may be a convention. For any one, ordinary people will not use such a good tone.

Brother Doflaming nodded, and Kizaru winked at him, hoping that he would not tell the truth.

"What's the reason?"

St. Roswald continued to ask.

"This is because of my father, and he didn't tell me."

Doflamingo answered sincerely. He is not a fool. Of course, he knows that if he can't speak that kind of words, he knows better than anyone what will happen.

"That's it."

Saint Roswald was a little disappointed, what kind of answer. He thought that there was something more fun to hide, and after a long time, he didn't know that his father was really

, tell him nothing.

"Since that's the case, don't ask."

For the first time in the history of St. Roswald, he has such a good temper with ordinary people.

Kizaru and Akainu are a little surprised, when have they seen this, Saint Roswald.

It can be said that it has never happened. It seems that Brother Doflaming, who almost became a Tianlong person, gave a good impression to Saint Roswald. In his opinion, as long as he is linked with a Tianlong person, it is not ordinary. people.

Even if Doflamingo is not a dragon, it does not affect Roswald Saint's impression of Doflamingo.

Doflamingo's eyes with an implicit smile, there is a haze in the depths that others can't see.

No matter whether Saint Roswald treats him well or not, it can't be determined. His impression of him, in his opinion, Saint Roswald is particularly stupid. Of course, this kind of thinking will not reveal the slightest.

It will not let Kizaru see that he has a lot of disrespect to Saint Roswald, and it is true that the Tianlong people are nobles.

But there are such stupid Tianlong people among the nobles. It is really the scourge of Tianlong people. Although many people know that some people in Tianlong people are not smart or even stupid, they are still nobles, and they still occupy the identity of Tianlong people. , but like him, not a noble, at this time resentment, there is no way, only rely on, the success of this matter, enter the world government, become one of the seven Wuhai under the king, and the yellow monkey and the others are on an equal footing, not affected by Suppression by anyone, except the Five Old Stars, Im.0

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