MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 240

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Wu An didn't think about this issue. To say that Akainu has never seen Hancook is a bit unreasonable. It is not an exaggeration to say that Hancook is the most beautiful in prison. Has Akainu really never seen it?

"To get the sweet fruit, Akainu will definitely meet you."

Jessica told the truth, it doesn't matter if Roswa has no brains, but Akainu and Kizaru are not the kind of brainless ones.

They will strictly check those who have sweet fruits. After all, sweet fruits are a type of devil fruit.

"I can."

No matter what they said, Hancock determined that she could, that she could successfully get the sweet fruit, and that they would not find it abnormal. This was her only chance.

There must be no mistakes, Wu An has a headache, how can this child be so stubborn.

"Sweet fruit is not in his hands. If they design you, don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case 々V."

What Wu An said later was not so detailed. I believe they can understand it. How can such a thing be reckless.

"Negotiate well, if Akainu really sees you, he won't be able to act."

Wu An firmly did not allow it, Hancock acted recklessly, in short, this matter should not be reckless.

Hancock nodded and agreed, looking extremely reluctantly, still insisting on his own choice, although he and she knew that he couldn't be reckless, but this matter really couldn't wait.

She must act as soon as possible. Although she has the identity of the future empress, at that time, she experienced many things that did not belong to her, and she became ruthless. She only looked at the results and did not pay attention to the process.

At this time, Hancock, who was rescued by him, has not yet become that kind. He still has illusions about life and still looks forward to the future life.

Wu An didn't want to break her, such a girl's fantasy, but there was no way. Only by doing this could she grow up and protect her country.

Wu An looked at Hancock, she still didn't change her mind, she still wanted to try, to find that trace of life, how shrewd people Akainu and Kizaru are, how could they not see it, how could they not Know.

In the end, he changed his mind and suggested that Saint Roswald make the decision, so that the interference between Akainu and Kizaru would not be counted.

"It's better to let Saint Roswald know about you, the decision of Akainu and Kizaru is nothing."

Hancock's eyes lit up when he heard it. Others always felt that it was too risky to speak. After all, this was something that Hancock agreed to. It was not good for them to stop it. Anyway, it was handed over to the captain. Putting Hancock in danger, nothing the captain wants to do is unsuccessful.

"If you feel in danger, leave."

Wu An knew that it was useless to say what he said, so he still had to say it.

Hancock nodded earnestly. In Wu An's opinion, this is perfunctory. I'm really afraid that this little girl will do something when she is excited. After all, the temptation of sweet fruit is quite big. Although Hancock is quite naive at this time, he believes in his heart. The things about him will not change. Although he doesn't know how she gave up her feelings for him, Wu An found that he couldn't analyze this matter deeply.

Putting this matter aside in his mind, as for the plan for this matter, Wu An did not participate, and let them make their own.

You can't be involved in everything, otherwise, when will these crew members grow up?

"this is okay?"

Fan Oka was stunned and spoke in disbelief. Facing this plan, he greatly disagreed.

Jessica frowned, and Nami also disagreed.

Here's the thing, Hancock came up with a plan, and the plan was that she wanted to see Saint Roswald, so that Saint Roswald would give her the sweet fruit.

Everyone knows what the virtues of Tianlong people are, let alone Saint Roswald, such a person.

Isn't Hancock just going to die? This situation is not allowed to happen, and neither of them agrees with the decision.

Hancock looked at them incomprehensibly, and there was nothing wrong with this plan.

Why did they do this? She was shocked. She thought the plan was good.

\'What happen to you guys. "Hancock didn't understand, Jessica looked at him like she was stupid.

"You really don't understand?"

Nami said carelessly, this Hancock is really simple, these are all common sense, why don't you understand.

"Do you know what a sheep into a tiger's mouth is?"

Robin's statement was more euphemistic, Hancock looked at her blankly, what did it mean.

Then I reacted, a little helpless, what is this all about.

"You think too much." Deep in Hancock's heart, although there is fear, this kind of fear is nothing compared to sweet fruit.

But she definitely (Zhao Liao's) will not let herself suffer, and she can't stand the same disgust as the Tianlong people.

"Don't worry."

Hancock felt that this kind of thing couldn't be analyzed in depth, so in short, they were relieved.


Jessica disagrees. This kind of thing is too risky to do. Hancock is still a girl. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be very serious and will accompany her throughout her life.


Hancock felt that this plan was perfect. As long as Saint Rosward agreed to give her the sweet fruit, no one else could stop it.

"Something happened."

Jessica's attitude is very firm. For a beautiful girl like Hancock, if something really happens, it will be too late to regret it. No amount of sweet fruit can make up for it.

Seeing that they didn't agree, Hancock was still a little moved. After all, with such a group of people caring about her, how could she not be moved.

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But this plan is the most perfect plan so far. You can't do nothing, just do it and wait.

"You just give up."

Van Oka frowned and said, since their crew got together, this has never happened, the captain would not agree, Jessica they did.

Hancock shook his head firmly, but it wasn't that she insisted on insisting, it was just that a plan was abandoned, and there was no good plan at all. At present, there is only one most reliable, and it has successfully won Tiantian. Fruit, the most important thing.

"This really won't happen."

Hancock spoke again and again, and they all disagreed. There is a big one. You don't agree, and I will do the same.

"This is not a trivial matter." As women, Jessica and the others really felt that their own safety was important because they didn't have any sweet fruits.

"I will protect myself."

Hancock did not show nervousness, because she knew that once she was nervous, they would not agree to the plan, so she could only not be nervous at present.

"Go and talk to the captain."

They know that this plan is too risky, and they are afraid of the slightest misfortune.

"I dont go."

Hancock opened his eyes wide and shook his head, joking 720 and asking her to tell the captain, will he agree?

"What's wrong?"

Wu An looked at them with a disgusting look of arguing, not knowing what happened.

"Hancock has a particularly dangerous plan to execute."

Nami seemed to have found the backbone, and Wu An raised her eyebrows.

"What's your plan?"

Wu An guessed that it should be more dangerous, otherwise it would not be disapproved by so many people.

When Hancock heard it, he immediately fell silent, as if it wasn't her who insisted just now.

"You tell the captain your plan."

Jessica said something funny, Hancock can say that he is not afraid of anyone, just the captain.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with my plan."

Hancock clenched his neck and opened his mouth. Wu An didn't urge her, just looked at her so quietly. What was the plan?

Let them all resist like this, she wouldn't want to seduce Saint Roswald, right?

In this way, it is possible to get sweet fruits, so Akainu and the others will say nothing.

Looking at other people's eyes, he already understood.

His face was still calm, otherwise he would make Hancock feel embarrassed if he said so.

"It starts with Saint Roswald."

Hancock said in a muffled voice, she knew it would be dangerous, but it was useless.

"Starting from him, sweet fruit can be obtained."

Wu An's tone couldn't hear approval or disapproval.

This made them all more curious. Did the captain agree?

It shouldn't be possible, Wu An has a big head, and he really doesn't know what to do in the face of such a persistent Hancock.

Perhaps it is the stubbornness in her bones. When Hancock thinks of this plan, she should know the consequences. She will not know everything.

"If you haven't discussed it yet, then grab it."

Wu Anyu made an astonishing speech, and the others were stunned, and Fan Oka was the first to react.

"Captain is long overdue."

He remained very much in agreement with the captain's plan.

"Will I be rewarded by them again?"

Hancock wrapped his fingers and whispered.

"There are so many reward orders, and this one is not bad."

Wu An doesn't care, this kind of reward order is nothing to them.

"You can only move towards Saint Roswald and bring the sweet fruit."

Wu An used the word "take" for sweet fruits, and didn't say they wanted to grab them.

"Captain, this is more uncomfortable than robbing."

Sabas told the truth, I am afraid that when the time comes, Saint Roswald will personally give the sweet fruit to the captain. Thinking of this scene, he smiled unkindly.

"Okay, that's it."

Wu An found it very contradictory. On the one hand, he wanted to not participate in it and let them make their own decisions. On the other hand, he could not put Hancock in danger. This was really too difficult.

They have followed themselves, and they have experienced hundreds of battles, but Hancock is still a girl, a girl without any self-protection ability. At this time, let her perform this dangerous task, isn't it a joke.

Hancock breathed a sigh of relief, she was afraid that Wu An agreed.

It's not too scary. If Wu An really agreed, she didn't know what to do. She came up with this plan herself, no one could blame others.

Fortunately, Wu An did not agree. As a woman, how could she not know what the consequences would be if there was an accident.

Hancock's head was a little messy, and he proposed this plan for the sweet fruit.

Fan Oka, Sabas, Little Eight, Tiger, seeing that the captain has been finalized, it is meaningless, they walked aside and discussed other things.

"Are you relieved?"

When Nami saw Fan Oka, they all left, and there were only a few of them here, and they spoke jokingly.

Hancock nodded, this is nothing to admit, it is indeed a deep sigh of relief.

"I'm afraid you're still trying to be strong."

Jessica said softly, this is not a trivial matter, but fortunately she did not continue to be brave and chose to obey the captain.

"You also think me too stupid."

Hancock exclaimed in disbelief, in their eyes, is she so stupid?

"Looking at you as a little girl, I'm afraid of impulsiveness."

"And a mat."

Robin added, Hancock didn't know if he was angry or laughed. They thought of her too much.

"I'm not like that."

Hancock bluntly refused to be small, saying; send EUR from! Group, stay! Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 must, although she is sometimes impulsive, she has a good way, she will not cover the end with a single tendon, and she is not a fool.

How to choose to benefit yourself, then how to come.

"Know it."

Nami grimaced mischievously, Jessica smiled gently, and Hancock looked at Jessica's smile with a little obsession.

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