MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 260

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Jessica is still vaguely uneasy. Now, Wu An has spoiled her lawlessly, but what if she leaves her in the future?

"Unless I die." As soon as Wu An finished speaking, Jessica covered his mouth with her hand. She never wanted such words to come out of his mouth.

There was a faint smile in Wu An's eyes, she was really cute.

What Wu An said about death was not the same as what Jessica understood.

What she said was that one day he was going to leave this world and go to the next world. After all, he had many missions, and sometimes, he didn't know which world to go back to.

He is not from this world, and no one knows about this except Yang.

He didn't know how to tell Jessica, and if he told her, he would definitely worry more (Zhao Li's) and less, but if he didn't tell her, she would definitely think he was dead.

Wu An also doesn't know how to deal with this matter, but Ye Yang, being able to come to this world from modern times, shows that there is a way. This way, if you ask Xiao Yang later, maybe you will find out. , wherever he goes in the future, he will take Jessica with him. The person he believes will never give up.

"Okay don't worry, this will never happen."

Wu An comforted her, Jessica was a girl after all, and she was still a little worried.

Doflamingo's residence, after they sent away, Roswald Saint, not to mention how good the mood is, no matter how many plans they have in the future, Roswald Saint will not participate in it.

"He left, and the air here has improved."

Akainu said slightly exaggeratedly, when Lord Roswald stayed here, there was a steady stream of things, and now that he has left, the place is finally clean.

334 Rosward Consecration Project

"The news just came that St. Roswald has safely arrived at the Holy Land Mary Joa."

Kizaru listened to the news from his subordinates and told Akainu and the others.

Speaking of the bodyguards sent by Kizaru, I finally felt relieved, and finally sent Saint Roswald to the Holy Land Mary Joa, along the way.

Fortunately, St. Roswald didn't make so many demands, otherwise I really don't know what to do.

They don't have to, they lost their heads for Saint Roswald.

St. Roswald returned, Holy Land Mary Joa, still felt that the air was good.

Although it is necessary to wear a mask here, I feel that the air here is much better than the air in other places.

Saint Roswald never thought that this was a psychological effect. This place is extremely noble, and the Holy Land Mary Joya is a place where their lowly people cannot be desecrated, except for the Wuan Pirates.

They suddenly appeared in Saint Roswald's mind, gnashing his teeth with hatred, it was too much.

They were so daring that they didn't believe that his plan could not control them.

Saint Roswald returned to the Holy Land Mary Joa, and without a moment's rest, he wanted to meet the Five Old Stars and tell them his great plan.

"Where are the five old stars?"

"Sir Roswald, the five old stars have just gone out and haven't come back until now."

Saint Rozwald, when he heard the navy's report, was eager, like ants on a hot pan, turning round and round.

"Come on down, I'll be waiting here."

Roswald's stubborn temper has come up, and he must wait until the five old stars.

Saint Roswald sighed deeply. After coming back all the way for the past few days, his body was tired and boring, but he still had to wait here and the five old stars came back.

Saint Rozwald has already planned a lot in his heart. In the future, the Wuan Pirates will die in his hands. As long as he has this plan, the five old stars can agree.

In the evening, the Five Old Stars finally came back, and seeing Roswald Saint here, they were startled, how could he be here.

"Aren't you in the Chambord Islands?"

They have heard a little about these things.

"Five old stars, you are finally back."

Roswald said, how hard he waited, he finally waited for the five old stars (badg).

"What's wrong?"

The five old stars are not fools. In their opinion, when Saint Roswald came to them, in addition to complaining, they were all complaining.

"Five Old Stars, I thought of a plan to deal with the Wu'an Pirates."

Rosward Saint couldn't care about anything else, he just wanted to let them know about his plan.

"what's the plan?"

The Five Old Stars didn’t think so much, thinking that Saint Roswald’s plan was useless, but as a fellow clan, he still had to listen to it.

"I think so, let the Wu'an Pirates enter the World Government..."

Saint Roswald opened his mouth triumphantly and announced his plan, but was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Presumptuous." Wu Laoxing's face was full of anger, did they just hallucinate?

Even letting the Wu'an Pirates enter the World Government is not a convenience for them.

What the **** is St. Roswald thinking?

"Don't get angry first, then listen to me."

Saint Roswald, hearing their anger, was naturally a little scared at the moment. The Five Old Stars did not offend casually, but they were all from Heavenly Dragons, and Saint Roswald was bold.


Of the five of them, two unanimously decided to follow his advice.

"This is how I decided to let them enter the world government and keep them under the watchful eye, so that they won't go against us, let alone worry about them, do something earth-shattering, the most important thing is The thing is, it's very easy to make them disappear completely."

Saint Roswald told his plan, but the Five Old Stars did not, and he was indifferent just now.

"Lord Five Old Stars, do you think this plan kills two birds with one stone?"

Saint Roswald was complacent and felt that this plan was simply perfect, perfect to the extreme.

Now it seems that the plan proposed by Saint Roswald seems to them to be a good plan. After all, the Wu'an Pirates are too difficult to deal with.

Instead of letting them indulge, it is better to keep them under the watchful eye. If this is put in the past, whoever proposes this plan to them will definitely be given to death by them.

How can you welcome the enemy and come to your own territory? Isn't this courting death?

But this plan was proposed by Saint Roswald, because he is their compatriot, and he is also a Tianlong person, so they have the patience and the patience to listen.

After listening to this, Roswald Saint's entire plan seems to be a good plan.

"We have to discuss and discuss before we can decide whether it can be implemented or not."

The Five Old Stars did not give it, and Saint Roswald answered absolutely, giving him such an ambiguous answer.

Such a result has already made Saint Roswald very satisfied. If the five old stars do not agree, they will definitely reject the small, saying: Send EUR from! Group, stay! Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 is absolutely impossible, but the Five Old Stars said that they should consider it, so it means that there are

There is a good chance that this plan will be implemented.

Saint Roswald left quickly. He had been tired for a long time. At this time, it was obviously not suitable to stay here.

Wu Lao Xing, watching him leave, did not stop him.

"You say, what is the plan of Saint Roswald?"

"The plan sounds absurd, but if you think about it carefully, you can't deny that it's a good plan."

At present, Wu An seems to be their biggest opponent, and it also makes them helpless, but they can enter the World Government and watch over them under their noses.

"Let the Wu'an Pirates enter the World Government, doesn't it mean to announce to the world that we have surrendered to Wu'an?"

What they said is also true. If they want to make them lose face for the Wu'an Pirates, I would rather the Wu'an Pirates not enter the World Government, and they can't lose face. They are five old stars, how can they give Wu'an face? The pirates gave in.

"You can't say that."

Another person somewhat disagreed with this statement.

"We are five old stars, let the Wu'an Pirates enter the world government, the world will definitely think that Wu'an must beg for us to enter the world government, we let them enter the world government, the world will feel that we don't care. A former suspicion can allow the enemy to enter the world government."

This kind of argument is also valid. You must know that the World Government is not. Anyone can enter.

Do you really think so? .

335 gold and silver treasures

"You can't say it like this, and some lowly people don't think so. They will think that it is my world government that shows weakness to the Wu'an Pirates." But both of these situations will happen. They can't stop it, but they can only choose what is most beneficial to them.

"It can be used as a foundation anyway."

The Five Old Stars hope that this plan can be perfected even better. In this way, the Wu'an Pirates will be wiped out, and it is just around the corner.

"I didn't expect that Saint Roswald's head could really think of a good plan."

"People don't look good."

The Five Old Stars were still worried about the Wu’an Pirates, but they didn’t expect that Saint Roswald came back and gave them a perfect plan.

Roswald went back happily, and the first thing he did when he went back was to rest.

It’s just that the Holy Land Mary Joa, which was burned at the beginning, is only half repaired now. Saint Roswald looks empty, not even half of the original residence. This residence is still newly built, and Saint Roswald instantly Without sleepiness, it would be before. His residence was the most perfect. It was resplendent, with all kinds of treasures, and even more money. But now, there is nothing in the empty room. His treasures are very precious. The poor man was burned by a fire.

How could he be so pitiful, really-so pitiful.

Saint Roswald stayed in a room without a trace of popularity, and his joy was gone. The feeling of recommending the plan to the five old stars just now has disappeared without a trace.

"Father, you are finally back."

Charles Rose, not to mention how happy he was to see his father come back.

"It's better not to come back."

Saint Roswald didn't mean to be happy at all. Seeing this residence, his mood instantly fell from the clouds to hell.

"Father, don't be angry."

Charles Luosheng, looking at his father who was about to get angry, said a word of comfort.

"What's the use of saying this at this time." St. Roswald didn't think his son was comforting him, but rubbed salt on his wound.

"Father is not all gone."

The heartache of Roswald is nothing more than his family, which is now all gone.

When Saint Roswald heard this sentence, he instantly felt a lot better.

"what do you mean?"

St. Roswald suppressed his joy and looked at his son solemnly.

"Before the fire started, I had already transferred the money from my family."

Charles Luo Sheng, who can't care about anything at this time, told his father directly and truthfully.

"Really? Also?"

Saint Roswald couldn't believe it, even if it was good to leave some, it would be better than being burned by the fire.

"Yes father."

Charles Rosin answered truthfully, he wasn't joking, there's a lot more to it.

Saint Roswald didn't ask him what he was doing with so much money, but he was very happy to hear that he was not burned by the fire.

"Father, when I took out this money, I wanted to buy killers to deal with the Wu'an Pirates."

Charles Luo Sheng told the truth, and Roswald Saint did not reprimand him after listening to it. If it wasn't for his original actions, maybe the money would not be able to stay, and everything would be.

It was too much to be burnt out by the fire.

"You don't blame me, do you?"

Charles Luo Sheng is still a little worried, whether his father really won't blame him.


Saint Roswald smiled very kindly, how could he blame him.

Charles Luo Sheng, sucked his snot hard, not to mention how disgusting his appearance was.

Saint Roswald, at this time, felt that his son was really his own son.

"Take me to see?"

Saint Roswald can't wait, and wants to see for himself how much gold and silver treasures are left.

"Then let's go, father."

Charles Luo Sheng, also did not want to hide from his father, originally these gold and silver treasures belonged to their residence.

Read The Duke's Passion