MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 263

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Even if they are brainless, they will still be considered by the world as the top nobles, no one can compare to the Tianlong people, and no one is more honorable than the Tianlong people.

"Let's see later."

They always felt that this plan was too bold, but with the captain there, they could only believe that the captain never missed a time.

In the room, Wu An has been talking with Xiao Yang. He has not been so happy in such a lively conversation for a long time. After all, Xiao Yang is just like him. They are all modern people. There are naturally many topics to talk about. Including Pirate World.

"By the way, Lord Im, who is it?"

Xiao Yang's face is full of contemplation. He has seen Pirate World, and he has brushed it many times. Lord Yimu, until now, he has always been a mystery. No one knows who Yimu is.

"I'm afraid only the author at the time knew about it."

Pirate World has been serialized for 20 years, what a terrible number, and still has not explained who Im.

"There's also a lot of speculation about Im."

Xiao Yang recalled that when he read the posts, they were all guessing who Im.

"I'm afraid Im is Luffy's mother."

The post that Yang had seen and impressed him the most was guessing that Im was Luffy's mother.

It's just that his mother is in charge of this world, but as the son of the supreme ruler, he has to fight against him and overthrow the world government.

"I saw who Im was at first, but then I gave up because of some special circumstances."

Wu An said this, and his heart was full of regret. What can he do? If he was not careful, he might be surrounded.

340 The Weakness of Wu'an

In order to save their lives, they can only give up, who the **** is Im.

"I'm guessing it could be a woman."

Wu An felt that this possibility is relatively high.

"Heroes see the same thing."

Xiao Yang and Wu An's thoughts were the same, and he also felt that Im was a woman.

Fan Oka listened to the room, laughing, and wondered what the captain and the others were talking about.

"Captain, what are you talking about?"

Fan Oka dragged his tired body and came to Wu'an and the others.

"Is Im a woman or a man?"

"No one knows this. It is said that no one has ever seen it before. Im's face, including the Five Old Stars, has never been seen."

Van Oka slumped in his chair, and Im like a mystery, never seen before.

But Im in charge of everyone in the world, he is the representative of the supreme power, and no one dares to disrespect Im.

Fan Oka suddenly felt a little sighed. Before he knew the captain, who would dare to talk about Yim like this, this would be heard by someone with a heart, it was not a joke.

Ever since he joined the captain's pirate group, he has never imagined that one day he would do such daring things like setting fire to the Holy Land Mary Joa and letting go of slaves.

To do such a thing, it seems that God is destined to let him live a different life. This kind of exciting life is really cool. The only downside is that the captain needs to be trained by the devil every time.

"Devil training, you can't escape."

Wu An could see what Fan Oka was thinking at a glance. The devil trained him to come up with it with great difficulty.

"Captain, you are too cruel."

Van Oka clutched his chest, looking like he was seriously injured.

"Stop pretending here, rest for ten minutes, and continue after that."

Wu An didn't feel bad for them at all, and it wasn't the first time they had experienced this kind of devil training.

"Can you rest for half an hour?"

Van Oka risked being beaten and proposed.

"What do you think?"

Why don't you train.

Wu An's tone of voice made Fan Oka feel the coolness that penetrated the spleen and lungs on a hot day, and his back tightened, which was really terrifying.

"Captain, I was wrong, I shouldn't have said that."

After Fan Oka finished speaking, he hurried away, for fear that the captain would catch him and beat him violently.

"Your relationship is really good."

Yang looked at them enviously and said, although he came to this world for a short time, he knew that it was really good to have such a group of crew members who really treated him here.

"It's all about heart."

Wu An opened his mouth with a light smile, Xiao Yang heard it, he had something in his words, and if he wanted to come, he would also be suspicious of him, which might make Wu An suspect something, because he also came from modern times, and he also understands the truth, and there is not much at all. , In the face of the situation in this world, he also understands clearly, not Xiaobai, he doesn't understand anything.

At this time in Wu'an, it's okay to have concerns. The two of them have a good tacit understanding, and neither of them has exposed this matter. It can be said that they both know each other well, but they don't.

Break this layer of window paper.

"The captain said, rest for ten minutes."

Fan Oka came out and spoke very helplessly. He wanted to say that he would rest for half an hour, but he was afraid of the captain, so he caught him and gave him a customized devil training.

"Ten minutes is fine."

It was better than a minute of rest, Nami enjoyed it sweetly, and Tiger squeezed her shoulders.

Kizaru, Akainu, Doflamingo and the others are discussing the plan, this time without the participation of Saint Roswald, not to mention how happy.

"When dealing with the Wu'an Pirates, you can't fight hard."

Brother Doflaming, who has been competing with the Wu'an Pirates for so long, understands one thing, the Wu'an Pirates can kill them all without confrontation.

"that's right."

Kizaru agrees, what Doflamingo said, the Wu'an Pirates are indeed, and cannot be considered by ordinary people. After all, they have the power and the right, but they still failed to capture the Wu'an Pirates in one go.

"We must seize their weakness."

Akainu gritted his teeth and opened his mouth. He couldn't express his hatred for the Wu'an Pirates with just one word. His hatred for them was deeply rooted.

As long as they fall into his hands, see how he punishes them.

"What is their weakness?"

At this time, no one knew what weakness Wu An, the famous **** demon king, would have.

?0 asking for flowers.....

"You can only **** slowly."

Huang Yuan also doesn't know what Wu An's weakness is. As long as he is alive, there will be weaknesses, including Wu An.

As long as he finds Wu An's weakness, he can't escape their palms.

The five old stars of the Holy Land Mary Joa stayed up all night, thinking about the matter of letting the Wu'an Pirates enter the World Government.

This is not a small matter, and it takes good planning to decide whether to implement it or not.

You can't just slap the table and be ready to implement the plan.

It is not so easy to get them into the world government.

"Let them pass the test."

Some of them put forward their opinions and set up assessment levels for them.

"This line."

If they are unfortunate enough to pass the assessment and lose their lives during the assessment, this is not something they can manage.

"Set up the most difficult assessment level for them. If they can't pass it, it will be impossible."

As soon as this sentence came out, the five old stars looked at each other, saying that it was simply too right, and it should be done.

"In the end, should we take the initiative to contact Wu An?"

They are a little worried, is it not good to do this, if they are discovered by someone with a heart, they will know about it, and how should they explain it then?

This is a question that makes them feel more melancholy. After all, they took the initiative to contact Wu An, and it will be considered that this is showing weakness to Wu An, and Wu An and the others won.

"We can't give them the idea that we are showing weakness to the Wu'an Pirates. We should make them understand that this is for the world, so as to forgive Wu'an and for the peace of the world." This sentence made them all satisfied, after all In other words, it is much better than seeking peace with the Wu'an Pirates.

"What if Wu'an refuses to be a child, saying: send EUR from! Group, stay! Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 What should I do?"

This thing is not impossible, in case Wu An really refuses to be a child, saying: send EUR from! Group, stay! Stay* 9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 has eliminated them. If it spreads out, one can imagine how embarrassing it would be.

"That can only be explained to the outside world, they don't know how to praise."

I believe many people can think this way, the world government in person, for the sake of peace, shook hands with them to make peace, but still refused to be small, saying: Send EUR from! Group, stay! Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 must, this is not wanting to live anymore.

"This statement is also fine. In short, any statement must be negotiated from us." Wan.

341 Yellow Ape Knowing Project

They must control this situation, otherwise it will get out of hand.

"Find some time."

This matter has been finalized, and they need to find a time to tell the Wu'an Pirates about this.

If they really want to refuse children, say; send EUR from! Group, stay! Stay*9: 8#0>2!0;5&8/56 must, don't blame them.

This is a good plan that kills two birds with one stone. It can make the outside world think that they are giving the Wu'an Pirates a chance. What a fair and just world government, no matter whether Wu'an agrees or not, it will not affect them.

"Before that, there is one more thing that needs to be done. Tell Huang Yuan and the others that they can't take action against the Wu'an Pirates."

Before the Five Old Stars, they would never have imagined that there would be such a day that they would let the biggest enemy enter the World Government. This has never happened before.

I don't know if it's good or bad. After all, whether things can develop according to their ideas or not, no one knows at present.

"Kizuna Akainu, definitely won't agree."

With their personalities, they hated the Wu'an Pirates deeply, how could they agree to this plan.

"Just give them the order."

Regardless of whether they agreed or not, they have already done so. This is the decision of the World Government. They are only generals, so what can they do?

Although this is not very good, as generals of the world government, they may be able to understand.

"Do you want to tell them about this plan?"

"It's okay to tell."

Anyway, from the current point of view, this plan is not a secret. It is not that no one is not told. They are the generals of the world government and have the right to know about this matter.

Kizaru and the others are still discussing, and they plan to implement it with confidence, but what they didn't expect is that what they waited for was the order of the world government.

"Are the five old stars crazy?"

The moment Akainu received the order, he blurted out this sentence, how could they do this, how could it be.

Kizaru didn't stop him, he thought the same as Akainu, thinking that the Five Old Stars were crazy.

This is really crazy. Huang Yuan watched it several times, and always thought he was dazzled, but the facts told him that it was not his dazzling eyes, but what he saw was the truth. Wu Lao Xing actually planned to let the Wu'an Pirates enter the world Governments, do they know the consequences of letting them into world governments?

"No, I don't agree." Akainu's eyes were scarlet, and Doflamingo was on the side, looking at his nose and nose, as if he didn't see them, they were out of control, he probably already knew that the world government gave them What the order was, probably because of the fact that the Wu'an Pirates entered the World Government, he thought he didn't know about it.

Kisaragi and Akainu couldn't care about it at this time, and there were others beside them, so they were immediately furious.

"Is this going to hand over the entire world government to Wu'an?"

Kizaru has lost his mind now, and he also said such words.

"It looks like it is." Akainu nodded in agreement. How could the Five Old Stars discuss such a plan? If it fails, all the assessments will be difficult for the Wu'an Pirates, and it will be over.

They will be able to enter the World Government smoothly, and there will be no one else who can stop them.

"But they're already going to do it."

Huang Yuan is very aware of the characters of the five old stars. Once they decide something, they will not be changed by others. After all, he still plans to let the Wuan Pirates enter the World Government. He especially wants to know who it is. No brains, plan to let Wu An enter the world government.

"Who the **** came up with this plan?" Kizaru gritted his teeth, it's best not to let him know who it was.

Otherwise, he would have to make that person pay the price, and the vicious expression on Kizaru's face made everyone know how furious he was at this time.

"Could it be Saint Roswald?"