MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 269

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They all have the attitude of watching a good show. Anyway, what the world has become, they can't threaten them.

"The overthrow of the world government is running deep."

"If the revolutionary army overthrew the system of the world government in the future, they would establish it themselves, but if this world government was overthrown by the Demon Lord of Hell, can they still establish the system of the new world government in person?"

"In this way, the Revolutionary Army and the Demon Lord of Hell are both for the sake of this world on the surface, but in fact they each have their own plans."

"you can say it this way."

In fact, it's not wrong to say that, the outcome of the matter is not like this, no matter what they do, they will not jointly overthrow the world government.

The others didn't speak. In short, the impact of this incident was quite serious for them, although they were also holding the attitude of watching the play.

"Will the two of them fight in the future?"

What they are most concerned about is this. The revolutionary army and the devil of **** are all for this world. If they are going to fight in the future, how embarrassing it will be.

"Probably not."

They shouldn't clash so easily. After all, they have maintained it and won't break the peace between them. Although the purpose is the same, it depends on who does it.

"If it starts to fight, maybe, if the revolutionary army feels that its mission has been violated, or that it is different from the idea of ​​Hell Demon Lord to change the world, the fight is certain."

In fact, what they guessed is very close to the truth. After all, Wu An came from the modern age and knows what can be done and what cannot be done. On the contrary, he can better change the world, and can perfect their best system. Half of the peace, but the revolutionary army belongs to this world. If they want to change the world, there is only one way they can go. Become a revolutionary army and fight the world government to the end. There is no way. They want to change the world government. The system and thinking are still very limited, at least in Wu'an's view, it is like this, it is indeed limited. After all, he comes from the future, and his thinking is naturally different. This is also the reason why Wu'an let them not care about the revolutionary army.


This made them feel that it was very terrifying, both sides were doing it for their own good, and it was inevitable that they would fight. It was really terrifying.

"You said they were going to fight, how would the others support who?"

Someone asked, this is a more realistic question, yes, who do they support? To be honest, they also want to know.

"Let's not talk about others, just take us as an example, who do you support?"

They take themselves as an example. They don't know what other people think. At present, the thoughts of several of them still need to be exchanged all at once.

".'Who do you support?"

The revolutionary army is a belief to them. They have had enough of this kind of oppression, and they hope that the revolutionary army will be able to overthrow the world government sooner, so that they will not have to suffer such severe oppression.

In other words, it is right to say this. For a long time, they have used the revolutionary army as the dawn, and they are looking forward to it every day, and they are guessing every day, when will this evil world government disappear.

But no one thought that a powerful, omnipotent **** demon would emerge later.

This was an accident, no one thought of it, and the Demon Lord of Hell also went to participate in the war on the top. In that war, it can be said that his reputation was completely launched, so that more

Many people know of his existence, and many people understand one thing, the appearance of the **** devil is to overthrow the world government, to fight with the world (Zhao Wanghao) world government, so that they can live Live a peaceful and peaceful life, no longer be suppressed by these, powerful people, and don’t need to be bullied by brainless Tianlong people, all these are the devils of hell, the signal to them, they are happier, with **** devils The addition of Jun means that they are very close to that day, and they are not far away.

But the Revolutionary Army and the Demon Lord of Hell don't seem to be able to get along peacefully, which makes them a bit of a headache. In fact, they are all trying to overthrow the world government, but they still can't get along peacefully. It's really difficult to say who they support.

"It seems that you all support the Demon Lord of Hell."

The person just now has seen the facts clearly, and there is no need to say anything, they just support the Hell Demon Lord very much.

"That's right."

They support the Demon Lord of Hell, and they feel that they are right, but they also feel that it is not good to support in this way.

355 Hidden Things

After all, the revolutionary army has existed for a long time, and it has been fighting with the world government for a long time. They are fans of the devil of hell, but they can support it in a blink of an eye. It's too fair, but this kind of unfairness, they can't do anything about it, what can they do.

"The strength of the devil of **** is so strong, don't you support it?"

Someone next to him retorted, now who doesn't know about the Demon Lord of Hell, and the revolutionary army on the contrary, few people will remember it now.

Can't blame anyone for that.

"I support it all."

These words are ambiguous, meaning that he supports them all, but in general, he still supports Hell Demon Lord more.

"We are the beneficiaries, and no matter what they do, it's us who benefit."

The man just answered confidently, they are all doing the same thing.

"What I want to know most is what will happen to the Tianlong people?"

The noble status of Tianlong people has existed for many years, and it is not difficult to see one thing, the devil of **** hates Tianlong people very much.

"As long as the world government is overthrown, the Tianlong people are not honorable at all."

Just relying on the Tianlong people, that brainless, can also be called the nobles of the world, it is really a bit ridiculous, but there is no way, today's Tianlong people still have the protection of the world government.

"Arrogant and domineering won't last long."

They gloat over the misfortune, as long as the Tianlong people are no longer honorable, so many people who have been harmed by the Tianlong people will definitely find trouble with them.

At that time, I am afraid that even the lowest human beings are inferior.

"When the time comes, let's go and see, Tianlong people's joke."

They are looking forward to this day very much. When the time comes, they will be able to deal with the Tianlong people in an open and fair manner. They will definitely be very "friendly" to the Tianlong people.

"Ha ha."

"You can take care of the Tianlong people as much as you want."

They were tacitly aware of each other, and they just waited for this day to come, and the Tianlong people couldn't escape.

In many places, this scene is being staged, and they are judging the situation in this world. They think that there is a high chance that this world will become the same as what they discussed. Tianlong people, they will really be equal at that time, but there are still some people who don't believe it at all.

"Don't say what the world will change (badg), freedom and equality have lived for so many years, and every year there is such a statement, how come the world has not changed yet.

It is still the same as always, the brainless and noble Tianlong people, the five old stars who hold all the power.

"The devil of **** is not still working hard."

The person who said this is a die-hard fan of the Demon Lord of Hell. He believes that the Demon Lord of Hell will definitely succeed.

"How long will this work."

"Time will prove everything."

They felt that as long as the Demon Lord of Hell was given time, he would not let them down.

Some people don't think so, but they think that there is a high possibility that the Demon Lord of Hell will not overthrow the World Government.

"The most fearful thing is that the Demon Lord of Hell is a person from the World Government."

There are also some people who are more worried about this, otherwise the world government has such a big power, and they can't take action against the devil of hell, and they can't arrest the devil of hell. In their opinion, this is very problematic.

"It's impossible."

How could the Demon Lord of Hell be a member of the World Government, not to mention whether he is or not, just relying on him to stand against the World Government like this, it is impossible, he is a member of the World Government.

"What if they're acting."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was interrupted by another person before he could speak.

"It's not necessarily. Is the World Government willing to pay for it? After all, the Holy Land Mary Joa was burned. This is true. They can't possibly make a joke. Even the only Holy Land, Mary Joa, should be used as a joke."

This is also impossible, the Holy Land Mariejoyana is the only place in the world, how could it be possible that even the Holy Land Mariejoyah was set on fire in order to cooperate with the Demon Lord of Hell in acting.


"how can that be?"

"Holy Land Mary Joa, was burned?"

"How did you know?"

As soon as these words came out, they were very surprised. What they didn't expect was that the World Government was burned down. It was really terrible.

"There is a relative in the navy of Mary Jo Adam in the Holy Land."

He was also very surprised when he heard this sentence at first, but he did not expect that the holy places all over the world would be set on fire.

"The world government has kept the news closed. No one thought it would be like this."

It is estimated that few people know about this matter. When their reward and wanted orders came out, they also thought that they had offended the World Government. The reasons above were not clearly stated. It turned out that they did this to save face for the World Government.

They are the world government, but they can't even protect the place where Mary Joa lives in the Holy Land.

The reward order issued is also in a daze, and the reason is unknown. Now that I think about it, the five old stars do not disclose the reason for the sake of face. situation.

"Great news."

Now, when they know all this, they are shocked, not to mention how shocked they were. In the past, they never thought that it would be the current situation.

"No wonder there are so many people, arresting them, but unfortunately they still failed to arrest them."

This sentence is schadenfreude, and at the same time, there is some sympathy for the World Government. Compared with the Demon Lord of Hell, they are completely hanged and beaten.

It doesn't really work at all.

"In that case, the World Government has completely lost to the Demon Lord of Hell."

"Who said it wasn't."

They also felt that this was a defeat to the Demon Lord of Hell. Unexpectedly, the majestic World Government would still lose to someone else on that day.

"Now I know why the Demon Lord of Hell can't be a member of the World Government. They can't get along peacefully, let alone others."

This sentence is very correct. How could a person as powerful as the Demon Lord of Hell be willing to submit to the World Government, just thinking about it is impossible.

"It seems that the world government has already hated the devil of hell."

"That's for sure, how could they not be angry if their residences were burned down."

"Then, has this incident alarmed Lord Yimu?"

Some of them spoke in a low voice. Im is the person with the greatest power in the world. Anyone who mentions it will be terrified.

"should not..

356 Cherish the people in front of you

If you alarmed Lord Yimu, it is estimated that he would have taken action against the Demon Lord of Hell. Yimu is the most powerful controller in this world and has the right to dominate everything. If it is really alarmed, the five old stars will also face punishment, **** The devil is not much better.

"Im will be the devil of hell, the biggest obstacle."

This sentence is also true, Im is a mysterious controller.

"It is said that no one has ever seen Im, let alone a man or a woman."

"If Yimu moves his finger, there may be no bones left, and there is a danger of destroying the nine clans."

Im's power is terrifying, including the Five Old Stars, and when visiting Im, they all need to kneel down. If this angers Im, then what?

"So, the Five Old Stars deliberately didn't let Yimu know?"

They guessed that the intention of the Five Old Stars is indeed quite strange. This matter should have been known to Im, so that the Demon Lord of Hell would be hindered by the supreme power controller.

"Im understands, then the Five Old Stars must be punished, such trivial things can't be done well."

In addition to Yimu's greatest power is the Five Old Stars, and the result is that he can't deal with the devil of hell. If Yimu knows this, he will definitely punish them severely.

"Then Im not asking about the world?"

They are more curious, as the most powerful controller, what does Im usually do.

Why doesn't Im still know about this kind of world-shaking thing.

"Im has already retired. Although I have been in control of the world for a long time, these are trivial matters for Im. How can I ask about everything? As long as Im has the highest power, it is enough. "

Indeed, as the highest controller in the world, Im only in control of the situation that is most beneficial to them, and Im will not interfere with other "little things".

"Five Old Stars don't worry that one day, the world government will really be overthrown. Lord Yimu is the last one to know."

It would be fantastic for this to happen, and the world government was overthrown without Im not knowing it.

"This is unlikely, the five old stars can have such great power, and they are also very smart, and they will not wait until Im finds out in order not to be punished, and when they can't control the situation, they will inform Im , ask the person with the highest power in this world to decide, after all, this matter is not a small matter."

"No matter how they develop, it won't affect us."

Some people are happy and leisurely, no matter how hard they fight, it will not be their turn. At most, they are just watching dramas, just ordinary people.

"I agree with this statement."

They quarreled for a long time, and finally this sentence reached unanimous agreement.


They are also holding the attitude of watching a play, just to pass this boring time.

Wu An was lying leisurely in the tree hole, with Jessica in his arms and drinking red wine. Not to mention how comfortable it was. Although it was time to eat, many people were very conscious. They picked up the food and went out to eat, not wanting to watch When I arrived at the captain, it was obviously a delicious meal, but when I ate it in my mouth, the taste was gone.

Read The Duke's Passion